45 Work with Applicable Large Employer (ALE) ID to Home Company X-Ref

This chapter contains these topics:

45.1 Overview to Applicable Large Employer

Section 4980H of the Internal Revenue Code is for the Employer Shared Responsibility aspects of the Affordable Care Act. Section 4980H applies only to applicable large employers (ALEs). As defined in section 4980H(c)(2) an ALE employs an average of at least 50 full-time employees on business days during the preceding calendar year. As defined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), an ALE can be made up of one or more JD Edwards Home Companies that share the same Federal Tax ID.

Section 4980H specifies that an ALE is liable for an assessable payment if any full-time employee is certified to receive an applicable premium tax credit or cost-sharing reduction.

Under section 4980H, an ALE who for a calendar month fails to offer to its full-time employees the opportunity to enroll in minimum essential coverage (MEC) under an eligible employer-sponsored plan may be subject to an assessable payment if a full-time employee enrolls for that month in a qualified health plan for which the employee receives a premium tax credit.


The Hours of Service Reporting feature provides functionality for counting actual hours of service from historical timecards in the system over a specified period (that lies within a single measurement period start and end date) and calculating the average hours of service for that period of time. The Affordable Care Act Hours of Service rules provide additional guidance for specific employment scenarios or types of employees. The JD Edwards Hours of Service feature does not necessarily address all these various scenarios, and employers may need to do additional evaluation or incorporate alternative methods for determining hours of service for certain employees, such as employees who are new variable hours or seasonal employees, employees in certain industries or sectors such as education or transportation, or employees who have been rehired or had breaks in employment during the year.

45.2 Creating ALE ID To Home Company X-Ref


From Human Resources (G08), choose Affordable Care Act

From Affordable Care Act (G08ACA), choose ALE ID to Home Company X-Ref

The ALE ID To Home Company X-Ref application allows multiple Home Companies to be grouped together under the same ALE ID, which effectively creates an Applicable Large Employer that is treated as a single employer. The ALE ID to Home Company Cross Reference tables are used in the ACA Hours of Service Process to determine the ACA eligibility status of every employee in each Home Company included under the ALE ID.

You use the ALE ID to Home Company X-Ref application to create cross-reference tables and store them in the ALE ID To Home Company Cross Reference file (F08116). You cannot create multiple table records with the same ALE ID and Home Company Number. You cannot delete ALE ID cross-reference tables if a record for the same ALE ID exists in the Employee ACA Eligibility file (F081161).

An ALE can consist of multiple related entities (such as corporations) due to the application of the aggregation rules. Each such entity is an ALE member. Each Home Company associated to an ALE ID also has an ALE Member ID. The ALE Member ID is for informational purposes.

When the Hours of Service report is run, the ALE ID (and the companies associated to the ALE ID) is used to select timecards based on the Home Company on the timecard.

45.2.1 Before You Begin

  • Set up user-defined code table 08/LE to establish ALE IDs that identify the Applicable Large Employers for ACA purposes. Employee eligibility for ACA benefits is established by ALE in the Hours of Service process.

  • Set up UDC table 08/MI to establish ALE Member IDs that are used for ACA reporting purposes.

To set up ALE to Home Company cross reference tables

On ALE ID To Home Company X-Ref

  1. Complete the following field:

    • ALE ID

  2. Complete the following fields for each table entry:

    • Home Company

    • ALE Member ID