11 Overview to New-Hire Reporting

This chapter contains the topic:

11.1 About New-Hire Reporting

To comply with the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996, all employers must report certain information about newly hired employees to designated state agencies. State agencies can use this information to:

  • Locate non-custodial parents who are delinquent in their child-support payments

  • Establish child-support orders

  • Enforce existing child-support orders

  • Verify the legitimacy of employees' unemployment benefits or workers' compensation payments

In most states, the reporting requirements went into effect on October 1, 1997. Employers in states that already had new-hire reporting laws have until October 1, 1998, to comply with the new federal standards.

You can use the Payroll system to print the new-hire reports that you need to provide for state agencies. Because reporting requirements vary among states, there is a separate report for each state.

When you need to create new-hire reports for a state that requires information about whether employees and their dependents are eligible for medical insurance, you must set up one or more user defined date fields to track this information. You set up user defined date fields because the Payroll system contains no predefined fields for tracking medical eligibility.

Some states allow you to submit new-hire reports on magnetic media. After you print new-hire reports for those states, you can run a program that creates the magnetic media files.

Working with new-hire reports includes:

  • Entering insurance information for new-hire reports (if necessary)

  • Printing the generic new-hire report

  • Printing the new-hire report for Alabama through Louisiana, which includes the following states:

    • Alabama

    • Alaska

    • Arizona

    • Arkansas

    • California

    • Colorado

    • Connecticut

    • Delaware

    • District of Columbia

    • Florida

    • Georgia

    • Hawaii

    • Idaho

    • Illinois

    • Indiana

    • Iowa

    • Kansas

    • Kentucky

    • Louisiana

  • Printing the new-hire report for Maine through Pennsylvania, which includes the following states:

    • Maine

    • Maryland

    • Massachusetts

    • Michigan

    • Minnesota

    • Mississippi

    • Missouri

    • Montana

    • Nebraska

    • Nevada

    • New Hampshire

    • New Jersey

    • New Mexico

    • New York

    • North Carolina

    • North Dakota

    • Ohio

    • Oklahoma

    • Oregon

    • Pennsylvania

  • Printing the new-hire report for Rhode Island through Wyoming, which includes the following states:

    • Rhode Island

    • South Carolina

    • South Dakota

    • Tennessee

    • Texas

    • Utah

    • Vermont

    • Virginia

    • Washington

    • West Virginia

    • Wisconsin

    • Wyoming

  • Creating magnetic media files for new-hire reports