60 Print Organizational Structures

When managers or other employees need to review the reporting relationships within your organization, you can print organizational structures.

This chapter contains these topics:

When you print an organizational structure, you can use processing options to specify the number of levels that you need to review. The structure formats include:

  • Single level

  • Multi-level

  • Multi-level indented

  • Indented up to level 2

  • Indented up to level 3

For example, you can print the report at a single level, to show only the parents, such as managers or regional offices, or you can print the report to show all children of all parents.

60.1 Printing an Organizational Structure by Business Unit


From Human Resources (G08), choose Organizational Structure

From Organizational Structure (G08O1), choose Business Unit

From Organizational Structure by Business Unit (G08O20), choose Structure Print

After you define an organizational structure by business unit, you can print it and distribute it to managers or other employees. You can print the entire hierarchy or just the top-level parents. The printed structure is similar to the structure that you can review online using Structure Inquiry. You can include as many as nine levels in your structure.

Figure 60-1 Organizational Structure Report

Description of Figure 60-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 60-1 Organizational Structure Report''

60.1.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Subordinate business units If you print an organizational structure that includes all business units, some business units might appear more than once, depending on their relationships within the company.

60.2 Printing an Organizational Structure by Position


From Human Resources (G08), choose Organizational Structure

From Organizational Structure (G08O1), choose Position

From Organizational Structure by Position(G08O21), choose Structure Print

After you define an organizational structure by position, you can print it and distribute it to managers or other employees. The printed structure is similar to the structure you can review online using Structure Inquiry.

You can print your organizational structure by position in the following modes:

  • Print the subordinate positions directly under a parent position.

  • Print all of the subordinate positions directly under a parent position, but also all of the positions that report to each subordinate.

  • Print an indented multiple-level hierarchy that shows the same information as in mode two, but also indents each level below the parent position. You can print a maximum of five levels.

Figure 60-2 Organizational Structure Parent Position Report

Description of Figure 60-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 60-2 Organizational Structure Parent Position Report''

60.2.1 Data Selection

Topic Description
Printing the entire structure When you print the entire organizational structure, rather than selecting only certain supervisors, the report shows the whole structure for the supervisor or supervisors at the top of the structure. On the DREAM Writer selection form, enter *ALL for Supervisor.
Selecting parent positions to print To print the structure descending from a certain supervisor or range of supervisors that are not at the top of the organizational structure, enter the Address Book number of the supervisor, or a range of supervisors.

60.3 Printing an Organizational Structure by Employee


From Human Resources (G08), choose Organizational Structure

From Organizational Structure (G08O1), choose Employee

From Organizational Structure by Employee (G08O22), choose Structure Print

After you define an organizational structure by employee, you can print it and distribute it to managers or other employees. The printed structure is similar to the structure you can review online using Structure Inquiry. You can format the report to print:

  • Only the employees directly under a supervisor.

  • A multiple-level structure, with all employees under the supervisor.

  • A multiple-level indented structure, which shows all employees under a supervisor, but with each level indented. You can print up to nine levels below the supervisor.

  • An indented structure with a maximum of two levels.

  • An indented structure with a maximum of three levels.

Figure 60-3 Organizational Structure by Employee Report

Description of Figure 60-3 follows
Description of ''Figure 60-3 Organizational Structure by Employee Report''

60.3.1 Data Selection

Topic Description
Printing the entire structure When you print the entire organizational structure, rather than selecting only certain supervisors, the report shows the whole structure for the supervisor or supervisors at the top of the structure. On the DREAM Writer selection form, enter *ALL for Supervisor.
Selecting parent positions to print To print the structure descending from a certain supervisor or range of supervisors that are not at the top of the organizational structure, enter the Address Book number of the supervisor, or a range of supervisors.