C Default Values for Upload Time Entry File (F06116Z1)

Name Field Value
User ID VLEDUS The PCID or user defined
Record Sequence FLEDSQ Zero fill
Transaction # VLEDTN '1' is the required default
Line Number VLEDLN Either zeros or a user defined counter
EDI Trans. Date VLEDDT Zeros or a date of transaction (YYMMDD)
# of Detail Lines VLEDDL Can be zero
Processed Y/N VLEDSP 0 = unprocessed

1 = Processed into the F06116 file from the F061161Z

Transaction Action VLEDTC The value 'A'
Transaction Type VLEDTR 1 = Employee

2= job cost center information

Batch Number VLEDBT PC batch number or user defined
Employee # VLPANP SSN or third Employee # (optional)
Address Number VLAN8 The employee address number (input either the employee address number or SSN)
Transaction # VLPRTR Zeros or a unique number per record
Record Type VLRCCD 1 = payroll record

2 = payroll and recharge

3= recharge only

Hours Worked VLPHRW Either hours or gross is required
Gross VLGPA Either hours or gross is required
Work State VLWST Zero fill
Work County VLWCNT Zero fill
Work City VLWCTY Zero fill
Month - Update VLHMO Zero fill
Pay/Ded/Ben VLPDBA The pay type right justified and zero filled
G/L Date VLDGL Zero fill
Work Date VLDWK Is required in Julian format
Pay Ending Date VLPPED Zero fill
Date Time Clock Start VLDTBT Zero fill
Date Time Clock End VLTCDE Zero fill
Check Date VLCKDT Zero fill
Batch Date VLDICT Zero fill
Date Updated VLUPMJ Zero fill
Entered Gross Pay VLEPA Required if key gross only
Rate VLRTWC Zero fill
Rate VLGENR Zero fill

All other fields are optional. The zero fill fields will be completed by the AS400.

Required Fields

Field Name Notes
VLEDUS User ID Does not edit, but you need to re-inquire *
VLEDBT User Batch Number Does not edit buy you need to re-inquire *
VLAN8 or VLPANP Address Book # Employee number which can be third number (preceded with a forward slash (/) or SSN  
VLPDBA Pay type  
VLDWK Work date Should be in Julian format
VLICU Batch Number Supply or set processing option to "1" *


Hours worked

Entered gross or lump sum

May have to enter the amount in VLGPA (does not show in the lump sum of the time card bud does process on Payroll Register*).


Transaction number (2)

Timecard Transaction Number


* Item number 1 and 2 are not edited by the PC batch Server but they are required for inquiry of upload time cards by Batch File Revisions.

What You Should Know About

Topic Description
VLEDSP - Processed Valid values (PR column on report) are:

`0' or Blank = Unprocessed record

`1' = Processed record

Processed records are upload time card records in F06116Z1 which have passed a series of tests and were written to the time card file (F06116).

VLEDTR - Transaction Type Valid values are:

`1' or Blank = Time entry by employee (not supplying a cost center)

`2' = Time entry by job (supplying a cost center)

If trans action type is a '2', business unit (VLMCU) needs to be loaded. Otherwise , the wrong labor distribution account number would be derived from the AAI tables.

Note: (A) If the business unit (VLMCU) is the employee home business unit, you only need to load VLMCU.

(B) If the business unit (VLMCU) is not the employee home business unit, you need to load VLMCU and VLANI (just the business unit for ANI ex. 9). VLANI is a free format account number. If it is not loaded, employee home business unit will be used and will overlay VLMCU. To override the employee home business unit, load VANI with the business followed by a period.

VLPRTR - Transaction Number This number can be left zero to let the system assign a unique number or a number can be assigned by the user, but the number must be unique for each record.
VLRCCD - Record Type Valid values are:

`1' – Hourly time card

`2' – Hourly and Recharge time card

`3' – Recharge time card

`4' – Default from the EE Master

VLMCU - Business Unit / Cost Center If you want to override the business unit or cost center, in the account number field (VLANI), enter the business unit or cost center followed by a period.

Loading the business unit in BLMCU and leaving VLANI blank will not override the business unit or cost center.

VLEDTC - Business Unit / Cost Center Valid values are:

'A' or Blank

Before You Begin

  • "Zero fill" all numeric and packed fields that you want the system to fill in (default). Packed field stores 2 characters/1 byte.

  • "Blank fill" all alphanumeric fields that you want the system to fill in (default).

  • Business Unit/Cost Center must be right-justified and filled with leading blanks.

  • Any date must be in Julian format.