43 Set Up Employee Profile Information

This chapter contains these topics:

Profile data provides broad categories of information that you can define to accommodate your unique requirements. It can include basic information about employees, such as their education or experience, or data unique to your business, such as multi-language skills or employees assigned company cars.

Employee profile information is any additional information that you want to track by employee. This information is not required by the Time Accounting system, but provides additional information that you might want to maintain about your employees. Before you can enter employee profile information, you must complete the following:

Data Explanation
Profile data types You define profile data to track detailed information about employees. You set up this feature to track specific information to accommodate your own unique business needs.
Profile data security You define security for profile data to restrict access to certain types of data to specific personnel.
Word search table build You need to build a word search table each time you add or change profile data, descriptions, or column headings to maintain current profile data.
Profile data copy You can transfer data from one data type to another within the same database.

43.1 Defining Types of Profile Data


From Time Accounting (G05), enter 29

From Time Accounting Setup (G054), choose Define Types of Data

To specify categories of profile information and the specific information that you want to track for each category, you define types of profile data. Typical types of profile information include:

  • Employee skills and education levels

  • Job responsibilities

  • Applicant qualifications

  • Health and safety case histories

  • Requisition requirements

  • Dependent and beneficiary contacts


If you do not have the Human Resources system, you can track profile information for employees only.

Depending on your specific requirements, you can choose to set up a profile data type in any of the following formats:

Format Description
Narrative format Narrative format allows you to enter information in free form text. You might want to use the narrative format for:
  • Employee appraisal overviews

  • Emergency contacts

Code format Code format requires you to enter information in specific fields on the form. You might want to use the code format for:
  • Language skills

  • Training completed

  • Employee appraisal details

To standardize data entry and make it possible to report on profile data, you can associate the following columns in a code format data type with a user defined table:

  • Code Title

  • Remark 1 Title

  • Remark 2 Title

You can use either existing user defined code tables (such as 08/SK, Skills) or you can create a new user defined code table. When you create new tables, you must use system codes ranging from 55 to 59 (inclusive). You cannot create a new table for system codes 05, 07, or 08.

Program format Program format allows you to access a specific program and version number from a profile data type. Instead of customizing menus, you can set up profile data types to access the forms that you use most often. Setting up profile data types in this manner allows you to access these forms from a single menu selection, which saves you time and streamlines your data entry tasks.

Defining types of profile data consists of the following tasks:

  • Defining profile data types in narrative format

  • Defining profile data types in code format

  • Defining profile data types in program format

43.1.1 Example: Setting Up a Code Format Data Type

When you define a code format data type, you specify a code title and, typically, a related date or amount. You also associate the code title with a user defined code table. The following example shows how to set up a code format data type that you use to track employee training. The data type is associated with a user defined code table that you have already set up.

Define the information:

  • Code title - Type (types of training you track)

  • Date title - Trng Dte (date training was completed)

  • Amt title - Costs (amount of training costs)

  • Sy - 55 - 59 (system code for the user defined code table that you set up for the training type)

  • RT - TG (record type for the user defined code table that you set up for the training type)

To define profile data types in narrative format

On Define Types of Data

Figure 43-1 Define Types of Data screen

Description of Figure 43-1 follows
Description of "Figure 43-1 Define Types of Data screen"

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • HR Data Base

    • Type Data

    • Description

  2. Enter N in the following field:

    • Mode

Field Explanation
HR Data Base A user defined code (08/RC) that specifies a particular database within the Human Resources system. The letter in this field indicates that the database from which the program is drawing information. The databases are:

A – Applicant Information

E – Employee Information

J – Job Description

H – Injury/Illness Case Number

P – Dependent/Beneficiary Information

R – Requisition Information

Type Data A code you define and use to categorize data within a specific database. The code is often an abbreviation for the data it represents. For example, CC could represent company cars, and EC could represent emergency contacts.

You define these codes using Define Types of Data (P08090).

Form-specific information

Enter the code for the type of data you want to track in the Human Resources and Payroll systems.

Display Mode - Code or Narrative The format of a data type. This code determines the display mode for supplemental data. Valid codes are:

C – Code format, which displays the form for entering code-specific information. These codes are associated with User Defined Codes table (F0005).

N – Narrative format, which displays the form for entering narrative text.

P – Program exit, which allows you to exit to the program you specified in the Pgm ID field.

M – Message format, which displays the form for entering code-specific information. However, the system can edit the code values you enter against values in the Generic Rates and Messages table (F00191). This code is not used by the Human Resources or Financials systems.

To define profile data types in code format

On Define Types of Data

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • HR Data Base

    • Type Data

    • Description

  2. Enter C in the following field:

    • Mode

  3. To specify the information you want to track for this data type, complete the following fields:

    • Code Title

    • Date Title

    • Amount Title

  4. To associate a user defined code table with the code title, complete the following fields:

    • System Code

    • Record Type

  5. Access More Detail (F4).

    Figure 43-2 Define Types of Data (Detail) screen

    Description of Figure 43-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 43-2 Define Types of Data (Detail) screen"

  6. Complete any of the following optional fields:

    • Remark 1 Title

    • Edit Remark 1 on

    • Edit Remark 2 on

    • Remark 2 Title

    • Default Date

    • Through Date Title

    • Amount 2 Title

  7. To create a new user defined code table for this data type, choose the User Defined Codes function.

    Figure 43-3 General User Defined Codes (Code Format) screen

    Description of Figure 43-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 43-3 General User Defined Codes (Code Format) screen"

  8. On User Defined Code Revisions, choose the Code Types function.

    Figure 43-4 General User Defined Code Types screen

    Description of Figure 43-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 43-4 General User Defined Code Types screen"

  9. On User Defined Code Types, complete the following fields:

    • System Code

    • User Code

    • Description

    • Code Length

  10. Complete the following fields, if appropriate, and use the Add action:

    • 2nd Line

    • Code Number

  11. To specify the codes to include on the new table, return to User Defined Code Revisions.

  12. To locate the new table, complete the following fields:

    • System Code

    • User Defined Codes

  13. Complete the following fields:

    • Code

    • Description

    • Description 2

Field Explanation
Code Title The heading for a column on Supplemental Data Entry that relates to user defined codes. Enter the user defined codes for the supplemental data type in this column. For example, if the supplemental data type relates to the educational degrees of employees (BA, MBA, PHD, and so on), the heading could be Degree.

Form-specific information

Enter the heading you want to display for a column on Profile Data Entry.

For example, in Human Resources Benefits this could indicate the COBRA plan, option, type, and so forth.

Date Ttl The title of a supplemental data column heading for the Date field (EFT). For example, a possible column heading for the date field linked to the education data type might be Graduation.
Amt Title The heading for a column on Supplemental Data Entry that relates to an amount. This column contains statistical or measurable information. For example, if the data type relates to bid submittals, the heading could be Bid Amounts.
System Code A user defined code (98/SY) that identifies a JD Edwards World system.

A user defined code that identifies a JD Edwards World system, such as Accounts Receivable, Address Book, Inventory, and so on.

If an object is used by more than one system, select a common system code. Use 00 for an object that is used by General Accounting, Address Book, and Inventory.

See UDC 98/SY

Form-specific information

The system for the user defined code that is related to the data type. This field works with the RT field to identify the code type table against which the system verifies the data type. If the SY and RT fields are blank, the system does not verify the data type.

For example, a valid code for data type SKILL (skills) must exist in the table for system 08 and code type SK. If you enter a skill code that is not in the table, the system displays an error message.

This field applies only to the code format (C).

Remark 1 Title The heading for a column on Supplemental Data Entry that relates to user defined codes. This heading describes the first Remark field on the data entry form. It contains additional information and remarks. For example, if the data type relates to bid submittals, the heading could be Subcontractor.
Remark 2 Title The heading for a column on Supplemental Data Entry that relates to user defined codes. This heading describes the second Remark field on the data entry form. It contains additional information and remarks. For example, if the data type relates to the educational degrees of employees, the heading could be College or University.
Default Date This flag enables you to control the type of date to allow the system to use in the date field. Valid codes are:

0 – Do not use the system date as the default. Require manual entry of date.

1 – Use the system date as the default when the date is left blank.

2 – Do not display the Date field.

Thru Date Title The title of a row heading you can use to describe the Date field (EFTE). For example, if you set up a record type for professional licenses, a possible row title for the date field might be Expires.

Form-specific information

Enter the title you want to display on Profile Data Entry as an end or through date. For example in Human Resources Benefits, you might use this for the title of the field that indicates when the COBRA coverage expires.

Amt 2 Title The title of a row heading which appears next to the Amount 2 field (AMTV). For example, if you set up a record type for stock options, a possible row title for the second amount field might be Strike Price.

Form-specific information

The title you want to appear for Amount 2.

To define profile data types in program format

On Define Types of Data

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • HR Data Base

    • Type Data

    • Description

  2. Enter P in the following field:

    • Mode

  3. Access the detail area.

  4. To specify the program that you want this data type to access, complete the following fields:

    • Program ID

    • Version

Field Explanation
Pgm ID/Vers The identification, such as program number, table number, and report number, that is assigned to an element of software.
Version For World, identifies a group of items that the system can process together, such as reports, business units, or subledgers.

For OneWorld, the name of the version. It is created when the version is added.

Form-specific information

The DREAM Writer version of the program that you want this data type to access.

43.2 Setting Up Security for Profile Data


From Time Accounting (G05), enter 29

From Time Accounting Setup (G054), choose Data Type Security

You might set up a data type for tracking confidential information that only a few users need to access. For example, you might want to allow your OSHA administrator to access only the profile database for safety and health administration. Typically, users have access to all profile data types unless you set up security to restrict their access. (JD Edwards World system security also applies.)

You can restrict access to profile data by database or by data type within a database. For example, you can restrict one user from the entire applicant profile database and another user from only two of the data types (drug testing and employment references) within the applicant database.

To set up security for profile data

On Data Type Security

Figure 43-5 Data Type Security screen

Description of Figure 43-5 follows
Description of "Figure 43-5 Data Type Security screen"

  1. For each user for whom you want to allow or restrict access to profile data, complete the following fields:

    • User ID

    • HR Data Base

    • Allow

  2. To limit the restriction or inclusion to a specific data type within the profile database that you specified, complete the following field:

    • Type of Data

Field Explanation
Allow A code that indicates whether a user is allowed access to the function key or selection. Valid codes are:

Y – Yes, allow access

N – No, prevent access

blank – Yes, allow access (default).

Type of Data A code you define and use to categorize data within a specific database. The code is often an abbreviation for the data it represents. For example, CC could represent company cars, and EC could represent emergency contacts.

You define these codes using Define Types of Data (P08090).

Form-specific information

The specific type of data to which you are restricting employee from access.

43.3 Generating the Title Search Table


From Time Accounting (G05), enter 29

From Time Accounting Setup (G054), choose Build Word Search File

When you review profile data by data type or search profile data for people who meet multiple criteria, you can use the Help function to search for a data type by its title. For example, if you are using Profile by Data Type to review prior employment information, and you cannot remember the data type for prior employment, you can use the Help function to search for the data type by its description.

Before you can search for data types in this manner, you must run a program that generates the title search table. When you set up your system, you generate the table after you have defined the types of profile data that you will use. To keep your system up-to-date, you must also generate the title search table after you change profile data types, descriptions, or column headings.

43.4 Transferring Profile Data


From Time Accounting (G05), enter 29

From Time Accounting Setup (G054), choose Profile Data Copy and Move

After you have defined the types of profile data you will use, you can transfer data from one data type within the same database to another. If you change the data type code for a type of profile data, you can use this program to transfer data from the old data type to the new one. For example, you might have a data type S for skills that contains employee information. If you change its data type code to SK, you can use this program to move that employee information from data type S to data type SK.

Transferring profile data saves you time and reduces keying errors. You can set processing options to transfer data by:

  • Copying the information, which retains it in one data type and transfers it to another

  • Moving the information, which deletes it from one data type and transfers it to another

43.4.1 Before You Begin

  • Verify that the data type in the database you are copying from is set up the same in the database that you are copying to.

  • Set up a version that you use to copy data, and another that you use to move data. If you do not set up separate versions, you must reset the processing options each time you transfer data.

43.4.2 To transfer profile data

On Profile Data Copy/Move

Select the type of transfer operation you want to run.

Figure 43-6 Applicant Profile Data Copy/Move report

Description of Figure 43-6 follows
Description of "Figure 43-6 Applicant Profile Data Copy/Move report"