64 Print Delinquency Notice

This chapter contains these topics:

The Print Delinquency Notice program creates delinquency notices to remind customers that you expect payment. The notices are generated at the customer level. You can define three different levels of text for delinquency notices. You link each notice to an aging category. You control the notices you want to print by setting processing options.

Depending on a processing option, the system generates delinquency notices based on summarized account information in the Tenant Receivable Cash Management file (F1515JA) or from a temporary work table (F1515WJA), which is built from the Tenant Receivable Cash Management file.


From the Real Estate Management menu (G15), choose Collections.

From the Collections menu (G1517), choose Print Delinquency Notice.

64.1 Print Deliquency Notice Procedures

When you choose the report from a menu, the system displays a DREAM Writer version list. From this screen, you can copy, change, or run a version of the report. For an overview of the DREAM Writer facility, see Appendix B, "DREAM Writer Overview" in this guide.

64.2 Guidelines

  • Before printing delinquency notices, you should:

    • Verify that the customer master record is properly set up for delinquency notices.

    • Verify that either the Account Summary Refresh has been run previously or set Processing Option 1 to "1" for a rebuild of the Tenant Receivable Cash Management work table to ensure that the information is current.

    • Define or revise the data dictionary text for the delinquency notices.

  • Processing Option 16 (total percentage) is a factor in determining the severity level of the delinquency letter that is generated. Set Processing Option 16 to "1" to create collection log entries.

  • The delinquency letter represents the highest severity level of aging that is found for that customer.

64.3 Delinquency Notice

Figure 64-1 Delinquency Notice

Description of Figure 64-1 follows
Description of "Figure 64-1 Delinquency Notice"