174 Unit Listing

This chapter contains these topics:

This report provides facility information about the units (rentable areas). It is based on the Unit Master file (F1507).


From any Real Estate Management menu, enter 29 in the Selection field.

From the Real Estate Management Setup menu (G1541), choose Unit Listing.

174.1 Unit Master Listing Report

Figure 174-1 Unit Master List Report (1 of 2)

Description of Figure 174-1 follows
Description of "Figure 174-1 Unit Master List Report (1 of 2)"

Figure 174-2 Unit Master List Report (2 of 2)

Description of Figure 174-2 follows
Description of "Figure 174-2 Unit Master List Report (2 of 2)"

174.2 Unit Master Listing Procedures

When you choose the report from a menu, the system displays a DREAM Writer version list. From this screen, you can copy, change, or run a version of the report. For an overview of the DREAM Writer facility, see Appendix B, "DREAM Writer Overview" in this guide.

174.4 Guidelines

  • If a unit is vacant at the time of the "as of" date, the system prints the following message in the Tenant Description field:

    *** Vacant Unit ***

  • The information in the US (Unit Status) and Status Description fields are manually maintained for each unit with the Unit Status field on the Unit Information screen. If you do not keep that field current, the report could show contrary information for a vacant unit. For example, suppose the Unit Status field for a vacant unit contains O (Occupied). The US and Status Description fields on the report show the unit as occupied, but the Tenant Description field contains the message *** Vacant Unit ***.