29 Receipts Entry (Heads Down)

This chapter contains these topics:

The Receipts Entry (Heads Down) screen is similar to the Receipts Entry (Heads Up) screen. It is called "heads down" because you look away from the screen as you manually type the information for the invoices from a ledger or the actual documents. The fields and procedures for both screens are identical, but the location of some of the fields are different. The Invoice Number and Pay Itm (Pay Item) fields are located on the left side, which makes it easier to apply cash receipts when you already know that information.


From the Real Estate Management System menu (G15), choose Cash Receipts.

From the Cash Receipts menu (G1513), choose Receipts Entry (Heads Down).

Figure 29-1 Receipts Entry (Heads Down) screen

Description of Figure 29-1 follows
Description of "Figure 29-1 Receipts Entry (Heads Down) screen"

29.1 Processing Options

The processing options are identical to the ones for the Receipts Entry (Heads Up) screen. However, option 2 must be set to 1 so that the system automatically displays the heads down format when you choose Receipts Entry (Heads Down) from the menu.

29.2 Guidelines