B Unit of Measure Conversions

The following tables show typical measurement conversion. The information is not necessarily what is set up in your system, but is useful for reference in setting up your own conversions.

To Convert To Length Multiply By
Meters Yards Feet Inches 1.0936 2.3808 39.370
Yards Meters 0.9144
Feet Meters 0.3048
Inches Centimeters 2.54

To Convert To Weight Multiply By
Long tons Pounds (avoirdupois) Short tons Metric tons (tonnes) 2240 1.12 1.01605
Short tons Pounds (avoirdupois) Long tons Metric tons (tonnes) 2000 0.892857 0.907185
Metric tons (tonnes) Long tons Short tons 0.984206 1.10231
Pounds (avoirdupois) Kilograms 0.453592
Kilograms Pounds (avoirdupois) 2.20462

To Convert To Volume & Capacity* Multiply By
U.S. gallons Cubic inches Cubic feet Imperial gallons U.S. barrels Liters 231 0.133681 0.832674 0.0238095 3.78541
U.S. barrels U.S. gallons Cubic inches Cubic feet Imperial gallons Liters 42 9702 5.61458 34.9723 158.987
Imperial gallons Cubic inches Cubic feet U.S. gallons U.S. barrels Liters 277.42 0.160544 1.20095 0.0285941 4.54596
Cubic feet Imperial gallons U.S. gallons U.S. barrels Liters Cubic meters 6.22883 7.48052 0.178108 28.3169 0.0283169
Cubic inches Imperial gallons U.S. gallons Liters 0.00360465 0.0043290 0.0163871
Liters Cubic inches Cubic feet Imperial gallons U.S. gallons U.S. barrels 61.0238 0.0353147 0.219969 0.264172 0.00628981
Cubic meters Imperial gallons U.S. gallons U.S. barrels Cubic feet 219.969 264.172 6.28981 35.3147

*These factors are solely for conversion at the same temperature.