1 Overview to Bulk Stock Management

This chapter contains these topics:

1.1 System Integration

The Bulk Stock Management system controls the storage, measurement, and movement of bulk inventory. You can tailor the system to handle the complexities of constantly changing inventory in your business environment. You can also track bulk inventory so that you always know the location and amount of each product available for sale or production.

The Bulk Stock Management system works in conjunction with other JD Edwards World systems in order to:

  • Manage the immense volume of product sales, purchases, movements, and adjustments

  • Provide an efficient means for initial system setup and long-term maintenance

  • Provide timely information and reports to review inventory status

  • Improve communication and quality control

This section contains the following:

  • Features of Bulk Stock Management

  • Bulk Stock Management

  • Tables

1.2 Features of Bulk Stock Management

Key features of the Bulk Stock Management system are:

  • Intra-depot stock movements

  • Bulk product receipts

  • Reconciliations

The Bulk Stock Management system enables you to perform the following functions:

  • Control the storage and movement of liquids from one container to another at varying temperatures

  • Calculate the volume for each transaction (sale, receipt, movement, and so on), for each product and for each container (tank, truck, and so on)

  • Perform volume and density conversions to any base temperature using international standard algorithms

  • Calculate product gain or loss accurately for each stock movement

  • Track inventory balances for each product in various units of measure and show the details of the transactions creating the balance

  • Track commingled/custody stock in a tank and manage the transactions associated with each product by owner

1.2.1 Intra-Depot Stock Movements

Intra-depot stock movements track inventory within a depot. The primary transactions, receiving new product and selling to customers, add or decrease inventory into and out of a depot.

You record an intra-depot stock movement whenever you need to account for stock that can no longer be accounted for in the location or container to which it was previously assigned.

Bulk stock movements include:

  • Tank to tank transfers

  • Repacking

  • Rebrands

  • Regrades

  • Decanting

  • Filling

  • Simple blend

  • Consumed in operations

  • General stock adjustments

Movements can occur at numerous points within a depot. General Stock Movements allows you to record the various types of movements, convert them to standard quantities via calculation programs, and record any gains or losses that might have occurred.

1.2.2 Bulk Product Receipts

You record the receipt of bulk products requested on a purchase order as they arrive at the depot. You can confirm the receipt of the products requested on the purchase order, record the volumes received, and make adjustments to correct variances. Additionally, you can calculate any gains or losses that might have occurred during transportation.

As product moves between storage locations, gains or losses might occur due to spillage, theft, faulty meters, and so on. Four Point Analysis Maintenance helps you track these gains or losses. You perform a four point analysis primarily for long voyages to determine the product lost in transit, but you can record the data for any movement.

Receipts is a standard JD Edwards World program. However, when you record the receipt of a bulk product, the Energy and Chemical Solutions (ECS) version displays a Bulk Product Receipts window that allows you to record volumes and the product temperatures recorded when the product is received.

1.2.3 Reconciliations

The reconciliation process attempts to reconcile confirmed sales figures for a given period. During this process, the system should identify discrepancies due to transactions not being entered (lost invoices), theft, leakage and/or faulty meters.

1.2.4 Throughput Reconciliations

Throughput reconciliation compares confirmed sales figures and other metered outgoings for a given period with the measured throughput based on the meter readings. The comparison identifies discrepancies due to transactions not being entered, theft, leakage, or faulty meters.

1.2.5 Operational Reconciliations

Operational reconciliation performs the "true" reconciliation process. From all inbound and outbound transactions (since the last reconciliation), the system calculates the amount that should be in physical inventory, and compares it to the actual amount in the tanks (from the final physical tank dip). In other words, it measures and compares the physical inventory levels with the book inventory levels, so differences can be reconciled and operational gains or losses recorded. It then updates the book inventory to reflect the current physical inventory.

1.3 Bulk Stock Management

The following summarizes the tasks for managing bulk stock.

Figure 1-1 Managing Bulk Stock

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of "Figure 1-1 Managing Bulk Stock"

1.4 Tables

The following illustrates the tables used by the Bulk Stock Management system and their contents.

Figure 1-2 Bulk Stock Tables and Their Contents

Description of Figure 1-2 follows
Description of "Figure 1-2 Bulk Stock Tables and Their Contents"