42 Overview to Freight Calculation Setup

This chapter contains these topics:

42.1 Objectives

  • To understand the relationship between freight tables, Freight (ECS) preferences, and freight calculator programs

  • To create a distance-, zone-, or fixed-fee-based freight table to meet your company's specific needs

  • To create Freight (ECS) preferences that link the sales order detail line to a distance, zone, or fixed-fee freight table

42.2 About Freight Calculation Setup

The system uses a combination of three elements to calculate freight fees:

  • Freight tables

  • Freight (ECS) preferences

  • Freight calculator programs (customer and supplier)

You create freight tables to enable the Load and Delivery Management system to bill freight charges to customers and pay (using a voucher) freight charges to suppliers. You use separate freight tables to define freight fees. The system uses the values you define in freight tables to calculate freight rates based on:

  • Geographic delivery zones

  • Delivery distances, quantities, or distances and quantities

  • Fixed fees

You create Freight (ECS) preferences to link a sales order detail line to a freight table. The system uses freight tables to determine freight charges based on distance, zone, or fixed fee. The system also uses freight tables to determine whether the freight is billable, payable, or both. Use the Freight (ECS) preference to specify a freight table for a customer/customer group and item/dispatch group.

The system uses the Customer Freight Calculator program when you specify billable freight fees and the Supplier Freight Calculator program when you specify payable freight fees. These programs use information you enter in the freight tables in conjunction with Freight (ECS) preferences you create to calculate freight fees for selected sales order detail lines.

Complete the following tasks to have the system apply freight charges to sales orders:

  • Create freight tables

  • Create Freight (ECS) preferences