B Upgrading Customized Source Code

This appendix contains these topics:

JD Edwards World provides access to several complementary products. If you have customized JD Edwards World source code, the following products will help you upgrade your source code.

B.1 S/Compare

Overall, S/Compare is a valuable aid used to:

  • Identify differences between any two programs

  • Simplify the task of documenting program changes

  • Simplify the task of consolidating your custom changes into new releases of programs

  • Identify differences between the names of the programs in two different files to quickly locate added or deleted programs in the new release

The S/Compare utility is specifically designed to compare two versions of source code. It will locate inserted, deleted, changed, or moved records in a source program. Processing options are provided to include or exclude comment lines, blank lines, and formatting differences. S/Compare's output clearly identifies differences between two source members on a composite list of both programs. An option allows the records that are the same in the programs to be omitted from the listing to produce a report of only the differences between the files. This option also allows a given number of matching records before and after a mismatch to be listed to help in identifying the section of source code.

B.1.1 Features of S/Compare

Some of the features and capabilities of S/Compare are:

  • Flags are used in the composite listing to clearly mark statements or blocks of statements that have been inserted, deleted, or moved.

  • Records that are moved from one location in the original file to another in the new program are indicated by source and target locations.

  • Printing large blocks of identical code can be eliminated by a processing option. Only the differences will be printed and you can control the number of matching lines that are listed before and after each block of mismatched code.

  • Differences between your program and the new program can be listed in an edit program.

  • There is a processing option that can eliminate mismatches being printed because of spacing between words.

B.2 Harmonizer

Harmonizer adds to the capabilities of S/Compare by allowing the comparison of 3 to 16 program versions. Like S/Compare, the comparison results are written in a format that clearly depicts the differences between source members. In addition, Harmonizer has the capability of merging program versions to generate a composite source member. You can control what is written to the composite source member when potential conflicts are found.

B.2.1 Features and Capabilities of Harmonizer

Some of the features and capabilities of Harmonizer are:

  • The comparison of 3 to 16 versions of a program.

  • Two report formats are available. The MULTI-Compare report compares 3 to 16 programs. The TRI-Compare report is specifically designed for 3 programs.

  • Statements from the original file that have been replaced, inserted, or deleted are noted on the comparison reports.

  • All of the features of S/Compare are supported by Harmonizer when 3 programs are being compared, except the creation of an edit program which has been replaced by the creation a composite output program.

  • The composite program may be compiled immediately or it may be edited. The ScmpEdit utility can be used to remove specified code in the composite program.

  • The HARMONIZER command can be used to execute S/Compare and Harmonizer making the utilities easier to use.

B.2.2 Harmonizer Added to S/Compare

  • You can incorporate your program changes into new releases easier. Harmonizer can compare the JD Edwards World original program, the JD Edwards World new release, and your customized program to produce a composite source file and a composite report. The composite report notifies you of discrepancies in the replacement, insertion, or deletion of code.

  • The Source File Synopsis report produces a comparison of the program names in the JD Edwards World original source file, the JD Edwards World new source file, and your source file to determine any additions or deletions of programs.

  • You can merge the development work of several programmers working on the same program.

B.3 About Harmonizer Plus

Harmonizer Plus adds to the capabilities of S/Compare and Harmonizer by helping you manage the ENTIRE process of building a new software release.

B.3.1 About the Project Manager Function

The Project Manager function will display an up-to-the-minute status of every program in your upgrade project. It shows:

  • Which merged objects need a programmer review due to conflicts between local changes and vendor changes

  • Modified objects that are already created and ones that need to be created

  • Objects that are ready for production

  • Unmodified objects that must be recreated because they are dependent on modified objects

  • Objects that must be present before the object you are working with can be created

B.3.2 Additional Functions

Harmonizer Plus provides a workbench for programmers to perform a variety of functions. Given the proper authority, a programmer can:

  • Directly access SEU for editing programs

  • Mass compile entire groups of programs

  • Selectively compile individual programs

  • Selectively create all objects dependent on a modified object

  • Add or delete programs from the new production version

Harmonizer Plus identifies unchanged modules that must be recompiled due to changes in prerequisite objects. For example, if you have modified DDS, Harmonizer Plus can identify programs that reference the related files. It can then recompile those programs. All you need to do is test and move the new libraries into production.