35 Overview to Universal File Converter

This chapter contains these topics:

35.1 About Universal File Converter

JD Edwards World Universal File Converter maps data from one data file resident on the Series i to another file on the same Series i using crossover rules. A DREAM Writer version can be set up so that the conversion can be repeated many times for a standing process or just once for a conversion process.

Figure 35-1 Path to the Universal File Converter

Description of Figure 35-1 follows
Description of "Figure 35-1 Path to the Universal File Converter "

JD Edwards World Universal File Converter uses Crossover rules to map data:

  • From one file to another file

  • From one file to multiple files

  • From multiple files to a single file


Do not attempt to use UFC on a file that contains double byte data. The converter program may corrupt the integrity of the bracketing shift in and shift out characters that are automatically inserted by double byte terminals.

The UFC does a character at a time move of the data from the input file data location into the output file data location. For this reason it is not suited to large, repeated data transfers. It is suited to one time data file conversions or small scale frequent data import situations.

The Cross Over Rules file defines the association between two files and includes data field information.

Figure 35-2 How Crossover Rules Map Data

Description of Figure 35-2 follows
Description of "Figure 35-2 How Crossover Rules Map Data"

Figure 35-3 How the Cross Over Rules File Defines Associations between Files

Description of Figure 35-3 follows
Description of "Figure 35-3 How the Cross Over Rules File Defines Associations between Files"

Special Processing

Special processing procedures are available to help you in the conversion of one field to another.

To execute any of the special processing procedures listed below, you must type the appropriate key word into the From or To Conversion Rule field. This is explained in Detail Cross Over Rules, later in this guide. There are special keywords for the following:

Field Explanation
Dates The converter uses a keyword to decide what date translation is necessary.
Numeric Fields The converter translates non-packed numeric data to packed data or vice versa, depending on your need. It also maintains decimal alignment, performing rounding or zero padding if required. Alphanumeric representations of numeric fields can be translated to numeric fields. Numeric fields can be translated into alphanumeric fields.
Business Unit The converter processes the field through the Business Unit scrub routine. This routine right adjusts and fills the field with blanks.
Data Dictionary Default The converter uses the reference field in the To file to access the data dictionary and retrieve the default value for the field.
Initialization Fields in the To file are initialized to blanks for alphanumerics and zeros for numerics if no fields are defined to map to them.
Next Number You can specify to have a next number value assigned to a field.
Check Data Dictionary You can specify to have the value of the field validated against the data dictionary values, ranges, and user defined codes.
User Defined Code Lookup Use the fields in the From file to look up a user defined code (UDC) and return the associated value in the Description 1 field as the To field value.
Default Constant Specify constant value, up to six characters, for the To field value.

35.1.1 Database Considerations

The system creates records in the Cross-Over Rules file for each version of cross-over rules you specify. This file contains information about the fields in the From file and the To file and how the two fields are associated.

If the field lengths or characteristics of the files that the cross-over rules have been built upon change, you must redefine the cross-over rules. Otherwise, the rules are based on the erroneous field descriptions.

The system handles extra calculations through called programs specified in the Cross-Over Rules file for each field.

35.1.2 User Responsibilities

You are responsible for developing and maintaining the cross-over instruction rules. If the From file or To file definition of the cross-over instructions changes, you must revise the Cross-Over Rules.

Perform the following tasks:

  • Set Up Universal File Converter

  • Work with Crossover Rules

  • Work with File Conversion

  • Print a Report

  • Create Conversion Versions

  • Work with the Data Dictionary Glossary by File