C CASE Program Types

This appendix contains these topics:

This appendix includes each program type, the requirements for each program type, and its use. Use this as a quick reference for all program types.

C.1 Guidelines

The following are optional:

  • General help instructions, however JD Edwards World highly recommends you include these.

  • Detail (fold) areas and AAIs within program types.

  • Processing Options. Define processing options for batch processing. The step in the program generator which automatically includes the logic to retrieve this information is subroutine S999. Define the special calculations to use the processing options.

  • User defined options and function exits for all program types.

  • Calculations you can create using Program Design Language in the Detailed Programming Facility.

  • VC0 description fields updates.

C.2 A0010 - Interactive Subfile Inquiry

C.2.1 Description

Use this program type to create an interactive subfile program. This subfile program is for inquiry purposes only. This program type processes a single master file by key. You cannot set the Lockout Action Codes fields. Create a display file prior to generating this program type.

C.2.2 Display File Definition

This program type scrubs the key fields in the control format of the display file prior to processing the master file. The key fields are noted by updating the Edited Field in the Field Definition screen of the Screen Design Aid (SDA) with the value K. If you are using the Data Base Field Selection feature in SDA, the known key field updates automatically.

The use of an Action Code is optional. Enter a default cursor location if there is no action code.

C.2.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL1 to create a CL program to use with this program type. You can use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.2.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a single master file and a display file. The master file contains M or 1 in the Input column. The display file begins with a V and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.2.5 Detailed Programming Facility

Use a key list for record retrieval from the master file. If you are not using the complete key list, update the Key Sequence Field in the Detailed Programming Facility to include only those data items which are necessary. This key list should match your key field definition from the control format of the display file.

C.2.6 Special Considerations

Add special logic if you want to process the master file using the key as a restrictive key. The default logic performs a SETLL which positions the records from the file using the key and then scans without a key until the subfile fills.

C.2.7 Quick Start Generation

You can generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.3 A0020 - Interactive Single Record Inquiry

C.3.1 Description

Use this program type to create an interactive single record program. This program is for inquiry purposes only. Create a display file prior to generating this program type. This program type processes a single master file by key.

C.3.2 Display File Definition

This program type scrubs the key field in the display file prior to processing the master file. The key field is noted by updating the Edited Field in the Field Definition screen of SDA with the value K. If you are use the Data Base Field Selection feature in SDA, the known key field updates automatically.

The use of an Action Code is optional. Enter a default cursor location if there is no action code. This program type does not use Lockout Action Codes.

C.3.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL1 to create a CL program for use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.3.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a single master file and a display file. The master file contains M or 1 in the Input column. The display file begins with V and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.3.5 Special Considerations

This program type uses a key list for record retrieval from the master file. This key list should match your key field definition from the control format of the display file. One record displays per inquiry.

C.3.6 Quick Start Generation

You cannot generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.4 B0010 - Interactive Single Record Maintenance

C.4.1 Description

Use this program type to create an interactive single record maintenance program. Create a display file prior to generating this program type. This program type processes a single master file by key.

C.4.2 Display File Definition

This program type scrubs the key field in the display file prior to processing the master file. The key field is noted by updating the Edited Field in the Field Definition screen of SDA with the value K. If you are using the Data Base Field Selection feature in SDA, the known key field updates automatically.

You must use an Action Code. Lockout Action Codes are optional.

C.4.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL1 to create a CL program to use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.4.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a single master file and a display file. The master file contains M or 1 in the Update column. The display file begins with a V and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.4.5 Detailed Programming Facility

Use a key list for record retrieval from the master file. If you are not using the complete key list, update the Key Sequence Field in the Detailed Programming Facility to include only those data items which are necessary. This key list should match your key field definition from the control format of the display file.

C.4.6 Quick Start Generation

Generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.5 C0010 - Batch Report with Totals

C.5.1 Description

Use this program type to create a batch report program that you manipulate using DREAM Writer. Create a printer file prior to generating this program type. This program type processes a single master file. You choose the data for the batch report using DREAM Writer Data Selection and Data Sequence parameters. The Batch Report with Totals program type does not use Lockout Action Codes and user defined options and function exits.

C.5.2 Printer File Definition

This program type requires that formats HEADING1 and DETAIL1 exist in the printer file. Format TOTAL1 is optional for totals.

C.5.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL6 to create a CL program to use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.5.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a single master file and a printer file. The master file contains M or 1 in the Input column. The printer file begins with R and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.5.5 Special Considerations

If you are printing totals using format TOTAL1, use the special keywords for Data Dictionary description (VC1ROW), data key field (VC1KEY), and data key description (VC1DSC).

When creating your DREAM Writer Version, ensure that the value of 2 is in the Type Report Totaling field on the Additional Parameters screen. This allows hierarchal totaling and page breaks in the Data Sequence.

C.5.6 Quick Start Generation

Generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.6 C0020 - Batch Report with Totals and Subheadings

C.6.1 Description

Use this program type to create a batch report program that you manipulate using DREAM Writer. Create a printer file prior to generating this program type. This program type processes a single master file. You choose the data for the print program using DREAM Writer Data Selection and Data Sequence parameters. The Batch Report with Totals and Subheadings program type does not use Lockout Action Codes and user defined options and function exits.

C.6.2 Printer File Definition

This program type requires that formats HEADING1, HEADING2 and DETAIL1 exist in the printer file. Format TOTAL1 is optional for totals.

C.6.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL6 to create a CL program for use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.6.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a single master file and a printer file. The master file contains M or 1 in the Input column. The printer file begins with an R and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.6.5 Special Considerations

If printing totals using format TOTAL1, use the special keywords for Data Dictionary description (VC1ROW), data key field (VC1KEY), and data key description (VC1DSC).

If printing subheadings using format HEADING2, use the special keywords for Data Dictionary description (VC0ROW), data key field (VC0KEY), and data key description (VC0DSC).

When creating your DREAM Writer Version, ensure that the value of 2 is in the Type Report Totaling field on the Additional Parameters screen. This allows hierarchal totaling and page breaks in the Data Sequence.

C.6.6 Quick Start Generation

Generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.7 C0025 - Batch Report with Totals and Subheadings

C.7.1 Description

Use this program type to create a batch report program that you manipulate using DREAM Writer. Create a printer file prior to generating this program type. This program type processes a single master file. You choose the data for the print program using DREAM Writer Data Selection and Data Sequence parameters. The Batch Report with Totals and Subheadings program type does not use Lockout Action Codes and user defined options and function exits.

C.7.2 Printer File Definition

This program type requires that formats HEADING1, HEADING2 and DETAIL1 exist in the printer file. Format HEADING2 is the format that prints subheadings. Format TOTAL1 is optional for totals.

C.7.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL6 to create a CL program for use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.7.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a single master file and a printer file. The master file contains M or 1 in the Input column. The printer file begins with R and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.7.5 Special Considerations

This program type is not a Q&A response in the Program Purpose and Type step. To use this program type, enter an X in the first Q&A question to provide this program type name.

This program type is identical to C0020 except that the subheadings headings print above the column headings. When you use this program type, control the page breaks to match the subheadings.

If you are printing totals using format TOTAL1, use the special keywords for Data Dictionary description (VC1ROW), data key field (VC1KEY), and data key description (VC1DSC).

If printing subheadings using format HEADING2, use the special keywords for Data Dictionary description (VC0ROW), data key field (VC0KEY), and data key description (VC0DSC).

When creating your DREAM Writer Version, ensure that the value of 2 is in the Type Report Totaling field on the Additional Parameters screen. This allows hierarchal totaling and page breaks in the Data Sequence.

C.7.6 Quick Start Generation

You cannot generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.8 D0010 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Action Code, without Options, by Relative Record Number

C.8.1 Description

Use this program type to create an interactive subfile maintenance program. Create a display file prior to generating this program type. This program type processes two master files. The primary master file is keyed and controls the sequence in which the records display. The secondary master file processes by relative record number and controls the database updates.

C.8.2 Display File Definition

This program type scrubs the key field in the control format of the display file prior to processing the master file. The key field is noted by updating the Edited Field in the Field Definition screen of SDA with the value K. If you use the Data Base Field Selection feature in SDA, the known key field update automatically.

You must use an Action Code. Lockout Action Codes are optional.

The system stores the record number of each subfile record in a hidden relative record number field. Add the field SH#RRN to the subfile format with S in the Type field and 9.0 in the Size field, using the Display All Defined Fields in the SDA.

C.8.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL1 to create a CL program for use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.8.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a keyed master file, a secondary master file which is not keyed, and a display file. The master file contains 1 in the Input column. You enter a value in the File Information Data Structure field in the fold area of the primary master file. The secondary master file contains 2 in the Update column and N in the Keyed (Y/N) field in the fold area. The display file begins with a V and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.8.5 Detailed Programming Facility

Use a selection exit 4 to exit to the Detailed Programming Facility for the subfile field controlling the update to the database. Enter N in the Entry Optional field. Entering N informs the program generator that the user must complete this field before the system updates the database. Because there are two master files for this program type, you must add special logic to control the page up and page down keys. Subroutine S001 contains logic to clear all non-key fields for each of the master files. Since the second master file has no keys, all fields clear. This causes the page up and page down processing for the keyed master file to work incorrectly after the first subfile page fills. To rectify the page up and page down processing, locate the field within the second master file that is the key to the primary keyed master file. Use selection exit 4 to display the Detailed Programming Facility and enter N in the Clear After (Y/N) field. This prevents the key field for page up and page down key processing from clearing.

If you are creating an inquiry which uses a partial key list from the master file, you must change the Key Sequence field (KY PS) in the Detailed Programming Facility. The KY column is to the right of the master file field names and contains the sequence number for the key fields. Clear all sequence numbers that are not in the key search that you define in the control format of the display file. The key sequence you define in the Detailed Programming Facility should match the key fields in the control format.

C.8.6 Special Considerations

This program type uses the key information in the display file for positioning within the master file. This program type must also have a hidden relative record number field and an entry optional field.

C.8.7 Quick Start Generation

You cannot generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.9 D0020 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance without Action Code, without Options, by Relative Record Number

C.9.1 Description

Use this program type to create an interactive subfile maintenance program. Create a display file prior to generating this program type. This program type processes two master files. The primary master file is keyed and controls the sequence in which the records display. The secondary master file processes by relative record number and controls the database updates.

C.9.2 Display File Definition

This program type scrubs the key field in the control format of the display file prior to processing the master file. The key field is noted by updating the Edited Field in the Field Definition screen of SDA with the value K. If you use the Data Base Field Selection feature in SDA, the known key field update automatically.

This program type does not use an Action Code. Enter a default cursor location.

The system stores the record number of each subfile record in a hidden relative record number field. Add the field SH#RRN to the subfile format with a type of S and a size of 9.0 by using Display All Defined Fields in SDA.

C.9.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL1 to create a CL program for use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.9.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a keyed master file, a secondary master file which is not keyed and a display file. The master file contains 1 in the Input column. You enter a value in the File Information Data Structure field in the fold area of the primary master file. The secondary master file contains a 2 in the Update column and N in the Keyed (Y/N) field in the fold area. The display file begins with V and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.9.5 Detailed Programming Facility

Use a selection exit 4 to display the Detailed Programming Facility for the subfile field controlling the database update. Enter N in the Entry Optional field. Entering N informs the program generator that the user must complete this field before the system updates the database.

Because there are two master files for this program type, you must add special logic to control the page up and page down keys. Subroutine S001 contains logic to clear all non-key fields for each of the master files. Since the second master file has no keys, all fields clear. This causes the page up and page down processing for the keyed master file to work incorrectly after the first subfile page fills. To rectify the page up and page down processing, locate the field within the second master file that is the key to the primary keyed master file. Use selection exit 4 to display the Detailed Programming Facility and enter N in the Clear After field. This prevents the key field for page up and page down processing from clearing.

If you are creating an inquiry which uses a partial key list from the master file, you must change the Key Sequence field (KY PS) in the Detailed Programming Facility. The KY column is to the right of the master file field names and contains the sequence number for the key fields. Clear all sequence numbers that are not in the key search that you define in the control format of the display file. The key sequence you define in the Detailed Programming Facility should match the key fields in the control format.

C.9.6 Special Considerations

This program type uses the key information in the display file for positioning within the master file. This type must also have a hidden relative record number field and an entry optional field.

C.9.7 Quick Start Generation

You cannot generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.10 D0030 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance without Action Code, without Options, by Relative Record Number with Read Next Modified Record

C.10.1 Description

Use this program type to create an interactive subfile maintenance program. Create a display file prior to generating this program type. This program type processes two master files. The primary master file is keyed and controls the sequence in which the records are display. The secondary master file processes by relative record number and controls the database updates. The system bases updates to the subfile on read next change (READC) logic.

C.10.2 Display File Definition

This program type scrubs the key field in the control format of the display file prior to processing the master file. The key field is noted by updating the Edited Field in the Field Definition screen of SDA with the value K. If you use the Data Base Field Selection feature in SDA, the known key fields update automatically.

This program type does not use an Action Code. Enter a default cursor location.

The system stores the record number of each subfile record in a hidden relative record number field. Add the field SH#RRN to the subfile format with a type of S and a size of 9.0 by using Display All Defined Fields in SDA.

C.10.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL1 to create a CL program for use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.10.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a keyed master file, a secondary master file which is not keyed and a display file. The master file contains 1 in the Input column. You enter a value in the File Information Data Structure field in the fold area of the primary master file. The secondary master file contains a 2 in the Update column and N in the Keyed (Y/N) field in the fold area. The display begins with a V and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.10.5 Detailed Programming Facility

Use a selection exit 4 to display the Detailed Programming Facility for the subfile field controlling the update to the database. Enter N in the Entry Optional field. Entering N informs the program generator that the user must complete this field before the system updates the database.

Because there are two master files for this program type, you must add special logic to control the page up and page down keys. Subroutine S001 contains logic to clear all non-key fields for each of the master files. Since the second master file has no keys, all fields clear. This causes the page up and page down processing for the keyed master file to work incorrectly after the first subfile page fills. To rectify the page up and page down processing, locate the field within the second master file that is the key to the primary keyed master file. Use selection exit 4 to display the Detailed Programming Facility and enter N in the Clear After field. This prevents the key field for page up and page down processing from clearing.

If you are creating an inquiry which uses a partial key list from the master file, you must change the Key Sequence field (KY PS) in the Detailed Programming Facility. The KY column is to the right of the master file field names and contains the sequence number for the key fields. Clear all sequence numbers that are not in the key search that you define in the control format of the display file. The key sequence you define in the Detailed Programming Facility should match the key fields in the control format.

C.10.6 Special Considerations

This program type uses the key information in the display file for positioning within the master file. This type must also have a hidden relative record number field and an entry optional field.

C.10.7 Quick Start Generation

You cannot generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.11 D0040 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Action Code, with Options, by Key

C.11.1 Description

Use this program type to create an interactive subfile maintenance program. Create a display file prior to generating this program type. This program type processes a single master file by key.

C.11.2 Display File Definition

This program type scrubs the key fields in the control format of the display file prior to processing the master file. The key fields are noted by updating the Edited Field in the Field Definition screen of SDA with the value K. If you are using the Data Base Field Selection feature in SDA, the known key fields update automatically.

You must define Action Codes. Lockout Action Codes are optional.

This subfile maintenance program type allows you to delete individual subfile records using special logic. You perform this by entering C in the Action Code field, comparing the previous value with the current value and then deleting the record if the current value is blank. The system stores the previous value in a hidden field at the subfile record level using the Display All Defined Fields in the SDA.

C.11.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL1 to create a CL program for use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.11.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a single master file and a display file. The master file contains M or 1 in the Update column. The display file begins with a V and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.11.5 Detailed Programming Facility

Use a selection 4 to exit to the field details for the subfile field controlling the database update. Enter N in the Entry Optional field. Entering N informs the program generator that the user must complete this field before the system updates the database.

C.11.6 Special Considerations

This program type uses the key information in the display file for chaining to the master file. This type must also have a hidden field and an entry optional field.

C.11.7 Quick Start Generation

Generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.12 D0050 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Two Master Files, with Action Code, with Options, by Relative Record Number

C.12.1 Description

Use this program type to create an interactive subfile maintenance program. Create a display file prior to generating this program type. This program type processes two master files. The primary master file is keyed and the system updates it from the fields in the control format of the display file. The secondary master file processes by relative record number and the system update it from the fields in the subfile format of the display file.

C.12.2 Display File Definition

This program type scrubs the key fields in the control format of the display file prior to processing the master file. The key fields are noted by updating the Edited Field in the Field Definition screen of SDA with the value K. If you use the Data Base Field Selection feature in SDA, the known key fields update automatically.

You must define Action Codes. Lockout Action Codes are optional.

The system stores the record number of each subfile record in a hidden relative record number field. Add the field SH#RRN to the subfile format with a type of S and a size of 9.0 by using Display All Defined Fields in SDA.

C.12.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL1 to create a CL program for use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.12.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a two keyed master files, a secondary master file which is not keyed and a display file. The first master file contains 1 in the Update column. The system updates this file from the control format of the display file. The second master file is a non-keyed file which the subfile format of the display file updates. The second master file contains 2 in the Update column and X under the Add column. Enter N in the Keyed (Y/N) field in the fold area. The third master file is the logical file that the system uses for sequencing records in the subfile. This file contains 3 in the Input column. You enter a value in the File Information Data Structure field in the fold area of this master file. The keyed master files have a similar key list sequence. The display file begins with V and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.12.5 Detailed Programming Facility

Use a selection exit 4 to display the Detailed Programming Facility for the subfile field controlling the database update function. Enter N in the Entry Optional field. Entering N informs the program generator that the user must complete this field before the system updates the database.

Because there are two master files for this program type, you must add special logic to control the page up and page down keys. Subroutine S001 contains logic to clear all non-key fields for each of the master files. Since the second master file has no keys, all fields clear. This causes the page up and page down processing for the keyed master file to work incorrectly after the first subfile page fills. To rectify the page up and page down processing, locate the field within the second master file that is the key to the primary keyed master file. Use selection exit 4 to display the Detailed Programming Facility and enter N in the Clear After field. This prevents the key field for page up and page down processing from clearing.

If you are creating an inquiry which uses a partial key list from the master file, you must change the Key Sequence field (KY PS) in the Detailed Programming Facility. The KY column is to the right of the master file field names and contains the sequence number for the key fields. Clear all sequence numbers that are not in the key search that you define in the control format of the display file. The key sequence you define in the Detailed Programming Facility should match the key fields in the control format.

C.12.6 Special Considerations

This program type uses the key information in the subfile control format of the display file for retrieving one record from the first master file and multiple records from the second master file. This type must also have a hidden field and an entry optional field.

C.12.7 Quick Start Generation

You cannot generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.13 D0060 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Action Code, without Options, by Key

C.13.1 Description

Use this program type to create an interactive subfile maintenance program. Create a display file prior to generating this program type. This program type processes a single master file by key.

C.13.2 Display File Definition

This program type scrubs the key fields in the control format of the display file prior to processing the master file. The key fields are noted by updating the Edited Field in the Field Definition screen of SDA with the value K. If you use the Data Base Field Selection feature in SDA, the known key fields update automatically.

You must define Action Codes. Lockout Action Codes are optional.

This subfile maintenance program type allows you to delete individual subfile records using special logic. You perform this logic by entering C in the Action Code, comparing the previous value with the current value and then deleting the record if the current value is blank. The system stores the previous value in a hidden field at the subfile record level. Define this field in the display file prior to generating this program type by using Display All Defined Fields in SDA.

C.13.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL1 to create a CL program for use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.13.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a single master file and a display file. The master file contains an M or 1 in the Update column. The display file begins with a V and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.13.5 Detailed Programming Facility

Use a selection 4 to exit to the field details for the SF field controlling the update to the database. Enter N in the Entry Optional field. Entering N informs the program generator that the user must complete this field before the system updates the database.

C.13.6 Special Considerations

This program type uses the key information in the display file for chaining to the master file. This type must also have a hidden field and an entry optional field.

C.13.7 Quick Start Generation

Generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.14 D0070 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Action Code, with Options, by Relative Record Number

C.14.1 Description

Use this program type to create an interactive subfile maintenance program. Create a display file prior to generating this program type. This program type processes two master files. The primary master file is keyed and controls the sequence in which the records display. The secondary master file processes by relative record number and controls the database updates.

C.14.2 Display File Definition

This program type scrubs the key fields in the control format of the display file prior to processing the master file. The key fields are noted by updating the Edited Field in the Field Definition screen of SDA with the value K. If you are using the Data Base Field Selection feature in SDA, the known key fields update automatically.

You must define the Action Codes. Lockout Action Codes are optional.

The system stores the record number of each subfile record in a hidden relative record number field. Add the field SH#RRN to the subfile format with a type of S and a size of 9.0 by using Display All Defined Fields in SDA.

C.14.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL1 to create a CL program for use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.14.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a keyed master file, a secondary master file which is not keyed, and a display file. The master file contains 1 in the Input column. You enter a value in the File Information Data Structure field in the fold area of the primary master file. The secondary master file contains a 2 in the Update column and N in the Keyed (Y/N) field in the fold area. The display file begins with a V and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.14.5 Detailed Programming Facility

Use a selection exit 4 to display the Detailed Programming Facility for the subfile field controlling the database update. Enter N in the Entry Optional field. Entering N informs the program generator that the user must complete this field before the system updates the database.

Because there are two master files for this program type, you must add special logic to control the page up and page down keys. Subroutine S001 contains logic to clear all non-key fields for each of the master files. Since the second master file has no keys, all fields clear. This causes the page up and page down processing for the keyed master file to work incorrectly after the first subfile page fills. To rectify the page up and page down processing, locate the field within the second master file that is the key to the primary keyed master file. Use selection exit 4 to display the Detailed Programming Facility and enter N in the Clear After field. This prevents the key field for page up and page down processing from clearing.

If you are creating an inquiry which uses a partial key list from the master file, you must change the Key Sequence field (KY PS) in the Detailed Programming Facility. The KY column is to the right of the master file field names and contains the sequence number for the key fields. Clear all sequence numbers that are not in the key search that you define in the control format of the display file. The key sequence you define in the Detailed Programming Facility should match the key fields in the control format.

C.14.6 Special Considerations

This program type uses the key information in the display file for positioning within the master file. This type must also have a hidden relative record number field and an entry optional field.

C.14.7 Quick Start Generation

You cannot generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.15 D0080 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance without Action Code, with Options, by Relative Record Number

C.15.1 Description

Use this program type to create an interactive subfile maintenance program. Create a display file prior to generating this program type. This program type processes two master files. The primary master file is keyed and controls the sequence in which the records display. The secondary master file processes by relative record number and controls the database updates.

C.15.2 Display File Definition

This program type scrubs the key fields in the control format of the display file prior to processing the master file. The key fields are noted by updating the Edited Field in the Field Definition screen of SDA with the value K. If you use the Data Base Field Selection feature in SDA, the known key fields update automatically.

Do not use Action Codes. Enter a default cursor location.

This program type processes the secondary master file by relative record number. The record number of each subfile record is stored in a hidden relative record number field. Add the field SH#RRN to the subfile format with a type of S and a size of 9.0 by using Display All Defined Fields in SDA.

C.15.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL1 to create a CL program for use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.15.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a keyed master file, a secondary master file which is not keyed and a display file. The master file contains 1 in the Input column. You enter a value in the File Information Data Structure field in the fold area of the primary master file. The secondary master file contains a 2 in the Update column and N in the Keyed (Y/N) field in the fold area. The display file begins with V and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.15.5 Detailed Programming Facility

Use a selection exit 4 to display the Detailed Programming Facility for the subfile field controlling the database update. Enter N in the Entry Optional field. Entering N informs the program generator that the user must complete this field before the system updates the database.

Because there are two master files for this program type, you must add special logic to control the page up and page down keys. Subroutine S001 contains logic to clear all non-key fields for each of the master files. Since the second master file has no keys, all fields clear. This causes the page up and page down processing for the keyed master file to work incorrectly after the first subfile page fills. To rectify the page up and page down processing, locate the field within the second master file that is the key to the primary keyed master file. Use selection exit 4 to display the Detailed Programming Facility and enter N in the Clear After field. This prevents the key field for page up and page down processing from clearing.

If you are creating an inquiry which uses a partial key list from the master file, you must change the Key Sequence field (KY PS) in the Detailed Programming Facility. The KY column is to the right of the master file field names and contains the sequence number for the key fields. Clear all sequence numbers that are not in the key search that you define in the control format of the display file. The key sequence you define in the Detailed Programming Facility should match the key fields in the control format.

C.15.6 Special Considerations

This program type uses the key information in the display file for positioning within the master file. This type must also have a hidden relative record number field and an entry optional field.

C.15.7 Quick Start Generation

You cannot generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.16 D0090 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Action Code, without Options, by Relative Record Number, Balance

C.16.1 Description

Use this program type to create an interactive subfile maintenance program. Create a display file prior to generating this program type. This program type processes two master files. The primary master file is keyed and controls the sequence in which the records display. The secondary master file processes by relative record number and controls the database updates. The system verifies all records before it performs any database updates.

C.16.2 Display File Definition

This program type scrubs the key fields in the control format of the display file for positioning within the master file. The key fields are noted by updating the Edited Field in the Field Definition screen of SDA with the value K. If you use the Data Base Field Selection feature in SDA, the known key fields update automatically.

Do not use Action Codes. Enter a default cursor location.

This program type processes the secondary master file by relative record number. The record number of each subfile record is stored in a hidden relative record number field. Add the field SH#RRN to the subfile format with a type of S and a size of 9.0 by using Display All Defined Fields in SDA.

C.16.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL1 to create a CL program for use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator for creation of your CL program.

C.16.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a keyed master file, a secondary master file which is not keyed, and a display file. The master file contains 1 in the Input column. You enter a value in the File Information Data Structure field in the fold area of the primary master file. The secondary master file contains a 2 in the Update column and N in the Keyed (Y/N) field in the fold area. The display file begins with V and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.16.5 Detailed Programming Facility

Use a selection exit 4 to display the Detailed Programming Facility for the subfile field controlling the database update. Enter N in the Entry Optional field. Entering N informs the program generator that the user must complete this field before the system updates the database.

Because there are two master files for this program type, you must add special logic to control the page up and page down keys. Subroutine S001 contains logic to clear all non-key fields for each of the master files. Since the second master file has no keys, all fields clear. This causes the page up and page down processing for the keyed master file to work incorrectly after the first subfile page fills. To rectify the page up and page down processing, locate the field within the second master file that is the key to the primary keyed master file. Use selection exit 4 to display the Detailed Programming Facility and enter N in the Clear After field. This prevents the key field for page up and page down processing from clearing.

C.16.6 Special Considerations

This program type uses the key information in the display file for positioning within the master file. This type must also have a hidden field and an entry optional field. The update logic in this program type processes all subfile transactions prior to performing the database updates. This allows the system to balance transactions or verify all records before it updates the database.

C.16.7 Quick Start Generation

You cannot generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.17 D0100 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Two Master Files, with Action Code, with Options, by Key

C.17.1 Description

Use this program type to create an interactive subfile maintenance program. Create a display file prior to generating this program type. This program type processes two master files. The primary master file is keyed and the system updates it from the fields in the control format of the display file. The secondary master file processes by key and the system updates it from the fields in the subfile format of the display file.

C.17.2 Display File Definition

This program type scrubs the key fields in the control format of the display file prior to processing the master file. The key fields are noted by updating the Edited Field in the Field Definition screen of SDA with the value K. If you use the Data Base Field Selection feature in SDA, the known key fields update automatically.

You must define the Action Codes. Lockout Action Codes are optional.

This program type requires that you define one or more hidden fields in the subfile record. The fields in the subfile that are keys to the second master file must also have hidden fields. Add the hidden fields by using Display All Defined Fields in SDA.

C.17.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL1 to create a CL program for use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator for creation of your CL program.

C.17.4 File Specifications

The first master file contains 1 in the Update column. The system updates this file from the control format of the display file. The second master file contains 2 in the Update column and X in the Add column. The display file begins with V and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.17.5 Detailed Programming Facility

Use a selection exit 4 to display the Detailed Programming Facility for the subfile field controlling the database update. Enter N in the Entry Optional field. Entering N informs the program generator that the user must complete this field before the system updates the database.

C.17.6 Special Considerations

This program type uses the key information in the display file for chaining to the master file. This type must also have a hidden field and an entry optional field.

C.17.7 Quick Start Generation

Generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.18 E0010 - Interactive Window

C.18.1 Description

Use this program type to create an interactive window program. Create a display file prior to generating this program type. This program type processes a single master file by key.

C.18.2 Display File Definition

SDA builds the DDS for a window program when you select Fast Path Create for Window, Y. Update the predefined VTX field from Row Desc to a meaningful Skip To description. SDA defines a key field. Delete this field and add a VD field which is the same as the key to the master file. If the key field is greater than 10 in length, you must also shorten the literal field that follows that key and precedes the window border.

Do not use Action Codes.

C.18.3 CL Program Definition

A CL program is option for this model.

If you want to create a CL program, copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL1 to create a CL program to use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program. The interactive window program type assumes three parameters. Add these to the call statement for your program.

C.18.4 File Specifications

This program type requires the use of a single master file and a display file. The master file contains M or 1 in the Input column. The display file begins with V and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.18.5 Define Option and Function Key Exits

If you use this window to retrieve values to the calling program, add #SSELC to the Function Exit definitions.

C.18.6 Detailed Programming Facility

If used, update all VC0 description fields in the Detailed Programming Facility.

The system uses a key list for record retrieval from the master file. If you are not using the complete key list, update the Key Sequence field (KY PS) in the Detailed Programming Facility to include only those data items which are necessary. This key list should match your key field definition from the control format of the display file.

Update the fields MNMNI and MNMTTL with the key and the key description fields. Subroutine S004 assumes that only two fields display per master file record. If you plan to display more than two fields, modify this subroutine.

C.18.7 Special Considerations

This program type uses a key list for record retrieval from the master file. This key list should match your key field definition from the control format of the display file. One record displays per inquiry.

Subroutine S004 assumes that only two fields display per master file record. If you plan to display more than two fields, modify Subroutine S004 through JD Edwards World SEU or *PROC. JD Edwards World includes two entry points into this subroutine.

The system updates the window key literal in the upper left hand corner of the display file at run time. Modify subroutine S999 through *PROC prior to compiling the RPG program. Assign the video screen name to the work field VC01 using the entry point in subroutine S999.

C.18.8 Quick Start Generation

You cannot generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.19 X0010 - Batch Update with Report

C.19.1 Description

Use this program type to create a batch update program that you manipulate using DREAM Writer. Create a printer file prior to generating this program type. This program type processes a single master file. You choose the data for the batch update program using DREAM Writer Data Selection and Data Sequence parameters.

C.19.2 Printer File Definition

This program type requires that formats HEADING1 and DETAIL1 exist in the printer file. Format TOTAL1 is optional exist for totals.

C.19.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL6 to create a CL program for use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.19.4 File Specifications

The master file contains M or 1 in the Update column. Remove default value of X in the Add column or add special logic to your program for writing to the master file. The printer file begins with R and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.19.5 Special Considerations

If you are printing totals using format TOTAL1, use the special keywords for Data Dictionary description (VC1ROW), data key field (VC1KEY), and data key description (VC1DSC).

When creating your DREAM Writer Version, ensure that the value of 2 is in the Type Report Totaling field on the Additional Parameters screen. This allows hierarchal totaling and page breaks in the Data Sequence.

This program updates the master file in subroutine S010. You might want to add special logic to control when updates occur.

C.19.6 Quick Start Generation

You cannot generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.20 X0020 - Batch Update

C.20.1 Description

Use this program type to create a batch update program that you manipulate using DREAM Writer. This program type processes two master files. The system uses the primary master file to retrieve data from the secondary master file. You choose the data for the batch update program using DREAM Writer Data Selection and Data Sequence parameters. Do not create user defined options and function exits.

C.20.2 Printer File Definition

You do not use a printer file with this program type.

C.20.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL2 to create a CL program for use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.20.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a key for both the master file and secondary file. The master file contains 1 in the Input column. The secondary master file contains 2 in the Update column. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.20.5 Special Considerations

This program type chains to the secondary master file in subroutine S003. Update the key field or key list prior to this chain. The system does not automatically update key fields in this program type.

This program type contains subroutine S005 for all calculations. Add all special logic code between the read of the primary master file and the update or write of the secondary master file.

This program updates the master file records in subroutine S010.

C.20.6 Quick Start Generation

You cannot generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.21 X0030 - Batch Update with Subroutine S001

C.21.1 Description

Use this program type to create a batch update program that you manipulate using DREAM Writer. This program type processes two master files. The system uses the primary master file to retrieve data from the secondary master file. You choose the data for the batch update program using DREAM Writer Data Selection and Data Sequence parameters. Do not create user defined options and function exits.

C.21.2 Printer File Definition

You do not use a printer file with this program type.

C.21.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL2 to create a CL program for use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.21.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a key for both the master file and secondary file. The master file contains 1 in the Input column. The secondary master file has 2 in the Update column. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.21.5 Special Considerations

This program type clears the non-key fields from the primary master file between each record the system processes.

This program type chains to the secondary master file in subroutine S003. Update the key field or key list prior to the chain. Key fields do not automatically update in this program type.

This program type includes subroutine S005 for all calculations. Add all special logic necessary between the read of the primary master file and the update of the secondary master file.

This program updates the master file records in subroutine S010.

C.21.6 Quick Start Generation

You cannot generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.22 X0040 - Batch Update with Report

C.22.1 Description

Use this program type to create a batch update program that you manipulate using DREAM Writer. Create a printer file prior to generating this program type. You should design the printer file to print an audit trail of each record that the system updates. This program type processes two master files. The system interprets the primary master file and updates the second master file. You choose the data for the batch update program using DREAM Writer Data Selection and Data Sequence parameters. Do not create user defined options and function exits.

C.22.2 Printer File Definition

This program type prints an audit trail for each record that the system saves in the second master file. Formats HEADING1 and DETAIL1 must exist in the printer file. Format TOTAL1 is optional, and you can use this to have the system compute totals for the level breaks that you define in the DREAM Writer Data Sequence.

C.22.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL2 to create a CL program for use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.22.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a key for both the master file and secondary file. The master file contains 1 in the Input column. The secondary master file has 2 in the Update column. Add files to retrieve descriptions, if necessary.

C.22.5 Special Considerations

This program type chains to the secondary master file in subroutine S003. Update the key field or key list prior to this chain. Key fields do not automatically update in this program.

This program type uses subroutine S004 to format fields for output to the report. Add any special logic necessary between the read of the primary master file and the update of the second master file.

This program type uses subroutine S005 to scrub and edit the fields in the second master file. Use the Detailed Programming Facility to associate fields in the primary master file with fields in the second master file. Add any special logic that is necessary to compute the proper value that the system loads to the output fields.

Subroutine S010 controls the printing of the report.

Subroutine S011 updates the records in the second master file.

C.22.6 Quick Start Generation

You can not generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.23 Y0010 - Conversion, Two Files with Error Report

C.23.1 Description

Use this program type to create a batch conversion program that you manipulate using DREAM Writer. This program type processes two master files. The system interprets the primary master file and updates the second master file. You choose the data for the batch update program using DREAM Writer Data Selection and Data Sequence parameters. Do not create user defined options and function exits.

C.23.2 Printer File Definition

This program type requires that formats HEADING1, DETAIL1, and ERROR1 exist in the printer file. Format TOTAL1 is optional for totals.

C.23.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL6 to create a CL program for use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.23.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a key for both the master file and secondary file. The master file contains 1 in the Input column. The secondary master file had 2 in the Update column. The printer file begins with R and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.23.5 Special Considerations

If you are printing totals using format TOTAL1, use the special keywords for Data Dictionary description (VC1ROW), data key field (VC1KEY), and data key description (VC1DSC).

When printing the error report, format ERROR1 must contain the special fields for error message description (RRDSCA) and error message number (RREKEY).

When creating your DREAM Writer Version, enter 2 in the Type Report Totaling field on the Additional Parameters screen. This allows hierarchal totaling and page breaks in the Data Sequence.

This program type chains to the secondary master file in subroutine S003. Update the key field or key list prior to the chain. Key fields do not automatically update in this program type.

This program type includes subroutine S005 for all calculations. Add all special logic necessary between the read of the primary master file and the update of the secondary master file.

This program updates the master file records in subroutine S010.

C.23.6 Quick Start Generation

You cannot generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.24 Y0020 - Conversion, One File Update with Error Report

C.24.1 Description

Use this program type to create a batch conversion program that you manipulate using DREAM Writer. This program type processes a single master file by key. You choose the data for the batch update program using DREAM Writer Data Selection and Data Sequence parameters. You do not use Lockout Action Codes, user defined options, and function exits.

C.24.2 Printer File Definition

This program type requires that formats HEADING1, DETAIL1, and ERROR1 exist in the printer file. Format TOTAL1 is optional for totals.

C.24.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL6 to create a CL program for use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.24.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a key for a single master file. The master file contains 1 in the Update column. This program type does not update the master file. Clear the X from the Add column, if necessary. The printer file begins with R and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.24.5 Special Considerations

If you are printing totals using format TOTAL1, use the special keywords for Data Dictionary description (VC1ROW), data key field (VC1KEY), and data key description (VC1DSC).

When printing the error report, format ERROR1 must contain the special fields for error message description (RRDSCA) and error message number (RREKEY).

When creating your DREAM Writer Version, enter 2 in the Type Report Totaling field on the Additional Parameters screen. This allows hierarchal totaling and page breaks in the Data Sequence.

This program type uses subroutine S005 for all calculations. Add special logic necessary between the read of the primary master file and the update of the master file.

This program updates the master file records in subroutine S010.

C.24.6 Quick Start Generation

You cannot generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.

C.25 Y0030 - Conversion, One File Write with Error Report

C.25.1 Description

Use this program type to create a batch conversion program that you manipulate using DREAM Writer. This program type processes a single master file by key. You choose the data for the batch update program using DREAM Writer Data Selection and Data Sequence parameters. You do not use Lockout Action Codes, user defined options, and function exits.

C.25.2 Printer File Definition

This program type requires that formats HEADING1, DETAIL1, and ERROR1 exist in the printer file. Format TOTAL1 is optional for totals.

C.25.3 CL Program Definition

Copy and revise the model CL program J98MODEL6 to create a CL program for use with this program type. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to automatically create your CL program.

C.25.4 File Specifications

This program type requires that you define a key for a single master file. The master file contains 1 in the Update column. As this program type updates the master file, enter X in the Add column. The printer file begins with R and has blank selection columns. Add files to retrieve descriptions if necessary.

C.25.5 Special Considerations

If you are printing totals using format TOTAL1, use the special keywords for Data Dictionary description (VC1ROW), data key field (VC1KEY), and data key description (VC1DSC).

When printing the error report, format ERROR1 must contain the special fields for error message description (RRDSCA) and error message number (RREKEY).

When creating your DREAM Writer Version, enter 2 in the Type Report Totaling field on the Additional Parameters screen. This allows hierarchal totaling and page breaks in the Data Sequence.

This program type uses subroutine S005 for all calculations. Add special logic necessary between the read of the primary master file and the update of the master file.

This program updates the master file records in subroutine S010.

C.25.6 Quick Start Generation

You cannot generate this program type using the Quick Start CL Generator.