E JD Edwards World Subroutines and Flows

This appendix contains these topics:

E.1 Subroutines

Using subroutines:

  • Allows for standard names to make program maintenance easier.

  • Launch primarily from Mainline.

The following table includes internal RPG subroutines within JD Edwards World programs:

Subroutine Description
S00EX Processes all function exits. Choose a function exit and the system launches one of the following programs:
  • Display Functions (F24) to launch P9601H

  • Field Sensitive Help (F1) launches X96CCX. After X96CCX launches, the system launches subroutine S00VL.

  • Display Error Message (F7) launches P0000E

  • HELP launches P00HELP

  • Clear Screen (F22) launches subroutine S001

  • Launches all programs to process all user defined function keys

S00VL Retrieves values with Field Level Help.

After X96CCX launches, the system launches subroutine S00VL.

S00OP Subfile Options.
S001 Clears all database and screen fields. This usually only clears key fields and VC0 fields if you choose Clear Screen (F22).
S002 Checks for level breaks for reports.
  • Activates level break markers.

  • Retrieves the total line description

S003 Validates the key fields.

Launches subroutine S998 if the system invokes auto inquire.

Sets the file pointer.

  • Performs a SETLL and CHAIN if the program is a single record maintenance program

  • Performs a SETLL for subfile programs

Launches subroutine S004 to load screen and report fields

Monitors that subfile records load if this is a subfile

Loads subfile records that the system does not use with blanks

S004 Display and load the screen or report fields.
S005 Scrubs and edits screen and report fields.
  • Moves screen data to database fields

  • Activates error indicators if a field value is in error

  • Updates records in the database file if this is a subfile

  • Updates the subfile

S010 For reports with level breaks it:
  • Prints the total

  • Clears the level break totals

  • Prints the grand total when it reaches the end of the file

  • Prints the detail

  • Adds to the new level break totals

Launches subroutine S020 if this is a report with subheadings

If this is not a report, S010 updates, adds, or deletes records from the database file.

Deactivates the Clear Screen (F22) function and executes S001 to clear the buffer before reading another record.

S020 Print Report Subheadings.
S998 Loads Data Dictionary values, one time only.

Retrieves row description for level breaks and subheadings, if applicable.

S999 Housekeeping, one time only.
  • Sets auto inquiry

  • Defines key lists

  • Retrieves processing options and level breaks, if applicable

  • Retrieves vocabulary overrides

  • Loads error messages

  • Opens file

  • Retrieves the current date

  • Defines work fields using *LIKE

  • Prints cover page and Helps in a report

E.2 Flows

E.2.1 Interactive Non-Subfile Program

Figure E-1 Interactive Non-Subfile Program flow

Description of Figure E-1 follows
Description of "Figure E-1 Interactive Non-Subfile Program flow"

E.2.2 Subfile Program with Options

Figure E-2 Subfile Program With Options flow

Description of Figure E-2 follows
Description of "Figure E-2 Subfile Program With Options flow"

E.2.3 Report Program without Subheadings

Figure E-3 Report Program Without Subheadings flow

Description of Figure E-3 follows
Description of "Figure E-3 Report Program Without Subheadings flow"

E.2.4 Report Program with Subheadings

Figure E-4 Report Program With Subheadings flow

Description of Figure E-4 follows
Description of "Figure E-4 Report Program With Subheadings flow"