A Program Generator Checklist

This appendix contains these topics:

You can use the following to aid you as you use the Program Generator. It includes topics that you should consider as you use the Program Generator.

A.1 Data File Design Aid

Attempt to create files with keys to avoid having to process by relative record numbers. Processing by relative record numbers is more complex than processing by keys.

A.2 Screen Design Aid

For Subfile Programs, you should define:

  • A hidden field for the parts of the file key that the subfile video uses if you create a maintenance subfile.

  • The hidden field, SH#RRN if processing by relative record numbers.

  • A hidden field for the data structure if processing by relative record numbers.

You should:

  • Note the video fields that relate to VC0 fields. You need this information in the Detailed Programming Facility in order to load the VC0 fields.

  • Note the error indicators the system assigns to screen fields.

  • Prepare final checks:

    • Did you assign the Default Cursor keyword to a video field?

    • Did you allow for upper and lower case on description fields?

    • Did you specify a K in the Edited field for the key fields only?


The Screen Design Aid is currently not available in the Java platform for JD Edwards World software. You must perform these tasks using the green screen platform of the software.

A.3 Report Design Aid

  • Change the Start/End lines for format HEADING1 from 1-4 to the length you need. Usually 1-8 will suffice.

  • Add DETAIL1 format.

  • Add TOTAL1 format if using hierarchical (dynamic) totaling. You must include one or all of the following fields which enable dynamic totaling:


  • Add HEADING2 format if using subheadings. You must include one or all of the following fields that enable subheadings to work properly:


A.4 Program Generator

  • All Programs:

    • Ensure the CAP Status is set to Y. If CAP Status is not set to Y, then something could have ended abnormally.

    • Verify the program type.

  • File Specifications:

    • You must specify one file with an M. Do not specify one file with an M and another with a 1 as the Program Generator views both files on an equal basis. Specify the main file as an M and subsequent files starting with 2.

    • You must specify a video or report file.

    • You cannot include description files if a field is in the HEADING2 format for a report.

  • Option and Function Exits:

    • Ensure the program the system is launching is setup to accept parameters sent by the function key or selection exit.

    • Modify any CL programs that also launch a program to send blank parameters. For example, CALL Pxxxxx PARM( )

    • Ensure the program to retrieve exists before using it on this screen.

    • Attempt to send PSxxxx fields instead of VDxxxx or SFxxxx fields.

    • May inadvertently change in the program the system launches.

    • You might have to define and load the PSxxxx fields manually.

  • Detailed Programming Facility:

    • Enter N in the Entry Optional field for key fields in a subfile. You specify this for the subfile fields, not the hidden fields as it enables the delete function.

    • Link VC0 fields to description files.

    • Use PDL in the Detailed Programming Facility to:

    • Affect subroutine S005 when you enter it with a data base field.

    • Affect subroutine S004 when you enter it with a video field.

    • Use the Return keyword to omit the standard code the Program Generator creates.

  • Specify a PLIST sequence if the program is going to receive parameters from another program. Use the video fields for this instead of the file fields.

  • Use *OUTPUT to retrieve the row description from the Data Dictionary for fields that you only use in the HEADING2 format and not the DETAIL1 format.