25 Work with Quick Start CL Generator

This chapter contains the topic:

25.1 Working with Quick Start CL Generator

The Quick Start CL Generator provides a quick and easy way for you to create a Control Language (CL) program for any of the following four types of programs.

  • Standard interactive program

  • Standard report program with DREAM Writer

  • File processor

  • File processor with DREAM Writer

Quick Start CL Generator does not add the new CL program to a menu. You must perform that task manually.

Perform the following tasks:

  • To create a program using the Quick Start CL Generator

  • To compile a CL program


From Computer Assisted Programming (CAP) (G93), choose Quick Start CL Generator

To create a program using the Quick Start CL Generator

  1. On Quick Start CL Generator, complete the following fields and click Enter:

    • Description

    • Program Name

    • Screen or Report Name

    • Select a Program Type(1-4)

    • Master File

    • Source File Name

    • Source Library Name

    • Object Library Name

  2. Perform one of the following:

    • Click Exit (F3) to return to the menu.

    • Click Enter to compile the program.

Figure 25-1 Quick Start CL Generator screen

Description of Figure 25-1 follows
Description of "Figure 25-1 Quick Start CL Generator screen"

Field Explanation
Description Use this field to enter a short one-line description of the program you are creating.
Program Name Type the name of the RPG program that the CL program will call. This is a required field. Do not leave it blank.

The name of the CL program generated will be the same as the RPG program name, but prefaced with a J instead of a P.

Screen or Report Name Type the screen or report file name associated with the program. This field is only required for program type 2.
Select a Program Type(1-4) Type one of the following in this field to indicate the type of program you are creating:

1 – Standard Interactive Program

2 – Standard Report Program with DREAM Writer

3 – File Processor

4 – File Processor with DREAM Writer

Master File Type the name of the data file to use for the program you are creating. This field is required for program types 2, 3, and 4.
Source File Name The member ID of the file used by the program.
Source Library Name File and library that contains the file source.
Object Library Name Enter the name of the object library where the program you are creating will reside. This is defaulted from the CASE Profiles.

To compile a CL program

On Quick Start CL Generator, enter 1 to choose Compile CL Program.

Figure 25-2 Quick Start CL Generator (Compile) screen

Description of Figure 25-2 follows
Description of "Figure 25-2 Quick Start CL Generator (Compile) screen"