4 Work with User-Provided Prerequisites

This chapter contains these topics:

There are several prerequisites that the user must provide. These prerequisites include the program developer being signed on to a JD Edwards World environment including QGPL in the library list and additional prerequisites.

4.1 Development Libraries

You must provide three types of libraries for CASE:

  • Source, which contains the Development Source File.

  • Object, which contains the CASE generated programs and device files, as well as your non-CASE developed programs and device files.

  • Data, which contains any CASE generated database files.

While it might be customary to create three different libraries for these purposes, this task is optional. Either of the following scenarios is acceptable.

Unique Libraries Common Libraries
Source = DEVSRC Source = DEVLIB
Object = DEVOBJ Object = DEVLIB

4.2 Multi-member Source File (JDESRC)

To use the Program Generator to develop application software, the program source file record must:

  • Be 142 bytes long to allow for the Program Generator serial number.

  • Contain eight specific fields. For example, DSPFFD F93002.

To create the multi-member source file JDESRC

  1. Enter the following on the Command Line:


    You use the F93002 file because it is in the correct format to generate the program.

    The To file can be any name and you can use JDESRC. However, JD Edwards World pristine source resides in JDESRC, so you can only use the JDESRC name if it is in a different library than the pristine JD Edwards World source library (JDFSRC).

    Do not use CRTSRCPF as it has only three fields in it, Date, Time, and Data, and the Program Generator requires extra fields.

    Figure 4-1 Copy File (CPYF) screen

    Description of Figure 4-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-1 Copy File (CPYF) screen"

    After you create the JDESRC file, you can remove the empty member that the system adds.

  2. Enter the following on the Command Line:


    Figure 4-2 Remove Member (RMVM) screen

    Description of Figure 4-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-2 Remove Member (RMVM) screen"

    After you create the JDESRC file, you can remove the empty member that the system adds.

    If the system incorrectly creates your JDESRC file, you receive the CPD3105 error message for incorrect source file format, due to either:

    • The wrong length

    • Improper formatting

4.3 Job Queues

By default, the system submits jobs to generate the program to the CLONE job queue, and the jobs to compile the program to the COMPILE job queue. If you want to use these default job queues, then you must create them and attach them to an existing subsystem.

If you want to use different job queues, or existing job queues, then you must override the defaults, either in the CASE Profile for *PUBLIC or the CASE Profile for specific users.

4.4 Project Management

You must determine the following regarding Project Management:

  1. Whether to manage CASE generated programs (or any development work) using the JD Edwards World Software Action Request System (SAR). JD Edwards World includes the SAR system as part of System 00, General Back Office, under the name of Work Order Processing.

  2. If you use the JD Edwards World SAR System to manage software development, then you must determine whether to use SAR logging.

    SAR Logging is a process that allows you to associate a SAR number with all of the components of the software development project. These include the Data Dictionary, UDCs, Files, Programs, Vocabulary Overrides, DREAM Writer, and Menus. SAR Logging allows you to identify what components you must move from your development environment to a testing environment and a production environment.

    If you use SAR Logging, you must determine what method you use to link a SAR number with each piece of the development work. There are two ways to associate a SAR number with development:

    • Use a default SAR number, which you use with all development work until you change the default number.

    • Enter the SAR number as you perform the development work.

    The results of your decisions reside in your *PUBLIC CASE Profiles.

4.5 CASE Profiles

CASE profiles are user-defined values that can pertain to individual users or to one default *PUBLIC user profile. The system:

  • Stores information in the CASE Profiles file (F98009).

  • Uses the profiles to define the overall CASE operating environment.

You define various processing control parameters, including:

  • Default development libraries

  • Compile job queue

  • Program Generator source generation job queue

  • Compile print options

  • SAR logging options

The system overrides the *PUBLIC default values with the individual CASE profile values.

  • You must complete all fields when entering information for *PUBLIC.

  • You maintain default CASE Profile values in a record with the User ID *PUBLIC. Enter CASE Profile values for individual users only if you want to override the *PUBLIC values.

  • You can leave all fields blank except for the specific values you want to override when entering values for individual users.

  • The system uses the values in the record for User ID *PUBLIC as the defaults for all users unless individual user profiles have been set up.

  • You cannot delete the *PUBLIC record.

The system uses the values in the SAR Number and SAR Delivery fields to determine what type of SAR logging should occur.

Value in the SAR Delivery field SAR Logging
*NONE No SAR logging at all.
*LOG The system does not include a SAR number as part of the SAR logging.
*DFT The system uses the SAR number you specify for the SAR logging.
*PROMPT The system prompts you for a SAR number and revision notes when it creates an entry to the SAR log.

To access CASE profiles


From Computer Assisted Design (G92), choose Case Profiles

Alternatively, on the Software Versions Repository screen, choose Repository Services. On the Repository Services window, choose Case Profiles and then click Enter.

Figure 4-3 Software Versions Repository screen

Description of Figure 4-3 follows
Description of "Figure 4-3 Software Versions Repository screen"

The program attempts to locate the CASE profile for your User ID. An error message displays on the CASE Profiles screen if your user ID is not set up.

  1. On Case Profiles, locate the *PUBLIC user ID.

  2. Enter your Used ID, complete any of the fields and click Change to create your record.

Figure 4-4 CASE Profiles screen

Description of Figure 4-4 follows
Description of "Figure 4-4 CASE Profiles screen"

Field Explanation
Source File The Source File Name field contains the name of the file where the source for an object exists. In the program generator File Specifications this name is defaulted to "JDESRC". In combination with the source library name it identifies where the program generator places the generated source code. The system uses this file to find the source for each data file, display file or report file which it must analyze to create the data field parameters. As used in the automated installation processing file this is the source file of an object at the time the object was created.
Source Library The default library where source will be stored. The source file specified must reside within this library.
Object Library The default library where compiled objects will be stored.
CL Source File The default library where source for CL programs will be stored. This file must reside within the specified source library.
Data File Library The default data file library specifies the test (or development) library for physical and logical files. This library is used as the default object library for the Software Versions Repository when copying source code for physical or logical files.
SAR Number An abbreviation for software action request (SAR).
  • *NONE = the SAR number will not be validated in any of the CAD/CAP programs and can be left blank.

  • If a SAR number is entered, it is used in conjunction with the SAR Delivery Type of *DFT (default).

  • If the SAR Number is left blank, you must enter a valid SAR number when using the CAD/CAP tools.

Version ID The software version number to be defaulted in the Software Versions Repository file.
Status Code This code determines the status of the software as well as where it resides in production. It will specify that the software is in production, in development, or in release.
Compile Job Queue Specifies which job queue will be used when submitting programs to compile. This job queue is used for programs with function code of RPG, CBL, PLI, C and SYSC.
Prog Gen Job Queue Specifies which job queue will be used when submitting jobs to the Program Generator. These jobs include the source code generation and the source code monitor from SEU.
Compile Target Release Used by various System CRT commands (RPG, CLP, COBOL, C) to compile an object compatible with a specified target release.
  • A value of *CURRENT compiles an object compatible to the release of the machine at compile time.

  • A value of *PRV compiles an object compatible with both one release back and the current release.

Print Option Used to designate whether or not a report will be generated when an object is compiled.
  • 0 = no print

  • 1 = print

  • 2 = print and hold spool file

  • 3 = print only, does not generate execution object (applies to COBOL and RPG only)

  • 4 = print when compile or creation fails

Cross-Reference Listing Enter Y or N. Specifies whether a cross-reference listing will be generated for variables and fields in a program's compile listing.
SAR File Library Specifies which library the Software Action Request (SAR) file (F4801) being used for software development exists in. If left blank, the user's library list will be used. You may specify *NONE in the SAR number field (MSAR) if you do not want any SAR number editing.
SAR Delivery Type Associated with SAR logging, which tracks all modifications to JD Edwards World' software. For example, it will track when User Defined Codes are modified.
  • *NONE = no logging.

  • *LOG = log to SAR number 00000000 (no SAR number is used for logging).

  • *DFT = log to a default SAR number (specified in the SAR Number field).

  • *PROMPT = log and prompt the user for the SAR number to be used and allow the user to enter the revision notes.

Source Gen Opt (Future) Specifies whether to generate source interactively or in batch for programs with this option (for example, Fast Path Application Tool).

Allowed values are as follows:

1. generate source on-line (interactively)

2. generate source in batch

Helps Maint Opt(Future) Enter a user defined code, 92/HL.

4.5.1 Function Exits

Choose Redisplay Previously Changed Member (F9) to locate the last record to which you made changes.

4.6 Object Authorities

The system checks the user's authorities to some objects at different steps in generating programs using CASE. Therefore, it is necessary that you review these authorities initially.

4.6.1 Job Control Authority

On the user's IBM User Profile, you must set the Special Authority parameter to *JOBCTL. This authority is necessary when entering the CASE Specifications.

4.6.2 Source Library

Ensure that the user has Object Management authority to the Source Library for software development.

4.6.3 Source File

Ensure that the user has Object Management authority to the Source File for software development.

4.6.4 Job Queues

Ensure that the user has authorization to use the job queues for generating source code and compiling programs.