C EBB Messages

This list contains Electronic Burst and Bind messages along with the level of severity and message text for each.

Message ID Severity Message Text
EBB0002 0 Last Record is Displayed
EBB0003 0 First Record is Displayed
EBB0004 10 Invalid Library, File, or Member Name
EBB0005 10 Valid Library Name Required
EBB0006 10 Valid Source File Name Required
EBB0007 10 Valid Member Name Required
EBB0008 10 Valid Output Queue Required
EBB0009 0 Parameters OK - press F10 to continue
EBB0010 10 AS/400 Model Number not found in program table
EBB0011 10 AS/400 Model Serial Number contains an invalid character
EBB0013 10 Customer Number not found on Address Book
EBB0014 0 Software Authorization has been logged
EBB0016 10 First-Time Installation must be Y or N
EBB0017 10 At least one library must be specified to contain EBB data files
EBB0018 10 At least one library must be specified containing the JD Edwards World setup files
EBB0019 0 Report Finished Successfully
EBB0020 10 Report DID NOT FINISH
EBB0021 0 Report Cancelled at User Request
EBB0022 10 Alpha or Date Sequence must be A or D
EBB0023 10 Re-install Backup response must be Y or yes or N for no
EBB0024 10 JD Edwards World Object Library must be specified
EBB0026 10 Target Release is not valid
EBB0027 10 Invalid Row. Row must be between 1 and 57
EBB0028 10 Invalid Column. Column must be between 1 and 198
EBB0029 10 Routing Description Invalid
EBB0030 10 Invalid Length Entered Length Must be Greater Than Zero For An ADD
EBB0031 10 Total Key Length Cannot Exceed 90 Positions
EBB0032 10 Invalid Delete, There are no records to be deleted
EBB0033 10 Sequence number already in use You may not duplicate sequence numbers
EBB0034 10 The key length selected can not be less than zero
EBB0035 10 Burst criteria must be on the same row
EBB0040 0 Preload Select Keys Is Running Please be patient
EBB0041 0 Pre Load Select Keys Has Completed, And Found xxx New Select Keys
EBB0042 10 Version xxx report xxx was not found in this OUTQ
EBB0043 10 Select Key Can Not Be Blank
EBB0044 10 Install to Separate Environment must be 'Y' or 'N'
EBB0045 10 Library not found Please check
EBB0046 10 EBB object library was found, and an initial install was requested Please check
EBB0047 10 EBB object library was not found, and a re-install was requested Please check
EBB8000 10 All reports for version: xxx must be in OUTQ EBBSTART and in Ready Status
EBB8001 20 No Functions Found For Version ID: xxx
EBB8003 10 EBB Spool File Not In Ready Status For Version ID
EBB8004 0 No EBB version found for spool file with userdata
EBB8005 10 Error in the Substitute Select Key process (See second level text)
EBB8006 10 Error in the Substitute Select Key process (See second level text)
EBB8007 10 Error in the Substitute Select Key process (See second level text)
EBB8008 10 Rebuild Cross Reference must be 'Y' or 'N'
EBB8009 10 If Rebuild is yes, a DREAM Writer Version must be entered
EBB8010 10 Table Name must be entered
EBB8011 10 Enter a 'Y' or 'N' in the Print Key field
EBB8012 10 Print Row must be between 1 and 99
EBB8013 10 Print Position must be between 1 and 191
EBB8014 10 Print Length must be between 1 and 191
EBB8015 10 Date is not valid Please check
EBB8900 10 Invalid Version ID entered
EBB9000 0 EBB monitor started at [time] on [date] by [xxx]
EBB9001 0 EBB monitor ended at [time] on [date] by [xxx]
EBB9002 10 The EBB Monitor is Already Active
EBB9801 20 F0090 was not found in any of the selected common libraries
EBB9802 20 F9200 was not found in any of the selected common libraries
EBB9803 20 F9220 was not found in any of the selected common libraries
EBB9804 20 F9601 was not found in any of the selected common libraries
EBB9805 20 F9611 was not found in any of the selected common libraries
EBB9806 20 F9620 was not found in any of the selected common libraries
EBB9807 20 F9621 was not found in any of the selected common libraries
EBB9808 20 F9801 was not found in any of the selected common libraries
EBB9809 20 F98301 was not found in any of the selected common libraries
EBB9810 20 F0020 was not found in any of the selected common libraries
EBB9811 20 F9800 was not found in any of the selected common libraries
EBB9900 0 EBB Software Installation Completed Successfully
EBB9904 10 Library EBBLIB already exists - reinstall not requested
EBB9905 10 Library EBBLIB does not exist - reinstall requested
EBB9906 0 EBB Create Demo Tape finished successfully
EBB9907 10 EBB Demo Tape Create DID NOT COMPLETE
EBB9908 0 EBB Create Demo Tape cancelled by user request
EBB9909 10 Library specified for the JD Edwards World object library does not exist
EBB9910 10 System Code 60 is already in use on your system
EBB9912 10 Delay Time may not be zero or negative
EBB9913 10 EBB JOBQ Name may not be left blank
EBB9914 10 Invalid JOBQ Specified
EBB9915 10 Invalid Receiving OUTQ
EBB9916 10 Invalid Error OUTQ
EBB9917 10 Invalid Default JD Edwards World Dream Writer Source Library
EBB9918 10 Invalid JD Edwards World Dream Writer Source File
EBB9919 10 Invalid Function
EBB9920 10 Duplicate Version ID
EBB9921 10 You Must Enter A Version ID
EBB9922 10 You Must Enter A Version Description
EBB9923 10 Invalid Selection Must Be (Y,N)
EBB9924 10 The Demo Reports may not have loaded correctly
EBB9931 10 Auxiliary Storage Pool must be 1 - 16
EBB9932 0 EBB data file library xxx created
EBB9933 0 EBB data area EBBFIL# created in library xxx
EBB9934 0 EBB data area QEBB created in library xxx
EBB9935 0 EBBFileF6001createdinlibraryxxx
EBB9936 0 EBBFileF6002createdinlibraryxxx
EBB9937 0 EBBFileF6004createdinlibraryxxx
EBB9938 0 EBBFileF6006createdinlibraryxxx
EBB9939 0 EBBFileF6006convertedfromVersion1xinlibraryxxx
EBB9940 0 EBBFileF6007createdinlibraryxxx
EBB9941 0 EBBFileF6007mergedwitholddatainlibraryxxx
EBB9942 0 EBBFileF6008createdinlibraryxxx
EBB9943 0 EBBFileF6008Icreatedinlibraryxxx
EBB9944 0 EBBFileF6009createdinlibraryxxx
EBB9945 0 EBBFileF6011createdinlibraryxxx
EBB9946 0 EBBFileF6020createdinlibraryxxx
EBB9947 0 EBBFileF6021createdinlibraryxxx
EBB9948 0 EBBFileF6021convertedfromVersionxxxinlibraryxxx
EBB9949 0 EBBOUTQ EBBERRQ created in library xxx
EBB9950 0 EBBOUTQ EBBSTART created in library xxx
EBB9951 0 EBBOUTQ EBBFINAL created in library xxx
EBB9952 0 EBBMSGQ EBBMSGQ created in library xxx
EBB9953 0 EBBJOBD EBBJOBD created in library xxx
EBB9954 0 This job will delete EBB install libraries. Do you want to proceed? (Y or N)
EBB9988 20 EBB Software Installation DID NOT COMPLETE-call support.
EBB9989 0 EBB Software Installation cancelled by user request