37 View the EBB Process Report

This chapter contains the topic:

37.1 Viewing the EBB Process Report

Each time the monitor processes reports, it generates a process report in the EBBFINAL output queue. Even if you route the reports to another output queue, EBBFINAL receives the process report. This report is the EBB Spool File Routing Report (R98E04).

The process report indicates a status of HLD which allows you to determine whether to view or print the report. It reflects one of the following messages:

  • Routed other than to Default

  • Routed to Default Outq

  • Routed to Error Outq

The report prints totals for the number of select keys with a print routing function, the number of reports sent to the default output queue you set up, and the number of reports sent to an error output queue because new select keys were found when bursting the report.

The error output queue contains reports burst with no routing instruction. For example, you add a new business unit to a report after you set up the original report in EBB. Because no select key exists for that business unit, you must add a select key or preload select keys before you burst to correct the report.

The Enter column might contain the following letters:

  • P - indicates that routing functions exist.

  • D - designates the default output queue.

  • E - specifies the error output queue. Notice that the OUTQ column displays the name of the output queue.