71 Overview to Unattended Night Operations (Sleeper)

This chapter contains these topics:

71.1 Objectives

  • To understand how to set up Sleeper

  • To understand how to schedule Sleeper

  • To understand how to activate Sleeper

71.2 About Unattended Night Operations (Sleeper)

Use Sleeper to run your jobs at a specified time. You generally do this with the following types of jobs:

  • Lengthy jobs

  • Jobs that take up a great deal of machine resources

  • Jobs that require users to be signed off JD Edwards World software

  • Jobs that need to run periodically

Sleeper is a dedicated subsystem that runs only one job - the Sleeper job. This job submits scheduled jobs and releases all the jobs that have been set for unattended release.

When you submit a job for unattended release, you must specify the date and time that you want the job released. Once the Sleeper subsystem is started, it will check the list of jobs every five minutes, or whatever time you decide, and release any jobs designated for release. If the Sleeper subsystem is not active at the release time for a given job, the job is released when the subsystem is started.

This section describes the following tasks:

  • Set up Sleeper

  • Schedule unattended operations

  • Submit one-time jobs using Hidden Selection 82

  • Activate Sleeper