7 Defining Depreciation Methods for Japan

To define the depreciation methods for Japan, this chapter contains these topics:

7.1 Salvage Value

Defining this depreciation method includes the following tasks:

  • Adding a user defined code

  • Setting up depreciation formulas

  • Setting up the depreciation method

7.1.1 Adding a User Defined Code

On General User Defined Codes for Depreciation Method (12/DM), create code SV for Salvage Value.

Figure 7-1 General User Defined Codes screen (SV)

Description of Figure 7-1 follows
Description of "Figure 7-1 General User Defined Codes screen (SV)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Code SV
Description Salvage Value
Special Handling Code 1
Hard Coded N

7.1.2 Setting Up Depreciation Formulas

On Depreciation Formula Revision, define the following formulas:

  • Basis

  • Salvage amount

  • First to final year

  • Beyond asset life


Figure 7-2 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Basis)

Description of Figure 7-2 follows
Description of "Figure 7-2 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Basis)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Formula ID B01
Description Basis
Formula 01-07

Salvage Amount

Figure 7-3 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Salvage Amount)

Description of Figure 7-3 follows
Description of "Figure 7-3 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Salvage Amount)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Formula ID S01
Description Salvage Amount
Formula 01*12
Multiplier/Constant .100000

First to Final Year

Figure 7-4 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (First to Final Year)

Description of Figure 7-4 follows
Description of "Figure 7-4 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (First to Final Year)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Formula ID A11
Description 1st to Final Year
Formula 10/03*49

Beyond Asset Life

Figure 7-5 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Beyond Asset Life)

Description of Figure 7-5 follows
Description of "Figure 7-5 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Beyond Asset Life)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Formula ID A12
Description Beyond asset life
Formula 07*12
Multiplier/Constant .500000

7.1.3 Setting Up the Depreciation Method

On Depreciation Rule Revisions, set up the depreciation method.

Setting up the depreciation method includes the following tasks:

  • Setting up reference information and conventions

  • Attaching the formulas to depreciation method SV Setting Up Reference Information and Conventions

Figure 7-6 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Reference)

Description of Figure 7-6 follows
Description of "Figure 7-6 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Reference)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Depreciation Method SV
Rule Description Japan - Salvage Value
Life (Periods) 36
Initial Term Apport A
Compute Direction C
In Service From/Thru 01.01.00 / 01.31.03
Allow Over Depreciation 2 Attaching the Formula to Depreciation Method SV

Attach the following formula to the depreciation method:

Figure 7-7 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Method SV)

Description of Figure 7-7 follows
Description of "Figure 7-7 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Method SV)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Life Yr Frm 1
Life Yr Thr 3
Depreciation A11
Basis B01
SC (Secondary Percentage Confirmation) 1
Salvage Value S01

7.2 Zoka-Shokyaku (Straight Line)

Defining this depreciation method includes the following tasks:

  • Adding a user defined code

  • Setting up depreciation formulas

  • Setting up the depreciation method

7.2.1 Adding a User Defined Code

On General User Defined Codes for Depreciation Method (12/DM), create code Z1 for Zoka-Shokyaku, Straight Line.

Figure 7-8 General User Defined Codes screen (Z1)

Description of Figure 7-8 follows
Description of "Figure 7-8 General User Defined Codes screen (Z1)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Code Z1
Description Zoka-Shokyaku, Straight Line
Special Handling Code 1
Hard Coded N

7.2.2 Setting Up Depreciation Formulas

On Depreciation Formula Revision, define the following formulas:

  • First and subsequent years depreciation

  • Final year depreciation

First and Subsequent Years Depreciation

Figure 7-9 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (First and Subsequent Years)

Description of Figure 7-9 follows
Description of "Figure 7-9 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (First and Subsequent Years)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Formula ID Z11
Description Zoka-Shokyaku SL
Formula ((10/03)*12)*49
Multiplier/Constant .330000

Final Year Depreciation

Figure 7-10 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Final Year)

Description of Figure 7-10 follows
Description of "Figure 7-10 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Final Year)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Formula ID Z12
Description Zoka-Shokyaku Final
Formula 10+02

7.2.3 Setting Up the Depreciation Method

On Depreciation Rule Revisions, set up the depreciation method.

Setting up the depreciation method includes the following tasks:

  • Setting up reference information and conventions

  • Attaching the formulas to depreciation method Z1 Setting Up Reference Information and Conventions

Figure 7-11 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Reference)

Description of Figure 7-11 follows
Description of "Figure 7-11 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Reference)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Depreciation Method Z1
Rule Description Zoka-Shokyaku Straight Line
Life (Periods) 36
Initial Term Apport A
Compute Direction C
In Service From/Thru 01/01/00 / 12/31/02
Effective From/Thru 01/01/00 / 12/31/02 Attaching the Formulas to Depreciation Method Z1

Attach the following formulas to the depreciation method:

  • First Record: Life Years 1 through 2

  • Second Record: Life Year 3

First Record: Life Years 1 through 2

Figure 7-12 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Years 1 through 2)

Description of Figure 7-12 follows
Description of "Figure 7-12 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Years 1 through 2)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Life Yr Frm 1
Life Yr Thr 2
Depreciation Z11
Basis B01
SC (Secondary Percentage Confirmation) 1
Salvage Value S01

Second Record: Life Year 3

Figure 7-13 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Year 3)

Description of Figure 7-13 follows
Description of "Figure 7-13 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Year 3)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Life Yr Frm 3
Life Yr Thr 3
Depreciation Z12
Basis B01
SC (Secondary Percentage Confirmation) 1
Salvage Value S01

7.3 Zoka-Shokyaku (Double Declining Balance)

Defining this depreciation method includes the following tasks:

  • Adding a user defined code

  • Setting up depreciation formulas

  • Setting up the depreciation method

7.3.1 Adding a User Defined Code

On General User Defined Codes for Depreciation Method (12/DM), create code Z2 for Zoka-Shokyaku, Double Declining Balance.

Figure 7-14 General User Defined Codes screen (Z2)

Description of Figure 7-14 follows
Description of "Figure 7-14 General User Defined Codes screen (Z2)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Code Z2
Description Zoka-Shokyaku, DDB
Special Handling Code 1
Hard Coded N

7.3.2 Setting Up Depreciation Formulas

On Depreciation Formula Revision, define the following formulas:

  • First and subsequent years depreciation

  • Final year depreciation

First and Subsequent Years Depreciation

Figure 7-15 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (First and Subsequent Years)

Description of Figure 7-15 follows
Description of "Figure 7-15 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (First and Subsequent Years)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Formula ID Z21
Description 1st and subsequent
Formula (10*11/03)*12
Multiplier/Constant .330000

Final Year Depreciation

Figure 7-16 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Final Year)

Description of Figure 7-16 follows
Description of "Figure 7-16 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Final Year)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Formula ID Z22
Description Final Year
Formula 10+02

7.3.3 Setting Up the Depreciation Method

On Depreciation Rule Revisions, set up the depreciation method.

Setting up the depreciation method includes the following tasks:

  • Setting up reference information and conventions

  • Attaching the formulas to depreciation method Z2 Setting Up Reference Information and Conventions

Figure 7-17 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Reference)

Description of Figure 7-17 follows
Description of "Figure 7-17 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Reference)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Depreciation Method Z2
Rule Description Zoka-Shokyaku, DDB
Life (Periods) 36
Initial Term Apport A
Compute Direction C
In Service From/Thru 01/01/00 / 12/31/03
Effective From/Thru 01/01/00 / 12/31/03 Attaching the Formulas to Depreciation Method Z2

Attach the following formulas to the depreciation method:

  • First Record: Life Years 1 through 2

  • Second Record: Life Year 3

First Record: Life Years 1 through 2

Figure 7-18 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Years 1 and 2)

Description of Figure 7-18 follows
Description of "Figure 7-18 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Years 1 and 2)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Life Yr Frm 1
Life Yr Thr 2
Annual Multiplier 2
Depreciation Z21
Basis B01
SC (Secondary Percentage Confirmation) 1
Salvage Value S01

Second Record: Life Year 3

Figure 7-19 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Year 3)

Description of Figure 7-19 follows
Description of "Figure 7-19 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Year 3)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Life Yr Frm 3
Life Yr Thr 3
Depreciation Z22
Basis B01
SC (Secondary Percentage Confirmation) 1
Salvage Value S01

7.4 Tokubetsu-Shokyaku (Straight Line)

Defining this depreciation method includes the following tasks:

  • Adding a user defined code

  • Setting up depreciation formulas

  • Setting up the depreciation method

7.4.1 Adding a User Defined Code

On General User Defined Codes for Depreciation Method (12/DM), create code T1 for Tokubetsu-Shokyaku, Straight Line.

Figure 7-20 General User Defined Codes screen (T1)

Description of Figure 7-20 follows
Description of "Figure 7-20 General User Defined Codes screen (T1)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Code T1
Description Tokubetsu-Shokyaku, SL
Special Handling Code 1
Hard Coded N

7.4.2 Setting Up Depreciation Formulas

On Depreciation Formula Revision, define the following formulas:

  • First year depreciation

  • Second and subsequent years depreciation

  • Final year depreciation

First Year Depreciation

Figure 7-21 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (First Year)

Description of Figure 7-21 follows
Description of "Figure 7-21 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (First Year)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Formula ID T11
Description 1st year depreciation
Formula ((10/03)+(10/03*12))*49
Multiplier/Constant .330000

Second and Subsequent Years Depreciation

Figure 7-22 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Second and Subsequent Years)

Description of Figure 7-22 follows
Description of "Figure 7-22 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Second and Subsequent Years)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Formula ID T12
Description 2nd and subsequent
Formula (10/03)*49

Final Year Depreciation

Figure 7-23 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Final Year)

Description of Figure 7-23 follows
Description of "Figure 7-23 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Final Year)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Formula ID T13
Description Final year depreciation
Formula 10+02

7.4.3 Setting Up the Depreciation Method

On Depreciation Rule Revisions, set up the depreciation method.

Setting up the depreciation method includes the following tasks:

  • Setting up reference information and conventions

  • Attaching the formulas to depreciation method T1 Setting Up Reference Information and Conventions

Figure 7-24 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Reference)

Description of Figure 7-24 follows
Description of "Figure 7-24 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Reference)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Depreciation Method T1
Rule Description Tokubetsu-Shokyaku, SL
Life (Periods) 36
Initial Term Apport A
Compute Direction C
In Service From/Thru 01/01/00 / 12/31/02
Effective From/Thru 01/01/00 / 12/31/02 Attaching the Formulas to Depreciation Method T1

Attach the following formulas to the depreciation method:

  • First Record: Life Year 1

  • Second Record: Life Year 2

  • Third Record: Life Year 3

First Record: Life Year 1

Figure 7-25 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Year 1)

Description of Figure 7-25 follows
Description of "Figure 7-25 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Year 1)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Life Yr Frm 1
Life Yr Thr 1
Depreciation T11
Basis B01
SC (Secondary Percentage Confirmation) 1
Salvage Value S01

Second Record: Life Year 2

Figure 7-26 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Year 2)

Description of Figure 7-26 follows
Description of "Figure 7-26 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Year 2)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Life Yr Frm 2
Life Yr Thr 2
Depreciation T12
Basis B01
SC (Secondary Percentage Confirmation) 1
Salvage Value S01

Third Record: Life Year 3

Figure 7-27 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Year 3)

Description of Figure 7-27 follows
Description of "Figure 7-27 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Year 3)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Life Yr Frm 3
Life Yr Thr 3
Depreciation T13
Basis B01
SC (Secondary Percentage Confirmation) 1
Salvage Value S01

7.5 Tokubetsu-Shokyaku (Double Declining Balance)

Defining this depreciation method includes the following tasks:

  • Adding a user defined code

  • Setting up depreciation formulas

  • Setting up the depreciation method

7.5.1 Adding a User Defined Code

On General User Defined Codes for Depreciation Method (12/DM), create code T2 for Tokubetsu-Shokyaku, Double Declining Balance.

Figure 7-28 General User Defined Codes screen (T2)

Description of Figure 7-28 follows
Description of "Figure 7-28 General User Defined Codes screen (T2)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Code T2
Description Tokubetsu-Shokyaku DDB
Special Handling Code 1
Hard Coded N

7.5.2 Setting Up Depreciation Formulas

On Depreciation Formula Revision, define the following formulas:

  • First year depreciation

  • Second and subsequent years depreciation

  • Final year depreciation

First Year Depreciation

Figure 7-29 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (First Year)

Description of Figure 7-29 follows
Description of "Figure 7-29 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (First Year)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Formula ID T21
Description 1st year depreciation
Formula (10*11/03)+((10*11/03)*12)
Multiplier/Constant .330000

Second and Subsequent Years Depreciation

Figure 7-30 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Second and Subsequent Years)

Description of Figure 7-30 follows
Description of "Figure 7-30 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Second and Subsequent Years)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Formula ID T22
Description 2nd and subsequent
Formula (10*11/03)

Final Year Depreciation

Figure 7-31 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Final Year)

Description of Figure 7-31 follows
Description of "Figure 7-31 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Final Year)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Formula ID T23
Description Final year
Formula 10+02

7.5.3 Setting Up the Depreciation Method

On Depreciation Rule Revisions, set up the depreciation method.

Setting up the depreciation method includes the following tasks:

  • Setting up reference information and conventions

  • Attaching the formulas to depreciation method T2 Setting Up Reference Information and Conventions

Figure 7-32 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Reference)

Description of Figure 7-32 follows
Description of "Figure 7-32 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Reference)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Depreciation Method T2
Rule Description Tokubetsu-Shokyaku DDB
Life (Periods) 36
Initial Term Apport A
Compute Direction C
In Service From/Thru 01/01/00 / 12/31/02
Effective From/Thru 01/01/00 / 12/31/02 Attaching the Formulas to Depreciation Method T2

Attach the following formulas to the depreciation method:

  • First Record: Life Year 1

  • Second Record: Life Year 2

  • Third Record: Life Year 3

First Record: Life Year 1

Figure 7-33 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Year 1)

Description of Figure 7-33 follows
Description of "Figure 7-33 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Year 1)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Life Yr Frm 1
Life Yr Thr 1
Annual Multiplier 2
Depreciation T21
Basis B01
SC (Secondary Percentage Confirmation) 1
Salvage Value S01

Second Record: Life Year 2

Figure 7-34 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Year 2)

Description of Figure 7-34 follows
Description of "Figure 7-34 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Year 2)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Life Yr Frm 2
Life Yr Thr 2
Annual Multiplier 2.00000000
Depreciation T22
Basis B01
SC (Secondary Percentage Confirmation) 1
Salvage Value S01

Third Record: Life Year 3

Figure 7-35 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Year 3)

Description of Figure 7-35 follows
Description of "Figure 7-35 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Year 3)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Life Yr Frm 3
Life Yr Thr 3
Annual Multiplier 2.00000000
Depreciation T23
Basis B01
SC (Secondary Percentage Confirmation) 1
Salvage Value S01

7.6 Warimashi-Shokyaku (Straight Line)

Defining this depreciation method includes the following tasks:

  • Adding a user defined code

  • Setting up depreciation formulas

  • Setting up the depreciation method

7.6.1 Adding a User Defined Code

On General User Defined Codes for Depreciation Method (12/DM), create code W1 for Warimashi-Shokyaku, Straight Line.

Figure 7-36 General User Defined Codes screen (W1)

Description of Figure 7-36 follows
Description of "Figure 7-36 General User Defined Codes screen (W1)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated:

Field Value
Code W1
Description Warimashi-Shokyaku SL
Special Handling Code 1
Hard Coded N

7.6.2 Setting Up Depreciation Formulas

On Depreciation Formula Revision, define the following formulas:

  • First and subsequent years depreciation

  • Final year depreciation

First and Subsequent Years Depreciation

Figure 7-37 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (First and Subsequent Years)

Description of Figure 7-37 follows
Description of "Figure 7-37 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (First and Subsequent Years)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Formula ID W11
Description 1st and subsequent
Formula ((10/03)+(10/03*12))*49
Multiplier/Constant .350000

Final Year Depreciation

Figure 7-38 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Final Year)

Description of Figure 7-38 follows
Description of "Figure 7-38 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Final Year)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Formula ID W12
Description Final year depreciation
Formula 10+02

7.6.3 Setting Up the Depreciation Method

On Depreciation Rule Revisions, set up the depreciation method.

Setting up the depreciation method includes the following tasks:

  • Setting up reference information and conventions

  • Attaching the formulas to depreciation method W1 Setting Up Reference Information and Conventions

Figure 7-39 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Reference)

Description of Figure 7-39 follows
Description of "Figure 7-39 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Reference)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Depreciation Method W1
Rule Description Warimashi-Shokyaku SL
Life (Periods) 36
Initial Term Apport A
Compute Direction C
In Service From/Thru 01/01/00 / 12/31/02
Effective From/Thru 01/01/00 / 12/31/02 Attaching the Formulas to Depreciation Method W1

Attach the following formulas to the depreciation method:

  • First Record: Life Years 1 through 2

  • Second Record: Life Year 3

First Record: Life Years 1 through 2

Figure 7-40 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Years 1 through 2)

Description of Figure 7-40 follows
Description of "Figure 7-40 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Years 1 through 2)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Life Yr Frm 1
Life Yr Thr 2
Depreciation W11
Basis B01
SC (Secondary Percentage Confirmation) 1
Salvage Value S01

Second Record: Life Year 3

Figure 7-41 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Year 3)

Description of Figure 7-41 follows
Description of "Figure 7-41 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Year 3)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Life Yr Frm 3
Life Yr Thr 3
Depreciation W12
Basis B01
SC (Secondary Percentage Confirmation) 1
Salvage Value S01

7.7 Warimashi-Shokyaku (Double Declining Balance)

Defining this depreciation method includes the following tasks:

  • Adding a user defined code

  • Setting up depreciation formulas

  • Setting up the depreciation method

7.7.1 Adding a User Defined Code

On General User Defined Codes for Depreciation Method (12/DM), create code W2 for Warimashi-Shokyaku, Double Declining Balance.

Figure 7-42 General User Defined Codes screen (W2)

Description of Figure 7-42 follows
Description of "Figure 7-42 General User Defined Codes screen (W2)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Code W2
Description Warimashi-Shokyaku DDB
Special Handling Code 1
Hard Coded N

7.7.2 Setting Up Depreciation Formulas

On Depreciation Formula Revision, define the following formulas:

  • First and subsequent years depreciation

  • Final year depreciation

First and Subsequent Years Depreciation

Figure 7-43 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (First and Subsequent Years)

Description of Figure 7-43 follows
Description of "Figure 7-43 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (First and Subsequent Years)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Formula ID W21
Description 1st and subsequent years
Formula (10*11/03)+(10*11/03*12)
Multiplier/Constant .350000

Final Year Depreciation

Figure 7-44 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Final Year)

Description of Figure 7-44 follows
Description of "Figure 7-44 Depreciation Formula Revision screen (Final Year)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Formula ID W22
Description Final year
Formula 10+02

7.7.3 Setting Up the Depreciation Method

On Depreciation Rule Revisions, set up the depreciation method.

Setting up the depreciation method includes the following tasks:

  • Setting up reference information and conventions

  • Attaching the formulas to depreciation method W2 Setting Up Reference Information and Conventions

Figure 7-45 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Reference)

Description of Figure 7-45 follows
Description of "Figure 7-45 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Reference)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Rule Description Warimashi-Shokyaku DDB
Depreciation Method W2
Life (Periods) 36
Initial Term Apport A
Compute Direction C
In Service From/Thru 01/01/00 / 12/31/02
Effective From/Thru 01/01/00 / 12/31/02 Attaching the Formulas to Depreciation Method W2

Attach the following formulas to the depreciation method:

  • First Record: Life Years 1 through 2

  • Second Record: Life Year 3

First Record: Life Years 1 through 2

Figure 7-46 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Years 1 through 2)

Description of Figure 7-46 follows
Description of "Figure 7-46 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Years 1 through 2)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Life Yr Frm 1
Life Yr Thr 2
Annual Multiplier 2.00000000
Depreciation W21
Basis B01
SC (Secondary Percentage Confirmation) 1
Salvage Value S01

Second Record: Life Year 3

Figure 7-47 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Year 3)

Description of Figure 7-47 follows
Description of "Figure 7-47 Depreciation Rule Revisions screen (Life Year 3)"

Complete the following fields with the values indicated below:

Field Value
Life Yr Frm 3
Life Yr Thr 3
Annual Multiplier 2.00000000
Depreciation W22
Basis B01
SC (Secondary Percentage Confirmation) 1
Salvage Value S01