18 Work with VAT Reconciliation for Germany

This chapter contains the topic:

18.1 Working with VAT Reconciliation for Germany


From EMEA Localization (G74), choose Build VAT Reconciliation WF.

In Germany, businesses are required to reconcile value added tax amounts and rates with original revenue and expense accounts. In J.D. Edwards software, the Tax Reconciliation Workfile (F56911) contains information that links detailed tax records from the Sales/Use/VAT Tax File file (F0018) with their original revenue or expense accounts in the Account Ledger (F0911). You can use this information to report your value added tax against the revenue or expense that originally generated the tax.

You run the VAT Reconciliation Workfile Build program (P74518) to create the Tax Reconciliation Workfile. The system creates records in the workfile that are based on the records that are posted to the Account Ledger and the Sales/Use/VAT Tax file, including:

  • Voucher number

  • Revenue account

  • Revenue amount

  • Tax rate or key

  • Tax amount

  • Nontaxable components of the gross amount

  • Taxable amount


To analyze the data in the workfile, you must post the pay items for each voucher individually. Do not post multiple pay items per voucher.

When you run the VAT Reconciliation Workfile Build program, the system marks the records that are processed for the Tax Reconciliation Workfile with a flag in the 1099-Flag field. (This field is typically reserved for U.S. tax processing.) You can use data selection to indicate which accounts to include in the process. You can select accounts by object and subsidiary or category code.

You can create a custom World Writer report to analyze the data in the Tax Reconciliation Workfile.