6 VAT Requirements Processing Options

This chapter contains this topic:

6.1 Processing Options for Generic VAT Report XML Generation (P700001)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Report ID. The value must exist in the Report Identification (74/RI) UDC file.  
2. Specify in which mode the program is run. Values are:
  • Blank: proof mode. The system prints a report and does not update files.

  • 1: prints the report in final mode. In final mode, all printed documents are saved in the F700018 file.

3. Enter Y to enable the functionality. If left blank, the functionality is disabled.  
4. Specify the reporting period beginning date to select records from the F0018 file.  
5. Specify the reporting period ending date to select records from the F0018 file.  
6. Specify on which date field the data selection is performed. Values are:
  • 1: G/L Date

  • 2: Service Date

  • 3: Order/Transaction date

7. Enter the fiscal company for the report. It must exist in the Company Master file. The system uses this value to retrieve the VAT report header information.  
8. Enter the address book number of the company's legal representative. The system uses this value to retrieve the name of the company's legal representative.  
9. Enter the identification number of the declaration.  
10. Specify the declaration identification type. Values are:
  • Blank: Standard

  • 1: Complementary

  • 2: Substitutive

11. Specify if the report is monthly, quarterly or yearly. Values are:
  • 1: Monthly

  • 2: Quarterly

  • 3: Yearly

12. Enter the declaration period.

If Monthly, enter a value from 01 (January) to 12 (December).

If Quarterly, enter a value from 01 (January to March) thru 04 (October to December).

If Yearly, leave blank.

13. Specify the declaration date.  
14. Specify the declaration year.  
15. Specify the declaration site.  
16. Specify the line ID number for a who's who record.  
17. Select an URL/Email category code for email address retrieval. Select a value from the URL/Email Category Code (01/UC) UDC file.  

6.2 Processing Options for VAT Report XML Generation - Belgium (P700001BE)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Minimum taxable amount to be reported.  
2. VAT pocket in Tax File (F0018). Valid values are 1 thru 5. If blank, the system uses value 1.  
3. Reporting company representative identification type. Enter a valid value from the UDC 74B/IT.  
4. Representative reference. The system prints this value in the xml file.  
5. Intervat or Reference Number of Previous Declaration being replaced by the Current Declaration. This PO is completed only when a Declaration previously submitted for any given period is replaced by the Current Declaration. This value will be written to the legal XML file.
6. Farmer indicator.

Enter 1 to specify that the declarant is a farmer that must submit a Yearly Recapitulative Statement for Intracommunity Supplier of Goods.

Enter 0 to specify that the declarant is a farmer that is not subject to submit the Yearly Recapitulative Statement.

Otherwise, leave blank.

7. File type. Enter a valid value from the 74B/FT UDC.  
8. File name. The system prints this value in the xml file.  
9. File description. The system prints this value in the xml file.  
10. Comment. The system prints this value in the xml file.