This figure shows five fields in the upper part of the dialog: the Name input field ("Failed pages" is specified), the Dashboard menu (the "Main" option is selected), the Height input field (blank), the Time period menu (the "Last 12 hours" option is selected), and the Widget type menu (the "Data Browser" option is selected). The lower part of the dialog shows two tabs: Options and Filters. The Options tab is highlighted. The tab contains nine fields: the Data source menu (the "All pages" option is selected), the View category menu (the "Period" option is selected), the View level menu (the "<<auto-select>>" option is selected), the View name option (the "Pageviews and hits" option is selected), the Visualization menu (the "Line chart" option is selected), the Sort by menu (disabled with the "Fixed" option highlighted), the Sort direction menu (disabled with the "Fixed" option highlighted), the Row limit menu (disabled with the "Fixed" option highlighted), and the Show legend check box (checked).