Error Messages

Error Messages and Solutions

The following table describes error message if occurs during the design-time activities through the Integration Repository user interface, as well as during the service runtime invocation from a service provider.

The error codes and corresponding solutions are also listed in the table for possible solutions.

Error Code Error Message Resolution HTTP Status Code
FND_SOA_AUDIT_REQUEST_ERROR Error in audit request N/A N/A
FND_SOA_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE Invalid user name or password Please use proper username password combination. 401
ISG_SERVICE_AUTH_FAILURE User not authorized to execute service Please grant the function to the user and responsibility combination. 403
ISG_DB_CONNECTION_ERROR Error in creating database connection N/A 500
ISG_DUPLICATE_RESPONSIBILITY Multiple occurrences of the Responsibility element are found in the request. RESTHeader can have only one occurrence of the Responsibility element. Please send a request with only one Responsibility element in RESTHeader. 500
ISG_DUPLICATE_RESPAPPLICATION Multiple occurrences of the Responsibility Application element are found in the request. RESTHeader can have only one occurrence of the Responsibility Application element. Please send a request with only one Responsibility Application element in RESTHeader. 500
ISG_DUPLICATE_NLSLANGUAGE Multiple occurrences of the NLS language element are found in the request. RESTHeader can have only one occurrence of the NLS language element. Please send a request with only one NLS language element in RESTHeader. 500
ISG_DUPLICATE_LANGUAGE Multiple occurrences of the Language element are found in the request. RESTHeader can have only one occurrence of the Language element. Please send a request with only one Language element in RESTHeader. 500
ISG_DUPLICATE_ORG_ID Multiple occurrences of the Org Id element are found in the request. RESTHeader can have only one occurrence of the Org Id element. Please send a request with only one Org Id element in RESTHeader. 500
ISG_DUPLICATE_SEC_GROUP_KEY Multiple occurrences of the Security Group element are found in the request. RESTHeader can have only one occurrence of the Security Group element. Please send a request with only one Security Group element in RESTHeader. 500
FND_SOA_DUPLICATE_MSGID Server has already received this request N/A N/A
ISG_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR Error in accessing server file system N/A N/A
ISG_INVALID_STORAGE_LOC System property TEMP_DIRECTORY_LOCATION is not set correctly Please set proper value for property TEMP_DIRECTORY_LOCATION 500
ISG_SOAP_INVALID_BODY Body did not match schema N/A N/A
ISG_SOAP_INVALID_ENVELOPE SOAP Envelope/Request could not be parsed N/A N/A
ISG_SOAP_INVALID_HEADER Invalid or missing header in request N/A N/A
ISG_INVALID_IREP_CLASS_ID Irep class Id does not exist in database N/A N/A
ISG_INVALID_LANGUAGE_CODE Language code is not valid N/A 403
ISG_INVALID_ORG_ID Org Id is not valid N/A 403
ISG_INVALID_RESPONSIBILITY Responsibility key is not valid N/A 403
ISG_INVALID_RESP_SHORT_CODE Responsibility application short code id not valid N/A 403
ISG_INVALID_SEC_GROUP Security group key is not valid N/A 403
FND_SOA_INVALID_USERNAME Username is not valid N/A 401
ISG_IREP_ACCESS_ERROR Error in accessing Integration Repository N/A 400
ISG_DATA_TYPE_CONVERSION_ERROR Error encountered while converting data into different format Error encountered while converting data into different format. Contact administrator for further diagnosis. 400
ISG_INVALID_FUNCTION The requested operation could not be found The operation specified in the request URL may not be mapped to any valid function for this service. Please check the operation for this service. 501
ISG_INVALID_URL_PATTERN The requested URL pattern is invalid The requested URL pattern or parameters cannot be mapped to a specific resource. Please check the validity of URL pattern or URL query parameters. 400
ISG_LANGUAGE_NOT_INSTALLED Language is not installed Language is not installed. 500
ISG_SERVICE_ACTIVATE_ERROR Error occurred while activating the web service Check the server logs for details. 500
ISG_SERVICE_DEPLOY_ERROR Error occurred while deploying the web service Check the server logs for details. 500
ISG_SERVICE_EXECUTION_ERROR Error occurred while executing the web service request Check the server logs for details. 500
ISG_SERVICE_GENERATE_ERROR Error occurred while generating the web service Check the server logs for details. 500
ISG_SERVICE_NOT_DEPLOYED Web service is not deployed Please deploy the web service. 500
ISG_SERVICE_PROCESSING_ERROR Error occurred while processing the web service request Check the server logs for details. 500
ISG_SERVICE_RESET_ERROR Error occurred while resetting the web service Check the server logs for details. 500
ISG_SERVICE_RETIRE_ERROR Error occurred while retiring the web service Check the server logs for details. 500
ISG_SERVICE_UNDEPLOY_ERROR Error occurred while undeploying the web service Check the server logs for details. 500
ISG_STREAM_CONVERSION_ERROR Error encountered while converting data to stream Error encountered while converting data to stream. Contact administrator for further diagnosis. 400
ISG_SYSTEM_ERROR System error while processing the request Check the server logs for details. 500
ISG_UNKNOWN_SERVICE Requested web service or web resource does not exist Requested web service or web resource does not exist or it is undeployed. Please deploy it. 404
ISG_UNSUPPORTED_IFACE_TYPE Interface type is either invalid or it is not currently supported Please check the interface type. 404
ISG_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE The content type is not supported Please use a supported content type. Refer to product documentation for more information on supported content type. 415
ISG_UNSUPPORTED_REST_VERB System does not support the HTTP verb Follow product documentation to ensure the HTTP verbs supported. The service description also lists the supported verbs. 400
ISG_USER_RESP_MISMATCH Responsibility is not assigned to user Assign the Responsibility to user. N/A
ISG_WSDL_ACCESS_ERROR Error occurred while accessing the WSDL file Check the server logs for details. N/A
ISG_WSDL_PARSE_ERROR Error occurred while parsing the WSDL file Check the server logs for details. N/A
FND_SOA_SERVICE_IN_PROGRESS One more generate is already in progress N/A 500
SQL_EXEC_ERROR Error while executing SQL N/A N/A
FND_XML_PARSE_ERROR Error in XML parsing N/A N/A
ISG_MULTIPLE_RESP_RECS_FOUND Multiple records are found associated with the responsibility key or responsibility name Pass an appropriate responsibility application short name also. N/A
ISG_INVALID_USER_SECGRP The user is not associated with the security group Please pass a security group associated with the user. N/A
ISG_REQUEST_PARSE_ERROR The request could not be parsed correctly This may be due to malformed construction of the payload or incorrect Content-Type header. Please check the wellformedness of payload, matching Content-Type header of the HTTP request and retry. 400

Note: Additional Information for PL/SQL APIs

Most of the Oracle seeded PL/SQL APIs use a standard OUT parameter X_RETURN_STATUS to indicate the return status of the APIs. When such an API is executed as a REST service, the HTTP Response Code is determined based on the runtime value of the API execution status in the output parameter X_RETURN_STATUS. The X_RETURN_STATUS parameter can have the following values:

Additional Information for Application Module Services

Under exceptional or error cases, an Application Module Service may return ISG_SERVICE_CUSTOM_ERROR followed by ERROR_SUB_CODE. It may have business function specific error message and resolution. For such cases, HTTP 500 status code would be returned.

Additionally, for an Application Module Service, if the interface does not return business function specific resolution and if the FND:Diagnostics profile option is enabled, then an error stack trace would be returned as the resolution.