
This chapter contains troubleshooting information about Oracle e-Commerce Gateway implementation.

This chapter covers the following topics:


This chapter provides useful information that aids the user in determining the solutions to common Oracle e-Commerce Gateway issues and error messages. It also provides tips that enable the implementation process to progress smoothly. The topics covered in this chapter include:

Runtime Execution Log

When a transaction fails, the information that is reported by the concurrent manager in the output file usually is not sufficient enough to allow the user to determine the possible cause of the error. Many times, the information that is reported has to be physically located in the program to figure out the point of failure. Since access to the program and an extensive knowledge of SQL is required, the user has a difficult time diagnosing the cause of the problem.

The user has the ability to activate the runtime execution log (or tracing) capabilities at runtime to get additional data about the problem. This feature displays as much data as it can about the transaction and the program flow. The user has the option of specifying the level of information they need, i.e., LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH.

The amount of trace data that is generated varies depending on the level of trace chosen. The levels are:


This is the lowest level of tracing data. This level displays data like Customer/Supplier Name, purchase order number, name, etc., for a given transaction.


In addition to the data displayed at the LOW level, this level displays data about the major processes being run for the transaction. If a process is failing, the user can look at the output to determine which process is failing using this level.


This is the highest level of tracing data. In addition to the data displayed at the LOW and MEDIUM levels, this level shows all the major processes, sub-processes, actual program variables, and their values. This level may not be suitable for most users. It is designed more for a developer to use in researching difficult to fix problems.

All output, regardless of the level, is written to the log file that is created by the concurrent manager and is indented for each sub-process performed to allow for ease of research.

Note: For the Outbound Payment transactions, instead of using the parameters window for the concurrent request, you need to set them out in the ECE_PYO_DEBUG_MODE profile option for debug purposes.

Error Messages

The error messages listed in the tables below are divided into two categories. The first category is a list of common error messages that appear in the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway windows and are usually a result of an input error. The second category is a list of the common error messages that are a result of validating and processing transactions. These error messages can be viewed either in the concurrent manager log file or in the View Staged Documents window.

Common Window Error Messages
Message Description and Solution
Code Values are defined for this category code. You cannot delete it. Description: The user attempted to delete a code conversion category from the Define Code Conversion Category window. The category has code conversion values assigned to it. This prevents the category from being deleted.
Solution: All code conversion values assigned for this category to transactions must be removed before the code conversion category can be deleted. This can be accomplished by using the Define Code Conversion Values window.
The defined lookup table, lookup column, or condition is invalid. Description: The user attempted to define a simple lookup column rule in the Interface File Definition window.
Solution: Either the value specified for the table, lookup column or the lookup condition is invalid. Research which value is invalid and correct it.
This Category Code is assigned to a transaction. You cannot delete it. Description: The user attempted to delete a code conversion category from the Define Code Conversion Category window. The category is assigned to a transaction. This prevents the category from being deleted.
Solution: All assignments for this category to transactions must be removed before the code conversion category can be deleted. This can be accomplished by using the Assign Code Conversion Categories window.
This location already has a different Trading Partner value. Description: The value selected in the Site field on the Define Trading Partner window, Assignment tab for either the Customer or the Supplier is already defined to a trading partner.
Solution: You must be careful how you reply to this question. If you answer 'Yes', you may override a valid Trading Partner assignment made in the Define Trading Partner window, Assignment tab. To be on the safe side, 'No' should be the appropriate response and some research should be performed before continuing.
Trading Partner Group tp_group_code already exists. Enter a unique group code. Description: The user has attempted to add a trading partner group that already exists.
Solution: Either add your trading partner information to an existing trading partner group or create a new trading partner group.

Common Processing Error Messages:

Common Processing Error Messages
Message Description and Solution
INVALID_OPERATION error occurred while writing to output file. Description: Read, write, and execute permissions need to be established within Unix at both the file and directory levels
Solution: Make the appropriate permission changes using the Unix chmod command.
Unable to derive a unique address due to ambiguous setup data. Description: This message appears in the View Staged Documents window and is a result of an import process exception. The problem is due to a missing or incorrect data in the Oracle E-Business Suite or the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway that was insufficient to derive a unique customer site or supplier site. This error occurred during address derivation that may have also used the name field from the transaction. Address Precedence profile in the Profile Set Up section.
Solution: Resolve the trading partner set up or change the address derivation option, then resubmit the document from the View Staged Documents window.
Unable to derive the address ID for the given address. Description: This message appears in the View Staged Documents window and is a result of an import process exception. The system was not able to determine the correct address based on address derivation process. Usually the Translator Code and EDI Location Code in the transaction were not assigned to a single customer site or supplier site across organizations. This may happen in a multi-org environment where the combined Translator Code and EDI Location Code are assigned in two organizations.
Solution: The problem is due to missing or incorrect EDI Location Code in the Oracle E-Business Suite or the Translator Code in the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway in the Define Trading Partner window, Assignment tab. Resolve the address site and trading partner set ups, then the user should resubmit the document from the View Staged Documents window.
Field column_name with value value does not match the defined datatype datatype. Description: This message appears in the View Staged Documents window and is a result of an import process exception. The data that is assigned to the noted column_ name does not match the datatype definition. For example, the datatype definition may be numeric and the data contained within column_name contains alphabetic characters or the datatype definition may be date and the data contained within column_name is not in the proper date format.
Solution: Check the data map to determine if the transaction data is positioned correctly in the transaction interface file for the given transaction.
If the problem exists in the incoming transaction, then the associated records with this document should be deleted from the View Staged Documents window. If the Trading Partner is sending invalid data, the Trading Partner needs to be notified that there was a problem with the transaction. They may need to send a corrected transactions.
The file file_name is empty for transaction transaction_type. Description: This message appears in the concurrent manager log file. The filename that was entered on the Import Process parameters window contains no data.type. Description: This message appears in the concurrent manager log file. The filename that was entered on the Import Process parameters window contains no data.
Solution: Confirm that the filename is correct or that the file is in the directory indicated in the Profile Options window and retransmit the data file.
Please use a valid organization ID. Description: The Organization ID provided in the transaction is not defined in the HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table. Note that it is unusual for a transaction to contain the Organization ID.
Solution: The associated records with this document should be deleted from the View Staged Documents window. The data cannot be corrected.
If the Trading Partner provided the Organization ID in the transactions, inform them to correct the transaction and resend the data.
The incoming test flag is different from that set up for the Trading Partner. Description: This message appears in the View Staged Documents window and is a result of an import process exception. It indicates that the test flag in the transaction is different than the test/production indicator in the Define Trading Partner window, Details tab for the transaction being imported. For example, the test flag in the transaction may contain a value of 'P' (production) and the Test box may be checked in the Details tab for the transaction being imported. These values must correspond for the import process to work properly.
Solution: If the problem exists in the incoming transaction, then the associated records with this document should be deleted from the View Staged Documents window and the Trading Partner needs to be notified that there was a problem with the transaction. The Trading Partner needs to be informed that this data needs to be corrected by them and the appropriate documents retransmitted.
Also check the data map in the translator to review what it writes to the transaction interface file.
If the problem is due to incorrect Trading Partner set up in Oracle e-Commerce Gateway, then the user should make the required correction and resubmit the document from the View Staged Documents window.
A Trading Partner with Translator Code <translator_Code>, EDI Location Code <location_code>, map <map_code> for the <transaction_type> transaction is not defined. Description: This message appears in the View Staged Documents window and is a result of an import process exception. The combination of Translator Code, EDI Location Code, map and transaction type are not defined in the Oracle E-Business Suite.
Solution: Set up the Translator Code in the Oracle E-Business Suite and the EDI Location Code in the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway for the correct Trading Partner. Enable the document and document type in the Define Trading Partner window, Details tab.
Obtain the full address for the given EDI Location Code from the Trading Partner if it is necessary to define the site and the EDI Location Code in Oracle E-Business Suite.
After all setups are complete, the user should resubmit the document from the View Staged Documents window.
If the problem exists in the incoming transaction, then the associated records with this document should be deleted from the View Staged Documents window and the Trading Partner needs to be notified that there was a problem with the transaction, if necessary. The Trading Partner needs to be informed that this data needs to be corrected by them and the appropriate documents retransmitted.
Unable to process the xxxx transaction because it is disabled. Description: This message appears in the concurrent manager log file. The transaction that is being imported is disabled in the Profile Options window.
Solution: If appropriate, activate the transaction in the Profile Options window and resubmit the document from the View Staged Documents window. Otherwise, delete the transaction in the View Staged Documents window. Research this transaction with the Trading Partner.
UTL_FILE. File location or file name was invalid. Description: This message appears in the concurrent manager log file. This message usually indicates that the values indicated in the Profile Options window for the inbound and outbound directories do not match database directories defined for PL/SQL file I/O.
Solution: Define appropriate database directories for PL/SQL file I/O and resubmit the process.
See: Define Database Directories.

The following table contains miscellaneous troubleshooting tips.

Miscellaneous Troubleshooting Tips
Symptom Solution
The outbound Payment Order/Remittance Advice (820/PAYORD/REMADV) transaction does not appear on the list of transactions on the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway Export Process. This transaction is event driven and is automatically submitted by the Oracle Payables' Payment Workbench process
Trouble writing the output file to the specified directory or you cannot find the output file. Check the following:
PROFILE OPTIONS: Make sure the profile option for output directory is defined using the correct operating system syntax. Use physical directory name; do not use logical directory names.
DIRECTORY: Make sure the outbound file directory specified in the profile option setting is defined as a database directory for PL/SQL file I/O.
ACCESS: Make sure the defined directory is accessible and not write protected.
See: Define Database Directories.
The outbound Purchase Order (850/ORDERS) or Purchase Order Changes (860/ORDCHG) file is empty. Check the setting of the appropriate Document Type under Setup/Purchasing Options for when archival is performed. The options are "Archive on Print" or "Archive on Approval". For Oracle Purchasing transactions to be extracted properly, the option must be set to "Archive on Approval". The "Archive on Print” causes the purchase order to be printed that in turn prohibits Oracle e-Commerce Gateway from extracting it.
Not every purchase order change causes a purchase order revision that triggers a purchase order reprint or purchase order retransmit. Check the Oracle Purchasing User Guide for business rules to determine what type of changes create a purchase order revision.
The outbound file is empty. The Trading Partner (TP) primary site for the transaction must be set up through the Trading Partner Assignment tab and the transaction (and appropriate document types) must be enabled through the Define Trading Partner window, Details tab. The transaction must also be eligible to be extracted. If these setups are not done, the Trading Partner's transactions cannot be extracted.
Check the following:
TP DEFINED: Confirm that a Trading Partner is defined in Oracle e-Commerce Gateway and associated to a valid address entity in Oracle E-Business Suite. Trading Partner associations are set up using the Trading Partner window, Assignment tab.
TP ENABLED: Confirm that the Trading Partner is enabled for the outbound EDI Document and Document Type. This is done using the Trading Partner window, Details tab.
TP DEFINE: If an entity is both a supplier and a customer, make sure to identify two Trading Partners, one for each business relationship.
EXPORT PARAMETERS: Confirm that the selection parameters provided for the export process are valid for the documents to be extracted. For the outbound Purchase Order (850/ORDERS) or Purchase Order Changes (860/ORDCHG), the date parameters are inclusive, so make sure the end date parameter is one day later than the actual desired date. The parameter must be one date later because time is included and you need to extract to the midnight hour.
FRESH TRANSACTIONS: Make sure the selected group of documents have not been printed or previously extracted.

Inbound Transactions

Before an inbound transaction can be processed, the user needs to determine if the predefined transaction record definition meets his business requirements and if the predefined process rules and column rules that are assigned to the transactions meet his needs. If the user does not perform this step, the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway uses the seeded rules and actions for data validation.

Information concerning the Interface File Definition window and the establishing of process and column rules can be found in this manual. Refer to Determine Process and Column Rules and Actions and Modify Transaction Interface File for more details.

After an inbound transaction request is processed, users have the ability to view the documents with exceptions using the View Staged Documents window.

After processing any inbound transaction, the user should check the concurrent manager status. If it has a status of warning or error, the user can go to the View Staged Documents window to see the document details such as rule exceptions and column values. Users should also check the log file for other processing information.

View Staged Documents Window

The View Staged Documents window is used to view the results of inbound document processing. Users access this window to display the number of documents in the staging tables and to see if any failed the validation process. Users can drill down to view the document numbers such as PO Number or Invoice Number that have rule exceptions. From this window, users can select documents that have rule exceptions and resubmit (after the errors have been resolved) or delete the documents.

This window consists of two major components. The left side shows the transactions in a tree format and the right side shows the corresponding selected level summary. The Summary shows different information depending on the tree node that is selected. The tree data is only a snapshot of the staging table. Users need to Refresh the view to see any new/modified data in the staging table.

Two functions are available from this window. The Resubmit function allows the users to resubmit the given set of documents or a single document to be processed again through the inbound process after errors have been corrected. For example, users can select IN:Invoice (810/INVOIC) and use the resubmit function. In this case, the inbound process will revalidate all the Invoices that have a status of Skip Document. The status will be changed to Reprocess and a concurrent request is submitted to process the documents. Also, the tree is refreshed with new data.

The Delete function enables users to delete the given set of documents or a single document and the corresponding rule exceptions. For example, users can select Trading Partner Alpha and use the Delete function. In this case, it deletes all of the invoices that have a status of Skip Document for Trading Partner Alpha. After deleting the documents, the document tree is refreshed without the deleted documents.

Transaction Exception Summaries

There are four summary windows (on the right side) for different level tree nodes. The summary window for the Status options (All Status, Status with Errors) and Transaction options (All Transactions, Transactions with Errors) are very similar. The only difference is the order of the status and the transaction fields.

The status level 1 summary for the Status options shows the following information:

Status: Status of selected documents currently in the staging table
Transaction: List of transaction type name for given status
Number of Documents: Number of documents for given status, transaction type
Total Violations: Total number of exceptions (including all the processing and column exceptions) for given status, transaction type

The status level 2 summary for the Status options shows the following information:

Status: Status of selected documents currently in the staging table
Transaction: Identifies the transaction type name
Trading Partner: List of trading partner names for the selected transaction
Number of Documents: Number of documents for given status, transaction type, and trading partner
Total Violations: Total number of exceptions (including all the processing and column exceptions) for given status, transaction type, and trading partner

The status level 3 summary for the Status options shows the following information:

Status: Status of selected documents currently in the staging table
Transaction: The transaction name
Trading Partner: Trading Partner name for the selected transactions
Number of Documents: Number of documents for given status, transaction type, and trading partner
Total Violations: Total number of exceptions (including all the processing and column exceptions) for given status, transaction type, and trading partner

The status level 4 summary for the Status options shows the following information:

Status: Status of selected documents currently in the staging table
Transaction: The transaction name
Trading Partner: Trading partner name for the selected transactions
Map: The transaction map code
Document Number: The primary identifier for the document in the staging table. The value depends on the transaction such as POI for PO Number, INI for Invoice Number.
Level: The text description of the level
Process Violations: Total number of process exceptions for the given document
Column Violations: Total number of column exceptions for the given level of the document

Process Violation and Column Violation Buttons At the bottom of the status level window are two buttons labeled "Process Violations…" and "Columns…"

The Process Violations… button opens the Process Violations window and displays the process exceptions for the given document. The Columns… button opens the Column Violations window and displays the column exceptions for the given level of the document.

The Process Violations window displays the following data:

Transaction: Transaction type and the translated transaction type name
Map: The map code for the transaction
Document Number: The primary identifier for the document in the staging table. The value depends on the transaction (i.e. POI has the PO Number, INI has the Invoice Number).
Message The process exception text
Ignore Check Box When this box is checked, it gives users the ability to ignore the violated rule when resubmitting the document. This is the only field that can be modified in this window.

The Column Violations window displays each column of the selected level in the given document and the number of exceptions for the column. The users have the ability to only show columns with exceptions or all columns by selecting the appropriate combination box. This window displays the following data:

Transaction: Transaction type and the translated transaction type name
Map: The transaction map code
Document Number: The primary identifier for the document in the staging table. The value depends on the transaction such as POI has the PO Number, INI has the Invoice Number.
Level: Text description of the level. These values are seeded in the FND_LOOKUP_VALUES table
Column Name: Name of the column storing the transaction data in the View Staging tables.
Column Value: Value stored in the Column Name. This data came directly from the transaction or was derived in the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway.
Violation: Number of column violations for the selected column
Message Column exception text for the selected column
Ignore Check Box When this box is checked, the violation that was determined by the Column Rule will be ignored when resubmitting the document. This is the only field that can be modified in this window.


The Oracle e-Commerce Gateway provides two reports that allow the user to verify the transaction layout and contents of their data files.

Transaction Layout Report:

This report allows the user to produce an online report or a hard copy listing of the transaction interface file layouts for the any transaction within the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway.

Each transaction interface file consists of several records. Each record has two sections, the record key (positions 1-100) and the application data area (positions 101 & beyond). Every record is referenced by a record number that is unique to a set of data elements.

This report displays all the data elements in positions 101 and beyond. The record key (1-100) is not reported as these seeded values may not be changed by the user. The report parameters are shown in the following table.

Refer to the Reports section of the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway User's Guide for more detail.

Report Parameters Valid Values List of Values Required?
Transaction Code Enter <blank> to select all Transactions or enter a specific Transaction. Yes No
Include Data not Mapped Enter 'Yes' or 'No' to include/exclude data not mapped. Default is 'No'. Yes Yes

Interface File Data Report:

This report allows the user to produce a hard copy listing of the data contained within a specific transaction data file. The report contains the transaction record layout and the actual data stored in each of the data fields. The report parameters are shown in the following table

Report Parameters Valid Values List of Values Required?
Transaction Code Enter specific Transaction Code. Yes Yes
Path to Data File Enter the directory path where the data file resides. Default from profile option value for inbound/outbound based on transaction code. No Yes
Data File Name Enter the name of the data file. No Yes