Product Features

This chapter covers the following topics:

Product Features Overview

The Oracle Demantra applications suite contains these products:

For detailed information and business examples about the features and functions, see the Oracle Demantra documentation for each product.

Oracle Demantra Demand Management

Oracle Demantra Demand Management enables an organization to accurately forecast and plan for demand. It uses state-of-the-art Bayesian Markov forecasting, as well as pre-seeded hierarchies, worksheets, and workflows to establish a baseline forecast based on a combination of quantitative or qualitative data. Demand Management offers unlimited hierarchies for multi-dimensional analysis with dynamic reporting capabilities.

Reporting And Analysis Features

Predefined Demand Management worksheets:

Standard and predefined:

Slice-and-dice data capabilities:

Workflows, role-based processes that automate specific business flows and tasks:

Other Features

Advanced statistical forecasting, including up to 20 causal factors.

Collaboration platform, includes alerts and exceptions.

Evaluate demand from multiple data sources, for example, shipment and order history and sales and marketing data.

Nine forecasting models within the Bayesian framework.

Offline capabilities.

Oracle Demantra Advanced Forecasting and Demand Modeling

Oracle Demantra Advanced Forecasting and Demand Modeling is an add-on to Oracle Demantra Demand Management. It has robust and powerful modeling tools that you can use to address complex analytical questions and provide a complete demand forecast:

AFDM Features

Configuring AFDM

The general procedure for configuring AFDM for a promotion is as follows:

  1. Review the following sections in the Oracle Demantra Analytical Engine Guide:

    • Introduction to the Analytical Engine

    • Configuring the Analytical Engine

  2. Review the following sections in the Oracle Demantra Implementation Guide:

    • Configuring Promotion Effectiveness

    • Configuring Promotions and Promotional Causal Factors

    • Promotional Lift Coefficients

    • Forecast Decomposition (PE Mode Only)

  3. Define and populate your promotional causal factors (see Configuring Promotional Causal Factors in the Oracle Demantra Implementation Guide)

  4. Enable the AFDM module for each relevant user. The Demantra system administrator does this in Business Modeler by navigating to Security > Create/Modify User, and then selecting AFDM in the User Modules section.

    Enabling forecast decomposition

    1. Set the RUNMODE parameter to 1 (in init_params_0), and then run the analytical engine. The forecast will include the baseline forecast plus the defined uplift.

    2. Add the relevant promotional series to your worksheets. For example, search the list of available series names for those containing “lift,” “Canbl”, "cannibalization," and "uplift" (uplift is the most important).

    3. Ensure security allows open analytics to be viewed by users (see step 3, above).

    4. Use the Open Analytics option to configure models and engine parameters, per specific items and locations.

      For details, see:

      • Advanced Analytics (Nodal Tuning)

      • Performing Advanced Analytics (Nodal Tuning), in the Oracle Demantra Demand Management User Guide

    Enabling shape modeling

    1. Create causal factor of type 'Activity'

    2. Add shape-specific series to worksheet and specify timing of shape.

    For details, see About Activity Shape Modeling.

    Enabling advanced analytical models

    1. Activate advanced models globally using Business Modeler (refer to the list of models above, in AFDM Features).

      For details, see Enabling Engine Models Globally.

    2. Activate advanced models locally using Open Analytics.

      For details, see:

      • Advanced Analytics (Nodal Tuning)

      • Performing Advanced Analytics (Nodal Tuning), in the Oracle Demantra Demand Management User Guide

Oracle Demantra Real-time Sales and Operations Planning

This application provides a collaborative forum in which an organization's sales, manufacturing, and financial groups work together to reach demand consensus and create a unified business plan.

Predefined Templates Feature

Predefined templates are predefined, function-specific worksheets enable those involved in the sales and operations planning process to collect sales, marketing, manufacturing, and financial data. This data then drives the following collaborative business processes:

Other Features

Predefined workflows:

Oracle Demantra Anywhere: Pure HTML view of data

Dynamic Open Link to Excel to create reports

Enhanced functions for modeling supply side series, calculations, and parameters

Fpos and Fsum functions to:

Oracle Demantra Predictive Trade Planning

Oracle Demantra Predictive Trade Planning has a fully functioning trade promotion management capability for trade funds, promotion entry, execution, tracking, and analysis. It uses advanced data mining technology so your organization cananalyze sales history, efficiently manage trade funds allocation, and understand how promotional strategies shape demand.


Post-event analysis: Analyze overall promotion effectiveness

Predict the impact and profitability of future promotions

Predict and monitor trade fund spending

Manage all funds, sales, and account planning:

Create profitability reports to track costs and benefits of events.

Easily view forecast decomposition between baseline volume (turn volume) and incremental volume: Within incremental volume, define what portion is attributed to cannibalization with other products, pantry loading (pre- and post-effect), market growth, and competitive brand switching

Create pre-event simulations: Perform what-if evaluations against profitability, quota, and allocated budget

Oracle Demantra Trade Promotion Optimization

Oracle Demantra Trade Promotion Optimization evaluates past events, business-specific objectives, and constraints and automatically selects the promotion strategy that will produce the best result. It develops and maintains modeling coefficients across the various customers and products using historical inputs, attributes, and other relevant data.


Optimize promotions based on goals, for example, maximize profit/revenue/volume, and constraints, for example, maximum budget or minimum retailer margin.

Evaluate effects of pricing, promotion type, and promotion cost via manufacturer and retailer profitability reports

Create and analyze what-if scenarios: Compare alternative promotion strategies to maximize return on investment

Oracle Demantra Deductions and Settlement Management

Oracle Demantra Deductions and Settlement Management is the final step in the trade promotion management process. You can track and reconcile invoice deductions and other settlement methods back to promotional events.


Collaboratively manage the settlement resolution process.

Automatically or manually match deductions and settlement methods with promotional events.

Reconcile deductions and payments with proof of performance from retailers based on promotion terms.

Manage reconciliation of trade and non-trade settlements,

Create status reports of deductions clearing process, for example, Settlement Days Outstanding; Days Outstanding by Account, and Settlement Type.

Create detailed ad-hoc reports and high-level metrics for specific business needs.

Receive, research, and clear: