Oracle Applications Manager


Use Oracle Applications Manager to monitor and manage components of your Oracle E-Business Suite instance.

For more information on setting up and using Oracle Applications Manager, see Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.

The Applications Dashboard

The Applications Dashboard provides a "snapshot" of your Oracle E-Business Suite system. Information is grouped under the following tabs: Overview, Performance, Critical Activities, Diagnostics, Business Flows, Security, and Software Updates.

From the Dashboard you can navigate to the Site Map, or use the drop-down menu to navigate to any of the following pages:

Oracle Applications Manager uses the collection program OAM Applications Dashboard Collection (short name: FNDOAMCOL) to gather the information displayed. The default repeat interval for this program is 10 minutes. To immediately regather the data and update the display for a particular region, click the corresponding Refresh icon. If the OAM Applications Dashboard Collection request is not running when you log in to the Oracle Applications Manager, a request will be submitted automatically under your username.

Note: The status of Web Components is collected manually from the Dashboard.


This page provides an overview of the general status of your system. It includes the following regions:

Applications System Status

Use this region to view the status of each host machine in your system. The display shows which services are installed on which host machine and the statuses of these services.

Services displayed that represent more than one service component (such as Forms) indicate the status of the worst-case component. For example, if the Forms Listener is down, but the other Forms components are running, the down status will be indicated on this page.

The Database, Concurrent Processing, Forms, and Web status indicators drill down to the Applications System Status page where you can view the status of each individual service.

Configuration Changes

The purpose of this region is to alert you to system-level changes that have occurred in the last 24 hours. Use this data to help diagnose sudden changes in the functioning of your applications system.

To see the list of Patches Applied, click on the number to drill down to the Patch Summary page.

To see the list of Site Level Profile Options, click on the number to drill down to the Site Level Profile Settings page.

To see the list of Applications Context Files Edited, click on the number to drill down to the Applications Configuration Parameters page. Changes made to context files can impact your overall processing configuration and the functioning of business processes.

System Alerts

This region lists the number of system alerts in the categories listed below. If your system is functioning well, there should be no new alerts reported. When an alert of a particular type first occurs, it is counted as a new alert. It remains new until the status is manually changed by the administrator. If an alert of the same type occurs again while the original alert is still in open or new status, it is counted as a new occurrence.

Web Components Status

This region lists the status of the web components. Status values may be "Up," "Down," or "Warning".

The status of each Web component is determined by testing the corresponding URL as defined in the component's Web agent profile option. The Warning status will be displayed if the profile option is not set. Otherwise, a status of Up or Down will be returned based on the success of the URL test. The profile options are listed with their corresponding components below.

User Initiated Alerts

The User Initiated Alerts region is similar to the System Alerts region. You can define additional alerts to be raised for events of your choosing. With User Initiated Alerts, end users can report problems or other issues to administrators by clicking on the "Contact Admin" global button available in Oracle Application Framework-based pages. The end user can provide a description of the problem, and the framework will automatically collect the application context of the page from which the user clicked the button. This report generates an user alert, which can be viewed from the Oracle Application Manager Dashboard.

This feature is enabled when the profile "OAM: UALERT_SHOW_ICON" is set to 'Y' at the Site level and logging is enabled at the Unexpected level ("UNEXPECTED-6").

This region lists the number of alerts in these categories:

Applications System Status

This page lists each Applications Server and its status. Each server type expands to display the host name, which expands to display the status of each server component.

Navigation: Applications Dashboard (Overview page) > (drill down on) Database, Concurrent Processing, Forms, or Web column (under Applications System Status)

Click on the Focus icon for an item to display only its status and the status of its children.

Applications Dashboard - Performance

The Performance region lists Activity and System Throughput indicators. Each of the values listed for Activity and System Throughput links to the related detail page.


System Throughput (last 24 hours)

Applications Dashboard - Critical Activities

The Critical Activities region lists concurrent programs that perform maintenance activities. The programs are grouped by activity type and by application. To display only a particular group, click the group's Focus icon.

To add or delete a program to the critical activities list, click the Modify Monitored Program List button to access the Modify Monitored List page.

To change the frequency that a monitored program is run, click the Update Frequency button.

For each critical activity, the following are displayed:

Modify Monitored List

Navigation: Applications Dashboard > Critical Activities (B) Modify Monitored Program List

Use this page to add or remove programs to the critical activities list.

To add a program to the Monitored list, select the program from the Not Monitored list and click the Move shuttle button.

To add all programs from the Monitored list, click the Move All shuttle button.

To remove a program from the Monitored list, select the program from the Monitored list and click the Remove shuttle button.

To remove all programs from the Monitored list, click the Remove All shuttle button.

Click OK to apply your changes.

Update Frequency for Monitored Critical Activities

Navigation: Applications Dashboard > Critical Activities (B) Update Frequency

Use this screen to update the frequency that your critical activity programs are run.

The following are listed for each critical activity program:

Critical Activities - Activity Summary

Navigation: Applications Dashboard > Critical Activities > [Program Name]

This page displays work metrics for those maintenance programs that have been instrumented to compute them. The display can be filtered by the table name or value.

Applications Dashboard - Business Flows

Oracle Applications Manager allows you to monitor and support business flows within Oracle E-Business Suite. User-defined key business flows are correlated with the system components responsible for the execution of those flows.

Navigation: Applications Dashboard > Business Flows tab

From the OAM console you can:

The Key Business Flows region displays the current listing of business flows, with these columns:

To create a new business flow, click Create. Click View Details for a selected business flow to view additional information for that business flow. Click the Edit icon for a selected business flow to update it.

Create or Edit a Business Flow

Use these pages to create or edit a business flow.

Navigation: Applications Dashboard > Business Flows tab > Create (B) or Edit icon for a selected business flow

Enter a name and description for the business flow.

Enter in a child flow or component for the business flow. Choose from the following:

View Business Flow Details

This page displays details for a selected business flow.

Navigation: Applications Dashboard > Business Flows tab > View Details (B) for selected business flow

Subflows and components of the business flow are shown in hierarchical format. You can expand or collapse nodes on the hierarchical tree.

Business Flow Monitoring and Setup

Maintain your business flow monitoring from this page.

Navigation: Setup (global icon) > Business Flows (side navigation)

Schedule Requests

OAM provides the following concurrent program to help you maintain your business flow setup. Schedule requests for the concurrent program from the link provided.

Setup Monitoring

For each of the business flows listed, you can view whether monitoring is enabled and enable or disable monitoring.

Select a business flow and click Update to enable or disable monitoring. Click View Details to view if monitoring is enabled.

Applications Dashboard - Security

Information on this page helps you detect and diagnose security issues on your Oracle E-Business Suite System.

Navigation: Applications Dashboard > Security (tab)

Click the Manage Security Options button to manage SQL*Net access for your application tier hosts.

Security Alerts

Security Alerts can be raised either at runtime by the application code, or at the failure of security-related diagnostic tests. The table is organized by severity, which can be Critical, Error, or Warning. It provides numerical counts of new and open alerts. Where enabled, you can drill down on the numerical links to view and manage the details of an alert and any associated diagnostic test reports. Alert details and test reports can be added to the Support Cart.

Security Test Failures

This table shows security-related diagnostic tests that failed when they were executed. The table specifies the most recent time that the test failed, and provides links that open detailed test reports. For a specific test, clicking the Diagnose icon will re-execute the test - this is useful to verify that the error still exists. For a specific application, clicking the Diagnose icon allows you to re-execute all failed tests in that application for the chosen security level.


Links to security-related documents on My Oracle Support are located here. Documents include:

Security-Related Tests

You can manage Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics tests from the Dashboard.

The two key tests accessible from the OAM Security tab are:

These tests are described further in My Oracle Support Document 1337420.1, Secure Configuration Guide for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.

For more information on Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics, see: Oracle Diagnostics Framework User's Guide.

Manage Security Options

Use this button to access Security Options.

Managing SQL*Net Access from Application Tier Hosts

These pages allow you to restrict SQL*Net access to the database from your application tier hosts. If you enable the SQL*Net Access security option, you can select which hosts have SQL*Net access to the database. If you disable the SQL*Net Access security option, then all application tier hosts have SQL*Net access to the database.

View SQL*Net Access

Use the View SQL*Net Access page to see how SQL*Net Access is currently configured for your application tier hosts.

Navigation: Applications Dashboard > Security (tab) > Manage Security Options (B)

If the Manage SQL*Net Access security option is disabled, a message here indicates that it is disabled. All hosts have SQL*Net access to the database in this case.

If this feature is enabled, the table of hosts indicates which hosts have SQL*Net access and which do not.

Note: In order for the information on this page to be accurate, the following steps must be run in addition to enabling or disabling the Manage SQL*Net security option:

The table shows the hosts that have SQL*Net access and includes the following columns:

Enable SQL*Net Access

Use the Manage SQL*Net Access wizard to enable or disable SQL*Net access to the application tier hosts. You can register a new host and grant it access as well from this wizard.

Disable SQL*Net Access

When you disable the SQL*Net Access security option, you allow SQL*Net access to the database from your application tier hosts.

Applications Dashboard Collection

Oracle Applications Manager uses the program OAM Applications Dashboard Collection (short name: FNDOAMCOL) to gather the information displayed on the Dashboard under the Overview and the Performance tabs.

The Dashboard Collection Program can selectively enable and disable monitoring of various metrics, and to raise alerts for services when the service has a specified status. The Dashboard Collection Program can collect data for a metric and then raise an alert when a metric reaches a specified threshold. Note that for most components, you can collect data for monitoring purposes in two different ways: (1) through the Dashboard Collection Program, or (2) manually refreshing the data from a Dashboard page.

Metrics for the following data can be monitored for the following using the Dashboard Collection Program. In addition, data for web components can be collected manually in the dashboard.


Configuration changes (made in the last 24 hours)

System Alerts

Alerts can be raised for the following services. When a service attains a specified status, an alert is raised.

System Throughput (in the last 24 hours)

Additional Monitoring Features and Options

From the Monitoring tab on the OAM Site Map, you can access these utilities.

Service Instances for the Forms Listener

Navigation: Site Map > Monitoring > Forms (under Availability)

This page lists the service instances for the Forms Listeners. From this page you can edit information for a selected service instance. You can also view its status, view processes, and view information on its Forms Runtime Processes. Also, you can start, stop, abort, or restart the instance.

SQL Activity

Navigation: Site Map > Monitoring > SQL Activity (under Performance)

This page provides data regarding SQL Activity:

For more information on these columns, see the Oracle database documentation.

Concurrent Request Runaways

Main Navigation Path: Site Map > Monitoring (subtab) > Performance (heading) > Concurrent Request Runaways (link)

System performance can potentially be affected by database sessions that should have ended when their corresponding concurrent requests were canceled, but for some reason did not.

If any such database sessions are currently active, they will be reported on this page. The table supplies context information for each session: request ID, AUDSID, program, user name, start time, phase, status, Oracle SPID, and PID. You can delete a session by selecting it in the table and clicking Terminate. You can drill down on the links in the request ID, AUDSID, program, and user name columns to view the respective details.


The following information is shown:

Forms Sessions

Navigation: Site Map - Monitoring > Forms Sessions (under Current Activity)

This page shows information on the current forms sessions. Every open form has its own database session, or "form session."

The profile option "Sign-On:Audit Level" should be set to 'Form' to use this feature. If this profile option is not set to 'Form', the Forms Sessions table will show an empty table even when there are active forms sessions.

Use the profile option "OAM: Large Record Display Size" to control the number of records displayed.

To filter the display by Form Name, Username, Responsibility, or Application, make the appropriate selection from the drop-down menu, enter the search string in the field provided, and click Go.

The following data is shown for each session:

Click on the Session Details button or the AUDSID to view database information for the selected forms session.

Use the Diagnostics On/Off button to turn on or off the Forms Runtime Diagnostics (FRD) for the runtime process. If this button is disabled, make sure your Forms patch set level is 12 or higher (that is, or higher) and then set the environment variable FORMS60_OAM_FRD for the Forms Listener process.

Forms Sessions for Process ID

If you click on the RTI_PID from the Forms Session window, or if you click on the PID from the Forms Runtime Processes window you will see the fields described above as well as the following data for the Process ID:

Use the View Diagnostics button to view the Forms Runtime Diagnostics (FRD) log file. The log file can be added to the Support Cart.

Forms Runtime Processes

Navigation: Site Map - Monitoring > Forms Runtime Processes (under Current Activity)

This page shows information about Forms runtime processes. You must first register and start a service instance of the OAM Generic Collection Service to collect this information. The Generic Collection Service must be running for the information to be collected.

You can filter your view by Node or Username.

The following columns are shown for each session:

Use the Upload button to refresh the data on this page.

Use the Terminate button to end a selected process.

Click on the Sessions button or click on the PID to view the Forms Sessions for Process ID page.

System Activity (Activity Monitors)

Navigation: Site Map > Activity Monitors (under Activity)

This region displays information on the system's activity.

A Database Sessions graph displays the number of database sessions related to the following:

A Concurrent Requests graph displays the number of requests with the following statuses:

Click on the bar for any status to drill down to more information on requests of each status.

Database Session Information

Navigation: Site Map - Monitoring > Forms Sessions (under Current Activity) > (B) Session Details

This page displays detailed information about the selected database session. Click Terminate to end the database session.


Instance Attributes

Client Attributes

Application Attributes

Session Wait Information

Tracing Options

Set the trace options to the level desired. Options available are:

Click Apply to apply any changes made to the Tracing Options. Click View Trace to view the current trace information.

Current Activity

The following information is shown:

User Monitoring

The feature monitors an Oracle E-Business Suite user's current activity within the system, with respect to the system components. It monitors the user's current activity within forms and concurrent programs. Sign-on Audit should be turned on for Form Activity data to be available.

Invalid Objects

Navigation: Site Map > Monitoring > Invalid Objects (under Current Activity)

This page lists invalid objects in the database. To remove invalid objects, you can compile the APPS schema (for invalid objects in the APPS schema) or run a script provided with the database (for other invalid objects). See Maintaining the Databasefor more information on compiling objects.

Forms Runaway Processes

Navigation: Site Map > Monitoring (subtab) > Current Activity (heading) > Forms Runaway Processes (link) Overview

You can also access this page by clicking the View Runaways button on the Forms Runtime Processes page.

Running Oracle E-Business Suite requires the creation of many system-level processes. On occasion, processes can behave incorrectly and have a negative impact on system performance. In Oracle Applications Manager, you can:

You can define memory, CPU, and duration thresholds. Memory refers to process memory size, resident set size, or total virual memory size based on the platform. On a UNIX system, CPU refers to the cumulative execution time of the process. On a Windows NT system, CPU is, CPMemory - Process memory size, Kb, resident set size or total virtual memory size based on the platform. CPU - On UNIX, it is the percentage of CPU use. If the system has both UNIX and Windows NT nodes, then CPU refers to the percentage of CPU use. In all cases Duration refers to the total time elapsed since a connection was established.

The default values of the thresholds are as follows:

Applications Usage

Navigation: Site Map > Monitoring (tab) > Applications Usage Reports (under Usage)

The Applications Usage page contains links to the following pages:

Products Installed


Applications Systems > (B) Configuration > Products Installed


Applications Systems > (menu) Applications Usage > (B) Go > Products Installed

This page lists the following information for Oracle E-Business Suite products:

Application Users Per Module Summary

Navigation: All Applications Systems > (pull down menu) Applications Usage > (B) Go > Application Users Per Module Summary

This page lists the following information for Oracle E-Business Suite modules:

You can view details for a particular module by selecting its radio button on the left and clicking the View Details button. This takes you to a page that lists the following:

Click Show All to see a format suitable for printing that lists all users. Within the Show All format, click on Show Set to see the table format of the list.

Page Access Tracking and Sign-On Audit

Page Access Tracking and Sign-on Audit tracks the accesses of Oracle E-Business Suite JSPs and Oracle Forms for usage pattern analysis and performance statistics. The Reports screen displays the complete flow of accesses across technology stacks within a user session. It also aggregates collected metrics and display summary statistics.

Applications Usage Reports

Use these reports to collect information on specific applications usage. Your License Management Services analyst may ask you to collect such information, or you can use these reports for your own monitoring.

The following reports can generate information on various licensing metrics in a time period you specify. However, for the purposes of License Management, a twelve (12) month period is used.

Purchase Line Items Processed (Internet Supplier Portal, Purchasing Intelligence, and iProcurement)

These reports generate information for the licensing metric Purchase Line. Purchase Line is defined as the total number of purchase line items processed by the application during a 12 month period. Multiple purchase lines may be created on either a requisition or purchase order or may be automatically generated by other Oracle E-Business Suite programs. For iProcurement, Purchase Lines are counted as all line items on an approved requisition created in iProcurement. For Internet Supplier Portal and Purchasing Intelligence, Purchase Lines are counted as the line items on purchase orders processed through each of those applications. This does not include communication on the same Purchase Order. For each application, you may not exceed the licensed number of Purchase Lines during any 12-month period unless you acquire additional Purchase Line licenses from us. You may acquire a different number of Purchase Line licenses for each program (Number of Purchase Lines for iProcurement could be a smaller number than for Internet Supplier Portal).

For Internet Supplier Portal, use the Suppliers script to generate a list of suppliers and their IDs. You can then use this information when running the Purchase Line Items Processed report for Internet Supplier Portal.

Order Entry Lines Processed (Order Management)

This report is used for the licensing metric Order Line, which is defined as the total number of order entry line items processed by the program during a 12 month period. Multiple order entry line items may be entered as part of an individual customer order or quote and may also be automatically generated by the Oracle Configurator. You may not exceed the licensed number of Order Lines during any 12 month period.

Expense Reports Processed (Internet Expenses)

This report is used for the licensing metric Expense Report, which is defined as the total number of expense reports processed by the iExpenses during a 12 month period. You may not exceed the licensed number of Order Lines during any 12 month period.

Invoice Line Items Processed (Accounts Receivables)

This report is used for the licensing metric Invoice Line, which is defined as the total number of invoice line items processed by the program during a 12 month period. You may not exceed the licensed number of Invoice Lines during any 12 month period unless you acquire additional Invoice Line licenses from us.

Custom Reporting Utilities - SQL Extensions

Use this page to run seeded and custom scripts.

Navigation: Site Map > SQL Extensions (under Others)

In using this feature, you must ensure the following:

Click on the icon in the Focus column to display only those reports from the selected group.

Use the Hide/Show icon next to the group name to hide or display the reports contained in the group.

The following columns are shown for each report:

Use the Reload button to reload the displayed reports from the metadata file.

Adding Custom Scripts to the SQL Extensions Page

You can have your custom scripts automatically discovered by Oracle Applications Manager and available to run from the SQL Extensions page.

  1. Create a new SQL script. Multiple SQL statements are allowed within the same file. For example: a report called "Get Sysdate": sysdate.sql

  2. Create a directory called /custom/sql for your custom SQL files under <APPL_TOP>/admin. Your directory structure should look like <APPL_TOP>/admin/custom/sql.

  3. Copy your SQL files to <APPL_TOP>/admin/custom/sql directory.

  4. Now log in to Oracle Applications Manager and navigate to Site Map > SQL Extensions.

  5. The discovered SQL files will be under the "DefaultC" group.

After the files are discovered, you can customize the grouping, protection, and execution method of these scripts.

Customizing Automatically Discovered Scripts

To customize the grouping, protection, report format, or drill-downs for your automatically discovered scripts, you must edit oamcustext.amx located under <APPL_TOP>/admin/custom/xml.

For each discovered script, the oamcustext.amx file will contain an entity similar to the following example that defines the grouping, protection, and report format:

<cReport type="SQL" group="DefaultC">

<title>sysdate.sql</title> <script name="sysdate.sql" protected="yes" execMode="SQLPLUS" parameters="unknown">



To move your report to a different group

You can change the group that your report displays under.

  1. In the oamcustext.amx file, change the value of "group" to the name of the group you want your report to appear in. For example, to change the group to "Custom Reports", the result would be:

    <cReport type="SQL" group="Custom Reports">


    <script name="sysdate.sql" protected="yes" execMode="SQLPLUS"




  2. Log in to Oracle Applications Manager and navigate to the SQL Extensions page (Site Map > SQL Extensions).

  3. Click the Reload button to reload the metadata. Your script will appear under the new group.

To change the protection on your report

You can change the password protection that is set on your report.

  1. In the oamcustext.amx file set the value of "protected" to "yes", if you want password protection enabled on your script. Set it to "no" to remove password protection. For example, to set the protection to "no", the result would be:

    <cReport type="SQL" group="Custom Reports">


    <script name="sysdate.sql" protected="no" execMode="SQLPLUS" parameters="unknown">



  2. Log in to Oracle Applications Manager and navigate to the SQL Extensions page (Site Map > SQL Extensions).

  3. Click the Reload button to reload the metadata. Your script will appear with the "unlocked" icon.

To change the report format

  1. In the oamcustext.amx file set the value of "execMode" to "SQLPLUS" text format, or set it to JDBC for HTML format. For example, to set the report format to HTML, the result would be:

    <cReport type="SQL" group="Custom Reports">


    <script name="sysdate.sql" protected="no" execMode="JDBC" parameters="unknown">



  2. Log in to Oracle Applications Manager and navigate to the SQL Extensions page (Sitemap > SQL Extensions).

  3. Click the Reload button to reload the metadata.

To provide drill-downs from the results of your script

For reports defined in HTML format, you can provide drill-downs from the results of your script to other Oracle Applications Manager pages. Currently drill-downs are supported for requests based on REQUEST_ID and database session information based on AUDSID.


Suppose your SQL script returns REQUEST_ID as the first column of the report, you can link it to the Request Details page as follows:

  1. Ensure that execMode="JDBC"

  2. Add the following to the entry for your SQL script:


    <column position="1" key="REQUEST_ID"/>


Here, position="1" indicates that the REQUEST_ID column is the first column reported by your select statement. Currently the possible values for the key attribute are REQUEST_ID and AUDSID.

The new full entry for your SQL script will look like the following:

<cReport type="SQL 'group="Custom Reports">

<title>sysdate.sql</title> <script name="sysdate1.sql" protected="no" execMode="JDBC"




<column position="1" key="REQUEST_ID"/>




Details of Report

Navigation: Site Map > SQL Extensions >(select report name)

This page displays information based on the report definition. Information may include:

You can run the report from this window by clicking the Run Report button.

Report Results

Navigation: Site Map > SQL Extensions (Run Report)

The contents and format of this page will vary depending on the report run.

Report results returned in HTML allow you to filter the report by a specific Column value.

Use the Refresh button to rerun a report from this page.

Click Add to Support Cart to add your report results to the Support Cart.

System Alerts, Metrics, and Logs

Overview of System Alerts, Metrics, and Logs

The System Alerts, Metrics, and Logs screens provide information that can help you diagnose potential problems. For example, configuration issues, overdue routine maintenance tasks, and invalid data can cause serious problems requiring either an automated response or manual intervention.

Oracle E-Business Suite applications can report these potential problems as system alerts to Oracle Applications Manager. These alerts can then be tracked in OAM, and administrators can classify alerts as open or closed, as well as keep notes on the steps taken to resolve underlying problems.

In addition, some problems may be more easily detected through external analysis of performance metrics. External analysis allows for easier comparison of current and historical metric values, consideration of metrics from multiple products and components, and end-user defined exception triggers. Such exceptions could include decreasing transaction throughput for a component or excessive completion times for a business process.

System Alerts

Navigation: Site Map > >Monitoring > System Alerts (under Current Activity)

Components in an Applications System such as concurrent programs, forms, service instances, or functions can post exception messages during specific error conditions as defined by the developer of the component. The term "System Alert" denotes a grouping of such exceptions having the same message. The term "Occurrence" is used to denote each member exception of such a group. Each alert is associated with a Severity (Critical, Error or Warning) and a Category (System or Product).

This page shows a summary of the system alerts as well as a list of new alerts.

Alerts are classified by Severity level:

Alerts are also marked as New or Open. "New" indicates that the alert has just been posted in the system. "Open" indicates the alert is being resolved.

In the Summary region, Alerts are grouped according to their severity and status of New or Open. The New or Open column indicates how many alerts of the given severity exist. You can click on the number to drill down to details on the alerts.

When a new exception is posted, if an alert already exists with the same message and is in New or Open state, then the new exception is considered an occurrence of the existing alert. If an alert with the same message does not exist then a new one is created (with the state New) and this exception becomes the first occurrence of this alert. A notification is also sent to subscriptions for the newly created alert.

You can change the state of alerts (along with the associated occurrences) in OAM. You can change the state of a new alert to Open to indicate the exception has been acknowledged and the problem is being resolved. Once the problem is resolved you can change the state of the alert to Closed. You can also add notes to alerts; for example, to indicate how the problem was resolved.

You can search for alerts, search for occurrences, and view the notification setup for alerts using the buttons provided.

System Alert Flood Control

Oracle Applications Manager provides the System Alerts feature to inform system administrators of potential problems in Oracle E-Business Suite. For the Oracle Application Object Library messages logged at the level of Unexpected, OAM can raise system alerts. Ideally, system administrators should actively look at these alerts and close them once issue is resolved. If for some reason the alerts are not closed, too many new system alerts can flood the system with alerts, occurrences, business events, and notifications. Oracle E-Business Suite provides a mechanism to control the count of new system alerts to avoid a system alert flood.

By default, the system will raise only 500 new alerts. Once this limit is reached for new system alerts, no new alerts or notifications will be raised and a message will be displayed on System Alert and Metric page. To re-enable the alerting, a system administrator should change the status of existing new alerts from OAM. Oracle E-Business Suite also allows system administrators to change the default threshold by using the System Alert Setup button from System Alert and Metrics page can access this page. From the setup page you can also change the number of occurrences per alert. By default, only 50 occurrences per alert are logged.

The setup page also provides control to enable the system alert for a particular severity. If critical severity is selected, only critical alerts will be logged. “None” selection will disable the system alert completely and no new alerts will be raised.

System Alert Details

This page displays the details associated with a particular system alert. This page includes the summary information for the alert such as severity, category, state, creation date, and the exception message. The occurrences table summarizes the individual occurrences for this alert. You can select an occurrence and click View Details to drill down to the context details for an individual occurrence.

From this page, you can also change the state of the alert as well as navigate to the Add Notes page to add notes to the alert.

Search Alerts

This page allows you to search for alerts by Severity, Category, State and Posted Date. The search results are displayed in the same tabular format as in the New Alerts section in the System Alerts page. You can also add notes or change the state of the alerts displayed in the results table.

To search for occurrences from this page, click Search Occurrences.

Search Occurrences

This page allows the user to search for occurrences of alerts by various criteria. The query criteria are categorized into the following groups:

From the results table on this page, users can drill down to view the context details for each occurrence. In addition, the users can also drill down to view the details for the alert to which each occurrence belongs.

To search for alerts from this page, click Search Alerts.

System Alert Occurrence Details

This page displays the entire context information associate with an individual alert occurrence. This page is divided into the following three sections:

System Metrics

Navigation: Site Map > Monitoring > System Alerts (under Current Activity) > Metrics (tab)

Not all exception conditions can be immediately detected directly within an Oracle E-Business Suite component, but are best detected through external analysis. Some are detected by measuring certain criteria, such as decreasing transaction throughput for a component or excessive completion times for a business process. External analysis allows for easier comparison of current and historical metric values, consideration of metrics from multiple products and components, and end-user defined exception triggers. These exceptions are analogous to "events" in Oracle Enterprise Manager where the use specifies the specific conditions that will trigger an alert.

Simple Search Metrics

You can search for metrics based on Application, Component, Posted After date, or Posted Before date.

Advanced Search Metrics

Click on the Advanced Search button to search for metrics based on detailed criteria.

This page allows the users to search for metrics based on the context information associated with the metrics. The query criteria are categorized into the following groups:

From the results table, users can drill down to view the context details for each metric.

System Metrics Results Table

The System Metrics results table shows information on:

System Metric Details

This page shows the following:



System Logs

Navigation: Site Map > Monitoring > Logs (under Current Activity)

System Logs are messages that are logged by Oracle E-Business Suite system components.

Log messages contain a comprehensive set of context information and are useful for pinpointing and diagnosing system problems. They can have the following levels (listed from most serious to least serious):

The system logs screens allow you to work with log messages that have been saved to the database. Note that if logging has been configured to store messages in an application tier file, such log messages will not be visible on the UI screens. Also, if a log message would normally raise a system alert but the message is sent to a file instead of the database, then the system alert will not be raised.

The following topics describe how to work effectively with the system logs screens:

Performing a Simple Search

In a simple search, you can search for log messages based on the following criteria:

Enter values into the fields as desired and click Go to perform a search.

Performing an Advanced Search

To run an advanced search, click the Advanced Search button. You can use any combination of the following search criteria:

On this page, the LOVs only display values that are reflected in existing log messages. For example, the User LOV only shows users who are specified in one or more log messages. It does not show the entire list of Oracle E-Business Suite users. Furthermore, the LOVs are also filtered by any other search criteria you have entered on the page.

Optionally, you can perform searches that depend on the Component Type. In the Component region, select a Type from the drop-down list. The page will refresh to offer additional search fields. For example, for Concurrent Programs, you can search by Concurrent Program Application or Concurrent Program Name.

Working with Search Results

Viewing Search Results

When you perform a search, the System Log Summary table shows how many log messages were returned and how many are at each log level.

Individual log messages are listed in the System Log Details table. For each log message, the sequence number, module, log level, user, and time are displayed. You can drill down on an individual message or on a user to view details.

Downloading Search Results

To download all returned log messages, click the Download All button. (This includes the full range of log messages, not only those displayed on the current page.) The downloadable file is a comma-delimited CSV file.

To download your choice of currently displayed log messages, select them in the table and click the Download button.

Additionally, you can save all search results by clicking the Add to Support Cart button.

Viewing Log Message Details



Request Summary


In the Attachment region, additional context information (such as environment variables or file versions) may be available in some cases.

Optionally, you can add this page to the Support Cart.

Setting Up Logging

Navigation: Site Map > Monitoring > Logs (under Current Activity ) > Log Setup (button)

On the Log Setup screen, you can configure logging according to user, responsibility, application, or site. Additionally, you can view any Java System Property settings for the current JVM that may be active. Note that Java System Property settings override all other settings.

Setting Up Logging for Users, Responsibilities, or Applications

The following procedure explains how to set up logging for a particular user. The steps are the same for responsibilities or applications. Note that user settings override responsibility settings, responsibility settings override application settings, and application settings override site settings. In the table, null values indicate that the setting is to be inherited from the next higher profile level.

  1. If the User table is not currently displayed, then click the icon to show it.

  2. If there is a blank User Name field, then click the flashlight icon to select a user name. If there is not a blank User Name field, then click the Add Another Row button to add an empty row to the table, then select a user name.

  3. In the Log Enabled field, select null, Yes, or No. A null value means that the setting will be inherited from a higher level profile value.

  4. In the Log Level field, select a log level. Log messages greater than or equal to the specified level will be stored.

  5. (Optional) In the Midtier Log File Name field, type in a valid application tier file path. If this field is blank, then log messages will be stored in the database. Note: Server PL/SQL messages are always logged to the database.

  6. (Optional) In the Module field, enter the module for which you want to enable logging. For example, "fnd%".

  7. Click Apply to save your work.

Setting Up Logging for a Site

The following procedure explains how to set up logging for your entire site.

  1. In the Log Enabled field, select null, Yes, or No. (A null value means that the setting will be inherited from a higher level profile value.)

  2. In the Log Level field, select a log level. Log messages greater than or equal to the specified level will be stored. It is strongly recommended that you choose 4 - Exception, 5 - Event, or 6 - Unexpected. Significant system performance issues may arise if logging is enabled at less than 4 - Exception.

  3. (Optional) In the Midtier Log File Name field, type in a valid application tier file path. If this field is blank, then log messages will be stored in the database. Note: Server PL/SQL messages are always logged to the database.

  4. (Optional) In the Module field, enter the module for which you want to enable logging. For example, "fnd%".

  5. Click Apply to save your work.

Diagnostics in Oracle Applications Manager

Oracle Applications Manager allows you to run diagnostic utilities from the Diagnostics and Repair tab on the OAM Site Map.

Debug Workbench

Navigation Path: Site Map > Diagnostics and Repair (tab) > Diagnostics (heading) > Debug Workbench (link)


The Debug Workbench enables you to centrally control and monitor the debugging of Oracle E-Business Suitecomponents. Using the Debug Workbench, you can set up debug rules for system components and view the debug information that has been collected.

The Debug Workbench can be launched from Oracle Applications Manager and from the Standard Request Submission (SRS) form using the button Debug Options... By default, this button is disabled. To enable this button, set the Concurrent: Allow Debugging profile option to Y.

Using the Main Debug Workbench Screen

On the main Debug Workbench screen, a table lists summary information (Rule ID, Component Name, and so on) for the debug rules that exist on the system. On this screen, you can:

Creating Debug Rules

You create debug rules to collect debug information about specific system components.

To create a new debug rule, use the following procedure:

  1. On the main Debug Workbench screen, click the Create button. This launches a multi-step flow of screens that guide you through the rule-making process.

  2. Choose the component type that you want to debug. Optionally, you can enter a comment to describe the rule.

  3. Choose the component instance.

  4. You must set up at least one debug option. Debug options such as logging level, PL/SQL profiler, SQL trace, and Reports trace are available. For a given rule, you can select any combination of available debug option values.

  5. Specify the context and schedule of the rule. You can set a rule to execute for a specific responsibility or user, and to execute either during a specific span of time or for a certain number of repetitions.

  6. Review your work and click the Finish button to save the new rule.

The new rule will appear on the main Debug Workbench screen.

Troubleshooting Wizards

Oracle Applications Manager provides several wizards:

Concurrent Manager Recovery

Navigation: Site Map - Diagnostics and Repair > Concurrent Manager Recovery (under Troubleshooting Wizards)

Use this feature when the Internal Concurrent Manager fails to start.

Click the Run Wizard button to start the recovery process. You cannot run this process if the Internal Concurrent Manager is currently running.

If you encounter any problems, each wizard screen can be added to the Support Cart.

Step 1- Active Managers with a Database Session

This screen lists all managers that must be stopped before proceeding with the recovery.

Listed for each manager are:

You may want to wait for any requests that are running to complete before you execute the shutdown. Drill down on the Running Request to view it.

Click Shutdown to shut down all the listed managers, and then click the Refresh icon to verify that they were shut down. If a manager fails to shut down from this page, you can drill down to the Database Session Details page and use the Terminate button to end the session from there. Return to the Concurrent Manager Recovery screen and refresh the page to verify all managers have been shut down before proceeding to the next step.

Step 2 - Managers Deemed Active but Without Database Session

Any processes listed here must be terminated before continuing. Because these processes have lost their database sessions, they must be manually terminated from the command line. Refer to your operating system documentation for instructions on terminating a process from the command line.

After terminating the processes, click Update to mark the processes as no longer active in the database table. Click the Refresh icon to verify that all processes have been terminated.

Listed for each process are:

Step 3 - Reset Conflict Resolution

Click the Reset button to reset the listed requests for conflict resolution. This action changes requests that are in a Pending/Normal phase and status to Pending/Standby. Click the Refresh icon to verify that all requests have been reset.

You can drill down on the Request ID to view the request in the Advanced Search for Requests screen.

Listed for each request are:

Step 4 - Requests that are Orphaned

This page lists the requests that do not have a manager. If any requests have Active Sessions listed, drill down on the session ID and terminate the session from the Database Session Details screen. Return to the Concurrent Manager Recovery screen and click the Refresh icon to verify that the session is no longer active.

Listed for each request are:

Request ID - Drills down to display the request in the Advanced Search for Requests page.

Concurrent Manager Recovery Summary

The summary page lists the information collected from the previous steps. After reaching this page, you should be able to restart your Internal Concurrent Manager. If you cannot, retry starting the Internal Concurrent Manager with DIAG=Y, refresh the summary page, add it to the Support Cart with the log files, and send them to Oracle Support.

Log Files Collected - Click on the log file name to view it. The log files can be added to the Support Cart.

Report Summary

Service Infrastructure

Navigation: Site Map > Diagnostics and Repair > Service Infrastructure (under Troubleshooting Wizards)

Using the Service Infrastructure diagnostic wizard, you can examine existing Generic Service Management data to determine potential problems, and update the data to eliminate the issues.

Click Run Wizard to begin using the wizard.

Step 1: Active Nodes without a Service Manager

This screen lists any active nodes without a registered service manager. Concurrent processing requires a registered Service Manager on every registered node. If you need to register service managers for the listed nodes, you can click on the Register button to do so.

Step 2: Active Concurrent Processing Nodes without an Internal Monitor

This screen lists any concurrent processing nodes that need a registered Internal Monitor. Click the Register button to register Internal Monitors for any listed nodes.

Step 3: Service Managers without Active Nodes

This screen lists service managers and Internal Monitors that are registered for deactivated or nonexistent nodes. If you do not plan on using these nodes in the future, these managers, including the Internal Monitor, can be disabled. Click the Disable button to disable the managers for a node.

Step 4: Active Nodes with Inactive Service Managers

All active nodes should have active service managers. This screen lists active nodes without active service managers. Click the Activate button to activate service manager definitions for the listed nodes.

Step 5: Enabled Service Instances without Workshifts

This screen shows service instances without any workshifts defined. You can add the Standard workshift to the listed service instances using the Add Workshifts button.

Step 6: All Nodes should be Uppercased (for Service Instances)

This screen lists any service instances that are assigned to a node that does not have an uppercase name. Use the Uppercase button to change the names of the listed nodes to uppercase.

Step 7: All Nodes should be Uppercased (for Processes)

This screen lists any processes on nodes that do not have an uppercase name. Use the Uppercase button to change the names of the listed nodes to uppercase.

Service Infrastructure Summary

This screen shows a summary of the data found for each of the previous screens, as well as any changes you made.

Configuration and Log files are listed first. Two log files and two configuration files are listed for each node. You can click on the name of the file to view it and add it to the Support Cart. You can add all the files to the Support Cart using the Add All Files to Support Cart button.

Generic Collection Service (GCS) and Forms Monitoring Wizard

Navigation Path: Site Map > Diagnostics and Repair (tab) > Troubleshooting Wizards (heading) > GCS and Forms Monitoring (link)


The GCS and Forms Monitoring wizard helps you troubleshoot the OAM Generic Collection Service.


The wizard cannot be launched unless the Internal Concurrent Manager (ICM) is up and running.

Running the Wizard

Click Run Wizard to start the wizard. The steps in the wizard are as follows:

  1. If necessary, register the OAM Generic Collection Service on all listed nodes.

  2. If necessary, enable the OAM Generic Collection Service on all listed nodes.

  3. If necessary, activate the OAM Generic Collection Service on all listed nodes.

  4. See the registration of the Forms Listener.

  5. If necessary, enable the Forms Listener on all listed nodes.

  6. If necessary, set the Sign-On Audit level to "FORM".

  7. See a summary screen where you can view a log file and add files to the Support Cart.

CP Signature

The CP Signature Wizard collects information regarding the current status of concurrent processing on the system.

Navigation: Site Map > Diagnostics and Repair > CP Signature

This wizard collects information on the following:

Support Cart

The Support Cart feature allows you to save Oracle Applications Manager pages with their data and then zip them up in a file to send to Oracle Support. Oracle Support can then view your pages in the Oracle Applications Manager display format.

When you click the Add to Support Cart button, the page is added to the Support Cart. If you have filtered or sorted the data, your manipulated view is submitted.

For example, these are some of the pages with the Support Cart feature:

To view the contents of the Support Cart, click on the Support Cart global button.

Click Save Cart to save the contents to a zip file that you can send to Oracle Support.

Any contents of the cart that are not saved are automatically deleted when you log out of Oracle Applications Manager.

To restore a saved cart, click Restore Cart to browse your directory for the saved cart.

To restore a cart file, select a cart file from the list displayed, or use Browse to select a file from the directory. Then click Restore.

Support Cart Contents


Enter a TAR Number and additional details for the Support Cart Contents.

Applications Signature

The Support Cart can collect a standard set of information regarding your E-Business Suite system. Oracle Support requires this information when logging a technical assistance request (TAR).

To collect this information, click Collect.

In the Generic region, information is collected on:

Click the View icon to view these pages. If you want to delete a page, select it and click the Delete button. Clicking Collect again will collect information for all four pages again.

In the Nodes region, you can specify to include or exclude output and log files for specific nodes as well.

Other Information Collected

Pages that you save using the Add to Support Cart button are listed under this tab.

Oracle Applications Manager Log

This page displays the log file generated by Oracle Applications Manager.

Navigation: Site Map > Administration > Applications Manager Log (under Others)

The current message level of the log is shown. To change the level, select the desired option and click Go.

Note: Changing the log level from this page will only be effective until the servlet is restarted. For a persistent setting, the log level initialization parameter must be changed in The parameter is: oracle.apps.oam.logger.level

For example:


The possible settings are:

The default is USER.

The log can be added to the Support Cart.

Purging in Oracle Applications Manager

Purging Options under the Critical Activities Tab in the Oracle Applications Manager Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

Navigation: Site Map > Maintenance > (Critical Activities) Setup and Monitor

Purge programs help reduce the amount of transient data stored in an Oracle E-Business Suite system. Periodically purging unneeded data helps to:

Oracle E-Business Suite has several concurrent programs defined as purge programs. These programs can then be added to the Critical Activities by navigating to the Setup link. These features can then be run from the Critical Activities Monitor link.

Note that there are significant challenges to managing the data footprint for Oracle E-Business Suite. Oracle E-Business Suite transactions cannot be deleted based upon simple criteria such as date ranges, for example, because Oracle E-Business Suite data relates to business transactions that require the understanding of business rules to determine state.

For example, one specific purchase order might be deleted because it was cancelled or fulfilled. A different purchase order on the same day may still be partially unfulfilled, so it cannot be deleted. Yet another purchase order may be completely fulfilled, but only partially paid in Accounts Payable, so it cannot be deleted.

This kind of complexity requires product module-specific purging rules, and even rules that span multiple product modules. In the example of the purchase order was that was completely fulfilled but only partially paid, a purging rule would need to evaluate linked transactions between Purchasing and Financials to determine whether the data can be safely removed.

Given the way that Oracle E-Business data is deeply linked across many products, it is likely that there are many situations in which there are no machine-readable ways of determining whether data can be safely removed without violating referential integrity. Oracle does not recommend third-party tools for data subsetting in Oracle E-Business Suite environments. The use of third-party tools to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data structures, including deleting EBS data using third-party data subsetting templates, is likely to violate Oracle E-Business Suite referential integrity and is not recommended.

For additional information on managing your data footprint, refer to Reducing Your Oracle E-Business Suite Data Footprint using Archiving, Purging, and Information Lifecycle Management, My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 752322.1.

Automated Standby Deployment in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

You can use Oracle E-Business Suite automation features in Oracle Applications Manager and Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager) to create a standby environment from an on-premises environment in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. For details, refer to the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide.