
This chapter describes how to create, view, and download Standard and Comparison reports.

This chapter covers the following topics:


Oracle iSetup Reporter takes extracted data as input to generate standard reports and comparison reports. You can choose the data objects to generate the desired report and view the report online or download it as PDF, RTF, or Excel formats. The report online view also allows you to search for a record from within the report.

Managing Report Preferences

Use these pages to create, update, and view your preferences for reports.

Searching for Preferences

Search for a personalization based on a user's name. The results of such a search will be the preferences set by that user. The results table will list:

Search for Preferences

the picture is described in the document text

Creating a Preference

  1. Click the Create button to create a preference.

  2. Enter the following for your preference:

    • Name - Name of the preference.

    • Enabled - Check this box to enable the preference.

    • Interface - This LOV lists only those APIs that are not personalized.

    • Description

Note: The Personalization name must be unique for a user.

Based on the API picked in the LOV above, the HGrid will be rendered with the following columns:

Note: An attribute that is checked as a Key Attribute must be checked as a Reportable Attribute.

Create Preference

the picture is described in the document text

Updating a Preference

From the Search Results table, you can navigate to this page using the Update icon for a selected preference.

You can update all the fields for a preference except for Name and Interface.

Update Preference

the picture is described in the document text

Deleting a Preference

Use this page to delete a preference. From the Search Results table, you can navigate to this page using the Delete icon for a selected preference.

Viewing a Preference

This page provides details for a preference. From the Search Results table, you can navigate to this page by clicking on the link provided for a preference.

View Preference

the picture is described in the document text

Standard Reports

Standard Reports are generated for a single extract.

Standard Reports

the picture is described in the document text

Searching for Standard Reports

You can either do a Simple Search or an Advanced Search.

In Advanced Search, you can search on the following attributes of the standard report:

In addition, you can have the search results match any or all the criteria you specify by selecting an appropriate option.

The report can be deleted by clicking on the Delete icon.

If the downloadable report option was chosen, a link appears in the Download column. Use this link to download the generated report in the form of a ZIP file.

Advanced Search for Standard Reports

the picture is described in the document text

Search Results

All standard reports that match your search criteria are listed in a table format. Use the search results page to:

Creating a Standard Report

You can initiate a standard report create process either by:

Create Standard Report: Set Report Parameters

the picture is described in the document text

Following are the steps to create a standard report:

  1. Name: Enter a unique name for the report. This is a required field.

  2. Data Source: Select a Data Source for the report from a search. This is a required field.

    Note: The extract must have Phase as Completed, Status as Normal, and must be Active status or have one or more data objects enabled for reporting. When the creation is initiated from the Extracts Search or the Details page, this information is populated.

  3. Downloadable Report Format: In addition to the online report, you can also select the format for a downloadable report. You can download the report as a .PDF, .RTF, or .XLS. The recommended format is PDF.

  4. Report Download Layout: You can also choose one of the two downloadable layouts, Hierarchical or Setup Document Style (BR-100 style document). This dropdown list is available only if 'PDF' or 'RTF' is chosen as the report download format.

  5. Apply Preferences if Available: If one or more interfaces in the extract have preferences configured for them, checking this box will apply those preferences while generating the report. On the same note, if this box is not checked, the user-configured preferences will not be applied on the interfaces during report generation.

  6. Click Next. Based on the extract selected, a list of data objects is displayed. Select at least one data object for reporting.

    Generate Standard Report: Choose Objects

    the picture is described in the document text

  7. Preferences Enabled: This column displays a tick icon corresponding to those interfaces for which preferences will be applied. This column appears only if the 'Apply Preferences if Available' box on the previous page is checked.

  8. Schedule: Create the standard report as soon as possible or schedule it for a later date and time.

    Generate Standard Report: Schedule

    the picture is described in the document text

  9. Finish: Click Finish to submit the report creation process.

    This takes you to the Standard Reports Search page with a confirmation.

Viewing a Standard Report

Click the desired standard report name to view the details of a report.

This view displays the data objects that were part of the data source. The View icon is enabled only for the objects that were selected for the report.

While the report is being generated, the View icon maybe disabled for objects which are being processed. This view also displays the number of records contained in each data object.

Refresh: Refresh the page to get the current status. The Refresh button appears as long as the status of the report is not Complete.

View Log: Click View Log to see the log generated during the generation of this report.

Online Report Layout: Use this dropdown list to choose a Hierarchical view or Tabular view of the online report. Click the View icon in any of the interfaces to view the online report.

Hierarchical Layout: Records are displayed in a hierarchical fashion. You can search for a record by using the available search criteria and clicking Go.

Hierarchical Layout

the picture is described in the document text

Tabular Layout: In a tabular layout:

Tabular Layout

the picture is described in the document text

Note: The online report retrieves records based on the profile option AZ: Reporter Max Records, which can be set to a maximum of 200. To restrict your search use the search filters available on the Report Details page.

Click Printable Page for a print version of the standard report.

Downloading a Standard Report

If you had specified a download format for the report, a ZIP file containing the downloadable report is available on the Standard Reports Search page. Click the Download link for the required report. You can also download the report from the Standard Report Details page.

Note: The download capability is available if: 

The downloaded file name is the report Request ID and is generated by the system.

The downloaded ZIP file contains the following files and folders:

Once you have downloaded the report, you need to extract the contents to a folder. Open the index.html file to access the report.

Note: It is recommended that you navigate to the reports through the links in the index.html file.

Deleting a Standard Report

Click the Delete icon in the Standard Reports page to delete a report. This takes you to the Warning page where you must confirm the delete action. Once you confirm the deletion, you return to the Standard Reports Search page.

Comparison Reports

A comparison report is generated from two extracts. You can create a new comparison report or view an existing comparison report.

Comparison Reports

the picture is described in the document text

Searching for Comparison Reports

You can either do a Simple Search or an Advanced Search.

In Advanced Search, you can search on the following attributes of the comparison report:

In addition, you can have the search results match any or all the criteria you specify by selecting an appropriate button.

Advanced Search for Comparison Reports

the picture is described in the document text

Search Results

All comparison reports that match your search criteria are displayed in a table format. Use the search results page to:

Creating a Comparison Report

From the Reports tab, select the Comparison subtab, and click Create.

Generate Comparison Report: Set Report Parameters

the picture is described in the document text

Following are the steps to create a comparison report:

  1. Name: Enter a unique name for the comparison report. This is a required field.

  2. Primary Data Source: Select a Primary Data Source.

  3. Secondary Data Source: Select a Secondary Data Source.

  4. Downloadable Report Format: In addition to the online report, you can also select the format for a downloadable report. You can download the comparison report as a .PDF, or .RTF. The recommended format is PDF.

  5. Apply Preferences if Available: If one or more interfaces in the extract have preferences configured for them, checking this box will apply those preferences while generating the report. On the same note, if this box is not checked, the user-configured preferences will not be applied on the interfaces during report generation.

  6. Click the check box "Show only differences in downloadable report" if you want only the differences to be reflected in the downloadable report.

  7. Click Next. Based on the snapshots you have selected, the common objects of the two snapshots are listed. Select the objects on which you want to generate the report.

    In the table showing the common objects, the Preferences Enabled column displays a tick icon corresponding to those interfaces for which preferences will be applied. This column would appear only if the 'Apply Preferences if Available' box in on the previous page is checked.

    Generate Comparison Report: Choose Objects

    the picture is described in the document text

    Note: A comparison report cannot be generated if the extracts do not have any common objects.

  8. Schedule: Create the report as soon as possible or schedule it for a later date and time.

    Generate Comparison Report: Schedule

    the picture is described in the document text

Viewing a Comparison Report

Click the report name to view the details of a report.

This view displays the objects that form the report and the number of records that are exclusive to the primary data source, exclusive to secondary data source, and records that are different as well as identical records.

Refresh: Refresh the page to get the current status. The Refresh button appears as long as the status of the report is not Complete.

View Log: Click View Log to see the log generated during the generation of this report.

To view the report generated for a data object, click on any of the difference count. Only the records of the clicked difference type is displayed. For example, clicking on the "Exclusive to Primary Data Object" count will display only those records that are exclusive to the primary data source.

This page allows you to search based on the difference types and the search criteria available for that interface.

Click the object name to view the contents of the object. A comparison view of the contents of the primary data source and secondary data source appears.

The following table describes the icons used to describe the records.

Record Icons
Legend Icon Description

the picture is described in the document text

Record only available in the Primary Data Source.

the picture is described in the document text

Record only available in the Secondary Data Source.

the picture is described in the document text

Record is present in the Primary and the Secondary Data Source, but has differences in some attributes.

the picture is described in the document text

The attribute that is different for a record, which is present in the Primary and the Secondary Data Source.

Attribute differences are identified with the not equal to icon in the Different column.

Click Printable Page for a print version of the comparison report.

Downloading a Comparison Report

If you had specified a download format for the report, a ZIP file containing the report is available on the Comparison Reports page. Click the Download link for the required report. You can also initiate the download from the Comparison Report Details page.

Additional Information:  

  1. Download would be available if:

    • A download format was specified during creation of a comparison report.

    • Report is generated without any errors and the Phase is Complete and the Status is Normal.

  2. Download file name is the report Request ID and is generated by the system.

The downloaded ZIP file contains the following files and folders:

Once you have downloaded the report, you need to extract the contents to a folder. Open the index.html file to access the report.

Deleting a Comparison Report

Click the Delete icon in the Comparison Reports page to delete a report. This takes you to the Warning page where you must confirm the delete action. Once you confirm the deletion, you return to the Comparison Reports Search page.