E-Business Tax Reports

Common Report Parameters

The following report parameters are common to many E-Business Tax reports:

Reporting Level: If you use Multi-Org Access Control (MOAC), specify the level at which to run the report. You can run a report at these levels:

Reporting Context: If you use Multi-Org Access Control, specify the context in which to run the report. The list of values for this parameter depends on the Reporting Level that you specified. If your Reporting Level is Ledger, you can run this report for a ledger or a specific operating unit. If your Reporting Level is Operating Unit, you can run this report only for the operating unit assigned to your responsibility.

Note: If you are not using Multi-Org Access Control, the report ignores the Reporting Level and Reporting Context parameters.

Company Name: If the Reporting Level is Ledger, this identifies the legal entity associated with the ledger. The report includes all transactions stamped with this legal entity.

Accounting Status: E-Business Tax selects and prints information for the transactions with the accounting status you specify. The values are:

One of these values is the default for certain reports.

Currency: A currency code. If you select a specific currency, then E-Business Tax only displays items posted in that currency.

GL Date: The general ledger date range for the accounting period to include in the report. E-Business Tax prints all transactions based on the general ledger date range you enter. The default values for GL Date Low and High parameters are the start and end dates of the most recent accounting period.

Transaction Date: The transaction date range for the period to review. The transaction dates for each class of transaction is defined as follows:

Generating Standard Reports Using XML Publisher

E-Business Tax integrates with Oracle XML Publisher to generate custom formatted standard tax reports. You can design and control the report presentation using report templates. When you generate a report, XML Publisher merges report data with the report template to create a document that supports numerous formatting options, including color, images, font styles, headers, and footers.

E-Business Tax provides XML Publisher templates for these standard reports:

Related Topics

XML Publisher Introduction, Oracle XML Publisher User's Guide

Creating an RTF Template, Oracle XML Publisher User's Guide

Customers with Invoices at 0 VAT and No VAT Registration

Use this report as part of the VAT Reconciliation Report Set to display all customers within the European Community that have not paid VAT, but have not provided you with a VAT registration number to exempt them from VAT.

You may be required to collect VAT on each transaction listed and will have to manually calculate the impact to your VAT return before completing your VAT reconciliation.

Column Headings

Class: The class of the transaction.

Invoice Number: Either the transaction number or the receipt number, depending on the transaction type.

Customer Name: The customer name. This column is empty for Miscellaneous Receipt transactions.

Customer Number: The customer number. This column is empty for Miscellaneous Receipt transactions.

Invoice Date: Either the transaction date or the receipt date depending on the transaction type.

Line Number: The transaction line number. This column is empty for the following transactions:

E-Business Tax Transactions Upgrade On Demand

The E-Business Tax Transactions Upgrade On Demand program upgrades transactions from Release 11i to Release 12 that were not included in the downtime upgrade process.

Use the Upgrade Historical Subledger Transactions program to perform the upgrade process. The Upgrade Historical Subledger Transactions program internally calls the E-Business Tax Transactions Upgrade On Demand program to upgrade the transactions that you specify.

Related Topics

Appendix I, Upgrade by Request, Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to Release 12 Release 12 for Windows or UNIX

Financial Tax Register

Use the Financial Tax Register to view the output from the Tax Reporting Ledger. The Tax Reporting Ledger consists of accounting information created in Oracle Receivables, Oracle Payables, and Oracle General Ledger.

These tax registers are available:

These summary levels are available within each Tax Register:

The Financial Tax Register is an RXi report that contains two predefined attribute sets that you can customize by copying and editing them. These attribute sets are:

The Default attribute set contains all of the available attributes from the extract view. You can use this attribute set to create new attribute sets. There is no predefined layout.

The TAXREG attribute set can be used for Oracle Payables, Oracle Receivables, and Oracle General Ledger, or all products. The report does not include discount amounts for Oracle Receivables and Oracle General Ledger.

Selected Parameters

Ledger Currency: The ledger currency to use for this report.

Register Type: Enter the type of register to create.

The settlement option (Immediate or Deferred) at the tax rate level indicates whether the corresponding tax is posted to an Interim account. Interim taxes apply only to Receivables transactions. Nonrecoverable taxes apply to both Payables and Receivables. A single transaction can also post tax into a combination of these accounts. When you select the register type, you can view the transactions posted into any one of these three accounts defined for the tax rate codes selected.

Summary Level: Select the level of detail for the report.

Product: Select the application to report on or select All to report on all applications

Tax Type Low/High: The range of tax types to include in the report. If you are reporting on a specific tax regime or tax, then the report uses the tax types belonging to this tax regime or tax only.

Tax Regime Code: Select a tax regime to report on, or leave blank to report on all applicable tax regimes.

Tax: Select a tax to report on, or leave blank to report on all applicable taxes.

Tax Jurisdiction: Select a tax jurisdiction to report on, or leave blank to report on all applicable tax regimes.

Tax Status Code: Select a tax status to report on, or leave blank to report on all applicable tax regimes.

Tax Code Low/High: The range of applicable tax rate codes to include in the report.

Transfer to GL: You can report on transactions transferred to General Ledger, transactions not transferred, or all transactions.

AR Exemption Status: If you are reporting on Receivables transactions, select a tax exemption status to report on.

Transaction Number: Enter a specific transaction number to report on. The list of values for this field depends on the Include options that you enable.

Include options: Set the options to Yes for the transactions that you want to include in this report.

Intra-EU Audit Trail Report

Use the Intra-EU VAT Audit Trail Report to review invoice and tax information for intra-EU invoices. Intra-EU invoices are invoices received from suppliers located in European Union member states other than the member state in which the organization is located. You are not required to pay VAT on intra-EU invoices, but you are required to maintain records and report on the VAT amounts for these invoices. You can record these tax liabilities by creating offset tax amounts for each tax amount on an invoice.

This report includes invoices for any supplier site that is a VAT member of the European Union. A supplier site is a VAT member of the European Union if the country for the supplier site address is a VAT member of the European Union. The report lists the invoice amounts, sales tax amounts, and offset tax amounts for all intra-EU invoices. If multiple currencies are used, the report displays invoice amounts and totals converted in the ledger currency.

Selected Parameters

Begin/End Invoice Date: The invoice date range to include in the report.

Include options: Set the options to Yes for the transactions that you want to include in this report.

Summarize Report: Set this option to Yes to print summary totals.

Related Topics

Setting Up Offset Taxes, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide

Tax Partner Services Plug-In

Use the Tax Partner Services Plug-in program to insert the registered tax service provider services into the execution flow of E-Business Tax without manually changing E-Business Tax programs. You also use this program to insert any customizable tax functions that you create into the E-Business Tax execution flow.

You need to run this program each time you integrate a new tax service provider service and/or new customizable tax function into E-Business Tax.

Selected Parameters

Service Category: The Customized User Procedure or the Tax Partner Service that you want to integrate into E-Business Tax.

Service Owner:

Related Topics

Customizable Tax Functions, Oracle E-Business Tax: Vertex Q-Series and Taxware Sales/Use Tax System Implementation Guide

Tax Received Report

Use the Tax Received report to review the amount of taxes that you received for each taxable debit item. The report automatically lets you see how much tax you received for the GL date range that you specify.

Selected Parameters

Order By Tax Received: The report uses State to order information.

State: Select the state range to use for the report.

Include options: Set the options to Yes for the transactions that you want to include in this report.

Report Headings

Order By: The report orders by State.

Currency: The report prints the currency above all debit items belonging to this currency. The report creates separate pages for debit items with different currencies.

GL Date: The debit item General Ledger date range, if you specified.

Row Headings

City Subtotal: The line, tax, amount received, and tax received subtotals for each city.

County Subtotal: The line, tax, amount received, and tax received subtotals for each county.

Invoice Grand Total: The line, tax, amount received, and tax received totals for all debit items on this report.

Column Headings

Amount Received: The total of the lines and tax amount for this transaction. The report shows this amount in the same currency as the transaction.

Lines Amount: The total line amount for this transaction.

Tax Amount: The total tax amount for this transaction.

Tax Received: The total amount of tax received for this transaction.

Tax Reconciliation Report

Use the Tax Reconciliation Report to prepare the Output Tax portion of your periodic tax returns. This report lists the taxable and tax amounts, by tax account, of all Receivables transactions for a given period to enable you to identify and review your tax liability for various tax rate codes. The Tax Account Low/High parameters let you select tax liability accounts from your General Ledger.

The report also provides you with all of the transaction detail from the Receivables subledger to help you reconcile the Output Tax portion of your tax returns to the General Ledger.

Selected Parameters

Tax Account Low/High: Select the General Ledger account range to review.

Include options: Set the options to Yes for the transactions that you want to include in this report.

Transfer to GL: Specify Posted, Unposted, or All values as follows:

Detail Level: To include all transaction detail, accept the default value Show Summary and All Detail. To display only transaction summary information, choose Show Summary Only.

Show Ship To Address: Select how to print a customer's ship to address on the report.

Column Headings

The Tax Reconciliation Report is ordered by the company segment of the accounting flexfield, the natural account segment of the accounting flexfield, the accounting flexfield, the General Ledger date, the invoice number, the transaction class, and the transaction number. All amounts are displayed in the ledger currency and the transactions totaled by General Ledger account.

Detail Section

Batch Source: The batch source of this transaction.

Transaction Number: This column displays the transaction number of the applied transaction and relates to these transactions:

Document Name/Number: The document sequence name and number of this transaction.

Transaction Class: The transaction class.

Related Transaction: This column displays the transaction number of any related transaction. For example, a credit memo, adjustment, or (for earned and unearned discounts) receipt number.

GL Date: The GL date for this transaction.

Ship To: The ship-to address for this transaction, as specified in the Show Ship to Address parameter. For example, if you specified State, the report prints the state portion of the ship-to address.

Taxable Amount: This column reports on the taxable amount of the transaction related to the current General Ledger account. If a transaction posts tax to multiple General Ledger accounts because it includes multiple tax rate codes, the sum of the taxable amounts from each General Ledger account will equal the total taxable amount for the transaction.

Posted Tax: This column displays tax amounts posted to the General Ledger.

Unposted Tax: This column displays tax amounts not yet posted to the General Ledger.

Summary Section

Transaction Class: This column displays a summary of the transaction classes displayed in the detail section of the report. The report displays transaction classes in this order:

Taxable Amount: This column shows a summary of the Taxable Amount column from the detail section per transaction class.

Posted Tax: This column shows a summary of the Posted Tax column from the detail section per transaction class.

Unposted Tax: This column shows a summary of the Unposted Tax column from the detail section per transaction class. At the end of the reporting period, you should not have any unposted transactions.

Total Tax: This column displays the sum of the Posted and Unposted columns. This value represents your Output Tax for the reporting period and tax rate code as defined by the selected date range and tax account parameters.

General Ledger Activity: The General Ledger Activity of the tax account is displayed if the GL date range selected corresponds to a valid accounting period in General Ledger and no transaction date range is entered. The value reported in this column is the net of all General Ledger activity posted to this account for the given period.

You can use this value to compare the Total Tax by account with your General Ledger. The Total Tax for each account should equal the General Ledger activity for the corresponding account.

Row Headings

Tax Account: The report groups all transactions by General Ledger account. This row displays the General Ledger account and description with the totals for each column within the account. Each account should map to a single tax rate code.

Tax Reconciliation by Taxable Account Report

Use the Tax Reconciliation by Taxable Account report to report on taxable transactions in Payables, Receivables, and General Ledger. This report fulfills the legal reporting requirement for tax returns and tax audits for VAT accounting.

The Tax Reconciliation by Taxable Account report lets you:

The Tax Reconciliation by Taxable Account report lets you report on all taxable transactions in a single report. The report prints for each transaction:

The report generates subtotals by taxable account and tax rate code.

Selected Parameters

Reporting Level: Select the reporting level, Ledger, Legal Entity, or Operating Unit.

Reporting Entity ID: Select a reporting entity.

Balancing Segment: Select a balancing segment.

Currency Code: Select a currency code, such as USD.

GL Start Date: Select a start date.

GL End Date: Select an end date.

Tax Regime Code: Select a tax regime to report on, or leave blank to report on all applicable tax regimes.

Tax: Select a tax to report on, or leave blank to report on all applicable taxes.

Tax Jurisdiction: Select a tax jurisdiction to report on, or leave blank to report on all applicable tax regimes.

Account Segment Low: Enter the low value for the account segment range to include in the report.

Account Segment High: Enter the high value for the account segment range to include in the report.

Tax Status Code: Select a tax status to report on, or leave blank to report on all applicable tax regimes.

Tax Rate Code: Select a tax rate code.

Tax Type Code Low: Select the low value for the range of applicable tax rate codes to include in the report.

Tax Type Code High: Select the high value for the range of applicable tax rate codes to include in the report.

Debug Flag: Set to Yes or No.

Tax Register Report

Use the Tax Register report to review your tax liability. The report groups total tax amounts by tax type, tax class, and company.

The report includes deferred tax accounting information and all transactions for which tax accounting is defined. You can define tax accounting for adjustments, discounts, finance charges, and miscellaneous receipts.

Selected Parameters

Register Type: Select the tax account information to view for the specified tax rate codes:

Order By: Select the option to use to sort the information.

Summarization: Select the level of detail to use for the report:

Tax Regime Code: Select a tax regime to report on, or leave blank to report on all applicable tax regimes.

Tax: Select a tax to report on, or leave blank to report on all applicable taxes.

Tax Jurisdiction: Select a tax jurisdiction to report on, or leave blank to report on all applicable tax regimes.

Tax Status Code: Select a tax status to report on, or leave blank to report on all applicable tax regimes.

Tax Rate Code Low/High: The range of applicable tax rate codes to include in the report.

Exemption Status:Select a tax exemption status to report on.

Show Functional Amounts: Select whether to display report values in the ledger currency or the entered currency:

Include options: Set the options to Yes for the transactions that you want to include in this report.

Tax Audit Trail Report

Use the Tax Audit Trail report to review tax information for posted or partially posted invoices. This report provides detail tax and invoice information and the total amounts for each tax rate code in the invoice currency and ledger currency. The report lists, for each tax rate code, distributions of all posted or partially posted invoices. The report includes, for each invoice, both the tax amount and the invoice amount subject to tax.

Selected Parameters

Start/End Accounting Period: The accounting periods to include in the report.

Begin/End Invoice Date: The invoice date range for the report.

Tax Regime Code: Select a tax regime to report on, or leave blank to report on all applicable tax regimes.

Tax: Select a tax to report on, or leave blank to report on all applicable taxes.

Tax Jurisdiction: Select a tax jurisdiction to report on, or leave blank to report on all applicable tax regimes.

Tax Status Code: Select a tax status to report on, or leave blank to report on all applicable tax regimes.

Tax Rate Code Low/High: The range of applicable tax rate codes to include in the report.

Report Order By: Select the option to use to sort the information.

Include options: Set the options to Yes for the transactions that you want to include in this report:

Tax-Only Open Invoices Report

Use the Tax-Only Open Invoices Report to review invoices where all amounts have been paid or credited except the tax amount. These are invoices where the tax amount may be in dispute. You use this report to highlight potential problems.

Selected Parameters

Order By Open Invoices: Select the value to sort by: Customer, Invoice Date, Invoice Number.

Invoice Date Low/High: The invoice date range to include in the report.

Column Headings

Customer Name: The customer name for the invoice.

Invoice Date: The invoice date. This is typically the date you create the invoice.

Days Overdue: The number of days the uncollected tax amount is past due.

Original Amount: The original tax charges for this invoice.

Amount Outstanding: The unpaid amount of tax for this invoice.

Row Headings

Amount Outstanding Grand Total: The total outstanding tax amount for the invoices on this report.

VAT Exception Report

Use the VAT Exception Report as part of your VAT reconciliation to review any Receivables subledger transactions which meet one or more of the following VAT exception criteria:

You should correct every transaction on this error report or manually calculate the impact to your return before completing your VAT reconciliation.

Column Headings

Line Number: This column shows the transaction line number, but is empty for these transactions:

Transaction Amount: This column shows the amount of the transaction in the entered currency.

Status: This column reports the reason the transaction is an exception. The column displays these warning messages:

U.S. Sales Tax Report

Use this report to review your tax liability to the various tax authorities around the US. The US Sales Tax report includes all invoices, credit memos, and adjustments sorted by ship-to state, county, and city and lists taxable, exempt, and tax amounts. This report is used as the basis for the periodic sales tax returns required by each state. This report provides all of the transaction detail from your Receivables subledger to let you to reconcile these returns against your General Ledger balances. In addition, a summary is provided of the total amount exempt for each reason. The US Sales Tax report supports only accrual basis reporting and is only used for United States sales tax.

Selected Parameters:

Reporting Level: Select a reporting level, Ledger or Operating Unit.

Reporting Context: Defaults based on reporting level chosen.

If you entered Ledger for the Reporting Level, the default is the ledger associated with your responsibility.

If you entered Operating Unit for the Reporting Level parameter, select an operating unit from the list of values.

Note: The profile option MO: Operating Unit determines the operating unit for your responsibility.

Transaction Date Low: Enter the starting date of the transaction date range.

Select and print sales tax information for the transaction date range you specify. This field is optional. If you specify a transaction date range but no GL date range, your report will not balance to the General Ledger if the transaction and GL dates for a transaction fall in different periods.

Note: For adjustment transactions, the transaction date refers to the transaction date of the invoice to which the adjustment applies

Transaction Date High: Enter the high ending date of the transaction date range.

GL Date Low: Enter the starting GL date for the GL date range.

Select and print sales tax information for the GL date range you specify. The default is the first and last date of the prior accounting period. Use a GL date range to enable you to balance your US Sales Tax report against your General Ledger.

Warning: If you specify both a GL date range and a transaction date range, transactions with transaction and GL dates in different periods will not be printed in the report.

GL Date High: Enter the ending GL date for the GL date range.

State Low: Enter the low range value for state.

The state information is generally derived from the ship–to–address of the transaction. If the ship–to–address is blank, Receivables derives the state information from the transaction's bill–to address.

State High: Enter a high range value for state.

Currency Low: Enter the range value for currency.

Select and print sales tax information for the currency range you specify.

Currency High: Enter the high range value for currency.

Exemption Status: Select an exemption status:

Enter an exemption status if you want the report to only list transactions which reference exemptions with that status. You can find all transactions using rejected exemptions by entering Rejected here.

Sales Tax Liability Account From: Enter the low range value for the sales tax liability account.

This parameter only restricts Receivables Adjustment transactions. An Adjustment transaction is a Receivables feature that lets you increase or decrease the amount due of your invoice, debit memo, chargeback, deposit or guarantee. The report will exclude any Adjustment transactions posted to accounts outside the selected range. Invoice, Debit Memo and Credit Memo transactions that post to a general ledger account outside the selected account range are included in the report, but are tagged with an asterisk (*) in the footnote column. If no range is selected, all Adjustments will be displayed and no transactions will be tagged.

Sales Tax Liability Account To: Enter the high range value for the sales tax liability account.

Detail Level: Select a detail level for the report

Report eXchange Header Level: This option lets you use the Report eXchange (RX) client to include transaction header level amounts in this report. If you choose this option, this report generates one line per transaction with only the Total Lines Amount and Total Tax Amount fields showing transaction level totals.

Report eXchange Line Level: This option lets you use the Report eXchange (RX) client to include transaction line level information in this report. If you choose this option, this report generates one line per transaction line and populates each line attribute for the RX client.

Order By: Select the option to use to sort your information. The report will first sort by tax authority and then by one of the following sort options that you select:

Transfer to GL: Select what should be transferred to GL:

Note: If the parameter Show all Adjustments and Credits is set to Yes, then the report will include adjustments only if the invoice amount has a credit (or a negative amount). If the parameter Show all Adjustments and Credits is set to No, then the report will include any adjustments regardless of whether the invoice amount has a debit or a credit amount.