Oracle Financials for India

This chapter covers the following topics:

Replacement of the Descriptive-Flexfield-Based Approach

In the earlier releases, Oracle Financials for India used the following Descriptive Flexfields (DFFs):

In Release 12, these DFFs have been replaced with alternate approaches.

Indian customers can leverage the DFF facility provided by E-Business suite. At the same time, the customers can use the enhanced Oracle Financials for India features.

There are no data migration assumptions that have been made. Customers, however, may have added their own attributes to the contexts used by Oracle Financials for India. These attributes will not be migrated by Oracle Financials for India. Customers should have a separate plan to migrate data related to these additional attributes.

This table illustrates how data is migrated in case of India Items DFF:

Descriptive Flexfield Old Table Old Column New Table New Column

For full details on data migration of each DFF, please refer the Oracle Financials for India Technical Transfer of Information.

This table describes the alternate approach for each DFF used by Financials for India:

Descriptive Flexfield Alternate Approach
India Items New user interfaces of Item Templates and Template Assignments have been created with data being stored in separate tables.
India Block of Assets New user interface of Block of Asset Assignment has been created with data being stored in separate tables.
India Receipts New user interface of Receipts India Localization has been created with data being stored in separate tables.
India RMA Receipts New user interface of Receipts India Localization has been created with data being stored in separate tables.
India Return to Vendor Existing Return to Vendor (Localized) screen has been modified to include the Actions columns. The user enters Yes / No each for Excise or VAT indicating whether he wants to generate Excise or VAT Invoice number respectively.
Additional Line Attribute Information Existing Sale Order India Localization form has been modified to include new fields related to the DFF.
India Payment Information New user interface TDS Challan Details has been created with data being stored in separate tables.
India Organizational Information This DFF has been eliminated by using the Regime form to define the TDS regime. This regime definition is similar to Service Tax and VAT regime definition.
India Distributions This DFF has been eliminated by introducing this as a Global Descriptive Flexfield (GDF).
India VAT In Release 12, Supplier Tax Invoice Number and Supplier Tax Invoice Date fields have been added to the Payables Invoice Workbench.
India Lookup Codes This DFF is eliminated by creating new setup user interfaces Threshold Setup for defining TDS Thresholds. This new screen is now used to define the Threshold limits for a particular section.
India Original Invoice for TDS This DFF holds the source (original) invoice number for a TDS invoice generated. This DFF has been eliminated by storing this number in extension tables for Oracle Financials for India.

For more details on usage of the alternate approaches, refer to the Oracle Financials for India User Reference Manual.