Oracle E-Business Tax

This chapter covers the following topics:


The new Oracle E-Business Tax product in Release 12 will cover standard procure-to-pay and order-to-cash transaction taxes, with the exception of withholding taxes, those taxes handled by the Latin Tax Engine solution, and India transaction taxes.

E-Business Tax is an application based on a single-point solution for managing transaction-based tax, and it uniformly delivers tax services to all E-Business Suite business flows through one application interface. It replaces the following Release 11i Tax Solutions:

A fully automated upgrade will ensure that Oracle customer’s current investment in Tax Setup is not lost and the uptake of new features can be made in a way and at a pace that best suits the implementing client. The upgrade scripts will automatically create additional tables, structures, and relationships. The main assumptions and upgrade naming strategy detailed below.

The current features (excluding Latin Tax Engine and Withholding Tax) will be migrated to the Release 12 E-Business Tax; however, the continual maintenance of the migrated data will be changed. All maintenance of Tax Setup will be done through a new E-Business Tax user interface based on Oracle Application Framework standards. To aid usability, in addition to the setup flows in E-Business Tax, tax setup related to Customers, Supplier and Legal Entity has been integrated into the relevant Customer, Supplier and Legal Entity maintenance flows.

In Release 11i, the tax code provided the tax calculation services on the transaction line. In E-Business Tax, these services are managed by the tax determination process, and make use of the tax setup and tax rules to calculate the tax on the transaction line.

In keeping with the tax determination model, each tax code, including the tax codes within a tax group, migrates to E-Business Tax as a tax classification code. Payables and Purchasing tax codes migrate as input tax classification codes; Receivables and Projects tax codes migrate as output tax classification codes, under two separate lookup types in E-Business Tax. You can use these lookups to define additional tax classifications codes according to your requirements. See: Setting Up Lookup Codes for more information.

You can use tax classification codes as determining factors in tax conditions to create tax rules used in tax determination. The Release 11i tax code assignments to products, parties, and application system options are replaced by tax classification code assignments. Third-party suppliers and supplier sites migrate to Trading Community Architecture (TCA) as TCA parties and party sites. For these parties, E-Business Tax includes the tax classification code field as part of the supplier or supplier site party tax profile. Similarly, Tax Codes associated with Customer and Customer Sites are migrated as Tax Classification codes. See: Setting Up a Third Party Tax Profile for more information.

Along with third parties and third-party sites, you can assign tax classification codes to other E-Business Tax records according to your requirements.

A new Regime Determination Template Standard Tax Classification Code (STCC) will be created during migration using determining factor of Tax Classification Code − which will indicate that the tax calculation would be based on the old Release 11i approach. When the template is STCC, a shortcut approach is used to calculate taxes based on the passed Tax Classification Code. This is a special Regime Determination Template which does not use Location based Determining Factors. All other Regime Determination Templates must use location based determining factors.

In Release 11i, Tax Code and Group Code (defaulted) on a taxable line drive the applicability of one or more tax rates for the given taxable line. In Release 12, the equivalent Tax Classification Codes (defaulted) on taxable line would drive the applicability of one or more taxes using Direct Rate Determination Rules.

Migration Naming Convention

The following sections describe the new data that will be created as part of the migration process and the naming strategy that is used to create this new data. For details of the use of the new data, see chapter 2 of the Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide.

The following symbols are used in the description below:

New Data-Naming Strategy for Location-Based Tax

For the migration of location-based taxes such as United States Sales and Use taxes, the tax regime, tax, tax status, tax rate codes and tax jurisdiction codes will be created using the following strategy:

Tax Regime: <Code of Country of Operating Unit>||"-SALES_TAX-"||<Location Structure ID> For example, US-SALES-TAX-101.

Tax: <Location Segment Qualifier> For example, STATE

Tax Status Code: STANDARD

Tax Rate Code: STANDARD

Tax Jurisdiction Code:

For Vertex: <First two character of Geography Type>||"-"||<rates attribute 1> (For example, ST-05000000, CI-050811900)

For TaxWare

For State level Tax Jurisdictions:

substrb(geo.geography_type,1,2)||'-'||substrb(UPPER(loc.location_segment_user_value),1,21)||'-'|| substrb(rates.from_postal_code,1,5)

(For example, ST-CA-90000-00)

For County Level:

<"CO"||'-'||substrb(geo.geography_element2_code, 1,2)||'-'|| substrb(UPPER(loc.location_segment_user_value),1,21),1,27)

(For example, CI-CA-REDWOOD CITY-94065-00)

For Manual Data

For State level Tax Jurisdictions:

<First two character of Geography Type>||"-"||<first 14 characters of Location Segment User Value in capitals>||"-"||<jurisdiction id of rate (e.g. ST-CA-11735)

For City Level:

"CI"||'-'||substrb(geo.geography_element2_code, 1,2)||'-'||substrb(UPPER(loc.location_segment_user_value),1,12)|| '-'||substrb(rates.from_postal_code,1,5) || '-'||rates.attribute1

(For example, CI-CA-REDWOOD CITY-94065-00)

Tax Jurisdiction Code for Override Jurisdictions:

City override Jurisdiction for State Tax - ST|| '-'|| City Tax Jurisdiction Code

County override Jurisdiction for State Tax - ST||'-' || County Tax Jurisdiction Code

City override Jurisdiction for County Tax - CO ||'-'|| City Tax Jurisdiction Code

New Data Naming Strategy for Non-Location-Based Tax

Tax Regime: <Country Code of OU> || "Tax" or <Country Code of OU> || Tax Type

The effective from date value of all migrated regimes will be set to the earliest of the effective from dates of the associated AP and AR tax codes.

Tax: <Distinct Alphabetical value of tax codes> ||Tax Type if < Distinct Alphabetical value of tax codes> and Tax Type do not come out to be the same else it will be <Distinct Alphabetical value of tax codes> or <Global Attribute Values detailed below>

Status: "STANDARD" or "STANDARD_" || <Country Code> or STANDARD-AR-INPUT or STANDARD-INPUT or STANDARD-OUTPUT or <Global Attribute Values detailed below>

Recovery Type = 'STANDARD'

For the following global attribute categories, we use the global_attribute1 column from the source table to create a tax:

For AP:




For Switzerland: 'JE.CH.APXTADTC.TAX_INFO'

For AR:





For Brazil: 'JL.BR.ARXSUVAT.Tax Information'


Tax codes linked to withholding tax type, such as AWT, are not migrated, as withholding functionality is not covered by the new Release 12 functionality and works as it does in 11i.

All offset taxes created for tax codes of tax type offset will be suffixed with "-OFFSET."

All offset taxes are suffixed with "-OFFSET."

For a given operating unit the exchange rate type defined for the tax will be populated with either cross currency rate type or "Corporate" rate type if cross currency is not defined at AR System parameter level.

All default recovery rate codes are prefixed with "STANDARD-."

For all non recovery based rates the rate_type_code is hard coded to "PERCENTAGE."

For a given set of Regime, Tax, Status, Content Owner ID combination there will be one non-recovery rate which will be marked as a default rate.

Migration of Receivables Address Validation Parameter

Migration of Receivables system parameters address validation level will be migrated to the Trading Community Architecture (TCA) Geography Structure address validation parameter. If the Receivables system parameters have more than one operating unit set up per country, the most restrictive value will be migrated.

Data Ownership of Upgraded Data

In Release 11i, each application and Operating Unit (OU) owned and maintained its own tax codes and rates for use with its application-specific transactions. Because E-Business Tax provides the opportunity for a single source for all transactions for tax determination and tax calculation services, the ownership of the tax setup moves to the E-Business Tax shared ownership model.

Existing operating units with Release 11i tax setup will be upgraded as party-specific configuration owners, with the operating unit owning the tax setup. An exception to this is the upgrade of Receivables or Projects tax setup that contains location-based tax setup. This setup then will be upgraded as part of the common configuration, with the global configuration owner owning the location-based tax setup.

Configuration Options in Oracle E-Business Tax for more information.

Location-Based Tax Upgrade

In Release 11i, geography, tax jurisdictions and jurisdiction rates information were coupled together as Location Values and Rates. The definition of the location was represented in the Sales Tax Key Flexfields. This Sales Tax Key Flexfield was also used for address validation.

In Release 12, a tax regime will be created for each Geography structure defined at the AR Systems Options level. A hard coded tax called “LOCATION” will be upgraded as a ‘dummy’ tax to preserve the referential integrity on the historical transaction data. This dummy tax will also be used to drive the Regime usages for its corresponding OU Configuration Owner. Other Taxes will be created for each qualifier of the Sales Tax Key Flexfield such as STATE, COUNTY and CITY.

The location values will be upgraded into the Trading Community Architecture (TCA) Geography model as legislative geography elements such as STATE, COUNTY, CITY and POSTAL CODES as well as TAX ZONES to cover ZIP code ranges or groups of ZIP ranges with the same GEO code.

The upgrade will automatically create Tax Jurisdictions for each Tax Zone within the context of a Regime and Tax. For each of these Tax Jurisdictions, the upgrade will create a Tax Jurisdiction Rate with a percentage rate associated with the relevant tax Regime, Tax, Tax Status (STANDARD) and Tax Jurisdiction.

Defaulting Hierarchy

Release 11i defaulting hierarchy from AR/AP/PO and Project Accounting (PA) system options are upgraded as Tax Classification Code defaulting hierarchy in Application Tax Options for each OU and application product.

Tax Groups with Conditions, Constraints and Exceptions

In Release 11i, the user can define Constraints at the Tax Group level and Conditions and Exceptions for each tax code included in the group. It is, however, very difficult to interpret the user’s intention and create rules based on conditions and exceptions since different Tax Codes can be migrated to one single tax, the same tax code can appear multiple times in multiple tax group definitions, and conflicting compounding precedence that the user can associate with a Tax Codes in two separate tax groups.

Tax Code in Release 11i will be upgraded as Tax Rates within the context of the appropriate Tax Regime, Tax and Tax Status. In addition, Tax Rates used in the defaulting hierarchy or Tax Groups will also be migrated as Tax Classifications.

Applicability of tax codes that are grouped under tax group codes in Release 11i are upgraded by creating direct rate determination rules using conditions based on the tax classification code that is the same as tax group code.

The Release 11i Tax Group Conditions will be upgraded to condition sets whilst the Tax Code Conditions and Exceptions are upgraded as Conditions and Exceptions at Process Results level.

Note: These conditions cannot be edited by users.

Upgrade of Tax Recovery

In Release 11i, Tax Recovery is turned on at Financial Systems Options level. Tax Recovery rates are either directly associated with tax codes or account based tax recovery rate determination rule could be associated with Tax Codes. In the upgraded approach, Tax Recovery is enabled at the Regime and Tax Level; thus, providing more granular control for specific taxes. The current recovery rates will be upgraded as “primary” recovery rates with the Release 11i Accounting based recovery rules upgraded as Recovery Rate Rules.

Tax Overrides

In Release 11i, the controls to allow the override of customer exemptions are defined as responsibility level profile options. In Release 12, these overrides are setup on the Application Tax Options for a specific Operating Unit and Application.

In Release 11i, the controls to allow the override of Inclusive Tax Lines are defined on the Receivables Systems options. In Release 12, these are setup on the Configuration Owner Tax Options for a specific Configuration Owner and Application.

In Release 11i, the controls to allow Tax Rounding Override are defined on the Receivables System Options, Customer, and Customer Sites. In Release 12, Allow Tax Rounding Override setup is upgraded as controls at tax regime and tax level.

In Release 11i, Tax Rate override is controlled at the Tax Code level. In Release 12, these are upgraded as controls at the Tax Status level.

Party Tax Information

In E-Business Tax, the tax-related fields of third parties and first parties have been centralized into a new concept called Party Tax Profile. This is in line with the aim of centralizing all information for parties and party sites into Trading Community Architecture (TCA) as well as the modeling of Legal Entities and Establishments. For further details, refer to the Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide.

The Rounding Rule and Rounding Level defined at Vendor and Vendor Sites level in Release 11i will be migrated as the Rounding Rule and Rounding Level defined at Party Tax Profile for any third party or third party sites.

The Release 11i Tax Codes associated to Vendor, Vendor Site, Customer and Customer Site will be migrated as Tax Classifications associated to Vendor, Vendor Site, Customer and Customer Site, respectively.

The Release 11i Registration Type and Tax Registration number will be upgraded in Release 12 as the Default Registration in the Party Tax Profile, while the Party Classification GDFs will be upgraded as Party Fiscal Classifications associated with the relevant Party Tax Profile using Trading Community Architecture's (TCA) Party Classification model. Other Release 11i party-related Global Descriptive Flexfields (GDF) used for reporting purposes will be upgraded as reporting codes associated with the relevant Party Tax Profiles in Release 12.

Tax Registrations

The Release 11i single Tax Registrations at Vendor and Vendor Sites are upgraded in Release 12 as single Tax Reporting Registration Number and Type defined at Party Tax Profile for Vendors and Vendor Sites.

The Release 11i single Tax Registrations at Customer and Customer Site Uses are upgraded in Release 12 as single Tax Registration defined at Customer and Customer Site Uses levels.

Tax Registrations defined at HR locations or HR Organization levels in Release 11i are upgraded as Tax Registrations at Party Tax Profile for Legal Establishments.

Additional Release 12 functionality is available to define multiple registrations for the same party and different regimes, taxes or jurisdictions, as well as the ability in Release 12 to define registration status that can be used in rules.

Tax Exemptions

The Use Customer Exemptions flag is defined at Receivables System options in Release 11i is upgraded to the Configuration Owner Tax Options.

The Allow Tax Exemptions flag defined at Tax Code level in Release 11i is upgraded to the Allow Tax Exemptions flag at Regime and Tax levels.

For Release 11i, the Party Exemptions are maintained in the Tax Exemptions window while in Release 12, they are maintained in the Exemptions page of the Party Tax Profile flow or via the Customer Party Maintenance flow.

In Release 11i, the exemptions can be defined for party and tax code while in Release 12, they can be defined for a party, Tax Regime and optionally for a combination of Tax, Tax Jurisdiction, Tax Status, and Tax Rate.

In Release 11i, Item Exemptions are defined in the Tax Exemptions window, however, in Release 12, Item Exemptions can be defined under the Exceptions Maintenance flows or if linked to a party they can defined in the Exemptions Maintenance flows for a specific party or party site.

Tax Transaction Upgrade

In Release 11i, AP holds summary tax distributions and allocations in Allocations entity without taxable amount details. Tax Lines information is not available.

Purchasing does not carry explicit tax lines/distributions, with every tax transaction query requiring a new recalculation. During the encumbrance process, tax is recalculated and prorated, resulting in rounding issues.

In Release 11i AR caries detail tax lines.

In Release 12, there is one single repository containing detailed, fully-allocated tax lines. This repository will contain Tax Distributions for all Procure to Pay Transactions. It also contains document level summary tax lines for Payables Transactions. The Tax Line IDs / Tax Distributions IDs are stamped on AR/AP Tax Lines to allow for reconciliation between the Tax Repository and Product Transactions. The Tax Line IDs / Tax Distribution IDs are also carried on the accounting transactions to allow reconciliation between the Product Tax Transactions and the Tax Accounts.

Seeded Formula for Standard Taxable Basis and Tax Calculation

The following formulae are seeded in Release 12. These formulas are not specific to any Tax Regime or Tax and are available for all Tax Regimes and Taxes.

Taxable Basis Formula:

Tax calculation formula:

STANDARD_TC − This seeded formula represents Standard Tax Calculation formula and the tax is calculated using this formula as follows:

Tax Amount = Taxable Basis * Tax Rate

Receivables Tax Calculation Flag on Transaction Types (Changed Usage)

In Release 11i Receivables Transaction Types, there is a check box labeled Tax calculation. This field has a dual purpose: if checked, it is determined whether Tax Codes are defaulted and required on the transaction lines as well as enforcing that tax is calculated. It also triggers a validation that raises errors if there were no tax lines for given invoice lines.

In Release 12, the label on the check box has changed to Default Tax Classification. The check box now determines if a tax classification is defaulted on the transaction lines. Tax classifications are no longer required on lines, and tax calculations are not currently required on transactions.

Different Credit Percentages for Tax and Line for Receivables Credit Transactions

In Release 11i, when an applied Credit Memo is created, users can specify different percentages of lines and taxes to be credited.

In Release 12, the user is no longer allowed to credit different percentages of Line and Tax as this creates issues with taxable amount derivation and maximum tax (threshold) calculation. It also does not allow the user to specify the tax being affected. Hence, if a different percentage of Line and Tax is entered, an error is raised as Oracle E-Business Tax cannot determine the tax that needs to be credited.

Compounding precedence on AR Tax Lines user interfaces.

In Release 11i, users can access tax-related forms from both the header and lines forms in the Transaction Workbench. On the header form, the Tax button and corresponding menu option (Tools-Tax) both currently open the Tax Summary/Detail form initially in summary mode. The summary form displays each tax code along with the total tax calculated for this transaction by that tax code. If compound taxes are enabled, then the codes are shown in order of precedence, and the amounts reflect the compound calculations.

In Release 12, the Receivables Tax form is obsolete. E-Business Tax has introduced Detail Tax Lines Window. See the E-Business Tax User Guide for details of this new window. This form displays the tax attributes along with the tax amount calculated for each item line.

The tax precedence is NOT shown on "Detail Tax Lines Window" as the calculated taxes might be independent of each other; hence, the precedence cannot be determined. The precedence information can be obtained from Tax Formula.

Correct/Reject Option at Batch Source Level

When you set up an Import type batch source, the Autoinvoice tab labeled Invalid Tax Rate is available in batch sources in Release 11i. It supports a drop-down menu with the choices of “Correct” and “Reject.” The control determined how auto invoice was to handle the situations where the tax amount and tax rate for an item line were in conflict. Most often, this affected manually imported tax lines where the tax amount did not equal the tax rate multiplied by the taxable amount. In Release 12, this control is removed from the form.

User Defined PL/SQL Taxable Basis Type at Tax Code Level

The user defined PL/SQL taxable basis type at tax code level feature is obsolete in Release 12.

Compounding Precedence on Imported Tax Lines

The compounding precedence on imported tax lines is obsolete in Release 12.

Global Descriptive Flexfield Migration Changes


Release 11i Release 12
Entity GDF Segment User Interface Prompt
AP Tax Codes DGI Transaction Code Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Invoice Lines Fiscal Classification Code Products: Product Classifications (Inventory linked) Classification Type/Code
AR Invoice Lines Fiscal Classification Code Products: Product Classifications (Non-Inventory) Classification Type/Code
AR Memo Lines Fiscal Classification Code Products: Product Classifications (Inventory linked) Classification Type/Code
AR Memo Lines Fiscal Classification Code Products: Product Classifications (Non Inventory) Classification Type/Code
AR Tax Codes DGI Transaction Code Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Tax Codes Municipal Jurisdiction Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Tax Codes Print Tax Line Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Tax Codes Tax Category Tax Configuration: Taxes Tax
AR Tax Codes Turnover Jurisdiction Code Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
HR Locations Primary ID Number/ Primary ID Valid Digit (AR) Parties --> Party Tax Profile --> Update --> Tax Reporting Codes N/A
HR Locations Primary ID Number/ Primary ID Valid Digit (AR) Parties --> Party Tax Profile --> Update --> Tax Registrations Default Reporting Registration Number
Inventory Items Fiscal Classification Code Products: Product Classifications (Inventory linked) Classification Type/Code
Inventory Items Fiscal Classification Code Products: Product Classifications (Non Inventory) Classification Type/Code


Release 11i Release 12
Entity GDF Segment User Interface Prompt
AP Invoice Distributions Operation Fiscal Code Transactions: Transaction Business Categories Transaction Business Category/Code
AP Invoice Header Operation Fiscal Code Transactions: Transaction Business Categories Transaction Business Category/Code
AR Invoice Lines Fiscal Classification Code Products: Product Classifications (Inventory linked) Classification Type/Code
AR Invoice Lines Fiscal Classification Code Products: Product Classifications (Non Inventory) Classification Type/Code
AR Invoice Lines Operation Fiscal Code Transactions: Transaction Business Categories Transaction Business Category/Code
AR Memo Lines Fiscal Classification Code Products: Product Classifications (Inventory linked) Classification Type/Code
AR Memo Lines Fiscal Classification Code Products: Product Classifications (Non Inventory) Classification Type/Code
AR Tax Codes Print Tax Line Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Tax Codes Tax Category Tax Configuration: Taxes Tax
Inventory Items Fiscal Classification Code Products: Product Classifications (Inventory linked) Classification Type/Code
Inventory Items Fiscal Classification Code Products: Product Classifications (Non Inventory) Classification Type/Code
Item Templates Fiscal Classification Code Products: Product Classifications (Inventory linked) Classification Type/Code
Item Templates Fiscal Classification Code Products: Product Classifications (Non Inventory) Classification Type/Code
Sales Order Lines Operation Fiscal Code Transactions: Transaction Business Categories Transaction Business Category/Code


Release 11i Release 12
Entity GDF Segment User Interface Prompt
AP Tax Codes Tax Category Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Tax Codes Bills of Exchange Tax Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Tax Codes Debit Account Tax Configuration: Tax Rates --> Tax Rate Details --> Operating Unit Tax Accounts --> Update Tax Accounts Tax Expense
AR Tax Codes Debit Account Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Tax Codes Tax Code Classification Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
HR Locations Primary ID Number Parties --> Party Tax Profile --> Update --> Tax Registrations Default Reporting Registration Number
HR Locations Primary ID Number/Primary ID Valid Digit (AR) Not Exposed in UI N/A


Release 11i Release 12
Entity GDF Segment User Interface Prompt
AR Invoice Lines Fiscal Classification Code Products: Product Classifications (Inventory linked) Classification Type/Code
AR Invoice Lines Fiscal Classification Code Products: Product Classifications (Non Inventory) Classification Type/Code
AR Memo Lines Fiscal Classification Code Products: Product Classifications (Inventory linked) Classification Type/Code
AR Memo Lines Fiscal Classification Code Products: Product Classifications (Non Inventory) Classification Type/Code
AR Tax Codes Print Tax Line Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Tax Codes Tax Category Tax Configuration: Taxes Tax
HR Locations Primary ID Number/Primary ID Valid Digit (AR) Not Exposed in UI N/A
Inventory Items Fiscal Classification Code Products: Product Classifications (Inventory linked) Classification Type/Code
Inventory Items Fiscal Classification Code Products: Product Classifications (Non Inventory) Classification Type/Code

Czech Republic

Release 11i Release 12
Entity GDF Segment User Interface Prompt
AP Tax Codes Tax Origin Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Tax Codes Tax Origin Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code


Release 11i Release 12
Entity GDF Segment User Interface Prompt
HR Locations VAT Number Not Exposed in UI N/A


Release 11i Release 12
Entity GDF Segment User Interface Prompt
AP Invoice Distributions Statistical Code Products: Product Classifications (Inventory linked) Classification Type/Code
AP Invoice Distributions Statistical Code Products: Product Classifications (Non Inventory) Classification Type/Code
AP Tax Codes Tax Origin Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Memo Lines Statistical Code Products: Product Classifications (Inventory linked) Classification Type/Code
AR Memo Lines Statistical Code Products: Product Classifications (Non Inventory) Classification Type/Code
AR Tax Codes Tax Origin Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
Inventory Items Statistical Code Products: Product Classifications (Inventory linked) Classification Type/Code
Inventory Items Statistical Code Products: Product Classifications (Non Inventory) Classification Type/Code


Release 11i Release 12
Entity GDF Segment User Interface Prompt
AP Tax Codes Location Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Tax Codes Location Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
HR Locations Tax Registration Number Not Exposed in UI N/A


Release 11i Release 12
Entity GDF Segment User Interface Prompt
AP Invoice Distributions Statistical Code Products: Product Classifications (Inventory linked) Classification Type/Code
AP Invoice Distributions Statistical Code Products: Product Classifications (Non Inventory) Classification Type/Code
AP Tax Codes Annual: Non Recoverable Taxable Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AP Tax Codes Annual: Recoverable Tax Box Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AP Tax Codes Annual: Recoverable Taxable Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AP Tax Codes Annual: Total Taxable Box Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AP Tax Codes Location Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AP Tax Codes Periodic: Recoverable Taxable Box Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AP Tax Codes Periodic: Taxable Box Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AP Tax Codes Tax Origin Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Memo Lines Statistical Code Products: Product Classifications (Inventory linked) Classification Type/Code
AR Memo Lines Statistical Code Products: Product Classifications (Non Inventory) Classification Type/Code
AR Tax Codes Tax Origin Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
Inventory Items Statistical Code Products: Product Classifications (Inventory linked) Classification Type/Code
Inventory Items Statistical Code Products: Product Classifications (Non Inventory) Classification Type/Code


Release 11i Release 12
Entity GDF Segment User Interface Prompt
AP Invoice Distributions Statistical Code Products: Product Classifications (Non Inventory) Classification Type/Code
AP Tax Codes Annual: Non Recoverable Taxable Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AP Tax Codes Annual: Recoverable Tax Box Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AP Tax Codes Annual: Recoverable Taxable Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AP Tax Codes Annual: Total Taxable Box Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AP Tax Codes Location Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AP Tax Codes Periodic: Recoverable Taxable Box Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AP Tax Codes Periodic: Taxable Box Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Tax Codes Annual: Tax Box Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Tax Codes Annual: Taxable Box Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Tax Codes Annual: Total Taxable Box Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Tax Codes Annual: Non Recoverable Taxable Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Tax Codes Location Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Tax Codes Periodic: Tax Box Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Tax Codes Periodic: Taxable Box Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code


Release 11i Release 12
Entity GDF Segment User Interface Prompt
AP Invoice Header Invoice Type Transactions: Transaction Business Categories Transaction Business Category/Code
AR Invoice Header Invoice Type Transactions: Transaction Business Categories Transaction Business Category/Code


Release 11i Release 12
Entity GDF Segment User Interface Prompt
AP Tax Codes Tax Regime Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code


Release 11i Release 12
Entity GDF Segment User Interface Prompt
AP Invoice Header Deductible Type Transactions: Transaction Business Categories Transaction Business Category/Code
AP Invoice Header Wine/Cigarette Products: Product Classifications (Inventory linked) Classification Type/Code
AP Invoice Header Wine/Cigarette Products: Product Classifications (Non Inventory) Classification Type/Code
AP Tax Codes Government Tax Type Tax Configuration: Tax Statuses Tax Status Code
AP Tax Codes Government Tax Type Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
AR Invoice Header Deductible Type Transactions: Transaction Business Categories Transaction Business Category/Code
AR Invoice Header Government Uniform Invoice Type Transactions: Document Classifications Classification Type/Code
AR Invoice Header Wine/Cigarette Products: Product Classifications (Inventory linked) Classification Type/Code
AR Invoice Header Wine/Cigarette Products: Product Classifications (Non Inventory) Classification Type/Code
AR Tax Codes Government Tax Type Tax Configuration: Tax Statuses Tax Status Code
AR Tax Codes Government Tax Type Tax Configuration: Tax Rates (Rate Details) > Tax Reporting Codes Region Reporting Code
HR Locations Taxpayer ID Not Exposed in UI N/A


Release 11i Release 12
Entity GDF Segment User Interface Prompt
AP Tax Codes Tax Invoice Location Tax Configuration: Tax Rates-->Tax Rate Details Default Recovery Settlement

Tax Profile Upgrade

The following application level tax profiles will be upgraded based on the following upgrade strategy:

Release 11i Release 12
Profile Prompt Profile Name Profile Prompt Profile Name
Invoice Freight as Revenue OE_INVOICE_FREIGHT_AS_LINE and ASO_INVOICE_FREIGHT_AS_LINE. Given the two profile options having the same target profile option, we need to determine what needs to be done in case of conflicts. eBTax: Invoice Freight as Revenue ZX_INVOICE_FREIGHT_AS_LINE
Tax Inventory Item for Freight OE_INVENTORY_ITEM_FOR_FREIGHT and ASO_INVENTORY_ITEM_FOR_FREIGHT. Given the two profile options have the same target profile option, we need to determine what needs to be done in case of conflicts. eBTax: Inventory Item for Freight ZX_INVENTORY_ITEM_FOR_FREIGHT
Tax: Allow Ad Hoc Tax Changes AR_ALLOW_TAX_UPDATE eBTax: Allow Ad Hoc Tax Changes ZX_ALLOW_TAX_UPDATE.
Tax: Allow Manual Tax Lines AR_ALLOW_MANUAL_TAX_LINES eBTax: Allow Manual Tax Lines ZX_ALLOW_MANUAL_TAX_LINES
Tax: Allow Override of Customer Exemptions AR_ALLOW_TRX_LINE_EXEMPTIONS eBTax: Allow Override of Customer Exemptions ZX_ALLOW_TRX_LINE_EXEMPTIONS
Tax: Allow override of tax code AR_ALLOW_TAX_CODE_OVERRIDE eBTax: Allow Override of Tax Classification Code ZX_ALLOW_TAX_CLASSIF_OVERRIDE

The following tax profiles will be obsolete in Release 12:

Profile Prompt Existing Profile Name/Column
Tax: allow tax recovery rate override AP_ALLOW_TAX_RECVRY_RATE_OVERRIDE
Tax Taxware: Service Indicator TAXVDR_SERVICEIND
Tax Taxware: Tax Selection TAXVDR_TAXSELPARAM
Tax Taxware: Tax Type TAXVDR_TAXTYPE
Tax Taxware: Use Nexpro TAXVDR_USENEXPRO
Tax Vertex: Case Sensitive TAXVDR_CASESENSITIVE
Tax Vertex: Secondary Taxes TAXVDR_SECTAXES
Tax: Use Tax Vendor AR_TAX_USE_VENDOR

UK Reverse Charge VAT

Release 11i tax codes with tax type Reverse Charge VAT will be upgraded to Release 12 as tax rates with reporting code REVERSE_CHARGE_VAT.