Profile Options

This appendix covers the following topics:

Advanced Collections

Advanced Collections - Changed Profile Options

Profile Option Name Feature Area Replaced By
IEX: Fulfillment Method Additional value of disabled Ability to turn off sending of correspondence.


Assets - Obsolete Profile Options

Profile Option Name Feature Area Replaced By
FA: Custom Generate CCID Subledger Accounting and Inquiries SLA Setups − still available using FA: Use Workflow Account Generation profile for legacy support.
FA: Generate Asset Level Account Subledger Accounting and Inquiries SLA Setups − still available via FA: Use Workflow Account Generation profile for legacy support.
FA: Generate Book Level Accounts Subledger Accounting and Inquiries SLA Setups − still available using FA: Use Workflow Account Generation profile for legacy support.
FA: Generate Category Level Accounts Subledger Accounting and Inquiries SLA Setups − still available using FA: Use Workflow Account Generation profile for legacy support.
FA: Generate Depreciation Expense Account Subledger Accounting and Inquiries SLA Setups − still available using FA: Use Workflow Account Generation profile for legacy support.
FA: Include Non-recoverable Tax in Mass Addition Subledger Accounting Post Accounting Programs in SLA. The setup for all eligible lines from Payables to Assets for Mass Additions Create program is done in Post Accounting Programs.
FA: Large Rollback Segment Name Subledger Accounting and Inquiries Session control options available on each concurrent programs definition.
FA: Number Mass Addition Parallel Requests Subledger Accounting and Inquiries FA: Number of Parallel Requests for consistency
FA: Number of Generate Accounts Parallel Requests Sub Ledger Accounting and Inquiries SLA Setups / FA: Number of Parallel Requests

Bill Presentment Architecture

Bill Presentment Architecture - New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
AR: BPA Print Attachment Document Category In order to print attachments in printed bills, configure this profile option. While printing a transaction, this profile option triggers printing associated PDF attachments that match the specified document category. This applies to both internal and external templates.

Cash Management

Cash Management - New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
CE: Bank Account Transfers This profile can be set to Treasury or Cash Management. When it is set to Treasury, then Cash Leveling and Sweep Transaction (ZBA) features will create Treasury deals to move funds between bank accounts. When it is set to Cash Management, new bank account transfer transactions (new in Release 12) will be created to move funds between bank accounts.
CE: Mask Internal Bank Account Numbers Using this profile option, users can mask first/last x digits of bank account numbers or apply no mask.

Cash Management - Obsolete Profile Options

Profile Option Name Feature Area Replaced By
CE: Bank Account Security Access Bank Accounts No longer needed in the new Bank Account model.

E-Business Tax

E-Business Tax - New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
eBTax: Allow Ad Hoc Tax Changes Controls which users can make ad hoc tax changes on the transaction line, such as selecting a different tax status or tax rate. The changes that a user can make also depend upon the details of the applicable tax setups. If the tax rate associated with a tax has the Allow Ad Hoc Rate option enabled, then users can override the calculated tax rate on the transaction line.
eBTax: Allow Manual Tax Lines Controls which users can enter manual tax lines on the transaction for the tax setups that allow this update. If the tax configuration has the related options enabled, then users can enter manual tax lines on the transaction for the applicable tax.
eBTax: Allow Override of Customer Exemptions Controls the display of the Tax Handling field on the transaction line. You use the Tax Handling field to apply and update customer tax exemptions to transactions. If you set the eBTax: Allow Override of Customer Exemptions profile option to Yes, you must also complete the related setups for tax exemptions.
eBTax: Allow Override of Tax Classification Code Controls whether users can update the tax classification code that is defaulted to the transaction line. E-Business Tax defaults the tax classification code to the transaction line according to the defaulting hierarchy defined for the operating unit and application.
eBTax: Allow Override of Tax Recovery Rate Controls that users can enter or update the calculated tax recovery rates on the transaction for the tax recovery rate setups that allow this update. If the tax recovery rate associated with a tax has the Allow Ad Hoc Rate option enabled, then users can override the calculated tax recovery rate on the transaction. The meaning of ad hoc entry of tax recovery rates differs according to the source application for the transaction:
  • Payables − The user can only select another previously defined recovery rate for the tax.

  • Procurement - The user can either select another previously defined recovery rate for the tax or enter a new recovery rate.

eBTax: Inventory Item for Freight (Oracle Order Management only) Allows Order Management use an Inventory item defined as Freight on Receivables transaction lines. You can use the freight Inventory item to control the tax rate on taxable freight amounts. The values for this profile option are:
  • Freight Charge - The freight Inventory item applies to external Receivables transactions.

  • Freight for Intercompany - The freight Inventory item applies to internal Receivables transactions only.

You must also set the eBTax: Invoice Freight as Revenue profile option to Yes.
eBTax: Invoice Freight as Revenue (Oracle Order Management only) Controls whether to consider freight amounts as taxable line items. Set this option to Yes if you are required to tax freight amounts. The freight amounts entered in the Order Management Ship Confirm window are then passed to Receivables transactions as taxable line items. If you set this option to Yes, you must also set the eBTax: Inventory Item for Freight profile option.
eBTax: Read/Write Access to GCO Data Controls whether users can set up tax configuration data for the global configuration owner. If you set this option to Yes, then the applicable users can set up tax regimes and taxes, and the related regime-to-rate setup, for the global configuration owner. Legal entities and operating units can then share the global configuration owner tax setups.
eBTax Taxware: Service Indicator Indicates whether taxes are calculated on service or a rental transaction. The Taxware API parameter that accepts this profile option value is JurLink.ServInd. The values for this profile option are:
  • Service - Service transaction.

  • Rental - Rental transaction.

  • Space - Non-service transaction.

eBTax Taxware: Tax Selection Indicates whether Taxware uses jurisdiction-level jurisdiction codes to calculate taxes. The Taxware API parameter that accepts this value is TaxSelParm of Taxfn_Tax010. The values for this profile option are:
  • Tax only - Taxware calculates tax based on the ship-to address only.

  • Jurisdiction and Tax - Taxware calculates tax based on all jurisdiction information, including ship-to, ship-from, point-of-order origin (POO), and point-of-order acceptance (POA).

eBTax Taxware: Use Nexpro Indicates whether Taxware uses the Nexpro functionality. If you enable this option, additional configuration is required on the Taxware side of the integration to achieve nexus-based taxation. The Taxware API parameter that accepts this value is TaxLink. UseNexproInd.
eBTax Vertex: Case Sensitive Enables case-sensitive searches of Vertex tax calculation data. The default value is Yes. Set this profile option if you intend to use Vertex to calculate tax on transactions.

Financials Common Modules

Financials Common Modules - New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
Changeable Subcontracting Enabled This profile option is used in the AP/AR Netting feature. Valid values for the options are:
  • Yes − Only those invoices that were matched to purchase orders with out-sourced assemblies would be selected by the netting process.

  • No - Only invoices that were matched to purchase orders without out-sourced assemblies would be selected by the netting process.

  • Disregard - All eligible invoices will be selected for netting irrespective of whether or not they are matched to purchase orders.

Financials Common Modules - Obsolete Profile Options

All of the profile options for Global Intercompany Systems are obsolete in Release 12.

Financials for Europe

Financials for Europe - New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
GEI Account for Sum Expenses Value for the reconciliation account towards the Bank of Norway Sum Expenses (parent value). For example, 60043102.
GEI Account for Sum Income Value for the reconciliation account towards the Bank of Norway Sum Income (parent value). For example, 60043101.
GEI Accountant Company accountant number. For example, 9xxxxxxxx.
GEI Accounting Central Accountant nr. for the Accounting company. For example, 9xxxxxxxx.
GEI Accounting Segment Number in the account flexfield for the account segment (segment for chp/post/subpost). For example, segment1.
GEI Authority Type Number in the accounting Flexfield for authority code. For example, segment4.
GEI Summary Template ID Sequence allocated to the template after creation. For example, 1.
IL: Tax Calendar The Tax Calendar used for Israeli Value Added Tax functionality.
JEGR: Default Cutoff Days The default cutoff days specified in the Cutoff Rules for Greek localizations.

Financials for Europe - Changed Profile Options

Profile Option Name Feature Area Replaced By
JG: Application Used for Global Descriptive Flexfield Technology Used only by non-multi-organizations products General Ledger (GL) and Assets (FA).
JG: Product Used for Global Descriptive Flexfield Technology Used only by non-multi-organizations products General Ledger (GL) and Assets (FA).
JG: Territory Used for Global Descriptive Flexfield Technology Used only by non-multi-organizations products General Ledger (GL) and Assets (FA).

Financials for Europe - Obsolete Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
AP PAYMENT: Company Details Printed Payments
Debug: Trace Level for Danish EFT Reports Payments
JEDE: Max Invoices for Separate Letter Payments
JENL: Carriage Return (EFT Payments) Payments
JENL: EFT Directory Payments
JENL: EFT Reference Text Payments
JENL: Invoice Compression Payments
JENL: Payment Separation Payments
JENL: Payment Specification Payments
JENL: Reporting Threshold Payments
JENL: Validate All Invoices Payments
JEPT: Print Direct Debit Receipt Letter: Y/N Payments
JG: Contra - Include Future-dated Payments in Supplier Balance Contra Charges
JG: Contra - Include Receipts at Risk in Customer Balance Contra Charges
JGZZ: Interest Invoice Interest Invoices

Financials for the Americas

Financials for the Americas- New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
JLBR Check Date BDC Validation Business Day Validation for Payment Date

Financials for the Americas - Obsolete Profile Options

Profile Option Name Feature Area Replaced By
JL: AR Tax: Use Related Transactions for Threshold checking Latin Tax Engine Moved to AR System Options.
JL: Debug Mode Latin American Fixed Assets Inflation Adjustment Debug mechanism replaced by central FND: Logging Infrastructure
JLBR Automatically Change Date Brazilian Business Day Calendar GDF segment JG_AP_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS.GA8: Change Payment Due Date Automatically
JLBR Automatically Populate Payment Batch Name Brazilian Payment Batch Not applicable (n/a)
JLBR Payment Action Brazilian Business Day Calendar GDF segments:
  • JG_AP_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS.GA6: Payment Due Date Derivation Method and GA

  • JG_AP_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS.GA20: Payment Due Date Derivation Method

JLBR Payment Location Brazilian Business Day Calendar GDF segment JG_AP_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS.GA7:Payment Location
JLBR: Bank Transfer Currency Brazilian AP/AR Bank Transfer Hard-coded string BRL

General Ledger

General Ledger - New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
GL: Archive Journal Import Data Specifies whether you want Journal Import to save your journal import data from the GL INTERFACE table to the GL INTERFACE HISTORY table at the end of each Journal Import run.
GL: Data Access Set Assigns a data access set to a General Ledger responsibility. Data access sets control the ledgers, ledger sets and balancing segment values or management segment values that can be accessed by a responsibility for general ledger processing. If you are using Oracle Subledgers, the data access set should include the ledger that is assigned to the GL Ledger Name profile option that controls ledgers used by subledger applications.
GL: Default Desktop Viewer Specifies which MS Excel version you want to use as the default when working with spreadsheet integrators in GL.
GL: Number of Formulas to Validate for each MassAllocation Batch This profile option only pertains to ledgers with average balance processing enabled. Use this profile option to specify the number of MassAllocation formulas that will be pre-validated in the Generate MassAllocation Journals form before the Run MassAllocations program is generated. The number you set for this profile option controls the number of formulas that will be selected and checked for average balance processing violations, such as the calculation effective date and average balance usage parameters.
GL: Number of Formulas to Validate for each Recurring Journal Batch This profile option only pertains to ledgers with average balance processing enabled. Use this profile option to specify the number of Recurring Journal formulas that will be pre-validated in the Generate Recurring Journals form before the Recurring Journal Entry program is generated. The number you set for this profile option controls the number of formulas that will be selected and checked for average balance processing violations, such as the calculation effective date and average balance usage parameters.

General Ledger - Changed Profile Options

Profile Option Name Feature Area Replaced By
GL Set of Books ID Setup Forms and Programs GL: Ledger ID
GL Set of Books Name Setup Forms and Programs GL: Ledger Name

General Ledger - Obsolete Profile Options

Profile Option Name Feature Area Replaced By
GL AHE: Saving Allowed Account Hierarchy Manager n/a
GL/MRC: Post Reporting Journals Automatically Setup Forms and Programs n/a
GLDI: AHE Privileges Account Hierarchy Manager n/a
GLDI: Allow Drill Across Ledgers Financial Statement Generator Provided as a check box in Report Manager
GLDI: Analysis Wizard Privileges Journal Entry n/a
GLDI: Autocopy Enforcement Level Financial Statement Generator n/a
GLDI: Budget Wizard Privileges Budgets and Related Objects n/a
GLDI: Enforce Budget Wizard Segment Security Budgets and Related Objects n/a
GLDI: Journal Wizard Privileges Journal Entry n/a
GLDI: Maximum Effective Ranges for Drilldown Financial Statement Generator n/a
GLDI: Report Wizard Privileges Financial Statement Generator n/a
Intercompany/Interfund: Protect Receiver Natural Account Global Intercompany System Advanced Global Intercompany System feature
Intercompany/Interfund: Subsidiary Global Intercompany System Advanced Global Intercompany System feature
Intercompany/Interfund: Use Automatic Transaction Numbering Global Intercompany System Advanced Global Intercompany System feature

Golden Tax Adaptor

Golden Tax Adaptor - New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
JMF: Golden Tax Enabled The valid values are Yes and No. Users cannot use any of the Golden Tax Adaptor features if this profile value is set to No.
JMF: Golden Tax Import Directory This profile option is used to define the import file directory for Golden Tax Invoice Import concurrent program.

Internal Controls Manager

Internal Controls Manager - New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
AMW: Show Financial Items with no Control Assertions, Components and Categories This profile determines whether the financial items that do not have Control Assertions, Components, and Categories, will be displayed in the financial statement certification details page.
AMW: Access All Processes Controls the accessibility privilege of processes. If this profile is set to Yes, the login user will have the process owner role on all the processes.
AMW: Auto-Approve Process During Org Association Determines if the process should be approved automatically in the organization when it is associated with that organization.
AMW: Default for Significant Process during process creation This profile determines the default value of the Significant Process flag for the new process.
AMW: Implement Data Security This profile enables data security in ICM.
UMX: Enable ICM Validation Enables the integration with User Management (UMX). Setting the profile option to Yes allows User Management to check for Segregation of Duties violation.

Internal Controls Manager - Obsolete Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
AMW: Exception Checkbox Values Process
AMW: Implement Organization Level Security Organization Security

Internet Expenses

Internet Expenses - New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
OIE: Carry Advances Forward Provides a mechanism for the customer to decide whether or not an advance amount can be carried forward for subsequent use on expense reports.
OIE: Enable Advances Provides a mechanism for the customer to decide whether user/ auditor/Both are allowed to apply the advances or modify the applied the advances.
OIE: Enable Bar Code This profile option enables the bar code on the Expense Report Confirmation page. If enabled, auditors can retrieve expense reports by scanning bar codes on the Audit Expense Reports page and Receive Receipt Package page.
OIE: Enable Cost Center This profile option lets you specify whether or not users are required to enter cost center details during expenses entry.
OIE: Enable Expense Allocation Splitting This profile option lets you specify whether the user can split expense lines into distributions for both project and non-project enabled expense lines.
OIE: Enable Project Expenditure Organization This profile option lets you specify whether or not users must be allowed to update the project expenditure organization value for project-enabled expense lines during expenses entry.

Internet Expenses - Changed Profile Options

Profile Option Name Feature Area Replaced By
OIE: Enable Project profile option Expense Allocations The OIE: Enable Project profile option is renamed to the OIE: Enable Project Allocations profile option.

Internet Expenses - Obsolete Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
OIE: Allow Negative Per Diem Process


iProcurement - New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
POR: Auto Load Category Descriptors Creates Category Descriptor if descriptor found in bulk-loaded file does not exist in iProcurement.
POR: Auto Load Root Descriptors Creates Root Descriptor if descriptor found in bulk-loaded file does not exist in iProcurement.
POR: Auto Load Shopping Categories Creates Shopping Category if category found in bulk-loaded file does not exist in iProcurement.
POR: Autocreate Shopping Category and Mapping Option to create shopping category and mapping automatically when PO category is created.
POR: Days Needed By Days needed by to calculate the Need By Date.
POR: Default Shopping Sort Determines the item attribute that is used to sort search results by default.
POR: Default Shopping Sort Order Determines the default sort order to be ascending or descending. Used together with POR: Default Sort.
POR: Display Graphical Approval List Determines whether the approval list graph is displayed or not.
POR: Display Shopping Category Count Display count of items within each shopping category on the shop home page.
POR: Enable Advanced Search Hide or display the advanced search link.
POR: Load One-Time Items in All Languages Option to automatically load one-time items in all installed languages.
POR: Override Location Flag Override Deliver to Location.
POR: Override Requestor Override Requestor Code.
POR: Purchasing News Location Location of Operating Unit specific purchasing news files.
POR: Search Results Skin Gives the skin in which search results have to displayed.

iProcurement - Obsolete Profile Options

Profile Option Name Feature Area Replaced By
ICX: Allow Funds Override Catalog Shopping Not applicable (n/a)
ICX: Days Needed By Catalog Shopping POR: Days Needed By
ICX: Default Requisition Template Catalog Shopping n/a
ICX_EBI_EUL Setup n/a
ICX: Override Location Flag Catalog Shopping POR: Override Location Flag
ICX: Override Requestor Catalog Shopping
POR: Override Requestor
ICX: Requisition Sever Setup n/a
POR: Apply Category Mapping Catalog Shopping n/a
POR: Approved Pricing Only Content Security n/a
POR: Bulk Load for All Business Groups Catalog Authoring n/a
POR: Catalog Bulk Load Directory Catalog Authoring n/a
POR: Cleanup Thread Interval Catalog Authoring n/a
POR: Debugging Setup n/a
POR: Distribution Lines Region Catalog Shopping n/a
POR: DTD Files Directory Catalog Authoring n/a
POR: Ecmanager Servlet path Setup n/a
POR: Emergency Requisitions − Restrict to Requisition Templates Catalog Shopping n/a
POR: Enable Advanced Search and Category Browse Catalog Shopping POR: Enable Advanced Search
POR: Extract BPA/Quote Images Catalog Authoring n/a
POR: Help Path Catalog Shopping POR: Purchasing News Location
POR: Java Virtual Path Setup n/a
POR: Load Auto Attrib Catalog Authoring POR: Auto Load Category Descriptors
POR: Load Auto Category Catalog Authoring POR: Auto Load Shopping Categories
POR: Load Auto Root Catalog Authoring POR: Auto Load Root Descriptors
POR: My Profile - Charge Acct Seg 1-30 Catalog Shopping n/a
POR: Parallel Routing Allowed Catalog Shopping n/a
POR: Preference − Display Transaction Currency Catalog Shopping n/a
POR: Preferences − Expenditure Item Date Catalog Shopping n/a
POR: Search Governor Value Catalog Shopping n/a
POR: Set Debug Catalog Loader ON Catalog Authoring n/a
POR: Sort By Relevance Catalog Shopping POR: Default Shopping Sort


iReceivables - Obsolete Profile Options

Profile Option Name Feature Area Replaced By
OIR: Bill Presentment Architecture Enabled Bill Presentment The profile option was introduced with the initial release of Bill Presentment Architecture (BPA) to give users the option of using BPA's formats or the iReceivables format when accessing their bills from iReceivables. Removed the profile option and iReceivables always uses BPA formats for displaying the bills.
OIR: Registration Hold Domain Self Registration n/a
OIR: Registration Hold Duration Self Registration n/a
OIR: Verify Credit Card Details Payments using Credit Cards System Security Options in Oracle Payments Setup (Responsibility: Funds Capture Setup Administrator)

iSupplier Portal

iSupplier Portal - New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
POS: Default Promise Date while acknowledgment This profile option to controls whether the promised date will default to the need-by date value after supplier’s acknowledgment when the promised date is null.
POS: OSN Hub iSupplier Portal punches out to OSN Hub when OSN user requests get approved/rejected.
Default Load settings for number of sites allowed to be Created during Address Approval Control how many sites can be created in the Address Approval flows in Supplier Profile Management.

Legal Entity Configurator

Legal Entity Configurator - New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
Enable Legal Entity Time Zone Enables the time zone based on legal entity location.
LE: Change effectivity Enables the Change Effectivity region to view effective-from date and comments for reason of changes.
LE: Generate Legal Entity Identifier Enables automatic or manual legal entity identifier.

Multiple Organizations Access Control

Multiple Organizations Access Control - New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
MO: Default Operating Unit Determines the defaulting operating unit for use in setups and transactions.
MO: Security Profile Lists available security profile for Multiple Organizations security.

Multiple Organizations Access Control - Obsolete Profile Options

Profile Option Name Feature Area Replaced By
MO: Top Reporting Level Cross Organization Reporting Replaced with an LOV in Report Submission Parameters window.


Payables - New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
AP: Invoice Approval Workflow User This profile option is used for Approvals workflow.

Payables - Obsolete Profile Options

Profile Option Name Feature Area Replaced By
AP Payment: Company Details Printed profile option Italy Remittance Advice Controls Managed by the payment process profile and its remittance controls.
JENL: Payment Specification profile option Netherlands Remittance Advice Controls Managed by the payment process profile and its remittance controls.
Carriage Return Netherlands Payment File Formatting n/a
EFT Reference Text, Netherlands Payment File Formatting n/a
JE_DE_AP_BATCHES.CHECKRUN_NAME Germany Remittance Advice Controls Managed by the payment process profile and its remittance controls.
JE_DE_AR_BATCHES.REMIT_BATCH_ID Germany Remittance Advice Controls Managed by the payment process profile and its remittance controls.
JE_NL_EFT_SPECS.CHECKRUN_NAME and CHECK_NUMBER Netherlands Remittance Advice Controls Managed by the payment process profile and its remittance controls.
JENL: Reporting Threshold Netherlands Regulatory Report Controls Payment process profile in Oracle Payments.
JENL: Validate All Invoices Netherlands Regulatory Report Controls Payment process profile in Oracle Payments.
REMIT_BATCH_NAME Germany Remittance Advice Controls Managed by the payment process profile and its remittance controls.

Public Sector Financials

Public Sector Financials - New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
PSA: Budgetary Control Report Template Holds an XML Publisher report template name. Many templates are seeded in Budgetary Control. When a Concurrent Request is placed for a report, users can choose a template manually; otherwise, by default, the template mentioned in this profile option will be used. This profile is used to default a template for XML Publisher.
PSA: Default for Missing Budget Valid values for this profile option are Absolute and None. Absolute specifies a strict funds checking, and None means no funds checking at all. A budget will have a period range. A budget organization will have many account ranges, and each account range will be attached to a Budgetary Control option. The Budgetary Control option will have a list of Budgets and Budgetary Control settings like the period range to funds check, currency, Absolute or Advisory funds check, and so forth. While transacting, if the transaction's charge account falls with in the range of the Budget organization and the transaction's period doesn’t fall under any Budget, then whether the transaction should or should not have strict funds checking, will be decided based on this profile option.
PSA: R12 Upgrade Date Holds the date on which the Release 12 upgrade actually happened. This date will determine whether Budgetary Control should handle the transactions in 11i mode or Release 12 mode. For example, the upgrade date is 1-Jan-2007. A requisition is created before the upgrade such as 1-Dec-2006, and a PO is generated after the upgrade such as 1-Feb-2007. In this case, while generating a PO from the requisition, Budgetary Control will determine whether to use Subledger Accounting (in Release 12) business flow logic for the requisition reversal or to process it using the upgrade views based on this profile option value.

Public Sector Financials- Changed Profile Options

Profile Option Name Feature Area Replaced By
PSA Debug Mode Budgetary Control Earlier PSA Debug Mode was used by MFAR functionality. Since MFAR is obsolete, the same has now been utilized for Budgetary Control. If this profile option is set to Yes, it will populate the PSA%Logs tables, which are useful for debugging Subledger Accounting related issues.


Purchasing - Changed Profile Options

Profile Option Name Feature Area Replaced By
PO: Document Builder Default Document Type Demand Workbench - Document Builder This has a new site-level default value of New Order.


Receivables - New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
AR: Activate Muti Fund Accounting Extract This profile option should be set to Yes to allow AR accounting engine to generate additional subledger extract lines for Multi-Fund Remittance accounting. This profile option is for customers who use Multi-Fund accounting and have Payment Method in their Cash Receipts and Miscellaneous Receipt requiring remittance from Bank.

Receivables - Obsolete Profile Options

Profile Option Name Feature Area Replaced By
JEPT: Print Direct Receipt Letter Portugal Payer Notification The setting specifies whether the Portuguese Direct Debit Letter should be created automatically when the user runs the format of Portuguese Direct Debit File. This profile option is replaced by the settings for Payer Notification in the new Payments Funds Capture Process Profile named Portuguese Direct Debit File Format.


Sourcing - New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
PON: Automatically Default Catalog Attributes Determines the type of catalog attributes Oracle Sourcing automatically adds to a negotiation line when a shopping category is selected.
PON: Enable Optimization Log Enable logging in Sourcing Optimization
PON: Optimization log directory Directory for the Optimization log files. This should be a path that the JVM has “write” permissions to.
PON: Timeout for Award Optimization Timeout for Award Optimization (value in seconds) After this time optimization will be run as a background process through a Java concurrent program.
PON: Integer Tolerance for Award Optimization Integer Tolerance for Award Optimization (Default is 0.00001)
PON: Optimal Tolerance for Award Optimization Optimal Tolerance for Award Optimization Engine (Default = 0.0001)
PON: MIP Emphasis for Award Optimization MIP Emphasis for Award Optimization 0 – Optimality 1 - Feasibility (Default = 1)
PON: Sourcing Default Responsibility For External User Supplier Login

Subledger Accounting

Subledger Accounting - New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
SLA: Accounting Methods Builder Context Controls the value for an internal context code associated with each application accounting definition and each of its assigned components, such as journal line types and account derivation rules.
SLA: Additional Data Access Set This profile option, in conjunction with the GL: Data Access Set profile option, controls which ledgers and balancing or management segment values you can access when logging onto a responsibility. If SLA: Enable Data Access Security in Subledgers is enabled for the responsibility, you have access only to the ledgers and balancing or management segment values included in the data access sets assigned to the SLA: Additional Data Access Set and GL: Data Access Set profile options.
SLA: Allow Reports Journal Source Override Applies only to the following reports:
  • Open Account Balances Listing

  • Third Party Balances Report

Enable this option to change the Journal Source parameter during report submission. If the option is set to No, then you cannot change the value defaulted during report submission.
SLA: Disable Journal Import Controls whether subledger journal entries are imported to General Ledger.
SLA: Display Timestamp on Trace Displays timestamps on the trace.
SLA: Enable Data Access Security in Subledgers This profile option determines whether the General Ledger Access Set security mechanism is applied for a subledger application responsibility when viewing, reporting, or creating subledger journal entries associated with a given ledger. The General Ledger Access Set security mechanism is always applied for responsibilities associated with the General Ledger application. The profile option enables you to combine data access security with subledger transaction security and therefore control access to subledger journal entries depending on the ledger to which they belong. For example, you can implement a Multi-Organizations Security Profile that allows you to create Oracle Receivables Invoices for two different operating units each associated with different ledgers but restrict drill-down from the subledger transaction to the associated subledger journal entry based upon the destination ledger contained in the Access Set.
SLA: Enable Diagnostics Controls whether diagnostic information is gathered by the Create Accounting program. If the FND: Debug Log Enabled profile option is enabled, then the diagnostic framework information is also available in the Oracle Applications system logs page.
SLA: Enable PL/SQL Profiler Enables the PL/SQL profiler.
SLA: Enable SQL Trace Enables the SQL trace. The possible values are Yes or No.
SLA: Enable SRS Log/Output Controls whether concurrent programs will generate a log or output file.
SLA: Enable Subledger Transaction Security in GL Use this profile option to combine subledger transactions security with data access security for General Ledger responsibilities when drilling down to multi-organization enabled subledger application. Transaction security in the respective subledger application is always applied when drilling down from subledger transactions to subledger journal entries.
SLA: Enable Trace Enables the Subledger Accounting trace mode.
SLA: Flush Trace File Controls whether the trace information is sent to the trace file immediately.
SLA: Initial Date for Historical Upgrade Before performing an on-demand upgrade of historical accounting entries, enter the date to determine the initial period from which to start the upgrade.
SLA: Oracle Forms Trace Mode Indicates where the debug information provided by the forms is printed. The possible values are AF Log and File.
SLA: SRS Trace Mode This profile option is set by Subledger Accounting concurrent programs. It indicates where the debug information provided by the concurrent programs is printed. The possible values are AF File and Logfile.
SLA: Trace File Override Directory Designates the directory for the trace file.
SLA: Trace File Override Filename Designates the trace file name.
SLA: Trace Level Controls the level of detail for the trace.
SLA: Trace Timeout Controls the time a program should wait for acknowledgement from the trace engine.

Trading Community Architecture

Trading Community Architecture - New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
HZ: Address Validation Level for Application Determines address validation level for the application level, if country level address validation is enabled. Valid displayed values are Error, Warning, Mandatory Fields Only, and No Validation.
HZ: Format Business Object Business Events as Bulk Determines whether Business Object Events are raised in bulk or individually as they occur.
HZ: Number of Days to Preserve Business Object Business Event Information Determines the number of days that Business Object business event details are preserved after the scheduling of the event. The valid values are numbers between 1 and 30.

Trading Community Architecture - Changed Profile Options

Profile Option Name Feature Area Replaced By
HZ: Default Flexible Address Format Address Validation Now ships with value ‘Default Address Style’ (corresponds to Address DFF context = POSTAL_ADDR_DEF).Earlier it had value ‘United States Address Style’ (corresponds to Address DFF context = POSTAL_ADDR_US).To make up for loss, the country style value for United States now ships with value ‘United States Address Style’.The form is available via responsibility=Receivables%, menu = Setup -> System -> Countries.
HZ: DQM Synchronization Method Synchronize parties Determine the Method of Synchronization for DQM using options Disable, Automatic, and Batch.
HZ: Raise API Events Raise TCA business events Added 2 values:
  • BO_EVENTS_ENABLED - Only Business Object events are raised. Granular (V2) events are disabled.

  • EVENTS_ENABLED - Both Granular (V2) and Business Object events are raised.

Trading Community Architecture - Obsolete Profile Options

Profile Option Name Feature Area Replaced By
HZ: D&B URL D & B Integration Host Address field on Adapter Configuration UI page
HZ: D&B Password D & B Integration Adapter Account Password on Adapter Configuration UI page for D & B Adapter
HZ: DQM Index Creation Workers DQM  
Web Server Proxy Name D & B Integration Applications Server-Side Proxy Host And Domain
Web Server Proxy Port D & B Integration Applications Proxy Port
HZ: Stop Scoring After Reaching DQM Automerge Threshold DQM n/a
HZ: Validate US Addresses Address Validation Geography module setup
HZ: Web Server Proxy Password D & B Integration n/a
HZ: Web Server Proxy User Name D & B Integration n/a

U.S. Federal Financials

U.S. Federal Financials - New Profile Options

Profile Option Name Description
FV: Federal Enabled This profile is used by Oracle applications to tell if a user has Federal Financials installed and operational. This profile is seeded with a default of N meaning Federal is not enabled. During implementation of the product, the user must run the Load Federal Financials Seed Data process. This activates the profile at the site level to Y. This profile is very important and must be activated for Federal users since it controls the creation of the proper accounting in SLA and the correct functioning within other products such as Oracle Payables, Payments, Receivables, General Ledger and Purchasing. For Federal Financials upgrade customers, this profile is enabled during upgrade.

U.S. Federal Financials - Obsolete Profile Options

Profile Option Name Feature Area Replaced By
FV: Create PYA for Unexpired funds Prior Year Accounting This setup has moved to the SLA setup forms.
FV: Don't use this AR/AP Netting Federal Netting has been combined into a generic netting solution.
FV: Enable AR/AP Netting AR/AP Netting Federal Netting has been combined into a generic netting solution.
FV: Enable Enhanced Transaction Code Enhanced Transaction Code This setup has moved to the SLA setup forms.
FV: Enable funds check reservation based on the line level Budgetary Control Budgetary Control Public Sector Applications
FV: Post Detailed Receipt Accounting Multi Fund Account Receivable This setup has moved to the SLA setup forms.
FV: Split Invoice Distributions for Prepayment Application Payables Subledger Accounting