Supply Chain Plan Cross-Instance Planning

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Cross-Instance Planning

This explains cross-instance planning and available-to-promise in Oracle Advanced Planning. Cross-instance planning is defining, running, and executing a single plan across multiple source instances. It is a key feature for companies that use a hub-and-spoke planning model.


The Oracle Advanced Planning can plan a single instance or multiple instances. An instance is a database and a set of applications.

There are several types of instances:

Collection from an Oracle Applications source instance are standard functionality; from legacy systems, develop a customized collection.

The diagram shows four source instances (S11, ABC, TR1, and S07) feeding a planning server.

Instance example

the picture is described in the document text

To set up cross-instance planning, the system administrator:


Before running plans on the planning server, you collect the source data (planning related data and transactional data). In the situation depicted in the instance example, you run a collections concurrent process to collect from each source instances. You can run the collections concurrent processes in parallel.

You can process collections in any of the following methods:

For more information, see Collection Methods, Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide.

Cross-Instance Supply Chain Modeling

Cross-instance supply chain planning involves planning organizations that are in different instances in one planning process. The organization are:

Sourcing rules, bills of distribution, and assignment sets specify how the planning engine should source across instances.

The rectangles in this diagram shows five instance-organization combinations that share material. The characters before the colon of each instance-organization represent the instance and the letters after the colon of each instance-organization represent the organization within the instance. For example, for instance-organization ABC:S1, the instance is ABC and the organization is S1.

Sourcing rules example

the picture is described in the document text

To model a cross instance supply chain, model cross-instance:

Modeling Cross-Instance In-transit Lead-times

You define cross-instance intransit lead-times on the planning server in the Transit Times form (Setup > Transit Times).

Use this form to set up transit times between two organizations in the following cases:

To set transit times between two discrete manufacturing organizations that are in the same instance, use the Oracle Inventory Shipping Networks form (Setup > Organizations > Shipping Networks). Populate the From Org and To Org fields there, then navigate Tools > Ship Methods and populate the ship method. Then, collect the information to the destination instance.

To view, create, and maintain cross-instance lead times

  1. Navigate to the Transit Times form (Setup > Transit Times).

  2. In Organization, select an instance-organization.

  3. To see the existing shipping network, in Scope, select a value and click Find. View information in the Shipping Networks and Ship Methods regions.

    In the From Org query, you can see all of your organizations. In the To Org query, you can see only organizations that are from another instance.

  4. In the Shipping Networks region, select a From Org (shipping organization) and To Org (receiving organization) pair.

  5. In the Ship Methods region, enter or change the shipping methods that you use between the two locations. Click Ship Methods Lookup to view the available shipping methods.

    For each shipping method, enter or change Transit Time in calendar days.

    For the shipping method that you use most often, click Default Method.

  6. Save your work.

Defining Cross-Instance Sourcing Relationships

To set up sourcing rules:

Modeling Cross-Instance Customers and Suppliers

In each shipping organization, set up each receiving organization that it ships to as a customer. The customer appears on sales orders between the two. For example:

In each receiving organization, set up each shipping organization that supplies it as a supplier and supplier site. The supplier appears on purchase orders between the two. If a supplying organization supplies multiple receiving organizations, set up the same supplier name in all the receiving organizations. For example:

After setting up suppliers that represent cross-instance shipping organizations:

For example, in shipping organization TR1:M2, run concurrent process Create Instance-Org Supplier Association with parameter values:

When you release planned orders in receiving organizations for items sourced from cross-instance shipping organization, TR1:M2, Planner Workbench creates an external purchase requisition against supplier SUP_TR1_M2, supplier site Hong Kong.

This diagram shows the cross-instance supplier-customer modeling process just described.

Cross-Instance Customer-Supplier Modeling

the picture is described in the document text

To delete an instance-organization supplier association, run concurrent process Create Instance-Org Supplier Association with only parameters Instance Code and Organization: Instance.

You can also use the concurrent process with the same steps to create an instance-org supplier relationship for an organization that models a supplier. When you release a planned order for this organization, the planning engine creates an external purchase requisition, not an internal requisition.

Cross-Instance Planning

To define a plan that spans multiple instances, specify the following in the plan options (Supply Chain Plan > Options):

For more information on defining plans, see Overview of Defining Plans.

The combination of sourcing rules/bill of distribution, bills of material, and routings create a supply chain bill. The planning engine:

For example, as the instance example plan runs, the planned orders generated in instance-organization S11:M1 and instance-organization ABC:S1 may have instance-organization sources TR1:M2, S07:M3, or S07:S1 according to the sourcing rules and bill of distribution that you defined and assigned to the plan.

The planning engine creates planned orders and recommendations for all instances and organizations in the day and time scheme of the plan owning organization.

Global Available to Promise

The available-to-promise calculation uses the supplies generated in a cross-instance plan to evaluate availability. If there is a need for more supply, the capable-to-promise calculation uses the supply chain bill from cross-instance sourcing to evaluate the capability and returns a valid availability date.

Cross-Instance Execution

After a cross-instance plan completes, you see planned orders and reschedule/cancel recommendations in the planner workbench with sources from different instances-organizations. If you act on these, the APS planning server passes the information to the source instances.

Before releasing planned orders from the plan owning organization to multiple instances, perform the following set up:

The troubleshooting indication for this setup is that planned orders for make at items in the non-owning organization instance show in Planner Workbench with Imp Qty = 0.

This table shows the assignment set for the instances example. The:

As you release a cross-instance planned order or recommendations in the receiving organization, the Planner Workbench creates an external purchase requisition there and references the supplier that represents the shipping organization. For example:


The collections process brings the sales orders into the planning server for display, including pegging.


This diagram shows the cross-instance execution process.

Cross-Instance Execution

the picture is described in the document text

Oracle Applications does not convert financial data to the base currency of each organization.

Cross-Instance Data Considerations

In the example of multi-instance data collection, there are four source instances. Oracle recommends that you pay detailed attention to data values. The collection process must collect data entities from the four source instances, eliminate duplicate values, and produce a combined, consistent set of values (data cleansing or data scrubbing).

Data cleansing involves:

For more information on data cleansing techniques, see My Oracle Support.

Constraint Violations

Duplicate data values do not affect the behavior of the planning process. However, the collection process may issue warnings. This often occurs with data that is not instance specific, such as unit of measure codes.

For example, the collection process:

Since unit of measure EA is collected, you can safely ignore this warning; it does not cause collections or planning to fail. To eliminate it, delete the duplicate data from the staging tables for the remaining instances. Data types affected by the unique constraint include:

Text Differences with Conversions

Data with the same meaning may be in different source instances with similar codes and Oracle Applications provides conversions.

For example, these source instances have these unit of measure codes that all represent the unit of measure each:

After collections, the planning server contains unit of measure codes EA, ea, and Ea. The planning process considers these as different units of measure. Before launching the planning process, you should make sure to have unit of measure conversions among these unit of measure codes

Text Differences without Conversions

Typically, Oracle Applications achieves unique data values in the operational data store for data entities through data entity ID's--internally generated numeric values. However, there are exceptions in which Oracle Applications uses text unique indices to achieve unique data values.

In these cases, data with the same meaning may be in different source instances with similar text and Oracle Applications does not provide conversions.

For example, these source instances have these item codes that all represent the item Oak Desk:

After collections, the planning server contains item codes Oak Desk, OAK Desk, OAK DESK, and oak desk. The planning process considers these as different items. Before launching the planning process, you should make sure to develop a data cleansing process to eliminate the conflicts by adjusting the different values to reflect the same value. You can:

These are the data entities in which Oracle Applications uses text unique indices:

Purchase Orders and Sales Orders Across Instances

In a multi-organization structure, the supplier in the source instance provides supplies to the destination instance against a purchase order. When you release a purchase order from the destination instance to the source instance, the supplier creates a sales order and releases it from the destination instance to the source instance.

The planning engine treats transactions across instances as external requisitions. Variations in demand within the destination instance influence the sales order demand in the source instance. The planning engine plans to supply schedule across instances. When you run collections, the planning engine pegs the external purchase order to the external sales order.

Cross Instance Pegging Logic

In specific situations, this is how pegging works:

Cross Instances Pegging Criteria

Pegging works when specific conditions are fulfilled:

Cross Instances Pegging Process

Perform these steps to peg purchase orders and sales orders across instances:

  1. Ensure that you have defined cross instance sourcing in the destination organization instance.

  2. Run the Create instance-org Supplier Association concurrent program to designate the supplier organization as an external supplier organization. This results in creating sourcing rules.

  3. Generate a cross instance supply chain plan.

  4. Release a purchase order from the destination instance to the source instance.

  5. Supplier needs to manually create an external sales order against the purchase order and specify the purchase order number and the purchase order line number in the source organization instance.

  6. After you run data collections and launch and launch the supply chain plan, navigate to the Planner Workbench to view whether or not the purchase order in the destination instance is pegged to the sales order in the source organization instance.

Designating Supplier Organization As External Supplier Organization

If you want a supplier in an organization to be available to other organizations, you need to designate the supplier organization as external. This enables the planning engine to peg across instances. As part of the setup for designating a supplier organization, you need to run the Create instance-org Supplier Association concurrent program. Perform these steps to run the concurrent program:

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

  2. In the Name field, select Create Instance-Org Supplier Association.

    The Parameters window appears.

  3. In the Instance Code field, specify the user-defined 3-character short-form for the instance to be planned.

  4. To associate the supplier with the specified instance, specify the supplier in the Modeled Supplier field.

  5. Select a specific supplier site in the Modeled Supplier Site field and click OK.

  6. Click Submit in the Submit Request window to submit the concurrent program.