Running and Analyzing Distribution Plans

This chapter covers the following topics:

Global Forecasting

You can use global forecasting with distribution plans; see Global Forecasting. If you use global forecasting, you forecast across your enterprise using global demand schedules from Oracle Demand Planning. Distribution planning selects a source organization to meet each forecast and sales order demand; this results in local allocation of supply across your distribution network.

If global forecasts are not used, then sales order consumption occur for sales orders with ship from organizations that have organization forecasts. If there are multiple organizations in a plan and no global forecasts, then for any organization without any forecasts, there will not be any sales order consumption with a ship from for that organization.

Use the Ship Methods and Inter-Location Transit Times forms to define shipping methods between and organization and regions/zones for use in global forecasting.

The firm flag in global forecasting indicates that the source organization is firm, just as it does for sales orders. If global forecasting is enabled, sales order warehouses are selected before any sales order line splits occur.

For customer vendor managed inventory, Oracle recommends that you use global forecasts to represent projected future demand from the customer. For consigned vendor managed inventory, at the external organizations, the internal requisitions and planned inbound shipments are allocated to the global forecast but ship method selection is not performed since it is not required for allocations to a forecast.

Ship Method Selection

In sourcing rules and bills of distributions, you can specify multiple supply sources within each rank and assign percentages to each. Distribution plans use the percentages for different supply sources if you are not using decision rules. They do not necessarily use the percentages for the same supply source with different ship methods

When there is more than one available ship method for a source, distribution plans select ship method by this process for each organization supply source. Set profile option MSC: Distribution Planning Ship Date to instruct the planning engine when to schedule the departure of trips with truckload ship methods that is considers for load consolidation.

Sort the ship methods in this order:

Select a ship method that meets that required delivery time by meeting the following criteria:

If more than one ship method meets the required delivery time, select the ship method that most closely meets these criteria:

If the trip created does not match the selected ship method maximum and minimum trip utilization targets, select the ship method that most closely meets these criteria:

If there is still no ship method that meets the rank 1 criteria, verify whether or not Plan Option form, Decision Rules tab, Alternate Sources is selected. If it is, evaluate the rank 2 alternate sources and consider alternate ship methods against the criteria. If there is still no ship method that meets the criteria, evaluate the rank 3 alternate sources.

If no Ship Method is found that meets the criteria, the supply is likely to be late. Select the shortest lead-time ship method unless there is a trip sizing consideration that leads to the selection of another ship method.

Distribution Planning Overview

Demand Types

Distribution planning uses the following independent demand types:

Supply Types

Distribution planning uses the following supply types:

Oracle Project Manufacturing and Oracle Shop Floor Management are not supported with distribution planning.

Internal Requisitions and Internal Sales Orders

Users can create internal requisitions and internal sales orders with the standard procedures in Oracle Purchasing and Oracle Order Management. These are collected and used as supplies and demands for distribution plans.

Internal requisitions and internal sales orders may not match each other in the source instance. This happens because of user changes to the internal sales order, partial shipments of the internal sales order, rescheduling by distribution planning of the internal sales order, and so forth. Users are not allowed to update the internal requisition so after changes to the internal sales orders, the two documents may not by aligned. To resolve this for planning, the internal sales order is used as the source of truth in distribution planning.

During collections, both internal sales orders and internal requisitions are collected. In distribution planning, we use the correct internal requisition number and source and destination organizations for the internal requisition. However, the quantity, ship date and timestamp, arrival date and timestamp, ship method, and firm flag are the values found on the internal sales order. The result is that distribution planning takes a single view of the internal transfer, as defined by the internal sales order, and does not contain contradictory values for the two documents.

If internal requisitions have been created, but the corresponding internal sales orders have not been created, then when we have a mismatch:

Supplier Capacity

Define supplier capacity in the Approved Supplier List in Oracle Purchasing

Distribution planning uses the same supplier capacity model that is used in the MRP/MPS/MPP plan types

MRP/MPS/MPP Supply Schedules

Distribution plans can be used as a Demand Schedules for MRP/MPS/MPP plans and the resulting MRP/MPS/MPP plans are used as supply schedules for the same distribution plan. Users should run the MRP/MPS/MPP plans to update the plans with the latest supply information before running the distribution plan.

Make the distribution plans demand schedules available to MRP/MPS/MPP plans with the following rules:

Optionally include target inventory plan option for MRP/MPS/MPP plans using distribution plan as a demand schedule:

Inventory Optimization Plans

Inventory optimization plans can be used as a time-phased schedule of safety stock levels by item-organization.

Run Oracle Inventory Optimization as needed to update time-phased safety stock levels

Oracle Inventory Optimization plans accept distribution plans as demand schedules

In turn, Oracle Inventory Optimization plans pass time-phased safety stock levels to the distribution plans


Collections processes are the same collections processes used for MRP/MPS/MPP plans

Since distribution planning does not consider routings and resources, users do not need to collect these entities unless required for MRP/MPS/MPP plans. Schedule and collect other entities as needed.

If you use legacy collections to import supply for kitting as work orders, you must also import the kit component demand. If you want the distribution planning engine to create the kit component requirements, import the supply as firm planned orders.

High Volume Processing

High volume distribution plan processing is a special type of processing that you can use if you are a business with large numbers of:

It handles large volumes of processing using multi-processing, either:

Consider using high volume distribution planning if your business could benefit from

The planning engine uses multi-processing during the distribution planning phases of:

Launch Distribution Plans

Parameters are the same as those for MRP/MPS/MPP plans.

Distribution Plan Workbench

Distribution Plan Summary

Use Distribution Plan Summary for fast, easy analysis of the distribution planning plan output.

The plan summary is new for distribution planning. The plan summary can be accessed from:

The user can specify the default plan and default tab as plan summary in the plan preferences. If the user opens the Planner Workbench, then the plan summary is displayed by default. If the user is not in the owning organization for the default plan specified in the plan preferences, the Planner Workbench opens with the usual plans view.

A new region on the Other tab of the plan preferences is called Plan Summary. It holds the specifications for the plan summary screen including the planner name field (used for the counts in the plan summary section).

Automate opening the plan summary:

Plan summary data can be filtered for each planner:

The Summary region displays pre-seeded exceptions and recommendations

The seeded exception messages alert you to:

Click Details to open the exception details.

Recommendations alert you to:

Click Details to open the recommendation details and click Release to release all trips or purchases.

Plan summary counts are planner specific if planner is specified in the plan preferences.


The KPI region displays four comparison statistics. They are recalculated each time that the plan is run

Users can also open the key indicators window from the planner workbench tree.

Set the targets for the four key indicators in the plan preferences.

High Volume Processing

Some distribution planning workbench windows are not available for plans run with high volume processing. In these plans, allocation details are not updated for the final plan output. They are:

There can be variances between exception messages issued by high volume and standard distribution plans because the supply and demand pictures may be slightly different. In standard distribution plans, the planning engine performs the netting and allocation and the load consolidation together; in high volume distribution plans, it performs them separately.

Distribution Plan Exception Messages


For general information about exception messages, see Overview of Exception Messages. The list of exception messages there summarizes the exception messages for the supply chain planning types (master production plan, master production schedule, and material requirements plan). Distribution planning shares some of these exception messages and it has some unique exception messages. The topics that describe the distribution planning exception groups explain the exception messages issued by distribution plans.

Viewing Exceptions

You view distribution planning exception messages in the same way as one views supply chain plan exception messages. However, for distribution plans, you use the Distribution Plan Workbench rather than the Planner Workbench to access them. For general information about how to view exception messages, see Viewing Exceptions.

Personal Queries

Most Important Exceptions uses a personal query.

Set the personal query used in the Plan Preferences > Other > Most Important Exceptions Personal Query.

Right click from most important exceptions to navigate to exception details, supply, demand, trips, and so on.

Personal Queries enables users to:

It works as follows:

Related Exceptions

This table shows related distribution planning exceptions. After you review an exception message, you might consult related exception messages to gather more cause and effect information about a situation.

Exception Group Exception Message Related Exceptions
Late Sales Orders and Forecasts Late replenishment exceptions for sales orders / forecasts Material constraint
Order lead time constraint
Order is firmed late
Demand quantity is not satisfied
Late Sales Orders and Forecasts Sales order / forecast at risk Order causes supplier capacity overload
Order with insufficient lead time
Material Capacity Material constraint Allocation constraint
Order lead time constraint
Item shipment consolidated to a later date
Supply Exceptions for Late Sales Orders and Forecasts Allocation constraint Allocation bucket details
Shortage and Excess Items with a shortage Material constraint
Allocation constraint
Shortage and Excess Items below safety stock Material constraint
Allocation constraint
Shortage and Excess Items below target Material constraint
Allocation constraint
Item shipment consolidated to a later date

Late Sales Orders and Forecasts Exception Group

The following sections discuss the exceptions in this exception group and state their effects on distribution plans.

Sales order/forecast at risk


The purpose of this exception is to indicate that a certain end demand is at risk. The reasons for this risk are investigated by going to the various related exceptions.

This exception is only generated when the sales order is in the same organization that sources from a supplier. The exception can occur when Enforce Purchasing Lead times or Enforce Supplier Capacity is not checked in the plan options.

Note: The planner can keep the Enforce Supplier Capacity or Purchasing Lead-times constraint disabled, or the planning engine can disable these constraints if the demand pegged to a sales order is late.

This exception will be calculated by obtaining a unique list of demands from the list of end demands that are pegged to:

The following exception messages are in the Late Sales Orders and Forecasts exception group that you can use for collecting further information about the sales order or forecast at risk:

Information Displayed

The information displayed for this exception message all refers to the demand line and is:

Resolution Suggestions

Check for more details from related exceptions in the Supply Problems for Late Sales Orders and Forecasts exception group.

Past due sales orders


This exception message appears for past due sales order lines. A past due sales order line is a sales order line with a schedule date earlier than the plan horizon start date.

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Past due sales orders" in Late Sales Orders and Forecasts Exception Group.

Past due forecast


This exception message appears for late forecast entries. A late forecast entry is a forecast entry with a date earlier than the plan horizon start date. The planning engine issues this message even if the forecast is totally consumed.

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Past due forecast" in Late Sales Orders and Forecasts Exception Group.

Late replenishment for sales order


This exception message appears in a distribution plan when the planning engine detects that the supplies for a sales order line are due later than the sales order line due date. This exception is generated for external sales orders and is not generated for internal sales orders.

The demand satisfied date is the latest due date of the supplies pegged directly to an end demand. The planning engine issues this exception message against a sales order line when its demand satisfied date is later than its schedule date.

This exception usually occurs because of a material constraint or planning time fence. It often occurs in Enforce Purchasing Lead Time and Enforce Supplier Capacity constrained plans when the planning engine needs to move supply order due dates to honor supplier capacity or lead-time constraints.

For example, there is a sales order line on item A due 25 January for quantity 100 in organization D2 The supplies pegged to this sales order line are:

For more information on this exception message, see Late Sales Orders and Forecasts Exception Group.

Late replenishment for forecast


This exception message appears in a distribution plan when the planning engine detects that the supplies for a forecast are due later than the forecast due date.This exception is generated for external sales orders and is not generated for internal sales orders.

The demand satisfied date is the latest due date of the supplies pegged directly to an end demand. The planning engine issues this exception message against a sales order line when its demand satisfied date is later than its schedule date.

This exception usually occurs because of a material constraint or planning time fence. It often occurs in Enforce Purchasing Lead-Time and Enforce Supplier Capacity constrained plans when the planning engine needs to move supply order due dates to honor supplier capacity or lead-time constraints.

For example, there is a forecast entry e on item A due 25 January for quantity 100 in organization D2 The supplies pegged to this forecast entry are:

For more information on this exception message, see Late Sales Orders and Forecasts Exception Group.

Supply Exceptions for Late Sales Orders and Forecasts Exception Group

The following sections discuss the exceptions in this exception group and state their effects on distribution plans.

Allocation constraint


The allocation constraint exception message appears for each allocation bucket and item when the destination organization is not allocated the full requested supply from the source organization or from the supplier.

The exception issued for each item, destination organization, allocation bucket and source organization or supplier / supplier site.

The planning engine does not issue this exception message if the plan was run with high volume processing.

Allocation constraints can occur for one or more of the following reasons:

Information Displayed

Resolution Suggestions

To resolve this exception, navigate to the horizontal plan or the allocation plan to review all allocations made in a bucket and determine if allocations, demands or supplies should be adjusted.

Also, check for more information used by the distribution plan to make the allocation decisions in the Allocation Bucket Details window. To navigate to Allocation Bucket Details window, right click on the Allocation Constraint exception message and select Allocation Bucket Details.

Allocation bucket details


Allocation Bucket Details is not a true exception message, but an additional piece of information displayed about the allocation constraint exception. The allocation bucket details shows the information used by the distribution plan to make the allocation decisions.

You can also display the allocation bucket details information by right clicking within the horizontal plan or the allocation plan.

An allocation bucket results row is displayed for each demand priority, allocation bucket, source organization, destination organization, and Firm flag.

Note: The Firm flag indicates whether the demand is firm or is pegged directly to a firm supply in the destination organization. For example, if an internal transfer from Org1 to Org2 is firmed, then the demand created in Org1 from the internal transfer is referred to as a firm demand.

During allocation, firm demands are given higher priorities over other demands. Firm demands from the earliest bucket are given the highest priority. If the item is a component, then a row appears for each of the parent items also. However, in such a case the destination organization is null.

You can navigate to Supply Allocation Detail window by right clicking the Allocation Constraint exception message and selecting the Allocation Bucket Details option.

Information Displayed

Item shipment consolidated to a later date


An Item Shipment Consolidated to a Later Date exception message is generated when the supply quantity is available to ship on time but there is not a shipment available for the internal transfer. This can happen when supplies are pegged to target demands and when there is no less-than-truckload or parcel ship method.

Information Displayed

Resolution Suggestions

If the supplies are pegged to safety stock or other higher priority demands, the planning engine consolidates the supplies to create an on-time shipment. However, in such a case, the shipment quantity can be less than the minimum shipment utilization target.

You can also consolidate trips manually to resolve this exception. For more information on consolidating trips manually, see "Consolidating Trips" in Manage Distribution Plan Overview.

Sales order cancellation


This exception message is generated for each sales order line that has some or all of the demand quantity canceled. Sales orders can be canceled if the profile option MSC: Cancel Outstanding Sales Order Quantities is set to Yes.

Note that the system does not generate a Late replenishments for sales order exception for sales orders that are canceled.

Information Displayed

Resolution Suggestions

Distribution planning engine provides this exception as an FYI to the planner. Resolution may not be required for this exception.

Order causes supplier capacity overload


This exception is generated when a particular buy order causes the supplier capacity to be exceeded. This is detected and flagged at the time of scheduling the buy order.

When Enforce Supplier Capacity is not checked, buy orders are scheduled without regard to supplier capacity and this exception can occur relatively frequently.

When Enforce Supplier Capacity is checked, firm buy orders may cause supplier capacity to be overloaded. These orders are not rescheduled but the exception condition is detected and reported.

This exception is generated as a related exception to sales order/forecast at risk exception.

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Order causes supplier capacity overload" in Supply Problems for Late Sales Orders and Forecasts Exception Group.

Order lead time constraint

This exception is generated when a demand gets satisfied later than the due date because of insufficient lead time.

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Order lead time constraint" in Supply Problems for Late Sales Orders and Forecasts Exception Group.

Note: Despite the similarities, the following fields are described differently in this exception message for distribution plans:

Order with insufficient lead time

This exception message is generated for any order that gets scheduled when there is insufficient time from the plan start date or the planning time fence for the item lead time.

This exception will be generated if Enforce Purchasing Lead Time is not checked.

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Order with insufficient lead time" in Supply Problems for Late Sales Orders and Forecasts Exception Group.

Demand quantity is not satisfied

This exception is generated when demand satisfied dates are pushed to the end of the planning horizon for the supply quantity pegged to this demand is less than the demand quantity (at some point within the supply chain pegging tree).

This exception is generated for every demand for which the supply quantity is insufficient

This exception is generated as a related exception for Late Replenishments for Sales Order/Forecast.

Order violates a business calendar

This exception is generated for any order in which one of the dates on the order is in violation of a valid calendar that governs that date. As part of the exception details we will provide the name of the calendar that is being violated as well as the usage of that calendar with respect to the order, for example, Shipping and Receiving. Note that only a single exception will be generated for each order, even if that order violates multiple calendars. The calendar violation field in the exception details will indicate the specific calendars that have been violated.

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Order violates a business calendar" in Supply Problems for Late Sales Orders and Forecasts Exception Group.

Note: For distribution plans, this exception message also displays the ID of the trip that the order is on.

Material Capacity Exception Group

The following sections discuss the exceptions in this exception group and state their effects on distribution plans.

Supplier capacity overloaded


This exception message appears when, in a planning time bucket, the supplier required capacity is more than the supplier available capacity.

These exceptions are typically issued when Enforce Supplier Capacity is not checked. Purchase orders are scheduled without regard to supplier capacity and overloads can occur.

The overload Percentage is calculated using the following formula:

(Required Quantity/Cumulative Available Quantity) * 100

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Supplier capacity overloaded" in Material and Resource Capacity Exception Group.

Important: A new field is added to this exception for distribution plans called Maximum Overload Percentage. This field displays the maximum overload percentage for the exception time period.

Organization capacity exceeded


This exception message is generated whenever organization capacity, either weight or cube, is exceeded at the end of a day. The start and end dates indicate the time period during which either weight or cube organization capacity is overloaded. Generated once for every date range when the organization capacity is exceeded. The maximum overload quantity is calculated as the maximum amount of the overload during the date range.

The planning engine allows organization capacity to be exceeded and reports the occurrences. Note that the planning engine does not recalculate the exception during on-line or batch replan. It is only calculated during a full plan launch. Also, shipments are not automatically rescheduled because organization capacity is exceeded.

Information Displayed

Resolution Suggestions

Consider the following steps to resolve an Organization capacity violation exception message:

  1. Navigate to the Trips window and review the deliveries by date:

    • Reschedule the Dock Dates for the trips in the plan at later dates.

    • Reschedule the Ship Dates for the trips in the plan at earlier dates.

    • Optionally firm the adjusted Trip.

  2. Release the adjusted Trip.

Material shortage


The exception is issued for each planning bucket when:

In other words, the exception is issued if there is a supply shortage in a daily or weekly planning bucket, and if the plan tried to meet all unconstrained or actual demands.

Important: The bucketing is either at the daily or weekly level since these are the only two options allowed for planning buckets. In the daily planning buckets, the material shortage is reported by the minute as distribution planning really plans in minute increments. For weekly buckets, distribution planning uses 00:00:00 on the first day of the week bucket and 23:59:00 on the last day of the week.

The start of a material shortage occurs anytime the unconstrained projected available balance is less than the target inventory on the start date and the unconstrained projected available balance one minute prior is greater than the unconstrained projected available balance on the start date. That is, anytime the unconstrained projected available balance becomes worse a new material shortage is generated. In other words, for a single Material Shortage exception, the (unconstrained projected available balance - target inventory) on the start date is at its lowest value for the date range of the exception.

The end of the material shortage occurs in either of the following cases

The quantity on the material shortage is the unconstrained projected available balance at the start of the material shortage.

Information Displayed

Resolution Suggestions

Check the following related exceptions to determine the underlying cause of the material shortage in the current bucket for a specific item-organization combination:

To summarize, check for the following related exceptions to resolve a Material shortage exception:

Also consider:

Transportation and Distribution Exception Group

The following sections discuss the exceptions in this exception group and state their effects on distribution plans.

Trip under utilized


Generated when both weight and cube for a trip is below the minimum weight and cube allowed for the particular ship method.

Note: The minimum weight and cube are defined by the plan options and ship method trip limits.

The planning engine generates an exception message for each trip with weight and cube below the minimum level.

Information Displayed

Resolution Suggestions

To resolve this exception, consider the following steps:

  1. Right click on the exception message in the Exception Details window, and select Trips.

  2. In the Trips window review the trip and internal requisitions.

  3. Adjust the Trip so that it respects the minimum weight and/or cube:

    1. Add unassigned internal requisitions to the trip.

    2. Release the updated trip.

Note: Optionally, accept the under utilization and firm and release the trip.

Trip over utilized


Generated when either weight or cube for a trip is above either the maximum weight or cube allowed for the particular ship method.

Note: The maximum weight and cube are defined by the plan options and ship method trip limits.

The planning engine generates an exception message for each trip with weight and cube above the maximum level. Currently, over utilization of a trip can happen only in the case of firm internal sales orders with quantities that are above the trip maximum.

Information Displayed

Resolution Suggestions

To resolve this exception, consider the following steps:

  1. Right click on the exception message in the Exception Details window, and select Trips.

  2. In the Trips window review the trip and internal requisitions.

  3. Adjust the Trip so that it respects the maximum weight and/or cube:

    1. Remove internal requisitions or reduce the quantity of internal requisitions on the trip

    2. Release the updated trip.

Note: Optionally, accept the over utilization and firm and release the trip.

Item Shortage and Excess Exception Group

The following sections discuss the exceptions in this exception group and state their effects on distribution plans.

Item with a projected stockout


Distribution planning shares the Items with a shortage exception message with ASCP. However, to distinguish this exception from a Material Shortage, Distribution Planning recognizes this exception message as Item with a Projected Stockout.

This exception message appears when projected available balance for a planning bucket is negative and is within the exception set Shortage Exceptions exception time period. Projected available balance is Previous bucket projected available balance + Sum of supply quantities with due date in this planning time bucket - Sum of demand quantities with due date in this planning time bucket.

The demands are most likely independent (because the planning engine pushes out dependent demand due dates). Due to lead time, intransit time, calendar, planning time fence, or supplier capacity constraints, the supply due dates are later than the end demand due date.

The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans, as Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. For more information on this exception message, see "Items with a shortage" in Shortages and Excess Exception Group.

Items below safety stock


This exception message appears when projected available balance for a planning bucket is below the specified safety stock level for the planning bucket (but not below zero). Projected available balance is Previous bucket projected available balance + Sum of supply quantities with due date in this planning time bucket - Sum of demand quantities with due date in this planning time bucket.

The exception is not issued when the projected available balance is negative and the more severe exception Item with a Projected Stockout Exception is issued.

The planning engine does not consult the exception set for the item.

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Items below safety stock" in Shortages and Excess Exception Group.

The following new fields are added to this exception for distribution plans:

Items with excess inventory

The planning engine generates this message when projected available balance for a bucket is greater than the exception set Excess Quantity value for the item and within the exception set Excess Exceptions exception time period. Projected available balance is calculated by the following formula:

[Previous bucket projected available balance + Sum of supply quantities with due date in this planning time bucket - Sum of demand quantities with due date in this planning time bucket]

Note that items with excess inventory are not generated for items with items above target exceptions or maximum inventory level exceptions.

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Items with excess inventory" in Shortages and Excess Exception Group.

Important: The following new fields are added to this exception for distribution plans:

Items below target inventory level


This exception message appears when projected available balance for a planning bucket is below the specified target inventory level for the planning bucket. Projected available balance is calculated by the following formula:

[Previous bucket projected available balance + Sum of supply quantities with due date in this planning time bucket - Sum of demand quantities with due date in this planning time bucket]

The planning engine does not consult the exception set for the item.

Additional Information: The following exception messages are issued whenever the target quantity for an item changes and quantity is below target. However, the planning engine does not generate a new exception when this quantity (i.e. the quantity below target) is updated.

Note that all these exception messages have both From Date and To Date fields. The fields carry time stamps and the exceptions are issued from the date/time stamp that the exception is triggered and ends at the date/time stamp that the exception condition is resolved.

Information Displayed

Resolution Suggestions

Consider the following to resolve this exception:

Items above target inventory level


The planning engine generates this message when projected available balance for a planning bucket is greater than the target inventory level for the item. Projected available balance is calculated by the following formula:

[Previous bucket projected available balance + Sum of supply quantities with due date in this planning time bucket - Sum of demand quantities with due date in this planning time bucket]

Note that items above target are not generated for items with inventory levels above maximum.

Note: An exception message is issued whenever the target quantity changes and quantity is above target. However, a new exception is not issued when the quantity above target changes.

Information Displayed

Resolution Suggestions

Consider the following to resolve this exception:

Items above maximum inventory level

The planning engine generates this message when projected available balance for a bucket is greater than the maximum inventory level for the item. Projected available balance is calculated by the following formula:

[Previous bucket projected available balance + Sum of supply quantities with due date in this planning time bucket - Sum of demand quantities with due date in this planning time bucket]

Information Displayed

Resolution Suggestions

Consider the following to resolve this exception:

Reschedule Exception Group

The following sections discuss the exceptions in this exception group and state their effects on distribution plans.

Changes recommended for sales orders


The exception is generated when ASCP recommends changes to the existing sales order line details. The exception will be generated each time there is a change in the following sales order line entities in ASCP.

This exception helps integrating the planning and Order management data flow whenever ASCP recommends changes to the existing orders.

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Changes recommended for sales orders" in Reschedules Exception Group.

Orders to be rescheduled out


This exception message appears when the planning engine suggests that you reschedule an existing supply order (scheduled receipt) to a later date to avoid carrying excess inventory. It occurs when the planning engine detects a non-firm existing supply order with a due date that is earlier than it suggests (suggested due date).

The planning engine does not issue this recommendation for firm existing supply orders.

The planning engine continues to plan lower bill of material levels as if you accept the suggestion.

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Orders to be rescheduled out" in Reschedules Exception Group

Important: A new field is added to this exception for distribution plans called Demand Order Number. This field displays the order number of the internal sales order.

Orders to be rescheduled in


This exception message appears when the planning engine suggests that you reschedule an existing supply order to an earlier date. It occurs when the planning engine detects a non-firm existing supply order with a due date that is later than it suggests (suggested order date).

The planning engine continues to plan lower bill of material levels as if you accept the suggestion.

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Orders to be rescheduled in" in Reschedules Exception Group.

Important: A new field is added to this exception for distribution plans called Demand Order Number. This field displays the order number of the internal sales order.

Orders to be cancelled


This exception message appears when the planning engine suggests that you cancel an existing supply order.

It occurs when the planning engine detects a non-firm existing supply order that you do not need to satisfy demand or safety stock requirements.

The planning engine continues to plan lower bill of material levels as if you accept the suggestion.

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Orders to be cancelled" in Reschedules Exception Group.

Important: A new field is added to this exception for distribution plans called Demand Order Number. This field displays the order number of the internal sales order.

Past due orders


This exception message appears when the planning engine detects supply orders and planned orders that have order (start) dates and due dates in the past (before the planning horizon start date).

For non-firmed supply orders, the planning engine also issues Orders to be rescheduled out exception message.

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Past due orders" in Reschedules Exception Group

Order is firmed late


This exception is generated when the planning engine encounters a firm order because of which planning is unable to schedule succeeding orders in time to meet the demand due date. This exception is generated when the order is firmed.

There will be one exception for every Firm Supply that is encountered that causes demand lateness

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Order is firmed late" in Reschedules Exception Group.

Order is firmed early


This exception is generated when the planning engine encounters a firm order because of which planning is unable to schedule preceding orders without causing lead time compressions on the upstream preceding orders.

There will be one exception for every Firm Supply that is encountered that causes upstream order lead time compression.

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Order is firmed early" in Reschedules Exception Group.

Sales Order Line Allocation Split


This exception message is generated for each sales order line that is split during the order line allocation process. The planning engine generates this exception message only once for the original sales order line number. Sales order lines are only split if the appropriate plan option is checked.

Note: The planning engine also generates Late Replenishment for Sales Order exception message for the new sales order lines that are satisfied late.

Information Displayed

Note: Distribution planning engine provides this exception as an FYI to the planner. Resolution may not be required for this exception.

Order quantity change


Generated whenever the purchase order, internal sales order, or internal requisition quantity is reduced but is still greater than zero. If the order quantity is reduced to 0, that is considered a cancellation and a different reschedule recommendation is issued.

Information Displayed

Resolution Suggestions

Consider increasing the quantity of the purchase order, internal sales order, or the internal requisition.

Note: Distribution planning engine provides this exception as an FYI to the planner. Resolution may not be required for this exception.

Substitutes and Alternates Exception Group

The following sections discuss the exceptions in this exception group and state their effects on distribution plans.

Planned order uses alternate BOM


The exception message Planned order uses alternate BOM/routing in ASCP is renamed as Planned order uses alternate BOM in Distribution Planning.

This exception message appears when the planning engine:

As Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP, the characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Planned order uses alternate BOM/routing" in Substitutes and Alternates Used Exception Group.

Planned order uses substitute components


This exception message appears when the planning engine:

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Planned order uses substitute components" in Substitutes and Alternates Used Exception Group.

Order sourced from alternate facility


This exception message appears when the planning engine:

An alternate facility is an organization in the supply chain and is not a supplier site.

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Order sourced from alternate facility" in Substitutes and Alternates Used Exception Group.

Order sourced from alternate supplier


This exception message appears when the planning engine:

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Order sourced from alternate supplier" in Substitutes and Alternates Used Exception Group.

Demand satisfied using end item substitution


This exception message appears when the planning engine plans to satisfy an end item demand using a supply order with a substitute item. The planning engine substitutes items when both of these are true:

If the planning engine satisfies a demand with multiple planned orders, it issues an exception for each supply order with the substitute item.

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Demand satisfied using end item substitution" in Substitutes and Alternates Used Exception Group.

Alternate ship method used / ship method changed


This exception is generated when the Distribution Planning engine selects an alternate ship method for a planned order or changes the ship method on an existing sales order, external purchase order, or planned order. The distribution plan can change the ship method on a sales order even if the decision rules are not enabled (MPP/MPS/MRP plans require decision rules enabled for this feature). The planning engine evaluates alternate ship methods for internal transfers and uses similar logic to evaluate ship methods for sales orders.

This exception is not used for internal sales orders, internal requisitions, or planned orders for internal shipments or internal arrivals.

For released orders, you will get an exception when the originally suggested ship method changes to a new ship method. For planned orders you will get an exception if system chooses an alternate ship method

Information Displayed

Note: Distribution planning engine provides this exception as an FYI to the planner. Resolution may not be required for this exception.

Internal transfer uses alternate ship method / ship method changed


This exception is generated for every occurrence of the use of an alternate ship method or a change in ship method for internal sales orders / internal requisitions and planned shipments / planned arrivals. Note that decision rules do not have to be enabled for the distribution plan to select alternate ship methods for internal transfers.

Users can specify sourcing rules with multiple ship methods at Rank 2 and below for internal transfers. Distribution plans can select lower rank ship methods for organizations specified as Rank 1 sources. Users do not need to enable decision rules for this feature. However, if a new source is Rank 2, distribution plans will not select the new source unless decision rules are enabled and alternate sources are selected.

As multiple ship methods can be listed in the sourcing rule for any rank, this exception is not generated unless the ship method selected is a lower rank than the source is originally listed.

Information Displayed

Planned order uses inventory rebalance source


This exception is generated if the planning engine selects a supply source that is defined as a inventory rebalance source of supply. Users can specify inventory rebalance sources on the sourcing rules and the planning engine can use them under certain conditions.

This exception is generated only for each of the internal requisitions sourced from an inventory rebalance source. The name of the inventory rebalancing rule is also displayed in the exception message.

Note: Inventory rebalance sources are used to transfer inventory to use up the surplus at another organization before sourcing through the usual channels.

Information Displayed

Note: Distribution planning engine provides this exception as an FYI to the planner. Resolution may not be required for this exception.

Item Exceptions Exception Group

The following sections discuss the exceptions in this exception group and state their effects on distribution plans.

Items with negative starting on hand


This exception message appears when the planning engine detects an item with negative beginning on-hand balance.

It usually occurs because of an incorrect inventory balance.

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Items with negative starting on hand" in Item Exceptions Exception Group.

Items with expired lot


This exception appears when the planning engine detects a potential expired lot. A potential expired lot is a lot that:

It occurs against items under lot control of Full Control. The calculation for lot expiration date is Lot Receipt Date + Shelf Life Days.

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Items with expired lot" inItem Exceptions Exception Group.

Sourcing split percentage violated


This exception message appears for days when the sourcing split percentages among rank 1 suppliers is violated. The planning engine issues the exception against suppliers whose sourcing percentage is not satisfied.

The actual sourcing percentage for a supplier is calculated as (Cumulative quantity sourced from supplier/Cumulative quantity sourced from rank 1 suppliers) * 100

The distribution planning can only violate the sourcing split when decision rules are enabled and alternate sources are selected.

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Sourcing split percentage violated" in Item Exceptions Exception Group.

Items with no activity


This exception appears when the planning engine detects an item in an organization with no demand and no supply throughout the planning horizon. It usually occurs for:

Typically, these items do not have other sources of demand and the planning engine does not need to use them during the planning horizon.

If the item has no activity in multiple organizations, the planning engine issues this exception message for each organization.

Distribution Planning shares this exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of this exception message are same as those of supply chain plans. For more information on this exception message, see "Sourcing split percentage violated" in Item Exceptions Exception Group.

Recommendations Exception Group

The following sections discuss the exceptions in this exception group and state their effects on distribution plans.

Distribution Planning shares the following exception message with ASCP. The characteristics of these exception messages are same as those of supply chain plans: For more information on this exception message, see Recommendations Exception Group.

Trip recommendations


For Trip recommendations exception message, the planning engine generates a summary level exception for new planned trips generated by the distribution plan with the complete internal requisitions information for all internal requisitions attached to the trip.

Defining Organization Selection Lists

When you right-click in the Planners Workbench, a Horizontal Plan menu appears and preference set names are no longer displayed. The preference set selections for the Horizontal Plan are only available from a right clicking within the Horizontal Plan itself.

This table describes the right-click options:

Option Description
This Org The Horizontal Plan is displayed for the organization based on the organization-item context of the right-click.
Ship From / To Orgs The Horizontal Plan is displayed for several organizations based on the organization-item context of the right-click.
Suppose the right-click is made from the context of Organization X Item A. The sourcing rules are checked, and for Organization Z Item A, every source organization and every destination organization is displayed. Organization Z is also displayed, as are inventory rebalance organizations.
All Orgs The Horizontal Plan is displayed for all organizations, based on the item context of the right-click.
Each individual organization is also displayed if you select Display Each Org in All Orgs View on the plan preferences setting for material plan.
Otherwise, only the Summary section is displayed. After the All Orgs Horizontal Plan is displayed, you can right-click to toggle between showing only All Orgs and Display Each Org.
All Orgs (internal shipments not included) The Horizontal Plan is displayed for all organizations, based on the item context of the right-click. Each individual organization is also displayed if you select Display Each Org in All Orgs View on the plan preferences setting for material plan.
Otherwise, only the Summary section is displayed. After the All Orgs Horizontal Plan is displayed, you can right-click to toggle between showing only All Orgs and Display Each Org.
OrgList1, OrgList2, OrgList3 OrgList1, OrgList2, OrgList3 refers to user-defined names for various organization selection lists, as defined on the Org Selection List form.
When selected, the Horizontal Plan opens with each organization displayed in the sequence defined from the list. The Summary section at the top of the Horizontal Plan.

At the top of the Horizontal Plan, the Summary displays totals for all organizations shown in the Horizontal Plan, if there is more than one organization displayed in the Horizontal Plan. The summary section is the totals for all organizations displayed.