
Brazilian Import

Data Model Changes

Import content related attributes:

Column Name Datatype Size Mandatory Description
FCI_NUMBER VARCHAR2 150 NULL Import Content Form Number
NBS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 NULL Service Nomenclature Code

The above import content related attributes were added to the following tables:

Importing Additional Attributes

Auto Invoice

SQL*Loader program can be used to upload data into RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL interface table.

Customers must track which attribute set corresponds to which AR interface line. Also ensure their SQL*Loader program (or any other mode used to upload data) is modified so that, when single line gets inserted into RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table, the loader program will read the line ROWID and corresponding attribute data and make a parallel entry in JL_BR_INTERFACE_LINES_EXTS table storing ROWID value into column JL_BR_INTERFACE_LINK_ID.

Additional Information: This activity can be performed synchronously (as records get inserted into RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL) or in bulk mode, after AR interface table is populated.

Create Invoice API

Similar to the Auto Invoice process, Receivables provides the Create Invoice API scripts which can be executed by users.

In case of Create Invoice API, user populates the PL/SQL header and Lines table for capturing data related to Invoice header and lines.

When Capturing Header Level Attributes:

When Capturing Line Level Attributes:

In summary, the columns TRX_HEADER_ID (mandatory in both cases) and TRX_LINE_ID (mandatory only for line level attributes), work as the mapping columns between Invoice API's PL/SQL table and globalization JL_BR_INV_API_TRX_LINES_T table.

Process Flows vs. Defaulting Logic of Attributes

Flow Attribute Create Item from Item Template (Setup) Transactions Workbench (Manual Entry) Autoinvoice (from OM flow) Autoinvoice (populating interface tables) Create Inv. API (populating API tables) Copy Invoice
Defaulted from Item Template (GDF) Defaulted from Item Template (GDF) Defaulted from Item Not defaulted from Item (must be populated manually) Defaulted from OM (Line level GDF) Not defaulted from Item (must be populated manually) Defaulted from Source Transaction
Import Content Related Fields Defaulted from Item Template (GDF) Defaulted from Item   Defaulted from Item (GDF) Not defaulted from Item (must be populated manually) Defaulted from Source Transaction

Defaulting Order of Precedence vs. Combination of Driver Attributes

Defaulting Order of Precedence vs. Combination of Driver Attributes
Order of Precedence Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Attribute 5 Attribute 6
1 Transaction Type Transaction Business Category Item Origin Product Fiscal Classification (or Product Category) Item (or Memo Line) Customer Ship-to Site
2 Transaction Type Transaction Business Category Item Origin Product Fiscal Classification (or Product Category) Item (or Memo Line) -
3 Transaction Type Transaction Business Category Item Origin Product Fiscal Classification (or Product Category) - -
4 Transaction Type Transaction Business Category Item Origin - - -
5 Transaction Type Transaction Business Category - - - -
6 Transaction Type - - - - -