Mexico Electronic Accounting: Chart of Accounts

Acronyms and Defintions

AI.1 CFF (Codigo Fiscal de la Federacion)

Federal Tax Code

AI.2 SAT (Servicio de Administracion Tributaria)

Tax Administration Services

AI.3 RFC (Registro Federal del Contribuyente)

Taxpayer Identification Registry

Mexican Chart of Accounts - XML File Layout

Element Catalogo
Description Chart of Account file format that is delivered as part of the electronic accounting
Field Description Valid Value Type Size Mandatory/Optional
Version Format version (should change over time, such as 1.1, 2.0, ...) 1.0 xs:string - Mandatory
RFC Legal Tax Contributor Federal registration - RFC ID - xs:string Min:12
TotalCtas The total account numbers listed in this catalog Inclusive Min Value: 2 xs:int - Mandatory
Mes Attribute to express the month that begins the validity of the catalog for the balance 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12 xs:string - Mandatory
Ano Attribute to express the year that begins the validity of the catalog for the balance From: 2014 To: 2099 xs:int - Mandatory

General Specifications


Child Element of Catalogo: Ctas

Element Ctas (1, Unlimited)
Description Account Detail
Field Description Valid Value Type Size Mandatory/Optional
CodAgrup Agglutination Code (*) - Used to express the grouping code according to the catalog published by the SAT (Appendix D-1) - xs:string
- Mandatory
NumCta Account Number (**) - Can be the account or the sub-account, as demonstrated below. -- xs:string Min:1
Desc Account Description/Name - xs:string Min:1
SubCtaDe Additional attribute in case of account hierarchy. Account to which the child account belongs, as demonstrated below. - xs:string Min:1
Nivel Mandatory attribute to express the level at which the account is located in the catalog. - xs:int Min:1 Mandatory
Natur D - debtor
A - creditor
- xs:string
- Mandatory

General Specifications



Chart of Accounts Mapping Scenarios and Guidelines

1 Mapping Scenarios

Child Account Values: (from Primary/Subsidiary SOB)

Parent Account Values: (from Parent/Referential SOB)

1.1 One to One (Allowed)

1.2 Many to One (Allowed)

1.3 One to Many (NOT Allowed)

Important Guideline: In the case that one source value is mapped to two or more target values, it will be necessary to create as many target accounts as necessary and perform the one to one allocation.