Contract Revisions

This chapter covers the following topics:

Contract Revisions Overview

When a contract is booked, Oracle Lease and Finance Management calls the accounting engine to create balance sheet entries for the assets on a lease. Depending on the book classification, the lease contract is an asset in the form of expected receivables or leased assets. Each period some of the assets are amortized as they generate revenue and incur expense. These entries are reported through a company's income statements.

When the receivable or asset values change, the balance sheet accounts must be updated. Depending on when the changes occurred, the revenues and expenses recognized may also require adjustments. All adjustments must happen in the same accounting period or the balance sheet will be incorrect. The process of making these adjustments is called rebooking.

If financial information does not change, you can make small revisions to a contract without rebooking the contract. After you have booked a contract, however, you cannot change the financial terms of the contract without making a contract revision and going through the Rebook process.

Rebooking Overview

Rebooking is the process of altering an existing lease/loan transaction due to some financial change in the deal structure, rental payment change, credit extension, due date change, etc. New accounting entries or adjusting entries are made when the contract is reactivated.

Oracle Lease and Finance Management supports the following two types of rebooking:

Rebooking Requirements

If you make adjustments to a contract that effect such factors as depreciation, rent, overall cost, or residual value, you must perform the complete, two-part Revision and Rebook process. Non-financial contract revisions, such as billing set ups, do not require rebooking. Asset splits and contract reversal do not involve stream generation and do not require rebooking.

Revisions that require changes to journal entries require the complete Rebook process.

Note: When you revise a contract using the online rebook method, you cannot change the contract currency, and some other types of information. In addition, although it may appear that you can edit all fields, not all edits are copied back into the rebooked contract version. Mass rebooks are done through controlled processes that require specific inputs for changed values.

Rebooking is required for any change impacting the following:

Revising a Contract

The first part of contract revisions is to initiate a revision from the Revisions pages.


You must have a booked contract. Some types of contract revisions have further prerequisites, for example:


Perform the following steps for contract revisions in the Revise Contract page.

  1. Search for booked contracts in the Contract Search page.

  2. In the search results table, select Revise in the Action column for the applicable booked contract and click Go.

    The Revise Contract page opens.

  3. Select one of the following reason types:

    • Rebook- Initiates an online rebook revision where you can edit some of the data on the contract.

    • Reverse a Contract-Reverses the contract booking transaction if there are no transactions against the contract except Funding and Booking.

    • Under Revision-Allows you to view the online rebook copies for the contract.

    • Split Asset-Allows you to split an asset which does not require a rebook.

    • Associate Services-Used to delink lease and service contracts for revising.

    • Release Contract-Allows you to perform a customer change or product change on a contract.

  4. Select a Reason, and the date you want the revision to take effect, from the lists of values. Possible reasons include: Adjust Cost, Adjust Depreciation, Adjust Rent, or Adjust Residual Value; Change in Due Date or Start Date; Customer Change, Extend Term; Principal Paydown, Product Change, Split Asset; and Other. The Properties, Yields, and Streams details of the contract appear as read-only fields.

    Additional Information: The Customer Change reason code is used by the Transfer and Assumption process, which allows you to change customer-related information on the contract, such as Customer Name, Bill-To Address, etc. For more information, see Transfer and Assumption below.

  5. Select or enter the Revision Date. (It must be after the Rebook Limit date of the original contract.)

    Additional Information: The Revision Date is used as the in-service date for new asset lines added during rebook. It is also used as the transaction date for any rebook-related adjustments and is the effective date of any contract transfer for customer change or product change.

    While revising a contract with a late interest date, ensure that the contract revision date is earlier than the late interest date.

Add a Re-leased Asset During Contract Revision

Oracle Lease and Finance Management allows returned equipment to be re-leased on a new contract. Operational flexibility often requires lessors to add a re-lease asset over the life of the contract. Some scenarios that require the addition of a re-lease asset over the life of the contract are:

Additionally, Oracle Lease and Finance Management provide the ability to calculate and collect upfront tax on re-lease assets.

Steps for Adding a Re-lease Asset on a Rebook Contract

  1. On the Configuration page for the rebook contract, select the Re-Lease option from the Create Asset list.

  2. Navigate to the Create Re-lease Asset page and allow the entry of asset details. While saving the asset details, validate that off lease transaction processing is complete for the re-lease asset.

    You should be able to enter asset terms, subsidies, and payments and perform fee/service/usage association for the newly added re-lease asset.

    The system performs applicable QA validations and generates streams for the added re-lease asset.

  3. Activate the rebook contract for the added re-lease asset. When activating the rebook contract, the system performs the following updates:

    • Synchronizes the contract line, re-lease asset identifier, terms, payments, subsidies, fee/service/usage association and streams on to original contract.

    • Performs Release accounting for the re-lease assets added during rebook.

    • Performs updates in Oracle Assets to link the re-lease asset to the contract and update the asset cost and depreciation parameters as required.

    • Updates the Installed Base instance to reflect the new contract customer and install location.

    • If the re-lease asset was associated to a usage line, updates the service contract to reflect the addition.

    • Updates the asset return request status to Cancelled, if any.

Calculate and Collect Upfront Tax

  1. Enable the system option “Enable Upfront Tax on Re-lease”. This option is enabled only if the “Tax Upfront” system option was enabled. If the system option “Enable Upfront Tax on Re-lease” is disabled, then no upfront tax call will be made for re-lease assets. By default, the value of the system option “Enable Upfront Tax on Re-lease” is set to No.

    If the system option “Enable Upfront Tax on Re-lease” is enabled, the system performs the following:

    • Execute the Calculate Upfront Tax step during the contract activation for all contracts, including contracts having re-lease assets (such as renewal and refinance). An exception would be Transfer & Assumption and Product Change release contracts.

    • Makes the upfront tax call for re-lease assets during Booking, Rebook, Asset Relocation, Split into units and Split into components transactions.

    • For upfront tax calculated on re-lease assets, creates a billing transaction or capitalized/financed fee depending on the Upfront Tax Treatment specified on the contract.

Online Rebook

Online Rebook Overview

Online rebook is the process of manually rebooking a contract. During online rebooking, when you click Rebook, a copy of the contract is created with the contract number containing the rebook extension. The original contract remains active and in effect during the editing of the copy. Once you activate the contract copy, fields that can be edited, along with streams and yields, are copied from the rebooked contract copy to a new version of the original contract. The contract copy is assigned the status Abandoned and is no longer usable. Copies can be abandoned if rebooking is not to be completed. When you book the copy contract, the original contract is versioned.

The following table shows what online rebooking changes are permitted in Oracle Lease and Finance Management.

Allowed Not Allowed
Term extension Customer or customer account
Term reduction New services or service changes
Add parties New usages or changes to usages
Changes to payments (asset, fee, service) Changes to covered assets
Changes to assets from the start date, including depreciation changes Changes to fees (except for General fees)
New assets (ending at the same time as the contract term end)  
New fees  
Non-financial changes, such as terms and conditions, or asset details  

Online Rebook Accounting

Dates in Rebook Accounting

When booking a new version of a contract, the rebooking transaction date is used to determine the General Ledger date. Contracts can be rebooked for closed periods. For transaction dates in closed periods, Oracle Lease and Finance Management finds the open period closest to the transaction date and posts entries for that period.

Changing start dates during a rebook is permitted in the following situations:

The rebook limit date cannot be updated after booking, and does not change as a result of the rebook.

Term Reduction During Rebook

You can now reduce the term of a contract while rebooking.

The following validations are included for term reduction:

Additional Validations:

You may need to perform the following additional validations in other areas as well if the term is reduced during rebook:

Post Rebook using Term Reduction Check:

You may need to check the following activities while reducing the term of the contract:

Writedown Residual Value and Salvage Value Update in Rebook

During an online rebook, the Residual Value can be updated using the Contracts Revision page. The user can writedown the Residual Value by a percentage or a fixed amount. The rebook process will update the contract with the new Residual Value.

Residual Value can also be updated using the Residual Value Writedown page under the Assets - Transactions Tab. The user can writedown the Residual Value by a percentage or a fixed amount. To process the Residual Value transaction, the Process Residual Value Writedown transactions program should be run. The Process Residual Value Writedown transactions program calls Mass Rebook which updates the contract with the new Residual Value.

An online rebook or mass rebook does not update the Salvage Value on the contract.

Rebook and Insurance

When a rebook is activated, the insurance policy program cancels the existing policy and creates a new policy based on the new contract values. No other programs are required.

In a scenario where you have a contract with a 24 month term and a corresponding insurance policy for 24 months, and you rebook the contract for a 36 month term, the new insurance policy will also include the new 36 month term. Oracle Lease and Finance Management will refund any unused premiums and bill for new premiums.

During a full termination, the rebook process cancels insurance policies. No new policy is created. When a policy is canceled, Oracle Lease and Finance Management processes the accrual, billing, and disbursement adjustments.

The insurance policy is calculated at the assets level to determine a single premium amount for all assets on a contract. The policy details are stored on a contract line that references the contract header. When the policy is canceled during a rebook, the amount paid by the lessee is compared to the number of months of past coverage. Credit is calculated for the remaining number of months that were paid but not used. A credit memo is created for that amount.

After the rebook is complete, a new policy is created using the revised value for the assets to determine a new premium. The premium is calculated on a quote (as for a new contract) at the asset level and then summed to a total for the quote. A policy is then created and activated from the quote automatically. The premium amount is billed on an invoice. You can then apply the credit memo for the cancelled policy to that invoice.

Rebook Adjustments

Online rebook calculates and generates adjustment entries for already billed and accrued streams on the rebooking date. The adjustment is based on the following information:

These dates identify the total amount actually billed or accrued versus the total amount that should have been billed or accrued. This process is run for each billed stream type prior to rebooking. The difference between these two amounts is used to calculate adjustments.

Online Rebooking Procedure

Rebook online using the Revise Contracts page. The following steps outline the online rebooking process:

The following tables shows fields that can be updated for online rebooking and whether the update is supported from the Lease Center.

Contract Header
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Contract Description Yes
Master Lease Number No
Sales Representative No
Purchase Order Number Yes
Acceptance Method Yes
Bill To Address Yes
Term No
Expected Delivery Date No
Acceptance Date Yes
Date Signed No
Effective From No
Re-Book Limit Date No
Private Activity Bond No
Consumer Credit Act Deal No
Non-notification No
Investor Assignable No
Policy Number No
Effective From No
Effective To No
Covered Amount No
Deductible No
Endorsement Field No
Name of Insured No
Lessor Insured - Yes/No No
Lessor Payee - Yes/No No
Insurance Company No
Address No
Agent or Broker Name No
Agent or Broker Address No
Insurance Proof - Due Date No
Insurance Proof - Provided Date No
Contract DFF Yes
Parties Tab
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Party Knows As No
Alias No
Additional Information (Party DFF) Yes
Party Knows As No
Alias No
Customer No
Customer Account No
Bill To Address No
Payment Method No
Bank Account No
Invoice Format No
Print Lead Days No
Review Invoice No
Reason for Review No
Review Until Date No
Additional Information (Party DFF) No
Add Third Party Insurance Provider Yes
Update Third Party Insurance Provider - Party Knows As No
Update Third Party Insurance Provider - Alias No
Additional Information (Party DFF) Yes
Add Guarantor Yes
Update Guarantor - Name Yes
Update Guarantor - Guarantor Type Yes
Update Guarantor - Correspondence Site Yes
Update Guarantor - Guarantee Type Yes
Update Guarantor - Guaranteed Amount Yes
Update Guarantor - Guarantee Date Yes
Update Guarantor - Comments Yes
Update Guarantor - Additional Information (Party DFF) Yes
Add Label Holder Yes
Update Label Holder - Name No
Update Label Holder - URL No
Update Label Holder - Additional Information (Party DFF) Yes
Remove Label Holder No
Add User-Defined Party Role Yes
Update User-Defined Party Role - Party Knows As No
Update User-Defined Party Role - Alias No
Update User-Defined Party Role - Additional Information (Party DFF) Yes
Terms and Conditions Tab - Asset Filings Region
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Lien Type No
Filing Number No
Filing Date No
Status No
Lien Holder No
Jurisdiction No
Sub-Jurisdiction No
Expiration Date No
Continuation Number No
Continuation Date No
Title Type No
Title Issuer No
Title Date No
Title Number No
Registration Number No
Location No
Title Custodian No
Payee Site No
Registration Location No
Registration Expiration Date No
Terms and Conditions Tab - Asset Return Region
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Floor Price Formula Yes
Remarket Sale Price Formula Yes
Terms and Conditions Tab - Billing Setup Region
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Bill To Address Yes
Payment Method Yes
Bank Account Yes
Bank Name Yes
Cash Application Rule Yes
Invoice Format Yes
Print Lead Days Yes
Review Invoice Yes
Reason for Review Yes
Review until Date Yes
Terms and Conditions Tab - Conditions for Partial Termination Quote Region
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Partial Termination Allowed Yes
Approval Required Yes
Terms and Conditions Tab - Contract Portfolio Region
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Strategy No
Days from Contract Expiration No
Budget Amount Option No
Budget Fixed Amount No
Budget Amount Formula No
Assignment Group No
Approval Required No
Terms and Conditions Tab - Early Termination Purchase Option - Contract Region
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Purchase Option Type No
Purchase Option No
Purchase Option Amount No
Purchase Option Formula No
Purchase Option Prorate No
Purchase Option Maximum Option No
Purchase Option Maximum Amount No
Purchase Option Maximum Formula No
Purchase Option Minimum Option No
Purchase Option Minimum Amount No
Purchase Option Minimum Formula No
Terms and Conditions Tab - End Of Term Purchase Option - Contract Region
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Purchase Option Type No
Purchase Option No
Purchase Option Amount No
Purchase Option Formula No
Purchase Option Prorate No
Purchase Option Maximum Option No
Purchase Option Maximum Amount No
Purchase Option Maximum Formula No
Purchase Option Minimum Option No
Purchase Option Minimum Amount No
Purchase Option Formula No
Automatically Process Fixed Purchase Option Yes
Terms and Conditions Tab - Evergreen Regions
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Eligible Yes
Evergreen Formula No
Passthrough Stream Type No
Vendor Site No
Pay Group No
Payment Terms No
Payment Basis No
Pay Start Date No
Payment Method No
Payment Frequency No
Remittance Days No
Disbursement Basis No
Disbursement Fixed Amount No
Disbursement Percent No
Processing Fee Basis No
Processing Fee Fixed Amount No
Processing Fee Percent No
Terms and Conditions Tab - Factoring Region
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Date No
Percentage No
Discount Rate No
Terms and Conditions Tab - Gain/Loss Options on Termination Quote Region
Updateable Fields - Update Supported From Lease Center
Net Quote Option Yes
Net Quote Amount Yes
Net Quote Formula Yes
Tolerance Allowed Option Yes
Tolerance Allowed Amount Yes
Tolerance Allowed Formula Yes
Tolerance Basis Yes
Approval Processing Formula Yes
Approval Required Yes
Terms and Conditions Tab - Late Charges and Late Interest Regions
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Held Until Yes
Late Interest Exempt Yes
Late Interest Policy Yes
Held Until Yes
Late Interest Exempt Yes
Late Interest Policy Yes
Bill To Address Yes
Payment Method Yes
Bank Account Yes
Bank Name Yes
Cash Application Rule Yes
Invoice Format Yes
Print Lead Days Yes
Review Invoice Yes
Reason for Review Yes
Review until Date Yes
Terms and Conditions Tab - Quote Regions
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Advance Notice No
Delay Days No
Approver No
Courtesy Copy No
Additional Recipient No
Allocation Percentage No
Main Recipient No
Terms and Conditions Tab - Renewal Options Region
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Renewal Notice Days Yes
Renewal Option Yes
Renewal Amount Yes
Terms and Conditions Tab - Repurchase Quote Calculate Region
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Repurchase Agreement No
Repurchase Quote Formula No
Sale Price Option No
Sale Price Amount No
Sale Price Formula No
Sale Price Prorate No
Discount Rate Option No
Discount Rate Amount No
Discount Rate Formula No
Discount Rate Prorate No
Quote Fee Option No
Quote Fee Amount No
Quote Fee Formula No
Quote Fee Prorate No
Terms and Conditions Tab - Residual Value Insurance, Security Deposit and Taxes and Duties Regions
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Automatically Calculate Residual Value Insurance No
Residual Value Insurance Rate No
Held Until Maturity Yes
Net From Proceeds Yes
Held Until Date Yes
Update Lines From Contract No
Interest Disclosed Yes
Transfer of Title Yes
Sale and Lease Back Yes
Purchase of Lease Yes
Intended Use for Tax Yes
Age of Equipment Yes
Terms and Conditions Tab - Termination Quote Calculation - Early Termination, Contract Region
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Termination Quote Formula No
Contract Obligation Option No
Contract Obligation Amount No
Contract Obligation Formula No
Contract Obligation Prorate No
Discount Rate Option Yes
Discount Rate Amount Yes
Discount Rate Formula Yes
Discount Rate Prorate No
Quote Free Option Yes
Quote Free Amount Yes
Quote Free Formula Yes
Quote Free Prorate No
Return Fee Option Yes
Return Fee Amount Yes
Return Fee Formula Yes
Return Fee Prorate No
Rollover Incentive Option No
Rollover Incentive Amount No
Rollover Incentive Formula No
Rollover Incentive Prorate No
Security Deposit Option No
Security Deposit Amount No
Security Deposit Formula No
Security Deposit Prorate No
Termination Penalty Option Yes
Termination Penalty Amount Yes
Termination Penalty Formula Yes
Termination Penalty Prorate No
Termination Penalty Cap Option No
Termination Penalty Cap Amount No
Termination Penalty Cap Formula No
Absorbed Fee Formula No
Expense Fee Formula No
Financed Fee Formula No
General Fee Formula No
Income Fee Formula No
Miscellaneous Fee Formula No
Passthrough Fee Formula No
Rollover Fee No
Estimated Property Tax Option No
Estimated Property Tax Amount No
Estimated Property Tax Formula No
Estimated Property Tax Prorate No
Contractual Fees Option No
Outstanding Balances Option No
Service and Maintenance Option No
Service and Maintenance Formula No
Terms and Conditions Tab - Termination Quote Calculation - End of Term, Contract Region
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Termination Quote Formula No
Contract Obligation Option No
Contract Obligation Amount No
Contract Obligation Formula No
Contract Obligation Prorate No
Discount Rate Option Yes
Discount Rate Amount Yes
Discount Rate Formula Yes
Discount Rate Prorate No
Quote Free Option Yes
Quote Free Amount Yes
Quote Free Formula Yes
Quote Free Prorate No
Return Fee Option Yes
Return Fee Amount Yes
Return Fee Formula Yes
Return Fee Prorate No
Rollover Incentive Option No
Rollover Incentive Amount No
Rollover Incentive Formula No
Rollover Incentive Prorate No
Security Deposit Option No
Security Deposit Amount No
Security Deposit Formula No
Security Deposit Prorate No
Termination Penalty Option Yes
Termination Penalty Amount Yes
Termination Penalty Formula Yes
Termination Penalty Prorate No
Termination Penalty Cap Option No
Termination Penalty Cap Amount No
Termination Penalty Cap Formula No
Absorbed Fee Formula No
Expense Fee Formula No
Financed Fee Formula No
General Fee Formula No
Income Fee Formula No
Miscellaneous Fee Formula No
Passthrough Fee Formula No
Rollover Fee No
Estimated Property Tax Option No
Estimated Property Tax Amount No
Estimated Property Tax Formula No
Estimated Property Tax Prorate No
Contractual Fees Option No
Outstanding Balances Option No
Service and Maintenance Option No
Service and Maintenance Formula No
Terms and Conditions Tab - Termination Quote Process
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Manual Quotes Only No
Early Termination Allowed Yes
First Termination Date No
Send Bill Of Sale No
Quote Effective Days Yes
Quote Effective Maximum Days Yes
End Of Term Tolerance Days Yes
Configuration Tab
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Asset - Add Asset No
Add Asset - Item No
Add Asset - Units No
Add Asset - Unit Cost No
Asset Key No
Prescribed Asset No
Model Yes
Manufacturer Yes
Year of Manufacturer Yes
Install Site Yes
Fixed Asset Location Yes
Expected Delivery Date No
Expected Funding Date No
Depreciation Method No
Life in Months No
Rate (%) No
In Service Date No
Depreciable Cost No
Salvage Value Basis No
Salvage Value No
Add AddOn No
Update AddOn No
Item No
Cost No
Manufacturer No
Model Number No
Year of Manufacture No
Notes No
Vendor No
Invoice Number No
Invoice Date No
Ship To Site No
Bill To Address No
Payment Method No
Bank Account No
Effective From No
Evergreen Formula No
Passthrough Stream Type No
Vendors No
Vendor No
Vendor Site No
Pay Group No
Payment Terms No
Payment Basis No
Payment Start Date No
Payment Method No
Payment Frequency No
Remittance Days No
Disbursement Basis No
Disbursement Fixed Amount No
Disbursement Percent No
Processing Fee Basis No
Processing Fee Fixed Amount No
Processing Fee Percent No
Vendor No
Invoice Number No
Invoice Date No
Ship To Site No
Serial Number Yes
Update Lines from Contract No
Transfer of Title Yes
Sale and Lease Back Yes
Purchase of Lease Yes
Intended Use for Tax Yes
Age of Equipment Yes
Lien Type Yes
Filing Number Yes
Filing Date Yes
Status Yes
Lien Holder Yes
Jurisdiction Yes
Sub-Jurisdiction Yes
Expiration Date Yes
Continuation Number Yes
Continuation Date Yes
Title Type No
Title Issuer No
Title Date No
Title Number No
Registration Number No
Location No
Title Custodian No
Payee Site No
Registration Location No
Registration Expiration Date No
Adjustments Tab
Updateable Fields Update Supported From Lease Center
Trade-In Date No
Description No
Amount No
Asset Trade-In Amount No
Basis No
Down Payment Amount (Percent) No
Capitalize No
Down Payment Receiver No
Subsidy No
Subsidy Amount No
Override Amount No
Party No
Pay Site No
Payment Term No
Payment Method No
Pay Group No

Non-Financial Rebooks

If a contract is updated in an online rebook and these updates do not have a financial impact, the following are not required:

Such online rebooks are called non-financial rebooks.

To perform a non-financial rebook, you must select a rebook reason that is associated with the lookup OKL_NON_FIN_REBOOK_REASON. You can select this rebook reason in the Revise Contract page. When this rebook reason is selected, the copy of the contract which is created allows update of only those fields that have no direct financial impact.

Upon activation of the rebook, neither stream generation nor accounting transactions occur.

Effective Dated Rebook

Effective Dated Rebook Overview

When the financial elements of a contract are modified due to changing conditions that result in revisions agreed to by both customer and lessor, or due to errors while authoring a contract, the resulting changes in income and expense must be spread over the remaining term of a contract. Oracle Lease and Finance Management's accounting processes with Effective Dated Rebook allow you to spread the financial impact of contract revisions from the effective date of change over the remaining term only. Effective Dated Rebook contract changes have no impact on prior accounting periods.

When a contract is rebooked, you can make the proper accounting adjustments, including the ability to spread the financial impact of the contract revisions over the remaining contract term, using Effective Dated Rebook. When utilized, Effective Dated Rebook ensures that income adjustments due to contract revisions are not recalculated and adjusted for periods prior to the effective date of the revision. Accounting for income adjustments is recognized from the effective revision date through the remaining contract term only.

This enables you to automatically apply your accounting policies with no impact on contract changes to prior or current accounting periods. Contract changes for floating rate contracts, principal paydowns, and restructures are prospective.

Effective Dated Rebook applies to standard income and expense streams in both Internal and External Pricing engines.

The Effective Dated Rebook option fulfills the following business needs:

Effective Dated Rebook is provided in the following revision processes:

Effective Dated Rebook Setup

To enable Effective Dated Rebook, you must set the Amortize Income Adjustments From Revision Date system option to Yes at the Business Unit level. Once this option is set to Yes, it cannot be changed.

For external pricing engines, upgrade must be performed for existing contracts if the Amortize Income Adjustments from Revision Date system option is set to Yes. When set to Yes, a contract revision can only be performed after the contract is upgraded.

Upgrades are performed by the following methods:

Effective Dated Rebook Concurrent Program

For external pricing engines, you can upgrade existing contracts by running the Effective Dated Rebook Upgrade concurrent program in a Review or Submit mode. The Review mode enables you to see contracts eligible for upgrade before running the upgrade.

You can select contracts to upgrade based on one of the following criteria sets:

Reverse a Booked Contract

Reversing a contract cancels the accounting entries created by booking and funding, and effectively ends a contract. Reversing a contract is not possible if you have already run billing and accrual, but you can reverse if the contract has been funded. This process does not reverse entries in Oracle Assets


A contract must be Booked before it is reversed. However, it cannot be billed or have any other transactions, except Funding, before it is reversed.

A contract may be Funded before it is reversed. In reversing, Oracle Lease and Finance Management will automatically adjust its funding transactions.


View Contracts Under Revision

This is a view-only function that allows you to look at various contracts that are currently under revision. On the Revisions page, click Under Revisions. The Revisions in Progress page opens.

Click the copy contract or contract that you want to view.

To cancel a revision, select the check box next to the copy contract number and click Abandon.

Split Asset

Split Asset Overview

If you need to split an asset line into multiple asset lines, you can perform the Split Asset task. Because this activity does not have a financial impact on the contract, the status of the original contract never changes, and no rebook is performed. Split assets can also be created for assets off of a contract.

You can split an asset line either by units or by components. When you split an asset line by units, you can choose to split the asset line either into individual units, or to split the original number of units into two parts. For example, you can split an asset line with 10 units into 10 asset lines, each containing one unit, or you could split the asset line into two asset lines, one with 4 units, the other with 6 units.

When you split an asset line into components, you split an asset by value rather than number of units. In this case, you select new items that are components of the original asset; and for each component item, select a percentage of the total value. The number of units of each new item is the same as the number of units of the original asset. You must register the new items in Oracle Inventory before you can select them.

For example, your original asset line consists of 5 units of a Desktop PC, total cost $6000. The PC consists of two components, PC Base and PC Monitor.

When you split by components, the following conditions apply:


Perform the following steps on the Revise Contract page to split assets:

  1. Search for booked contracts in the Contract Search page.

  2. In the search results table, select Revise in the Action column for the applicable booked contract and click Go.

    The Revise Contract page opens.

  3. Select the applicable revision type to split assets into components or units.

  4. Enter the Revision Date for the Split. The date must fall within the contract term.

  5. Select the asset to split. The asset's description, number of units, and cost appear.

  6. If you have selected Split Asset into Components as the revision type, then click Go. If you have selected Split Asset into Units, then provide the following details and click Go:

    • To split the asset into multiple single-unit asset lines, select the Split into Single Units check box. For example, if you had an asset line with 10 units and you select this check box, you would create 10 asset lines, each containing one unit.

    • To split the asset into two multi-unit asset lines, clear the Split into Single Units check box. In the Number of Units field, enter the number of units you want to split off from the main asset line. For example, if you enter 4, then 4 assets are split into one line and the remaining 6 assets stay attached to the existing asset line.

  7. The Contract Details page opens.

    • For splitting the asset into units, the Asset Number region displays a new automatically generated asset number line and the original, parent, asset number line. The number of units shown on each line reflects the number you chose. Click Update to edit the new asset description.

      Optionally, click Serial Numbers. On the Serial Numbers page, select the individual asset units by serial number for the new asset line, for as many lines as specified by the Number of Units.

    • For splitting assets into components, the Contact Details page displays a grid, where each line represents a new component. Search for and select a component item. Click Add Rows if you require more components. For each component, enter the required details: Asset Number, Asset Description, Split Percent (percentage of the total cost for the component).

      Optionally, click the Serial Number icon. Select the serial numbers for the new asset.

  8. Click Apply.

    The Split Asset revision process completes. You do not need to run Billing programs.

Splitting Evergreen Assets

You can split evergreen and re-lease assets into units or components only if salvage value is not being depreciated in the evergreen or re-lease term. This is because fixed assets do not allow asset adjustments when salvage value is being depreciated. If depreciation is required in the evergreen term, you must define asset lives greater than the contract base term. If the asset life was set as the contract base term during contract authoring, you should update the asset life to a greater value when the contract converts to evergreen. During splitting, the following transactions take place:

  Finance Lease Operating Lease
New Asset Evergreen and Re-Lease Assets:
  • Add new asset with zero cost with In-Service Date as of Contract Start Date.

  • Write-up cost and depreciation reserve with the current Fixed Assets open period as the Amortization Start Date.

Evergreen and Re-Lease Assets:
  • Add new asset with zero cost with In-Service Date as of Contract Start Date.

  • Write-up cost and depreciation reserve with the current Fixed Assets open period as the Amortization Start Date.

Old Asset
  • Evergreen Assets: Write-down old asset cost with Amortization Start Date as Off-Lease Date.

  • Re-Lease Assets: Write-down old asset cost with Amortization date as of Release Date.

  • Evergreen Assets: Write-down old asset cost with Amortization Start Date as Off-Lease Date.

  • Re-Lease Assets: Write-down old asset cost with Amortization date as of Release Date.

The system automatically calculates a depreciation adjustment to ensure that after the split, the sum of the new and old assets accumulated depreciation matches the accumulated depreciation of the parent asset before the split. The adjustment is processed in Fixed Assets through an Unplanned Depreciation entry. The automatic unplanned depreciation adjustment is calculated and processed only if asset depreciation method is Flat Rate or Straight Line.

Stream Generation for Split Asset

When an asset is split into units and components, linked asset streams are generated only for asset lines sourced from the split asset.

Streams are not generated for the following:

The following procedure describes how to view streams generated for the impacted split asset.


Perform the following steps in the Contracts tab of the Customers page:

  1. Search for the contract having the split asset.

  2. Click the contract number.

    Note: You can go to the Configuration tab in the Contract page to view the split assets.

  3. In the Contract page, go to the Summary tab.

  4. In the Activation summary region of the Summary tab, click the details icon corresponding to Activate Contract.

  5. Search for the history streams in the Streams region of the Activate Contract page. To search, you can select the following options:

    • Status: Select History.

    • Stream Level: Select Asset.

The history streams for the impacted split asset are displayed.

Note: The non-participating asset in the split asset transaction does not have any history sets associated with it.

Associate and Delink a Service

Before you revise linked service and lease contracts, you must first delink them.

With the lease contract in context, on the Revise contract page, select Associate a Service as the revision type and click Go. The Associate Service Contract page appears, displaying the lease contract, the associated service contract, and the Supplier/Vendor.

  1. Click Delink.

    Delink stops service contract billing in Oracle Lease and Finance Management and reestablishes service contract billing in Oracle Service Contracts through the accounts receivable interface to Oracle Receivables.

  2. Revise the lease contract, if necessary, by following the steps described through Online Rebook.

  3. Revise the service contract, if necessary, in Oracle Service Contracts.

  4. If you do not want to generate consolidated lease and service contract invoices, do not link the revised contracts. Run the Oracle Service Contracts billing process and the Oracle Lease and Finance Management Billing process independently.

  5. If you want to generate consolidated lease and service contract invoices, follow the steps to link service contracts (see Set Up Service Lines). Linking the lease and service contracts automatically disables the interface between Oracle Service Contracts and Oracle Receivables, and consolidates the lease and service contract billing through Oracle Lease and Finance Management.

  6. Run the Oracle Service Contracts billing. Run the Oracle Lease and Finance Management billing processes.

Mass Rebook

Mass Rebook Overview

Mass Rebook is the process of rebooking multiple contracts. Mass rebook allows you to search for contracts by combining certain parameters with operands to identify the contracts you want to rebook. You can subsequently change certain aspects of the contract through the same process. The rebooked contracts keep their original contract numbers.

Mass rebooking is also used in partial terminations and variable rate changes. Functionally, the results are identical to those of online rebooking, but in mass rebook no contract copy is created. Also, mass rebook further limits the parameters you can change on a contract and rebook.

The mass rebook process consists of the following two steps:

Mass Rebook Selection Criteria

Parameters you may use to select contracts that you want to mass rebook include:

You can narrow the search by using operands such as "LIKE," "BETWEEN," "=," and "<>." There are two Criteria Value columns where you can enter criteria for your search, and another column for a specific Set Value. The Set Value will be the new value assigned to each contract in the batch during rebooking. For example, if you want to select a set of contracts that have start dates that fall within the range of a particular month, you can modify the search in the following manner:

Example of Mass Rebook Page
Criteria Operand Criteria From Criteria To Set Value
Contract Start Date BETWEEN 01-May-2004 30-MAY-2004          -        

Categories That Can Be Modified

There are four aspects of contracts that you can use the mass rebook functionality to change:

You can use the categories Depreciation Method and Date Placed In Service for both selecting which contracts to rebook, and also as entries to change during the mass rebooking.

Mass rebook revisions are typically a two-step process where you first create a batch request by using specified criteria to identify the contracts you want to rebook. Then you run the rebook request for all the contracts your criteria search has identified. You can specify those contracts from the list that you want to include in the mass rebook.

Note: All operands are case sensitive; use UPPERCASE, only.


You must have booked contracts.

Creating Mass Rebook

Steps to Create Mass Rebook

Perform the following steps in the Mass Rebook page:

  1. Click Create to create a new mass rebook request.

    The Create Mass Rebook page opens where you enter your search criteria and the changes you want to make to the contracts that you are rebooking.

  2. Enter the request number. The number can be any alpha-numeric combination you want. You can subsequently access the request using this number.

  3. Specify the criteria you want to use to group your contracts for mass rebooking.

  4. Click Next to update the contracts.

    The Selected Contracts page appears. This page displays all the contracts that your request returned, based on your criteria.

    • If you want to mass rebook all the contracts, click Next to enter the set values for these criteria.

    • If you want to exclude some of the contracts, in the Selected Column, select the No value for all contracts you do not want to rebook and click Next.

      By default, all contracts carry a Yes value in the Selected column.

  5. Click Apply.

View Requests

From the Mass Rebook main page, you can search for previous requests by entering the request number.

You cannot edit any requests already submitted, because there may be processing already occurring against the contracts included in the mass rebook request.

Transfer and Assumption

Ownership changes and organizational restructuring may result in the need to change the lessee in lease contracts. This process of changing the lessee is known as Transfer and Assumption (T&A).

Changing the lessee may be required for the entire contract or a subset of asset lines. The original lessee is responsible for invoices with dates due before the transfer date. The transferred lessee becomes responsible for invoices due after the transfer date.

T&A requests must occur without affecting the accruals, amortizations and depreciation in the contract. There should be no accounting or pricing impacts beyond billing adjustments.

Oracle Lease and Finance Management enables you to:

Transfer and Assumption Requests Process Flow

The T&A process flow includes:

Note: Transfer Balance in the Configuration tab is an information-only field which displays the asset balance amount on the T&A effective date. It is calculated based on the user configurable formula LINE_TRANSFER_ BALANCE according to the following contract book classifications:

If a contract is in Evergreen status, the value returned by the formula is zero. You can update T&A requests until they are submitted for approval.

Validation of the Transfer and Assumption Request

You must click the Accept button to launch the Validation process. The system performs the following two validation sets:

Submitting the Transfer and Assumption Request for Approval

After the request is successfully validated, submit the request for approval from the Transfer & Assumption search results table.

Activating the Transfer & Assumption Request

After a request is approved, the request can be activated. The activation flow is based on the following transfer types:

Complete Transfer

When you select all the assets in the contract for transfer, the type of transfer is 'Complete'. This is also called as full Transfer and Assumption.

On requesting activation of a full T&A request, the following events take place:

Partial Transfer

When you select only a sub-set of the asset lines on the contract, it is called a partial Transfer and Assumption.

On requesting activation of a partial T&A request, the following events takes place:

Transfer and Assumption for Loan Contracts

For the Complete type of loan contracts, you can create Transfer and Assumptions requests.

Transfer and Assumption for Evergreen Contracts

You can create Transfer and Assumptions requests of type 'Complete' for evergreen contracts.

Define Billing Adjustments for Transfer and Assumptions

In the 'Transfer and Assumption Billing Adjustments' system option, you can define the type of credit memos to be generated for complete T&A in the operating unit. The options are:

Define Custom Validations for Transfer and Assumptions

In the 'Transfer and Assumptions Validation Set' system option, you can select a validation set for T&As in the operating units. The validations defined in the selected validation set are invoked when a request is accepted in addition to seeded validations.

Re-Lease Contract

Upon booking the new contract, if the Transfer Type is Complete (Full), Oracle Lease and Finance Management terminates the old contract automatically. If the Transfer Type is Partial, the old contract is rebooked automatically with the remaining assets.

When the assets are transferred, the credit line is adjusted. The Credit Line Details screen displays Total Transfers and Total Net Transfers.

Any subsidies on the old contract are processed based on the Subsidies Setup parameter, Transfer Basis: Acceleration (the subsidy is accelerated to the contract end) or Refund (the subsidy amount from the termination date to the contract end date is refunded to the vendor). You must add subsidies manually to the new contract.

As part of the termination processes of the original contract, Oracle Lease and Finance Management determines the amounts to be accrued up to the termination date for all accrual streams with the actual amounts. Any difference is adjusted.