
This chapter covers the following topics:


You can set up subsidies and associate them to an asset. A subsidy is an amount provided by a third party to a lessor to increase the lessor's margin on a deal. Subsidies provided on a lease between a lessor and a third party either supplement the lessor's income or adjust the rate charged to the lessee.

In Oracle Lease and Finance Management, subsidies are selected at the asset level during the contract or quote authoring process. Before subsidies can be selected, they must be created and defined.

Subsidy formulas in Oracle Lease and Finance Management can be modified. Oracle Lease and Finance Management recognizes the following two main subsidy types:

Discount Subsidy

A discount is an amount provided to a lessor by a third party vendor that reduces the acquisition costs paid by lessor for leased equipment. These direct discounts to the lessor may or may not be disclosed to the lessee.

Rate Subsidy

A rate subsidy is an adjustment on the borrowing interest rate paid by a lessee to a lessor over time. Vendors and manufacturers may offer subsidies to a lessor in exchange for a reduction in the interest rate paid by customers for the lease of equipment. Rate subsides are often billed to the third party by the lessor and amortized as income over the duration of the contract.

Subsidy Benefits In Oracle Lease and Finance Management

Use of subsides in Oracle Lease and Finance Management provides lessors the following benefits:

Subsidy Business Process Flow

The following table describes the business process flow in Oracle Lease and Finance Management for subsidies.

Oracle Lease and Finance Management Subsidy Business Process Flow 
Step Action Description
1 Set Up Subsidies Creates and define new subsidies or maintain previously-defined subsidies
2 Set Up Subsidy Criterion Define subsidy criteria to limit and restrict the use of subsidies to specific deals.
3 Select Subsidies on Lease Quotes or Contracts Subsidies are associated to a lease quote or contract at the asset line level. Subsidy details are entered.
4 Generate Subsidy Adjusted Yields Oracle Lease and Finance Management calculates total subsidy amounts for all asset lines in a quote or contract prior to stream generation.
5 Adjust Fundable Amounts Fundable total is reduced for vendor discounts.
6 Generate Subsidy Accrual Streams Subsidy accrual streams are generated by Oracle Lease and Finance Management
7 Maintain Subsidy Accounting Classifications Subsidy is classified by type for accounting purposes.
8 Bill Subsidy to Third Parties Oracle Lease and Finance Management creates a Receivables invoice to any third parties to bill a subsidy due from lessor.
9 Book Assets at Adjusted Book Value Oracle Lease and Finance Management transfers assets at an adjusted cost.
10 Process Subsidy on Termination In the case of early termination of an asset, associated subsidies are either refunded to the provider or the subsidy is accelerated so that total subsidy income is accounted for before termination.
11 Process Subsidy During Contract Revision If a contract is revised, Oracle Lease and Finance Management copies back any modifications or additions in subsidies to the original contract.

Authoring Contracts with Subsidies

This section includes the following topics:

Subsidy Setup

Before subsidies can be associated to an asset in contract or quote authoring, they must be created and defined. To set up subsides, see Set Up Subsidies, Oracle Lease and Finance Management Implementation Guide.

Configurable Subsidy Accounting

This section includes the following topics:

Configurable Accounting

After you select the subsidy to associate to an asset, Oracle Lease and Finance Management generates the appropriate accounting for that subsidy during booking. For discount subsidies, Oracle Lease and Finance Management transfers assets to Oracle Assets at the adjusted book cost for the discount amount.

Set up the accounting templates and define streams in your financial product to account for discount and rate subsidies.

Set up discount subsidies to transfer assets to Oracle Assets at the adjusted book cost at the discount amount.

When setting up rate subsidies, Oracle Lease and Finance Management amortizes the revenue stream for accrual accounting. When the lessor generates the accrual stream, Oracle Lease and Finance Management maintains reference to the subsidy accrual stream type so accrual amounts can be applied to separate accounts.

Once the product and stream types have been set up, you select the subsidy to be associated with the asset on the contract and Oracle Lease and Finance Management generates the appropriate accounting.

For information on streams, see Define Streams and Pricing, Oracle Lease and Finance Management Implementation Guide.

For information on accounting templates, see Define Lease Accounting Templates, Oracle Lease and Finance Management Implementation Guide.

Early Termination of Subsidy

When you terminate an asset with subsidies before contract expiration, Oracle Lease and Finance Management does not include the subsidy amount in termination quotes. Oracle Lease and Finance Management determines if the subsidy must be paid back to the provider based on the subsidy setup for recourse.

If you set up a subsidy so the provider has recourse, you can define the refund basis and a formula to calculate the refund amount to be paid back to the subsidy provider.

If a subsidy does not have to be repaid, Oracle Lease and Finance Management accelerates the recognition of any outstanding subsidy income at the point of termination.

Subsidies at the Asset Level

Subsidies are associated to individual assets when authoring lease quotes or contracts. Oracle Lease and Finance Management provides lessors the flexibility to associate subsidies to all the assets on a lease contract or quote, or to associate them to individual assets.

Lessors select one or more subsidies for each asset from the list of applicable subsidies and then define the subsidy vendor. You can define what subsidies are applicable when you set up subsidy criterion. During contract activation, Oracle Lease and Finance Management booking validations check whether a subsidy is valid for the selected contract and customer.

To select subsidies when authoring a lease contract, see Selecting Subsidies.

To add subsidies when authoring a lease quote, see Add Subsidies to a Quote.

Calculating Subsidy Amounts

Lessors can define the basis on which the subsidy amount is calculated by either specifying a fixed amount or by calculating the amount based on a formula, a percent of the asset cost, or rate points. You can also set limits based on the maximum financed amount or the maximum subsidy amount.

Because changes to contract assets and values may change the subsidy amount, Oracle Lease and Finance Management automatically recalculates the subsidy amounts each time you update the Asset Subsidies page.

For subsidies taken as equipment discounts, Oracle Lease and Finance Management calculates and displays the adjusted asset cost while maintaining the original equipment cost for the asset. The total contract subsidy is displayed after being applied to each asset.

During an asset split, or any process that employs the asset split feature, the subsidy stream is split so each asset maintains the same proportion of subsidy income. Subsidies are also recalculated during book revisions.

You can override the calculated subsidy amount by entering a subsidy amount during asset creation in the original bookings or rebooking revisions. If the entered amount is different than the calculated amount, an warning message will be generated to inform you of the difference.

Including Subsidies in the Yield Calculation

The yield or payment calculation includes the subsidy in the yield. Both subsidized and unsubsidized yields are displayed. The subsidized yield can be used to target restructure and renewal quotes.

Collecting Subsidies From Vendor

Lessors have the following two options for collecting subsides from the vendor:

Reduce Funding for Vendor Discounts

You can reduce the funding amount payable to the vendor by the amount of the subsidy. Oracle Lease and Finance Management generates payable invoices displaying the subsidy amount by stream type to manage subsidy performance and accounting.

For information on funding, see Funding, Chapter 13.

Bill Third Party for Subsidies

You can bill any third party for the amount of the subsidy. At booking, Oracle Lease and Finance Management generates a receivable invoice to bill the subsidy providers. Each subsidy is maintained as a separate line on the receivable notice with reference to the stream type to manage subsidy performance and accounting.

Selecting Subsidies

The following procedure shows how to select subsidies at the asset level when authoring a contract.


Must have created a contract with an asset.

Must have created a subsidy

The third party must be set up and associated to the contract.


Perform the following steps in the Assets page of the Contract subtab:

  1. Once an asset is created, click Subsidies in the Properties region of the Assets page.

The Asset Subsidies page appears.

  1. Select the subsidy and the party.

  2. If the selected subsidy amount needs to the changed for this contract, you may enter a new amount in the Override Amount field.

  3. Optionally, to add payment terms for refunds, click Party Refund Details.

The Create Subsidy Refund page appears.

  1. Enter payment terms to disburse subsidy refunds.

  2. Click Create.

Viewing Subsidies

If subsidies are set up to be viewable, customers and vendors view the Subsidized Cost of the Asset in Customer Self-Service and Vendor Self-Service. If the subsidies are not viewable, then Lease Center users cannot see the subsidies, but can see the unsubsidized cost.

Subsidy Pools


Vendors sometimes create marketing programs, which provide subsidies for their partners. The partner may be required to monitor subsidy usage so that it does not exceed the authorized program budget. Subsidy Pools are used to manage, control, and account for the use of subsides. They help ensure the lessor does not exceed their authorized budget.

Oracle Lease and Finance Management enables you to:

In Oracle Lease and Finance Management, there are two types of subsidy pools:

The following table describes the subsidy pool business process flow in Oracle Lease and Finance Management.

Action Description
1. Create a Budget Subsidy Pool Create and define a budget subsidy pool. Enter header information and budget line items.
2. Associate Subsidies to a Subsidy Pool Subsidies can be associated to subsidy pools.
3. Approve and Activate Subsidy Pools Once created, subsidy pools can be activated or rejected through the approval process.
4. Create Subsidy Pool Transactions Specific quote, lease application, and contract events generate subsidy pool transactions.
5. View Subsidy Pools Subsidy pool information can be viewed after a subsidy pool is created.
6. Update Subsidy Pools Existing subsidy pools can be updated.
7. Create a Reporting Subsidy Pool Reporting Pools can be created anytime.
8. Create a Subsidy Pool Usage Report Report usage and remaining pool balances

Subsidy Pool Procedures

Oracle Lease and Finance Management enables you to perform the following subsidy pool tasks:

Search for Subsidy Pools

You can search for subsidy pools in the Subsidy Pool Search page by selecting the Pool Type (Budget or Reporting) and entering one other parameter. The other parameters are: Name, Currency, Status, and Effective Dates.

You can search for subsidy pools across operating units provided the OKL: Subsidy Pool Global Access profile option is set to Yes.

Create Subsidy Pools

Subsidy pools are created from the Create Subsidy Pool page. From the list of values, select the Pool Type (Budget or Reporting) you want to create and click Go. In the Create Subsidy Pool page, enter the subsidy pool parameters described in the table below.

The following table describes subsidy pool parameters.

Field Description
Short Description Short description of the subsidy pool.
Description Long description of the subsidy pool.
Parent Pool Name of the parent pool, for which other reporting or budget pools may be children.
Type Type of subsidy pool: Budget or Reporting.
Status Status of the subsidy pool: New, Active, Pending (Approval), Approved, Rejected, Cancelled, or Expired.
Currency Pool currency (e.g., US Dollars, Euros).
Currency Conversion Type Currency Conversion Type (i.e., Corporate or Spot). This is the basis for converting the transaction (quote or contract) currency to the subsidy pool currency.
Reporting Pool Limit This is a soft budget that applies only to a reporting pool. It is not used to control any transactions or for calculating remaining balances. It is merely a reference for a high level evaluation of aggregate subsidy/subsidy pool usage.
Budget A budget is required for every Budget Subsidy Pool. It is used to limit the aggregate amount of subsidies that may be used over a given time period.
Remaining Balance The remaining balance is calculated as the budget less all committed transactions (approved quotes and booked contracts). The budget is the sum of all approved Budget Additions and Reductions.
Effective From Date You can create subsidy pools with initial effective dates in the future.

When the subsidy pool parameters are entered you have the following three options:

Update Subsidy Pools

Subsidy pools are updated from the Subsidy Pool Details page. To access the Subsidy Pool Details page, click the Subsidy Pool Name. From the General or Budget Lines subtabs, click the Update icon to access the updatable parameters.

The following rules apply to updating subsidy pools:

After subsidy pools are updated, the updates can be applied and the pools can be submitted for Approval. The following rules apply to subsidy pool Approval:

View Subsidy Pool Details

You can view subsidy pool details by clicking the pool name in the Subsidy Pools page. Subsidy pool details include the following:

For Budget Pools:

For Reporting Pools:

Create and Update Subsidy Pool Budget Lines

To access, create, or update subsidy pool budget lines, click the respective Budget Subsidy Pool from the Subsidy Pool details page. Click Budget Lines to view budget line details. Click Update to update or add new budget lines.

If you are creating the initial budget line item, input the budget amount, as well as a respective note about the line item. The initial budget is submitted for approval only when the subsidy pool is submitted for approval.

If you are increasing or decreasing the budget, click Add Another Row and enter new budget line details. Apply or Cancel your changes. Clicking Apply creates a line item with the status of New. To submit the line item for approval, click Submit for Approval icon from the Budget page. To display and access the line item Submit for Approval icon, click the update button on the Budget Lines page.

The following rules apply to updating budget lines

Associate Subsidies to a Subsidy Pool

Subsidies are associated to Budget Subsidy Pools in the Subsidy page. In the Update Subsidy page, use the Subsidy Pool list of values to select the subsidy pool to which the subsidy is to be associated. The Subsidy Pool Status and Effective Dates are displayed.

The following rules apply to associating a subsidy to a subsidy pool:

Oracle Lease and Finance Management determines if the subsidy currency is the same as the subsidy pool currency and, if not, verifies that the subsidy currency conversion factor is defined. You cannot delete a subsidy pool after it has been activated. Approval is not required to associate subsidies when a subsidy pool is Active. When you associate a subsidy to a subsidy pool, the status automatically becomes Active.