Business Reporting

Business Reporting Overview

Oracle Lease and Finance Management integrates with the Oracle E-Business Suite enabling you to use the powerful tools of the E-Business Suite to generate the reports you need to support your business. In addition to providing you with a flexible report generation engine, standard reports are available from the integrated E-Business Suite applications that Oracle Lease and Finance Management uses to complete common business processes. Together with the standard reports provided by Oracle Lease and Finance Management, you have a large suite of out-of-the-box reports that you can use to meet your reporting needs.

Oracle XML Publisher

Oracle XML Publisher is the standard reporting tool used by the E-Business Suite to define and generate business reports. XML Publisher works by separating the data, report layout and user interface translation aspects of generating a report into the following components:

All of the standard reports available in Oracle Lease and Finance Management are generated using XML Publisher. Additionally, many of the reports available from the other products in the E-Business Suite are also generated using XML Publisher. Since most of the reports available in the E-Business Suite are generated using XML Publisher, you can modify the standard reports to fit your needs without having to create a new report and all of its components. If you cannot use or modify an existing report, you can also use XML Publisher to generate custom reports.

For information on how to set up XML Publisher in Oracle Lease and Finance Management, see Set Up XML Publisher, Oracle Lease and Finance Management Implementation Guide.

For more information on XML Publisher, see the Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide and the Oracle XML Publisher Report Designer's Guide.

Oracle E-Business Suite Reporting

Oracle Lease and Finance Management integrates with several modules in the E-Business Suite to complete many common business processes. For example, any billings generated using Oracle Lease and Finance Management are created as invoices, credit memos, or adjustments in Oracle Receivables. The integration of Oracle Lease and Finance Management with standard E-Business Suite modules means you can use many of the standard reports from those products for much of your business and accounting reporting.

To see a list of reports used in Oracle Lease and Finance Management, see Appendix B - Concurrent Programs and Reports.

Oracle Lease and Finance Management Reports

The standard reports available in Oracle Lease and Finance Management are designed to help you generate business information about transactions produced by Oracle Lease and Finance Management. The standard reports are divided into the following two types:

Accounting Reports

Oracle Lease and Finance Management accounting reports help you view complex accounting information in which part or all of the accounting originates from Oracle Lease and Finance Management transactions. The accounting reports also assist you in completing the analysis required to reconcile your periodic accounting closes and allow you to view balances for a contract.

For more information on accounting reports, see the Accounting Area in the List of Concurrent Programs, in Appendix B – Concurrent Programs and Reports.

Business Reports

Business reports provide information about contracts. The reports compile both financial and non-financial information into a single integrated report.

The XML Publisher data and report templates used to generate the reports are flexible and can be modified to meet your specific reporting requirements. The data templates used to compile the XML data file contain large amounts of detailed contract information. Only some of the data generated in the XML file is used in the associated Oracle Lease and Finance Management report templates. However, you can use the data templates to generate additional reports from templates that you create using common desktop applications.

Contract Financial Reports

Oracle Lease and Finance Management has two concurrent programs to generate reports using XML for contract-related information. The reports can be generated from the contract level and the contract line level, and consist of financial and non-financial information. Multiple users can generate reports simultaneously.

Contract Financial Reports can be generated for contracts with the following book classifications:

Generate Contract Financial Reports

You can generate business reports detailing the financial information of contracts using concurrent programs. Once you determine the requirements of your business report, you specify the report details when submitting your concurrent program request.

Leasing Finance and Management generates the following two financial reports for contracts:

Generate Contract Financial Report

You can generate a Contract Financial Report at the contract level by submitting the Master Program – Contract Financial Report concurrent program. While submitting the concurrent program, associate the Contract Financial Extract Report Template.

To generate a Contract Financial Report, see Run Concurrent Programs and View Reports in Appendix B.

The following table lists user-defined parameters for the Contract Financial Report program.

Contract Financial Report Parameters
Report Parameter Description
Operating Unit Operating Unit associated to the contract.
Report Date The Report Date is the current date. This date cannot be changed. This date is used to determine billed amounts.
Report Template Name The Report Template selected determines the layout of the report.
Report Language Determines the language of the report.
Report Format Determines the format of the report.
Contract Start Date From Beginning date of the contracts to be retrieved for the report based on contract start date.
Contract Start Date To Ending date of contracts to be retrieved for the report based on contract start date.
Include AR Billing Details Determines whether Receivables billing details will be included.
Book Classification The deal type of the contract.
Financial Product Financial Product associated to the contract.
Contract Status The status of the contract.
Customer Party Number The Customer Party Number associated to the contract.
Customer Party Name The Customer Name associated to the contract.
Customer SIC Code The Customer SIC Code from Receivables.
Vendor Party Number Vendor Number of the Vendor Program Agreement.
Vendor Party Name. Vendor Name of the Vendor Program Agreement.
Sales Channel The Sales Channel used to book the deal.
Contract On Accrual Determines whether contract is being accrued.
Contract End Date From Beginning date of the contracts to be retrieved for the report based on contract end date.
Contract End Date To Ending date of the contracts to be retrieved for the report based on contract end date.
Contract Termination Date From Beginning date of the contracts to be retrieved for the report based on contract termination date.
Contract Termination Date To Ending date of the contracts to be retrieved for the report based on contract termination date.
Delete Report Data Determines whether report data should be deleted after the report is generated.
Number Of Processes Number of parallel works to be used to retrieve data and generate the report.

Generate Asset Portfolio Report

You can generate an Asset Portfolio Report at the contract line level by submitting the Master Program – Contract Lines Financial Report concurrent program. While submitting the concurrent program, associate the Asset Portfolio Report Template. The Asset Portfolio Report generates financial information displaying fixed assets data for contract lines based on the parameters defined by the user.

To generate an Asset Portfolio Report, see Run Concurrent Programs and View Reports in Appendix B.

The following table lists user-defined parameters for the Contract Lines Financial Report program.

Asset Portfolio Report Parameters
Report Parameter Description
Operating Unit Operating Unit associated to the contract.
Report Date The Report Date is the current date. This date cannot be changed. This date is used to determine billed amounts.
Report Template Name The Report Template selected determines the layout of the report.
Report Language Determines the language of the report.
Report Format Determines the format of the report.
Contract Start Date From Beginning date of the contracts to be retrieved for the report based on contract start date.
Contract Start Date To Ending date of contracts to be retrieved for the report based on contract start date.
Book Classification The deal type of the contract.
Financial Product Financial Product associated to the contract.
Contract Number The number of the contract used to generate the report.
Contract Status The status of the contract used to generate the report.
Contract Line Status The status of the contract lines used to generate the report.
Contract Line Type The type of the contract lines used to generate the report.
Customer Party Number The Customer Party Number associated to the contract.
Customer Party Name The Customer Name associated to the contract.
Supplier Number The Supplier Number associated to the contract.
Supplier Name The Supplier Name associated to the contract.
Include Fixed Asset Details Determines whether the report will include details from fixed assets for the contract lines.
Asset Tax Book When you select Include Fixed Asset Details, the asset tax book that should be used to display the details.
Delete Report Data Determines whether report data should be deleted after the report is generated.
Number Of Processes Number of parallel works to be used to retrieve data and generate the report.