
Intended Audience

Welcome to Release 12.2 of the Oracle Service Parts Planning Implementation and User's Guide.

Users and implementation team

See Related Information Sources for more Oracle Applications product information.

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1  Introduction
2  Setting Up Source and Destination Instance Data
3  Collecting Source Data
4  Forecasting Concepts
5  Defining Forecasting Rules
6  Service Planning Concepts
7  General Solution Approach
8  Defining Service Plans
9  Service Planning Work Area
10  Working with Plans
11  Release Process
12  Policy Based Planning
13  Inventory Parts Planning
14  Collaboration Planning
15  Integration between Service Parts Planning and Advanced Supply Chain Planning
16  Integration between SPP and EAM
Glossary of Unique Terms

Related Information Sources

Oracle Demand Signal Repository User Guide Oracle Demand Signal Repository is used by manufacturers to collect detailed retailer point-of-sale and other demand data, and analyze the data to identify issues and opportunities. Typical retail data sources include daily point-of-sale, on-hand inventory, store orders and receipts, distribution center withdrawals, returns, store promotions and sales forecasts.
Oracle Manufacturing Operations Center Implementation Guide Oracle Manufacturing Operations Center enables planners to monitor and improve plant performance by analyzing plant floor data. It uses manufacturing operations data to generate reports and monitor production performance in real time.
Oracle Advanced Planning Command Center User's Guide Oracle Advanced Planning Command Center unifies all the Advanced Planning applications, such as Demand Management, Real-Time Sales and Operations Planning, Strategic Network Optimization, Advanced Supply Chain Planning, Distribution Requirements Planning, and Inventory Optimization. It provides a unified user interface and a single repository for all data. Its flexibility allows users to access data from external supply chain planning applications and make it available for reporting and analysis within a unified user interface based on Oracle Business Intelligence - Enterprise Edition (OBI-EE).
Oracle Collaborative Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Collaborative Planning provides advanced capabilities for communicating, planning, and optimizing supply and demand information for trading partners across the supply chain. Oracle Collaborative Planning enables you to reduce inventory levels, improve visibility across your supply chain, increase the speed of information and materials, and promise delivery more accurately.
Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning (ASCP) is a comprehensive, Internet-based planning solution that decides when and where supplies (for example, inventory, purchase orders and work orders) should be deployed within an extended supply chain. This is the supply planning function.
Oracle Inventory Optimization Users Guide Oracle Inventory Optimization is a comprehensive Internet-based inventory planning solution that enables you to determine when and where to hold your inventories across the supply chain to achieve the desired customer service levels.

Integration Repository

The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for integration with any system, application, or business partner.

The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the Oracle E-Business Suite. As your instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content appropriate for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.

Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle E-Business Suite Data

Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data unless otherwise instructed.

Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as SQL*Plus to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data, you risk destroying the integrity of your data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.

Because Oracle E-Business Suite tables are interrelated, any change you make using an Oracle E-Business Suite form can update many tables at once. But when you modify Oracle E-Business Suite data using anything other than Oracle E-Business Suite, you may change a row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables. If your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous information and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle E-Business Suite.

When you use Oracle E-Business Suite to modify your data, Oracle E-Business Suite automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle E-Business Suite also keeps track of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a record of changes.