Integration between SPP and EAM

This chapter covers the following topics:

Importing Work Order Demands from Enterprise Asset Management into Service Parts Planning

The eAM-VCP collections process enables Work Order Demands to be imported into SPP. These demands come from Maintenance Work Orders in eAM, and after being collected, can then be recognized and planned for in SPP (only Work Order Demands are read by SPP, not Work Orders).

SPP plans for these work order demands respecting yields and sourcing rules. If an item is repairable, SPP will generate a Planned Repair Order based on the repair yield for that item. If it is not repairable, and there is no inventory supply on hand, a New Buy Order will be generated. If a work order demand cannot be met, the exception “Late Replenishment for Maintenance Work Order Demand” will be triggered.

These orders are then released back to EAM through the SPP workbench.

EAM Production Attributes

The following EAM production attributes are retained throughout the collections process:

Rebuild or Asset Activity: This defines the maintenance activity being executed for the work order.

Produce to Stock: This flags work orders that will create supply like Rebuildable work orders.

Class Code: The Class Code attribute defines the expense accounts associated with the work being performed for all work orders.

Maintenance Plan: Only the Production maintenance plan will be recognized in SPP.

Activity Type: This is the type of maintenance activity being performed.

Derive Returns Forecast from Work Order Demand

This Plan Option enables the automatic calculation of a returns forecast for a rebuildable item (a rebuildable item has the item attribute "Rebuildable" checked). The returns forecast may be impacted by the Scrap Rate.

This plan option is unchecked by default.

Sample End-to-End Data Flow

  1. Maintenance Work Order and Work Order Demands are generated in eAM's “Production” plan for the “Rebuildable” item “Forklift engine” and its components as below:

    Org Item Order Type
    FM M-Forklift Engine Maintenance Work Order
    FM M-FL-Cylinder Case Work Order Demand
    FM M-FL-Cylinder Work Order Demand
    FM M-FL-Valves Work Order Demand
    FM M-FL-Valve Springs Work Order Demand

    The Forklift Engine is “Rebuildable”, and EAM has exploded its work order to the work order demands for its components. One of the components (“Cylinder”) is also “Rebuildable” and is associated with a Repair Yield and Repaid Lead time.

  2. Work Order Demands are considered in SPP

    While all the above are collected, SPP considers only the Work Order Demands and plans for them. Thus, SPP will plan for the following:

    Org Item Order Type Quantity
    SFM M-FL-Cylinder Case Work Order Demand 5
    SFM M-FL-Cylinder Work Order Demand 5
    SFM M-FL-Valves Work Order Demand 40
    SFM M-FL-Valve Springs Work Order Demand 40
  3. Generate Returns forecast for Rebuildable item

    Since the Cylinder is a rebuildable item, and assumingthe plan option has been checked, SPP will generate a Returns forecast. Assuming the scrap rate is 0.8, the Returns forecast for the Cylinder will be 4 units:

    Org Item Order Type Quantity
    SFM M-FL-Cylinder Work Order Demand 5
    SFM M-FL-Cylinder Returns Forecast 4
  4. Plan for work order demands

    Since the cylinder is repairable, SPP will first try and repair the defective cylinders available. Assume there is a repair yield of 0.75 and lead time is 0 (for the sake of illustration). SPP will thus generate a Planned Repair Work order for 3 units, and create a Planned Buy for the remaining 2 units:

    Org Item Order Type Quantity Item Type
    SFM M-FL-Cylinder Work Order Demand 5 Usable
    SFM M-FL-Cylinder Returns Forecast 4 Defective
    SFM M-FL-Cylinder Planned Repair Work Order 3 Usable
    SFM M-FL-Cylinder Planned Buy Order 2 Usable

    Since the Valve and Valve springs are not repairable, SPP will place a new buy order for them as below (after considering any existing supply like On Hand that may exist):

    Org Item Order Type Quantity
    SFM M-FL-Valves Planned Buy 40
    SFM M-FL-Valve Springs Planned Buy 40
  5. Release Planned Orders to EAM

    The Planned Repair and Planned Buy Orders are now released to EAM as usual, through the SPP Workbench. Note that the Cylinder must be setup as a rebuildable item, it must have a “Rebuild” activity associated with it for it to be released correctly in EAM.