Appendix E

This appendix covers the following topics:

Import Command Reference


To include a comment in an import file, type # at the start of the line. For example:

# This is a comment in an import file.


To add an arc or update an existing arc in a model, you can use the addarc command.

The syntax is:

addarc <from> "nodename" <fromId> "fromid" <to>"nodename" <toId> "toid" <commodity> "commodityname" <commodityId> "commodityid" <riskStrategy> "riskstrategyname" <period> period <cost>cost <riskCost> riskcost 

where riskstrategyname is the name of the risk strategy associated with the arc and riskcost is calculated using the following formula:

riskCost = cost * riskStrategyMultiple + riskStrategyAddition

For example, to add an arc that carries the commodity Apple at a cost of 1.5 units per pack and joins the nodes Pack Apple and Apple Demand and has a risk strategy named August Shortage, enter the following:

addarc <from> "Pack Apple" <fromId> "Pack Apple Id" <to> "Apple Demand" <toId> "Apple Demand Id" <commodity> "Apple" <commodityId> "Apple Id" <riskStrategy> "August Shortage" <period> "August" <cost> 1.5 <riskCost> 2

If you want to apply the data in all time periods, do not include the period tag.

If you want to update a specific period, use the period tag.

If you are not using the Connector, <fromId>, <toId>, and <commodityId> are not required.


To add an arc to a structural set, you can use the addarctoset command. The addarctoset command requires the name of the set and the nodes that the arc connects as well as the commodity name.

The syntax is:

addarctosetset from_node_name to_node_name commodity from_node_id to_node_id commodityid

For example, if you have a set called Blueberry and you want to add the arc that carries BlueberryMix and connects the nodes Pack Blueberry to Store Blueberry, enter the following:

addarctoset Blueberry "Pack Blueberry" "Store Blueberry" "BlueberryMix" "Pack Blueberry Id" Store Blueberry Id" "BlueberryMix Id"

You must unblock a set in the import file before you can add a node or an arc to it.

If you are not using the Connector, from_node_id,to_node_id, and commodityid are not required.


The addarctosetwithassoc command adds an arc with associations to a structural set, where the arc connects nodes that are associated. It is similar to the addarctoset command. For example:

addarctosetwithassoc StrucSet <fromField.Name> Packer <fromField.Amount> 15 <fromField.ShipDate> 980702 <toField.Name> Loader <toField.Amount> 10 <toField.ShipDate> 980928 Apple_Pancake_Mix Apple_Pancake_Mix_Id 

If you are not using the Connector, <commodityId> is not required.


To add arcs to user sets, you can use the addarctouserset command.

The syntax is:

addarctousersetset period from_node_name to_node_name commodity from_node_id to_node_id commodityid

For example, to add to the user set Set2 an arc that represents the flow of commodity Packages in the period November from the node named Packager1 to Pack Strawberry, enter the following:

addarctouserset Set2 November Packager1 "Pack Strawberry" Packages " Packager1 Id" "Pack Strawberry Id" "Packages Id"

If you are not using the Connector, from_node_id,to_node_id, and commodityid are not required.


The addarctousersetwithassoc command adds an arc with associations to a user set. It is similar to the addarctouserset command. For example:

addarctouserset Set2 "November 2005" <fromField.Name> "Packer" <fromField.Amount> "15" <fromField.ShipDate> "980702" <toField.Name> "Loader" <toField.Amount> "10" <toField.ShipDate> "980928" Apple_Pancake_Mix Apple_Pancake_Mix_Id 

If you are not using the Connector, <commodityId> is not required.


The addarcwithassoc command adds an arc or updates an existing arc using associations. It is similar to the addarc command. For example, the following command adds an arc:

addarcwithassoc <commodity> "BigJ" <commodityId> "BigJ Id" <fromField.Name> "Packer" <fromField.Amount> "15" <fromField.ShipDate> "980702" <toField.Name> Loader <toField.Amount> 10 <toField.ShipDate> "980928" <period> "April 2005" <stat> "1" <flow> "16" <fixed> False <opportunity> "0" <cost> "0" <min> "0" <max> +infinity <baseline> "0" <delta> "16" 

If you are not using the Connector, <commodityId> is not required.


The addattach command adds an attach point to a node and defines process rates. For example, to add an attach point that brings Blueberry to a node named BlueberryMix, enter the following:

addattach <node> "BlueberryMix" <integrationId> "BlueberryMix Id" <commodity> "Blueberry" <commodityId> "Blueberry Id"  

If you want to add an attach point that brings 35 units of the commodity Apple into a Process node named Pack Apple, you could enter the following:

addattach <node> "Pack Apple" <integrationId> "Pack Apple Id" <commodity> "Apple" <commodityId> "Apple Id" <in> True <quantity> -35 

Only Process nodes use the quantity tag. A negative quantity value represents input, or commodity that is used by the process. A positive number represents output.

If you are not using the Connector, <integrationId>, and <commodityId> are not required.


The addattachwithassoc command adds an attach point to a node that it is associated with. It is similar to the addattach command. For example:

addattach <field.Name> "Apple16" <field.Location> "Boston" <field.Role> "Storage" <commodity> "Apple_Pancake_Mix" <commodityId> "Apple_Pancake_Mix Id" 

If you are not using the Connector, <commodityId> is not required.


The addCAMdata command adds Capital Asset Management data to a model.

The syntax is:

addCAMdataset target period open close

where set is the name of the CAM set, target is the maximum number of locations that should be open in the final period, open is the maximum number of locations you can open in the period, and close is the maximum number of locations you can close in the period. For example:

addCAMdata Proposed_DC 12 September_2005 1 2


The addcommodity command adds a commodity to a model. For example, to add the commodity named Packages, enter the following:

addcommodity <name> "CardboardPackages" <commodityId> "CardboardPackages Id" <description> "Cardboard packages for packed mix" <family> "Packages" <planningUom> "Each" If you want to duplicate the commodity MyPackages using the commodity Packages, you would enter the following: addcommodity <name> "MyPackages" <similarto> "Packages" 

If you are not using the Connector, <commodityId> is not required.


The addcommoditygroup command creates a new commodity group.

The syntax is:

addcommoditygroup "commoditygroupname" "commoditygroupdescription" "commoditygroupparent" 

For example, to create a commodity group named EasternSuppliers which belongs to the parent commodity group Preferred, enter the following:

addcommoditygroup "EasternSuppliers" "Eastern Steel Suppliers" "Preferred" 

The commoditygroupparent parameter is not mandatory. If it is not used, the default parent is the root "Commodity Groups".


The addcommoditytogroup command adds a commodity to a commodity group.

The syntax is:

addcommoditytogroup "commodity" "commoditygroupname" "commodityid" 

For example, to add a commodity named Steel to the commodity group EasternSuppliers, enter the following:

addcommoditytogroup "Steel" "EasternSuppliers" "Steel ID”

A commodity group must exist before a commodity can be added to it.

If you are not using the Connector, commodityid is not required.


The addcurrency command uses import files to update the Currency Table.

The syntax is:

addcurrency <currencyName> "Currency name" <currencyCode> "Code" <period> "period" <conversionRate> "rate"

For example, to add Canadian Dollar to the Currency Table and set the exchange rate, relative to the base currency at 1.56, enter the following:

addcurrency <currencyName> "Canadian Dollar" <currencyCode> "CDN" <period> "June 2001" <conversionRate> 1.56


The addeventchange command performs a replace on a scenario.

The syntax is:

addeventchange <matchChangeName> "matchchangename" <scenarioName> "scenarioname" <type> "node or arc type" <changeField> "change criteria"

where matchchangename is the name of the find and replace to perform, scenarioname is the name of the scenario, "node or arc type" is the type of node or arc, <changeField> is the field to change, and "change criteria" is the criteria for the change.

For example:

addeventchange <matchChangeName> "Demand Nodes +5%" <scenarioName> "Demand +5%" <type> "Demand" <min> "x*1.05" <max> "x*1.05"


The addeventimport command adds an import file to a scenario.

The syntax is:

addeventimport "scenarioname" "importfilename" 

For example:

addeventimport "New Production Line" "C:\import_line.bat"


The addeventmatch command performs a find for a specified scenario.

The syntax is:

addeventmatch <matchChangeName> "matchchangename" <scenarioName> "scenarioname"  <type> "node or arc type" 
<matchField> "match criteria" 

where matchchangename is the name of the find and replace to perform, scenarioname is the name of the scenario, "node or arc type" is the type of node or arc, <matchField> is the field to match, and "match criteria" is the criteria for the match.

For example:

addeventmatch <matchChangeName> "Demand Nodes +5%" <scenarioName> "Demand +5%" <type> "Demand" <name> "*"


The addfindquery command adds a find query to the model workspace.

The syntax is:

addfindquery <findQueryName> "findQueryName" <type> "queryType" <name> "name" <> "findCriteria" 

For example:

addfindquery <findQueryName> "Arc Flow" 0 <type> "Arc "<name> "UnNamed_Arc_0" <flow> ">0"


The addhideshowarctoview command allows you to specify the fields that you want to view in specific arcs.

The syntax is:

addhideshowarctoview <viewName> "name" <name> False <commodity> False <from> False <to> False <distance> False

The <viewName> parameter is required, and you need to enter one of the following parameters: <name>, <commodity>, <from>, <to>, <distance>, or <period>. You can specify any of the fields that are selectable in the Show/Hide Fields window. For example:

addhideshowarctoview <viewName> "Newview" <name> False <commodity. False <from> False <to> False <distance> False <maparccolor> False <currency> False <period> False <flow> False <fixed> False <opportunity> False <cost> False <costincurrency> False <min> False <max> False <baseline> False <delta> False

This command adds a view called Newview and sets all fields to visible.


The addhideshownodetoview command allows you to specify the fields that you want to view in specific nodes.

The syntax is:

addhideshownodetoview <viewName> "name" <type> "type" <name> False

The <viewName>, <type>, and <name> parameters are required, but you can also specify any of the fields that are selectable in the Show/Hide Fields window. For example:

addhideshownodetoview <viewName> "MyView" <type> "Supply" <name> False <symbol> True <currency> False <commodity> True

This command creates a view called MyView, in which name and currency fields are visible and symbol and commodity fields are hidden for all Supply nodes.

If you use this command by itself, it affects the current view. If you want to specify fields to display in a node in a new view, enter the addview command first.


The addhideshowperiodtoview command allows you to specify the periods that you want to display or hide.

The syntax is:

addhideshowperiodtoview <viewName> "name" <period> "period" <ignore> False 

For example:

addhideshowperiodtoview <viewName> "Newview" <period> "September 2005" <ignore> False 

This command adds a view called Newview and makes the period called September 2000 visible.

Enter a separate command for each period that you want to hide.


The addmaplegendkey command adds a map legend key.

The syntax is:

addmaplegendkey <symbol> symbolNumber <mapnodecolor> "colorName" <description> "description" 

where symbolNumber can be 0 (square), 1 (circle), 2 (triangle), 3 (star), or 4 (parallelogram).

For example:

addmaplegendkey <symbol> 2 <mapnodecolor> "DEFAULT()" <description> "Plant" 
addmaplegendkey <symbol> 0 <mapnodecolor> "DEFAULT()" <description> "DC"
addmaplegendkey <symbol> 4 <mapnodecolor> "GREEN()" <description> "Open" 
addmaplegendkey <symbol> 4 <mapnodecolor> "RED()" <description. "Closed" 

You can only specify either a symbol or a map node color. If both are specified, the symbol appears in the legend.


You use the addnode command to add a node or update information in a node in a model. You must specify the node type you want to create or update. Each node type has different data fields; therefore, the symbolic tags in each command are different.

The syntax is:

addnode <type> "nodetype" <name> "nodename" <commodity> "commodityname" <commodityId> "commodityid" <riskStrategy> "riskstrategyname" <period> period <cost> "cost" <riskCost> "riskcost" 

where riskstrategy name is the name of the risk strategy associated with the node and riskcost is calculated using the following formula:

riskCost = cost * riskStrategyMultiple + riskStrategyAddition

For example, to add a Storage node named Package Storage that has a minimum of 35 units, injects 1 unit, and has a risk strategy named August Shortage, enter the following:

addnode <name> "Package Storage" <integrationId> "Package Storage Id" <type> "Storage" <storagemin> 35 <inject> 1 <period> "August" <riskStrategy> "August Shortage" <riskCost> 2 

To add a Machine node named StrawberryMachine that has a Minimum of 25 units and a Maximum of 100 units, enter the following:

addnode <name> StrawberryMachine <integrationId> "StrawberryMachine Id" <type> Machine <min> 25 <max> 100 

To add an image to a block node, use the tag <image. followed by the file name and its full path in quotation marks. For example:

addnode <type> "Block" <name> "US" <image. "/images/USA.jpg" <capMan> False <openAtStart> True <shutdownBenefit> 0

If you are not using the Connector, (integrationId) is not required and is never required for Block nodes.


The addnodefielddef command creates a row in the Node Association Table. For example, the following command adds a row with the field name Name of type String:

addnodefielddef <defname> "Name" <deftype> "String"


To add a node to a structural set, you use the addnodetoset command.

The syntax is:

addnodetosetset node_name integrationid

For example, if you have a set named PancakeDemand that represents all the demand nodes in a model and you want to add the node named Apple Demand to that set, enter the following:

addnodetoset PancakeDemand "Apple Demand" "AppleDemand Id" 

You must unblock a set in the import file before you add a node or an arc to it. Note. If you are not using the Connector, <integrationid> is not required.


The addnodetosetwithassoc command adds a node with associations to a structural set. It is similar to the addnodetoset command. For example, the following command adds a node to the set with the name StrucSet:

addnodetosetwithassoc StrucSet <field.Name> "Apple16" <field.Location> "Boston" <field.Role> "Storage"


To add a node to a user set, you use the addnodetouserset command.

The syntax is:

addnodetousersetset node_name period integrationid 

For example, to add the node Plain Demand in only the period November to the User set named Set1, enter the following:

addnodetouserset Set1 "Plain Demand" November "Plain Demand Id"  

If you are not using the Connector, <integrationid> is not required.


The addnodetousersetwithassoc command adds a node with associations to a user set. It is similar to the addnodetouserset command. For example:

addnodetosetwithassoc StrucSet <field.Name> "Apple16" <field.Location> "Boston" <field.Role> "Storage"


The addnodewithassoc command adds a node or updates the information in a node using associations. It is similar to the addnode command. For example, the following command adds a Storage node using associated fields:

addnodewithassoc <field.Name> Apple16 <field.Location> Boston <field.Role> Storage <type> Storage <storagemin> 35 <inject> 1


The addperiod command adds time periods to a models. For example, to add a time period named October, enter the following:

addperiod <name> October

For example, to add a time period named November before the time period named December, enter the following:

addperiod <name> November <before> December


The addperiodgroup command creates a new period group.

The syntax is:

addperiodgroup "periodgroup" "periodgrouplevel" 

For example, to create a period group named Q1 2005, which belongs to the period group level Quarterly enter the following:

addperiodgroup "Q1 2005" "Quarterly"


The addperiodgrouplevel command creates a new period group level. The syntax is as follows:

addperiodgrouplevel "periodgrouplevel"  

For example, if you want to create a period group level named 2006, enter the following:

addperiodgrouplevel "2006"


The addperiodtogroup command adds a period to an existing period group.

The syntax is as follows:

addperiodtogroup "period" "periodgroup"

For example, to add a period named January 2005 to a period group named Q1 2005, enter the following:

addperiodtogroup "January 2005" "Q1 2005"


The addreportgroup command creates a new report group in the Model Workspace tree structure.

The syntax is:

addreportgroup <group> "groupname" <groupdesc> "groupdescription" 

For example, to create a report group named 2007, enter the following:

addreportgroup <group> "2007" <groupdesc> "Reports for Fiscal Year 2007"


The addreporttogroup command adds a group to an existing report group.

The syntax is:

addreporttogroup <reportname> "reportname" <group> "groupname" <active> activeflag

where activeflag can be either True or False. If set to True, the report will automatically open after a solve. For example, to add a report called Q3 to a report group named 2007, and have the report automatically open after a solve, enter the following:

addreporttogroup <reportname> "Q3.smt" <group> "2007" <active> True


The addriskstrategy command adds a risk type in the Risk Registry. This risk strategy appears in nodes and arcs that have a Cost field.

The syntax is as follows:

addriskstrategy <riskStrategyName> "riskstrategyname" <riskStrategyDescription> "riskstrategydescription" <riskStrategyMultiple> 1 <riskStrategyAddition> 0

For example:

addriskstrategy <riskStrategyName> "August_1" <riskStrategy Description> "Tropical Storm" <riskStrategyMultiple> 2 <riskStrategy Addition> 10 

"No Risk" is the default risk strategy name, and cannot be deleted from the Risk Registry. The "No Risk" risk strategy name is automatically created when a model is loaded. The default factor for riskStrategyMultiple is 1 and the default constant for riskStrategyAddition is 0.


The addroot command sets the appearance of the graphical display and is an alternative to using the View menu. For example, to display a view that has compressed nodes, fat arcs, and hidden unused arcs, enter the following:

addroot <CompressNodes> True <HideUnusedArcs> True <FatArcs> True

For each of the following optional tags, specify True or False:

The optional tag <reportBy> can also be added, where reporttype can be:

The optional tags <demandPlanName> and <supplyPlanName> can also be added. For example:

<supplyPlanName> "Short Model Description"


The addscenario command creates a scenario.

The syntax is:

addscenario <scenarioName> "scenarioname" 

To add a description of the scenario, add the optional tag:

<description> "description" 

To show the scenario in Kpi view, add the optional tag:

<showInKpiView> showinkpi 

To specify a color, add the optional tag:

<color> RGB in hex 

For example:

addscenario <name> "Scenario_A" <description. "Demand increase of 5%" <showInKpiView> showinkpi


The addscenarioendscript command adds an end script file to a scenario.

The syntax is:

addscenarioendscript "scenarioname" "endscriptfilename" 

For example:

 addscenarioendscript "Demand +5%" "C:\convert_smart.bat"


The addscenariosmart command associates a report with a scenario. The command syntax is:

addscenariosmart "scenarioname" "smartname" 

For example:

addscenariosmart "Demand +5%" "C:\demandfill.smt"


The addscenariosolveres command stores the results of a solve when a scenario runs in batch mode. If the model is saved, then this information is retained with the model. Do not specify this command as it returned by the solver.

The syntax is:

addscenariosolveres "scenarioname" TotalCost TransportationCost ProductionCost SupplyCost InventoryCost OtherCost LaborUtilization MachineUtilization DemandFillRate SolutionTime TimeLastSolved


The addscenariostartscript command adds a start script file to a scenario.

The syntax is:

addscenariostartscript "scenarioname" "startscriptfilename" 

For example:

addscenariostartscript "New Production Line" "C:\generate_import.bat"


The addscenarioview command adds an existing view to a scenario.

The syntax is:

addscenarioview "scenarioname" "viewname" 

For example:

addscenarioview "New Production Line" "Line Level"


To specify that a blockable Structural set is blocked in a user-defined view, you can use the addtoview command.

The syntax is:

addtoview viewset 

For example, if you have a User-defined View named MyPancakeView and you want to block the structural set named Set1, enter the following:

addtoview MyPancakeView Set1


To add a unit of measure to the Units of Measure list, you use the addUom command.

The syntax is:

addUom "UnitOfMeasure" 

For example, to add a unit of measure named Pallet, enter the following:

addUom "Pallet"


The addUomToCommodity command adds an alternative unit of measure to a commodity. Any unit of measure you add to a commodity must already exist in the Units of Measure list.

The syntax is:

addUomToCommodity <commodityName> "CommodityName" <commodityId> "commodityid" <uom> "UnitOfMeasure" <uomFactor> factor <planningFactor> factor

For example, to add a unit of measure named Pallet to a commodity named Apple_Pancake_Mix that has a planning unit of measure of Kg, and there are 60 kg per pallet, enter the following:

addUom <commodityName> "Apple_Pancake_Mix" <commodityId> "Apple_Pancake_Mix Id" <uom> "Pallet" <uomFactor> 1 <planningFactor> 60 

If you are not using the Connector, <commodityId> is not required.


The addview command allows you to add a view to your model.

The syntax is:

addview <name> "name" <scale> 1 

The <name> and <scale> parameters are required, but you can also specify any of the parameters that are available in the View Options window. For example:

addview <name> "Newview" <CAMtarget> 0 <x> 0 <y> 0 <scale> 1 <HideUnusedNodes> False <HideLonelyNodes> False <FatNodes> False <CompressNodes> False <CompressBlockNodes> False <HideAllArcs> False <HideUnusedArcs> False <ArcDistanceInMiles> False <ShowNodeNames> False <UpdateAfterSolve> False <SimpleFlowDirections> False <ShowAssociations> False <ShowMapLegend> False


To block a blockable Structural set, you can use the blockset command. The syntax formula is:

blockset set 

For example, to block the set named Pancake Demand, enter the following:

blockset "Pancake Demand" 

Not all sets can be blocked.


The connectnodes command connects nodes with arcs. The nodes must have common attach points. The connectnodes command is an alternative to using the addarc command. Unlike the addarc command, the connectnodes command does not require you to enter data field names.

The syntax is:

connectnodes "from_node_name" "to_node_name" "fromid" "toid"

For example, to connect the nodes Pack Apple and Apple Demand, enter the following:

connectnodes "Pack Apple" "Pack Apple Id" "Apple Demand" "Pack Apple Id" 

f you are not using the Connector, fromid and toid are not required.


The connectnodeswithassoc command creates arcs to connect specified nodes with common attach points that are associated. It is similar to the connectnodes command. For example:

connectnodeswithassoc <fromField.Name> "Packer" <fromField.Amount> "15" <fromField.ShipDate> "980702" <toField.Name> "Loader" <toField.Amount> "10" <toField.ShipDate> "980928"


The createnodeassociation command associates a row in the Node Association Query with a node. For example, the following command associates the node UnNamed_Working_0 with the data Packer, 15, 980702:

createnodeassociation <field.Name> "Packer" <field.Amount> "15" <field.ShipDate> "980702" <name> "UnNamed_Working_0" <integrationId> "UnNamed_Working_0 Id" 

If you are not using the Connector, <integrationId> is not required.


To delete arcs in a model, you use the deletearc command. You need to include the names of the nodes that the arc connects and the commodity name.

The syntax is:

deletearc from_node_name to_node_name commodity from_node_id to_node_id commodityid

For example, to delete the arc that carries the commodity PancakeMix between the nodes Package Supply and Apple Process, enter the following:

deletearc "Package Supply" "Apple Process" "PancakeMix" "Package Supply Id" "Apple Process Id" "PancakeMix Id"

If you are not using the Connector, from_node_id,to_node_id, and commodityid are not required.


The deletearcwithassoc command deletes an arc that connects two nodes that are associated with each other. For example: Note. If you are not using the Connector, (commodityId) is not required.

deletearcwithassoc <fromField.Name> "Packer" <fromField.Amount> "15" <fromField.ShipDate> "980702" <toField.Name> "Loader" <toField.Amount> "10" <toField.ShipDate> "980928" <commodity> "Case" <commodityId> "Case Id" 


The deleteattach command deletes an attach point from a node. For example, to delete an attach point that brings Blueberry to a node named BlueberryMix, enter the following:

deleteattach <node> "BlueberryMix" <integrationId> "BlueberryMix Id" <commodity> "Blueberry" <commodityId> "Blueberry Id" <in> True

If you are not using the Connector, <integrationId> and <commodityId> are not required.


The deletecommodity command deletes a commodity.

The syntax is:

deletecommodity "commodity" "commodityid" 

For example:

deletecommodity "OrangeJuice_16oz" "OrangeJuice_16oz Id" 

If you are not using the Connector, commodityid is not required.


The deletecommoditygroup command deletes a commodity group.

The syntax is:

deletecommoditygroup "commoditygroupname" 

For example, to delete a commodity group named EasternSuppliers, enter the following:

deletecommoditygroup "EasternSuppliers"


The deletecurrency command uses import files to delete a currency from the Currency Table.

The syntax is as:

deletecurrency <currencyCode> "code" 

For example:

deletecurrency "USD"


To delete a node from a model, you can use the deletenode command.

The syntax is:

deletenodenode "integrationid" 

For example, to delete the node Strawberry Storage, enter the following:

deletenode "Strawberry Storage" "Strawberry Storage Id"

If you are not using the Connector, integrationid is not required.


The deletenodewithassoc command deletes a node from a structural set with which it is associated.

For example:

 deletenodewithassoc <field.Name> "Apple16"  <field.Location> "Boston" <field.Role> "Storage"


The deleteperiod command deletes time periods in a model.

The syntax is:

deleteperiod period 

For example, to delete the period named December, enter the following:

deleteperiod December


The deleteperiodgroup command deletes a period group.

The syntax is:

deleteperiodgroup "periodgroup" 

For example, to delete a period group named Q1 2005 enter the following:

deleteperiodgroup "Q1 2005"


The deleteperiodgrouplevel command deletes a period group level.

The syntax is:

deleteperiodgrouplevel "periodgrouplevel" 

For example, to delete a period group level named Fiscal Months enter the following:

deleteperiodgrouplevel "Fiscal Months"


The deleteriskstrategy command deletes a risk strategy from the Risk Registry. The syntax is:

deleteriskstrategy "riskstrategyname"

For example:

deleteriskstrategy "Tropical Storm"


The deletescenario command deletes a scenario.

The syntax is:

deletescenario "scenarioName" 

For example:

deletescenario "Demand +5%"


To delete a unit of measure from the Units of Measure list, you use the deleteUom command. The syntax is:

deleteUom "UnitOfMeasure" 

For example, to delete a unit of measure named Pallet, enter the following:

deleteUom "Pallet"


To delete an alternative unit of measure from a commodity, you use the deleteUomFromCommodity command. The syntax is:

deleteUomFromCommodity <commodityName> "CommodityName" <commodityId> "commodityid" <uom> "UnitOfMeasure" 

For example, to delete a unit of measure named Pallet from a commodity named Cardboard Packages, enter the following:

deleteUomFromCommodity <commodityName> "Cardboard Packages" <commodityId> "Cardboard Packages Id" <uom> "Pallet"

It is not possible to delete the planning unit of measure from a commodity using this command. If you are not using the Connector, <commodityId> is not required.


If you want a message to appear while you are importing a file, you can use the echo command. The echo command displays text in a window. It is useful if you have a large import file and want to monitor the file as it is being imported. For example, to indicate the point that is about half way through the import file, you enter the following:

echo "This is the half way point."


The formatblock command aligns the nodes in a block node. This command is similar to choosing Align from the Tools menu, and then choosing Contents of Block.

The syntax is:

formatblock "blockname"


The removecommodityfromgroup command removes a commodity from a commodity group. The syntax is:

removecommodityfromgroup "commodity" "commoditygroupname" "commodityid" 

To remove the commodity Steel from the commodity group EasternSuppliers enter the following:

removecommodityfromgroup "Steel" "EasternSuppliers" "Steel Id"

If you are not using the Connector, commodityid is not required.


The removeperiodfromgroup command removes a period from a period group.

The syntax is:

removeperiodfromgroup "period" "periodgroup"

To remove the period April from the period group Q1 enter the following:

removeperiodfromgroup "April" "Q1"


To rename a commodity in a model, you use the renamecommodity command.

The syntax is:

renamecommodity "oldname" "newname" "commodityid" 

For example, to rename the commodity Apple to AppleRaisin, enter the following:

renamecommodity "Apple" "AppleRaisin" "Apple Id" 

If you are not using the Connector, commodityid is not required.


To rename nodes in a model, you use the renamenode command.

The syntax is:

renamenode "oldname" "newname" "integrationId"

For example, to rename the node App to Apple, enter the following:

renamenode "App" "Apple" "AppleId" 

If you are not using the Connector, integrationid is not required.


To rename a period in a model, you can use the renameperiod command.

The syntax is:

renameperiod "oldname" "newname"

For example, to rename the period September to April, enter the following:

renameperiod "September" "April"


To rename a unit of measure in the Units of Measure list, you can use the renameUom command.

The syntax is:

renameUom "oldname" "newname" 

For example, to rename the unit of measure from Kilogram to Kg, enter the following:

renameUom "Kilogram" "Kg"


To display customized help for a set, you can use the setinfotext command.

The syntax is:

setinfotext set text 

For example, to make the text 'This is my Blueberry Pancake set.' appear in the Help window for the set named Blueberry, enter the following:

setinfotext Blueberry "This is my Blueberry Pancake set."


To display titles for sets, you use the setinfotitle command.

The syntax is:

setinfotitle set title 

For example, to create the title Plain for the set called Peanuts, enter the following:

setinfotitle Peanuts Plain

You can have only one title associated with each set.


The unblockset command unblocks any set except for Structural sets. You must unblock a set in the import file before you can add a node or an arc to it. The syntax formula is: unblocksetset For example, if you want to unblock the set called Peanuts, you enter the following: unblockset Peanuts


The usrmessage command adds a description to a model. Each line of the description must begin with the usrmessage command. For example:

usrmessage "The units for the finished goods in this model are in thousands of cases."

To display the description, select Properties from the File menu in Oracle Strategic Network Optimization.