Installing Strategic Network Optimization for UNIX

This chapter covers the following topics:

Installing the Application

Preinstallation Requirements

You must determine your deployment method, hardware, and software requirements prior to installing Strategic Network Optimization.

Note: For more information about deployment methods, hardware, and software requirements, see Oracle Value Chain Planning 12.2 Hardware and Software Guide, and the Minimum Technical Requirements.

To install the application on a UNIX platform, perform the following:

  1. Change to the directory where the install.exe file is located.

  2. Change to the platform directory (HP, IBM, Sun, or Linux).

  3. On the HP, IBM, or Linux platform, enter the following command:


    On the Sun platform, enter the following command:

    ksh ./install.bin

    An InstallAnywhere window appears while the system prepares to install Strategic Network Optimization.

  4. Click Next.

  5. In the Choose SCP Suite Folder window, specify the installation directory.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Review the information on the Pre-Installation Summary window and ensure that you have enough disk space for the installation. To continue with the installation, click Install.

  8. In the Install Complete window, click Done.

Strategic Network Optimization is installed in a /scp/12.1.3/sno directory under the directory that you specify. Strategic Network Optimization startup scripts are stored in /scp/12.1.3/common/start under the directory that you specify. You cannot use spaces in the directory path.

If errors occur during installation, they are logged in Strategic_Network_Optimization_12.1_InstallLog.log file in /scp/12.1 under the directory that you specify.

Starting Strategic Network Optimization

After installing Strategic Network Optimization, you can run the system. To start Strategic Network Optimization, perform the following:

  1. Navigate to /scp/12.1.3/common/start in the directory that you specified during installation.

  2. Enter the following command:


To start Strategic Network Optimization in batch mode, perform the following:

  1. Navigate to /scp/12.1.3/common/start in the directory that you specified during installation.

  2. Enter the following command:


Setting Environment Variables for Start-up Scripts

If you are running Strategic Network Optimization using your own start-up scripts, you must specify the location of some Strategic Network Optimization files by setting the following environment variable:

You must also specify the location of the shared libraries by using one of the following environment variables, depending on the platform you are using:

There is a common installation directory that can be used to simplify the environment variables. For example, if the directory specified during installation is /numetrix, then there is a directory named scp installed below it. You can define an environment variable named SCP_HOME that points to /numetrix/scp to simplify environment variable paths.

To run Strategic Network Optimization 12.1 with your own start-up scripts, add the following environment variables to these scripts:

export SCP_HOME= directory specified during installation/scp
export SCP_COMMON= $SCP_HOME/12.1/common
export LINXHOME= $SCP_HOME/12.1/sno

You must also specify the location of the shared libraries by using one of the following environment variables, depending on the platform you are using:

On the HP, Sun, or Linux platform:


On the IBM platform:

export LIBPATH=${SCP_COMMON}/bin:${SCP_COMMON}/bin_64:${LIBPATH} 

To use the SCBM connector, you must specify the following environment variable:

export TCL_LIBRARY= $SCP_COMMON/lib/tcl8.4
export PATH= $SCP_COMMON/bin:$PATH

On the HP platform:


On the Sun platform:


For the default publishing profiles to function properly, specify the following environment variable:

export PROFILEIODIR= $SCP_COMMON/lib/sno/metaData

Setting the HOME Environment Variable

Strategic Network Optimization uses the HOME environment variable to specify the user’s home directory which contains the following items:

  1. the file

  2. the linx.startup file

  3. the sno.ini file which stores recently used files

  4. the sno.profiles file which stores publishing profiles

If you want to run Strategic Network Optimization using a custom start-up script, set the HOME environment variable by entering the following:

export HOME= path to homedirectory  

where path to home directory is the path to the location of the files listed above.

If the HOME environment variable is not set, Strategic Network Optimization uses the LINXHOME environment variable to write out these files.

Uninstalling Strategic Network Optimization

Before uninstalling Strategic Network Optimization, ensure that the directory that you want to remove does not contain files that you want to keep and that no users are accessing that version.

To uninstall Strategic Network Optimization, perform the following:

  1. Log in as the root user.

  2. Enter the following:

    cd /install-path/scp/12.1/sno/uninstall

    where install-path is the directory path for the application.

  3. On the HP or IBM platform, run the following executable:


    On the Sun platform, run the following executable:

    ksh ./Uninstall_sno

    An InstallAnywhere window appears while the system prepares to uninstall Strategic Network Optimization.

  4. In the Introduction window, click Uninstall.

    All of the files are removed except for files that have been modified or added since the installation.

  5. In the Uninstall Complete window, a list of directories that were not removed is presented. This occurs when files have been modified or added in these directories since the installation. To exit from the InstallAnywhere window, click Done.

  6. To remove the directories that were not removed during uninstall, enter the following:

    cd /install-path/scp/12.1
  7. For prompts prior to deletion, enter the following:

    rm -r sno

    For immediate deletion, enter the following:

    rm -Rf sno

    The version directory is removed.

  8. If Strategic Network Optimization is the only Supply Chain Planning application installed, enter the following:

    cd /install-path
    rm -Rf scp

    The domain would continue to use /mydomain/logs for its log files.