Viewing the Online Help

Online Help Overview

Oracle Value Chain Planning 12.2 online help is delivered in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). The PDF file retains the formatting of printed documentation, including all of the screen images and graphics, and you can print individual pages or the whole document. The help file enables you to find information by searching for a topic, a word, or a string of text. Many sections also contain See and See Also cross-references that take you to related information with one click of the mouse.

To view the PDF file, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader version 6.0.2 or higher, which is not distributed with the Oracle software. However, the Reader is free and you can download the version appropriate for your system from the Adobe web site (

Oracle does not provide support for the Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you need help downloading it, please check with your system administrator or contact Adobe Systems Incorporated. For information on using the Reader, please refer to its online help.

Adobe and Acrobat Reader are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Setting the System Environment Variable in UNIX

To set the environment variable in UNIX, perform the following:

  1. Navigate to your home directory.

  2. Edit your .profile file to include the path to the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

For example:

PATH=adobe path:$PATH 

where adobe path is the path where the Adobe Acrobat Reader executable is saved.

The name of the executable is acroread.