Performing an Upgrade

This chapter covers the following topics:

Copying and Extracting the ZIP Files

Each time a new patch is delivered, it has to be copied into the correct directory, and the new applications will have to be deployed to all the Managed Servers. Perform the following procedure to copy and extract the ZIP files.

  1. To copy the class files, run the script in the folder WLST_scripts.

    • Log in to the machine where EBS is installed with username as APPL manager user or APPL TOP owner.

    • Set the environment variable $MSC_TOP to the path where you copied the patch.



      For 12.2.3, if using Online Patching, there will be two APPL_TOPs, RUN tier and PATCH tier. Compare the ZIP files for both RUN and PATCH tier, and use the higher version for deployment.

      For example, fs1 is assigned to one tier, either RUN or PATCH. Use the command ident /u01/R122_EBS/fs1/EBSapps/appl/msc/12.0.0/dist/orp/ to obtain the file version.

    • Set the environment variable $JAVA_TOP to the path having Java classes.



  2. Create a folder named ORPTEMP in a user-defined directory (for example: /tmp/ORPTEMP) on the host machine where WebLogic is installed. This folder is referred to as ORPTEMP.

  3. Copy the following ZIP files to the folder ORPTEMP.




  4. Extract all the ZIP files in the same folder. Each unzipped file contains a respective EAR file.

    The EAR files will be selected from this location for deployment.

  5. For release 12.2 and later, there are two $MSC_TOP directories that require the following updates:

    • Copy the class files to $JAVA_TOP (oracle/apps/msc) locations on both the APPL_TOP directories.

      The patching process does not update this directory. Refer to the patch readme for each release for specific manual updates that may be required to these directories.

Redeploying the Engine Application

Perform the following procedure to redeploy the Engine Application.

  1. In order to redeploy the Engine Application, open the WebLogic interface for Engine Domain according to the procedure in Starting the Engine Admin Server.

  2. Click Lock & Edit from the Change Center region in top left corner to change the domain configuration.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Select Deployments from the Domain Structure region.

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Select the application you want to redeploy, and click Stop. Select Force Stop Now.

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Click Yes to stop the application.

  6. Select the application you want to redeploy, and click Delete.

    the picture is described in the document text

  7. Click Yes to delete the application.

  8. Follow the procedure in the section Deploying and Starting Engine Application to deploy the Engine Application.

  9. From Change Center region, click Activate Changes.

    the picture is described in the document text

Redeploying the User Interface Application

Perform the following procedure to redeploy the User Interface (UI) Application.

  1. In order to redeploy the Engine Application, open the WebLogic UI for Engine Domain according to the procedure mentioned in Starting the User Interface Admin Server.

  2. Select Deployments from the Domain Structure region.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Select the application you want to redeploy, and click Stop. Select Force Stop Now.

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Click Yes to stop the application.

  5. Select the application you want to redeploy, and click Delete.

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Click Yes to delete the application.

  7. Perform the procedure in Deploying and Starting the User Interface Application to deploy the User Interface Application.

Deleting Oracle Rapid Planning Engine Output (Binary) Files

After you deploy a new engine EAR file, delete the old binary files described in the following procedure. You cannot use them to load the plans.

  1. In <WLS_HOME>, navigate to directory user_projects/domains/<ENGINEDOMAINNAME>/output.



  2. Delete the contents of the output folder.