Using the Self-Service Assets Tab

This chapter covers the following topics:

Using the Assets Tab

Use the Assets tab to search and view capital and rebuild able inventory assets from an asset hierarchy. You can perform the following from either tab:

Searching for Assets

To search for assets from the Self-Service responsibility

  1. Navigate to the Self-Service Work Requests responsibility.

  2. Click the Work Requests link, and the Maintenance Home page appears.

  3. Click the Assets tab, and the Asset Numbers page appears.

  4. Enter an asset number, or perform an Advanced Search.

  5. Click the Go button.

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Select the specific asset number row, and click the View Work Requests button to view associated work requests.

  7. Select the specific asset row, and click a value from the View drop-down actions list:

    • Create Work Request: Select and click Go to access the Create Work Request page.

    • Hierarchy: Select and click Go to access the asset Hierarchy page to view the asset hierarchy details.

    • Create My Work Order: Select and click Go to access the Create Work Order page.

  8. Select the specific asset row, and click the Export button to export the asset details and save as a .csv file.

  9. You can also perform a Check In or Check Out for an asset.