Budget Execution Transaction Summary Procedures


You can view, update, approve and enter new transactions in the Budget Transaction Summary window. The window is a system-generated record of each transaction made to budget execution and is automatically entered.

A detailed audit trail of all transactions to approve multiple or selected transactions is provided in the Budget Transaction Summary window. Navigation buttons open the appropriate windows to enter a new transaction, update transactions, and view selected transactions.

The Budget Transaction Summary window includes the following features:

Viewing Budget Transaction Summary

To view transaction summary data, navigate to the Budget Transactions Summary window.

The following table describes selected fields on the Find Budget Transactions Summary window.

Find Budget Transactions Window Description
Field Name Description
Document Number Budget transaction number.
Fund Value Fund value of the budget execution transaction that the user wants to see.
Budget Level Budget levels associated with transactions that the user wants to see.
Treasury Account Symbol Treasury account symbol of the budget execution transaction that the user wants to see
Find Opens Budget Transactions Summary window.

The following table describes selected fields on the Budget Transactions Summary window.

Budget Transaction Summary Window Description
Field Name Description
Approve Indicates that the selected transaction is to be approved; can be approved if the document status is not In Process, Forwarded, or Approved, Reserved.
Document No. Budget transaction number.
Rev. Budget transaction revision number.
Document Amount Document transaction total; negative amounts reflected and entered as decreases.
Check Funds Initiates the funds checking process for the selected transactions.
Select to Approve Opens the Approve Document window if workflow is enabled; otherwise, initiates the funds reservation process.
New Opens the appropriate data entry window based on the budget level of the transaction in the Budget Transaction Summary window.