FMS Form 1219/1220


The Financial Management Service (FMS) Form 1219/1220 manages the preparation, review, and printing of the FMS Form 1219 Statement of Accountability and the FMS Form 1220 Statement of Transactions. The FMS Form 1219 Statement of Accountability is used to determine the accountability of disbursing officers for funds held outside the Department of Treasury, that is, cash on hand. This includes Department of Treasury Regional Finance Centers (TRFCs), Military Departments (Army, Navy, and Air Force), and nonmilitary agencies that do their own disbursing. The FMS Form 1220 Statement of Transactions provides treasury with a monthly statement of payments and collections for the agency.

Agencies have these requirements for the FMS Form 1219/1220:

Oracle U.S. Federal Financials FMS Form 1219/1220 provides the functionality necessary to meet these requirements. See also: Treasury Financial Manual (TFM), 2-3100.

The FMS Form 1219/1220 includes these features:

FMS Form 1219/1220 Process Diagram

The diagram illustrates the FMS Form 1219/1220 process.

FMS Form 1219/1220 Process Diagram

the picture is described in the document text

FMS Form 1219/1220 Process Diagram (Continued)

the picture is described in the document text

Using FMS Form 1219/1220

The Oracle U.S. Federal Financials FMS Form 1219/1220 contains these features:

The FMS Form 1219/1220 report process includes these activities:

  1. The agency defines bank account for each agency location code in the Bank Accounts window in Payables or Receivables.

  2. The agency enters the Treasury Account Symbol and fund values to be reported in the Define Fund Attributes window. Transactions are reported by Treasury Account Symbol on the FMS Form 1220 Report.

  3. In the FMS Form 1219/1220 Report Definitions window, the agency selects the Accounting Flexfield segment used to determine the transactions to be reported on the FMS Form 1219/1220 Report. The default ALC is also defined for each record to be used when the ALC cannot be determined from a bank account.

  4. The agency processes disbursements and receipts throughout the accounting month, posting transactions to General Ledger.

  5. Interagency transfer transactions are entered in the Interagency Transfers window. Refunds, voids, and customer agency chargeback transactions are entered in the Cash Receipt Refunds window and the Payable Refunds window.

  6. At month-end, the agency runs the FMS Form 1219/1220 Process procedure. All applicable transactions, including disbursements, receipts, and interagency transactions, are selected.

    Transactions where the line information could not be identified are populated in the FMS Form 1219/1220 Transaction Correction window.

    Note: When the process is resubmitted and the Delete Corrections parameter is set to No in the Parameters window, any additional records entered in the FMS Form 1219/1220 Transaction Correction window are not deleted.

  7. The agency performs the FMS Form 1219/1220 Correction procedure to update the transactions selected by the FMS Form 1219/1220 Process. Updates are performed by assigning line numbers of the report to the transaction in the FMS Form 1219/1220 Transaction Correction window. Adjustments can also be entered in the FMS Form 1219/1220 Transaction Correction window to account for items not selected in the FMS From 1219 and 1220 Process.

  8. The FMS Form 1219/1220 report process prints the FMS Form 1219 Statement of Accountability and the FMS Form 1220 Statement of Transactions.

    Note: The FMS Form 1219/1220 can be regenerated as long as Preliminary is selected in the Parameters window during report generation. If Final is selected, the report cannot be regenerated except as a supplemental FMS Form 1219/1220.

    Records that do not have lines assigned are not reported in the FMS Form 1219/1220 report process.

  9. If the FMS Form 1219/1220 is run in Preliminary mode, exception items can be corrected for regeneration of the current month's report. The FMS Form 1219/1220 Exception Report can be used to compare FMS Form 1219/1220 reported amounts with amounts on general ledger balancing reports for the reporting period.

  10. If additional transactions must be reported after FMS Form 1219/1220 submission in final mode, a supplemental FMS Form 1219/1220 can be generated using the FMS Form 1219/1220 Process procedure, the FMS Form 1219/1220 Correction procedure, if required, and the FMS Form 1219/1220 report procedure. Only transactions not previously reported are included. If applicable, an Exception Report is also generated as described in Step 7.

Related Topics

Define Bank Accounts,Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Implementation Guide

Fund Attributes Setup,Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Implementation Guide

Federal Report Definitions Setup,Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Implementation Guide